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Returning the extra gear for another piece


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There is also the worthless gear drops for some classes/specs/roles that are in the loot table. Things like the Reactive warding for Guardian/Jugg tanks or any tanks with sage healers, Accuracy implant/earpiece for a PvP Concealment operative (don't need any accuracy on that toon)...


It's really annoying to open a crate, be Yes, after X crates I got a legendary Item and find out it's useless for that toon and you can't trade it for something else.

Edited by ludoviccb
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So every drop in ops turns into a need roll for everyone because they have 1 missing piece left. Um no.


It already happens. I've seen people need on tokens that have lower ratings than the gear they are wearing. (All their gear). As long as there are people with multiple toons, this will happen. Usually groups post loot rules (I assume you are speaking of pug runs because guilds have established loot rules) and kick those that do not conform.

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