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Unstable Arbiter’s Lightsaber for Direct Sale


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It's glorious that we've reached the level of wealth and technology to spend money on such pointless bullsh*t, but tragic that some of us actually do so. Well to me this item sale of a vanity item IG is kinda insulting, asking such price for a vanity item is literally ripping off your player base and trying to cash in on a popular item. Your asking us to pay for something that's not even contributing to the overall enjoyment of the game as it's just a vanity item and nothing more. I can't understand that Bioware would even have the balls and nerve to come up with such cash grabbing ideas.


My money will go to new Mass Effect game, even though it's also from Bioware, I get a full game (hopefully) and not just a vanity item that is basically some pixels that took you what 2 hours to make? I would feel ashamed to even posting this kind of utter bullsh*t and then trying to convince us that the dev's are also gamers. Gamers would never insult their fellow gamers with such idiocy.


What's next asking us to pay 10.000 cartel coins for the most desired GTN items?

You can wrap the whole thing and even put some half naked dancing twi'leks next to it an have all the nice explanation and reason why you do this to try and justify this madness. It will still be utter crap and total bullsh*t !!


+1, well said

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why do people care what other people spend their money on?! Im not interested in the item personally but people buy stupid **** all the time in real life. It doesnt affect the rest of us in any way, shape or form what "john, dick and harry" spend their money on... In fact the stupid **** people buy in real life is much more likely to affect us then some pixels. If the item didnt sell at this price BW would have to lower the price... as long as it does sell it means they priced it right ... supply and demand... simple as that.
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Virtual items hold literally zero actual value beyond stroking the "See shiny! Want shiny!" centres of the lizard-brain, and retain none beyond meeting this need in that moment.


Why does nobody understand why letting oneself be fleeced out of real money for nothing more than that this is a problem?


Why does nobody understand why letting an entire industry grow up around same is a problem?


Especially in an industry where success once depended on actual merit, as demonstrated by an actual quality product, that you actually got to keep once you'd paid for it?


Anyone? Anyone? Bueller...? Bueller....?

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This is outrageous! Why are you charging $60 for a cosmetic item that has no real value? The explanation does not justify the price; this is real money, and essentially 6 months worth of subscription, for something that is only for looks in cutscenes. There is no justification for charging 7,900 coins, you all should be ashamed of yourselves.


If it is supposed to be rare then let it stare rare and offer discount on the CM pack or something, and perhaps increase the drop rate for a temporary time.


simply outrageous (Arkous' voice).

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If people say it's their own choice to buy items like this and others should not complain or voice out their opinions about the ridicules high price for an vanity item that has no game value rather then showing off that you have the money to throw it away like it's toilet-paper , then where will this end? Why not agree that from now on the monthly fee will be 10$ more?


It's a free choice indeed to buy it or not, but their offering us to buy a f*cking animation/vanity item for the price of a full game! It's paying for skin to just stand out in the game, nothing more! How the bloody hell could people endorse this kind of crap or even try and justify it? I don't complain about the fact they buy or sell items, hell I buy it too, if the price ain't an insult and slap in my face.


I have no problem to pay for value, if you give players the value for what they are paying then I'm the last person to make a complaint. But the issue I have with this, is that Bioware/EA are trying to cash grab some vanity item because they noticed it's popular amongst the players, without even trying to make an effort to give more value for the asking price. What because it's star wars you think it's okay to offer such crap to us?


If your one of those players that think it's fine they offer this, or fine that someone would buy this crap then there is no point in trying to explain to you dimwits why this is just wrong from Bioware. It's shows little respect to the average player and the game in general as they use it to get a quick money grabbing run.


This practice is hurting gaming in general and yes we know EA is one of the dweeps behind those practices to see their players/costumers as nothing more then ******* they could ask money for utter crap items without any value. What's stopping them to pull the plug out of the game next month/year? What good would you have with this overpriced lightsaber item then?


It's getting out of control, if they see players are willing to pay for such items they will not stop with this lightsaber and perhaps going to increase everything else too. If you want to offer player something for such a price at least try and back it up with actual value.

Edited by Namyel
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So it ends.


I do hope every white knight around acquires one of those fugly sabers just before the game is shut.


Seriously, can people not farm credits, which is way too easy nowadays, and buy it from gtn, but so excited to pay real money for it?


Some people have a job and no time to farm you know. BUT job = money so you dont farm, but buy.

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As a moron tax goes this is great. BW have found a way to make stupid people pay for being stupid, between crates and now a direct sale item for 60 bucks they are punishing stupid people, which I fully support.
That was the most accurate exclamation of my philosophy of life I have ever read since when internet was not a thing.



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Some people have a job and no time to farm you know. BUT job = money so you dont farm, but buy.

Why would you pay 60 bucks for an item in a game you don't play that much. I beseech you not to do it man.


Can we get Wings of Architect on Cartel Market too? :)
Seriously, that would be the very last thing they would do to milk the game to oblivion. That item is not a vanity alone. It is an indication of a hardcore raider. They would shut the game down a month after people pay like 200 bucks for it. All raiders would just leave, let alone nim raiders. It would be an insult to them all.
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We're in maintenance mode here, and TOR is on the way to being sunsetted, so hey --let's milk as much as we can, as long as we can, until shut-down.


And we both know that the morons will keep buying whatever overpriced crapola's in the cash-shop on command, until the literal moment the switch is thrown for the last time.


Ok, so you know all this, yet you are still here, playing the game till it dies.


Yes it must be maintanance mode, its too obvious already for years now. They why bother? Why you comment on this? What ever you write here, people will buy the saber. Those who buy are not even on the forums, its only 10% of the game population here, remember?


There is no point to get excited. We just go with the flow till the servers shut down.


Maybe next year.

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Why would you pay 60 bucks for an item in a game you don't play that much. I beseech you not to do it