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Sorcerer or Assassin PVE/PVP


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Hello I decided t o lvl a Inquisitor,l but I'm having trouble choosing between the 2. I mainly want to pve, but will be doing pvp. They both look really fun to play and I don't have time to focus on both so i have to pick 1, any help is appreciated.
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Well first it is melee vs ranged decide based on that. Then:


Assassin is currently one of the strongest classes in the game if mastered. in 2/3 of its specs

-Decepetion DPS if done correctly is top tier (Nim mode) worthy in Pve. It has a simple but effective rotaion and can be learned quickly. In PvP it is still a very good class to play though the situational skills defensives and use of utilities you need to master is higher than in pve. It is one of the few melee dps classes that more than holds it own in a PvP world of very annoying and op ranged classes.

-Darknes sin is still a Top tier Tank spec also capable of doing the hardest end game content. But it is harder to master than the other 2 tank specs.


So you have a top tier dps and tank with assassin.



Now Sorc.


-Lackluster (maybe worst) dps currently of all the dps specs in game in any spec. If you want to Dps in end game content you have to a master of it's ability damage rotations perfectly and be in full end game gear just to start doing some of the end game content to pull your weight.


-As Healer spec. Strongest and easiest healing spec to learn (so the best healer in game as it is currently).

So sorcerer only really good in 1/3 of its specs (healing).

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While what the poster above me said is mostly true, it doesnt necessarily mean assassin is the best choice for you.


The stealth is great in pvp, and its one of the very melee dps in the ranged heavy meta we are in. However, sorc is still pretty good done right in regular warzone, and clear any sm content easily.


From your post, I'm not 100% sure but I'd say you are a mostly casual player, and you are not heading to ranked pvp or NiM content. So sorc dps might be aplenty for you. Its a bit easier to be a ranged than a melee overall, and the self-heal can come in handy when solo.


While I main an assassin currently (since I'm in an ops progression team as dps) and my sorc doesnt have the dps required (roughly 8k dps for sorc vs 9.2k for sin) I really enjoy going into reg warzone with my "underdog" sorc, sometimes even more than sin.


Also, for the record I find lightning's face paced casting the most fun in game.

Edited by verfallen
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  • 2 weeks later...
I, as a casual player, find it depends really on if you want to get through. I find even as casual my assassin can mow through groups of enemies much faster than my sorc could. If you want to get a lot more exp quicker from killing enemies. id say assassin. that is just my experience though. also Assassins, being dps are good even for casual. My Assassin solo ran a few veteran flashpoints. i had to stealth by a few bosses since even with a healer companion it can be difficult, but i Fared much better against any enemy flashpoint or no as an Assassin. But again, that's just my experience.
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I, as a casual player, find it depends really on if you want to get through. I find even as casual my assassin can mow through groups of enemies much faster than my sorc could. If you want to get a lot more exp quicker from killing enemies. id say assassin. that is just my experience though. also Assassins, being dps are good even for casual. My Assassin solo ran a few veteran flashpoints. i had to stealth by a few bosses since even with a healer companion it can be difficult, but i Fared much better against any enemy flashpoint or no as an Assassin. But again, that's just my experience.


Depends on the spread of group, but sorc still has the highest burst aoe as lightning, and more sustained as madness for solo pve.


Specced right, sorcs can also be kinda surprising for veteran flashpoints and such.


As I've stated, sorc have issues, but mostly in high performance requirement for NiM ops and concerning burst and survivability in ranked pvp arenas. For the rest, they are still a fun class to play, and they have their strong point.


Sustained dps just isnt one of them right now.

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If you are playing casually, then the DPS argument is not really relevant, you won't be required to do 9K DPS in any normal PVE content, and that is really based on Optimal gear anyways.


What you need to decide is your playstyle and even the time that you have available to play.


Will you be playing solo or with friends?

Do you prefer to be a melee (close combat) or a ranged class?

Do you want to actually use your lightsaber or you prefer using telekinetic abilities?

Would you want to tank or heal sometimes?


For solo play, I would recommend the assassin because it has the ability to avoid a lot of unnecessary fights, plus, you are an asset in FPs since you can save the group alot of time by stealthing certain objectives. You get to actually use your lightsaber which forces you to be in melee range, and you can only tank as an alternative


If you prefer ranged combat then the Sorc is your best bet, also, a lot of mechanics are range friendly. Your inability to avoid unnecessary fights is offset by your strong AOE damage output. You are also an asset in Group content because you can revive a fallen comrad, heal someone in distress, pull someone out of harm's way, help to heal and reduce someone's damage intake by placing your force bubble on them.

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