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This has to stop.


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OK, i know i'll be reported and probably banned for this, but PLEASE stop asking for DPS classes to be nerfed. You people destroyed powertech and marauder,what do you really want? If your pathetic "tank" cannot survive in a simple fp, then is entirely your fault, learn to play the damned class without complaining about it on forum! Thank you. :mad:
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Uh, dude- I main an Annihilation Marauder and I can still put up the massive numbers, especially in a near wipe situation where we've lost a lot of our DPS on a 16 man at the end which I did just on Monday. Maras and Sents are just fine unless you have a L2P issue as far as DPS goes. DPS Sorc/Sages are the ones who got broken for some harder DPS checks in endgame, not Marauders/Sentinels.
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I believe the people asking for nerfs to classes like mercs are coming from a PvP persepective. As a guardian (who normally plays vigilence in PvP) the only mercs I'm going to be surviving against are those who don't know the class that well. There is a reason that skank tanking is the most popular way to play guardians in PvP at the moment. I've never done it myself as if I play tank in PvP I probably have a healer I'm guarding and enjoy the extra health that comes with my tank set.

As far as Pve goes I'd say the balance should consist more of bringing the classes that are really low more in line with the classes that are better. Dps sorcs for example are rather low dps at the moment. I can't really speak for them beyond that because I don't dps on my sage.

My tank feels perfectly survivable in FPs. Provided I have a healer anyway. 3 dps + 1 tank combo can hurt on some of the mobs (not bosses really because of koltos), especially if people do not follow proper CC usage. Example: the third trash mob in hammer station. This is made easily doable by 4 dps or 3 dps + 1 tank combos by cc one of the big droid (things like force lift can still cc him). If you break the cc it hurts and if I was to try to pick him up and keep aggro on every other mob, in the absence of a healer dying can happen quickly.

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I believe the people asking for nerfs to classes like mercs are coming from a PvP persepective.


Dps sorcs for example are rather low dps at the moment. I can't really speak for them beyond that because I don't dps on my sage.

I play a Telekinetics Sage in both PvP and PvE. PvP because I have a masochistic and bloody-minded streak. Enough said. In PvE, a Telekinetics Sage is just fine in all SM Ops and - if reasonably geared - many HM Ops as well. For tougher HM Ops, the Sage needs to be overgeared unlike other classes. I don't try NiM Ops on this character.

My tank feels perfectly survivable in FPs. Provided I have a healer anyway. 3 dps + 1 tank combo can hurt on some of the mobs (not bosses really because of koltos), especially if people do not follow proper CC usage. Example: the third trash mob in hammer station. This is made easily doable by 4 dps or 3 dps + 1 tank combos by cc one of the big droid (things like force lift can still cc him). If you break the cc it hurts and if I was to try to pick him up and keep aggro on every other mob, in the absence of a healer dying can happen quickly.

This particular fight is a sore point for me. After all these years, PUGs still jump in with both feet, nobody checks to see if a mob is under CC and all calls in chat to LoS are ignored. There are some encounters in Mandalorian Raiders and Cademimu like this as well.


I've "skank tank" used several times on the forums and don't understand what it means.

Edited by mike_carton
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Uh, dude- I main an Annihilation Marauder and I can still put up the massive numbers, especially in a near wipe situation where we've lost a lot of our DPS on a 16 man at the end which I did just on Monday. Maras and Sents are just fine unless you have a L2P issue as far as DPS goes. DPS Sorc/Sages are the ones who got broken for some harder DPS checks in endgame, not Marauders/Sentinels.


I agree with both points. Having mained one since I started playing this one, I think Marauders/Sentinels are in a good place right now. They pull good numbers and have enough defensive cooldowns to have decent surviveability. I don't like some of the more recent changes to the class like getting rid of the Watchman/Annihilation bunny hop, or taking away their droid CC, but I don't think that's hurt them too terribly much.


However, I know sages/sorcerers who run DPS have gotten the short end of the stick for a bit in terms of the kinds of numbers they can output, at least at higher levels of PvE endgame. They deserve a bit of love I think.

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This particular fight is a sore point for me. After all these years, PUGs still jump in with both feet, nobody checks to see if a mob is under CC and all calls in chat to LoS are ignored. There are some encounters in Mandalorian Raiders and Cademimu like this as well.


I've "skank tank" used several times on the forums and don't understand what it means.


Lol there is a reason I chose that particular example.

And when I say skank tank I mean I'm running my dps gear (usually except a shield in offhand) while in tank spec.

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OK, i know i'll be reported and probably banned for this, but PLEASE stop asking for DPS classes to be nerfed. You people destroyed powertech and marauder,what do you really want? If your pathetic "tank" cannot survive in a simple fp, then is entirely your fault, learn to play the damned class without complaining about it on forum! Thank you. :mad:


yeah marauders destroyed <picture>


That's what my sentinel is doing in group, so seems to me its yet another learn to play issue :)


Want me to grab a PT log too?

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Guess it's pertaining to what's happening on the PTS.




  • Played a gunnery Commando which was the worst DPS class at the time.
  • Fast forward a couple of years later it's now one of the best class.
  • Then few months later it's getting nerfed.


Honestly who's surprised?


Supposedly streamlining the classes in cookie cutter templates was supposed to help balancing them.

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Marauders - Sentinels damage and hp are too low. The class is instantly targeted in any PVP match.


I have proposed in the past that the jump ability known as "Intercede" along with Force Push be shared with Marauders/Sentinels at the Warrior/Knight level instead of very brief stealth ability known as "Camoflage".


Also I would play my Marauder more if the KOTOR Vibrosword Offand was fixed (restored) completely (see signature).

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Marauders - Sentinels damage and hp are too low. The class is instantly targeted in any PVP match.


I have proposed in the past that the jump ability known as "Intercede" along with Force Push be shared with Marauders/Sentinels at the Warrior/Knight level instead of very brief stealth ability known as "Camoflage".


Also I would play my Marauder more if the KOTOR Vibrosword Offand was fixed (restored) completely (see signature).


Those are terrible suggestions- Force Camo is amazing if you know how to use it. Intercede is a tank skill to jump to the guarded target and has no place on a DPS class that can already leap twice anyway. Push is debatable.


Maras are in a *very* good place right now, nothing lacking at all.

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Those are terrible suggestions- Force Camo is amazing if you know how to use it. Intercede is a tank skill to jump to the guarded target and has no place on a DPS class that can already leap twice anyway. Push is debatable.


Maras are in a *very* good place right now, nothing lacking at all.


Force Camoflage is my life. (I miss my droid mezz in Hammer Station) I can't imagine losing that for a useless tank ability that has no place on my Mara. In Arenas, we can get tunnelled, which has been a mistake of many a team- because of my defensive knowledge- I've seen teams absolutely fall apart because I've popped Undying or Force Camoflage into their 'tunnel the Mara' rule and they have to hard switch. The tunnel rule is because we can get stun locked to death and there are many, many bads who pull massive DPS on the leaderboard but aren't all that good when it counts... it's like the bad Mercs/Commandos who are free food because their FOTM re-roll didn't come with a 'good player' buff.


The only time my effective DPS is too low in PvP (not my leaderboard numbers but how quickly I kill) is when there's a gear induced issue involved and even then, it's not that bad and in PvE I cut through like butter. Any damage buff and we'd be worse nightmare than were a Merc and a Sniper to have a lovechild.

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The Marauder/Sentinel class is easy to play. It's an issue of having tanks and healers on your team. Having both enables the Marauder/Sentinel to do respectable damage just like any DPS spec.


However it is a fact during pvp matches, Marauders and Sentinels are not only targeted but taken out first. There have been too many posts about the weakness of the class by other Mara/Sents here in the past.


Force Camo is a stealth ability which should be relegated to stealth classes. FYI "Intercede" is available to DPS Juggernauts and my Vengeance one uses it mostly to escape.


Lastly, Sith Warriors and Jedi Knights need to Force Push and Jump just like the movies and cartoons!

Edited by jimmorrisson
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Marauders - Sentinels damage and hp are too low. The class is instantly targeted in any PVP match.


I have proposed in the past that the jump ability known as "Intercede" along with Force Push be shared with Marauders/Sentinels at the Warrior/Knight level instead of very brief stealth ability known as "Camoflage".


Also I would play my Marauder more if the KOTOR Vibrosword Offand was fixed (restored) completely (see signature).


I laugh when when I see these types of comments about mara. Damage and too low in PvP :rak_02:


The Marauder/Sentinel class is easy to play. It's an issue of having tanks and healers on your team. Having both enables the Marauder/Sentinel to do respectable damage just like any DPS spec.


However it is a fact during pvp matches, Marauders and Sentinels are not only targeted but taken out first. There have been too many posts about the weakness of the class by other Mara/Sents here in the past.


Force Camo is a stealth ability which should be relegated to stealth classes. FYI "Intercede" is available to DPS Juggernauts and my Vengeance one uses it mostly to escape.


Lastly, Sith Warriors and Jedi Knights need to Force Push and Jump just like the movies and cartoons!


Hmm, I will try to educate..


Mara even though a medium armor class has bonus armor utility and all three specs have bonus armor in their trees.


Cloak of pain 20% additional armor that lasts 30 sec when getting focused.


Transcendence removes roots, mega move speed buff + 10% defense chance, with 30 sec CD.


Pacify reduces enemy accuracy by 90%. Single target, but with utilities you also get 75% force tech resist. 45 sec CD traited. IMO, as this stands, it is the most OP DCD in the game.


Ward provides 50% defense chance and 25% force and tech less damage. Long CD, but it is just icing on the cake.


4 sec damage immunity. Traited can go to 6 sec with 150 secs CD.


Camo, clear what it does.


Mara is one of the worst classes to focus fire. If there are healers, do not even bother. They are the most durable dps class.


Problem with mara, there is a high ceiling to play the class offensively, defensively and for support. Most mara do not even pop transcendence in the beginning of a WZ, so if that is your base skill level, no s**t everyone thinks mercs are the ultimate dps.

Edited by Ottoattack
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Ok, now, granted, I know the class well (I have three Mara/Sent alts and it was my original main), but it's inconceivable to me that anyone would think this class needs anything in the way of either offense or defense, unless they literally had only superficially played the class.


Force push for the feels, sure, maybe trade out leg slash for it or something. But Intercede? More DCDs? LOL no. The class can already jump twice and Predation/Transcendence is the best movement buff in the game. Why not just give it Guard and Backhand too while you're at it.

Edited by stoopicus
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  1. I'd just like a class that can push/pull mobs and friendly.
  2. Add the 2x roll from agent/smugglers plus force speed.
  3. Then top it with the sorc/sage teleport.


If you add stealth well then even the DPS/Heal/Tank would be 25% less than any other class I would play that.


Would be such fun to play,

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I believe the people asking for nerfs to classes like mercs are coming from a PvP persepective. As a guardian (who normally plays vigilence in PvP) the only mercs I'm going to be surviving against are those who don't know the class that well. There is a reason that skank tanking is the most popular way to play guardians in PvP at the moment. I've never done it myself as if I play tank in PvP I probably have a healer I'm guarding and enjoy the extra health that comes with my tank set.

As far as Pve goes I'd say the balance should consist more of bringing the classes that are really low more in line with the classes that are better. Dps sorcs for example are rather low dps at the moment. I can't really speak for them beyond that because I don't dps on my sage.

My tank feels perfectly survivable in FPs. Provided I have a healer anyway. 3 dps + 1 tank combo can hurt on some of the mobs (not bosses really because of koltos), especially if people do not follow proper CC usage. Example: the third trash mob in hammer station. This is made easily doable by 4 dps or 3 dps + 1 tank combos by cc one of the big droid (things like force lift can still cc him). If you break the cc it hurts and if I was to try to pick him up and keep aggro on every other mob, in the absence of a healer dying can happen quickly.


But why should my mercenary pay for whats happening in PvP since i DO NOT PvP ( computer too old) ? Theres yet another thread about mercs being too OP, PvP 70 branch . If they are nerfed, everyone is affected, not only PvP -ers.

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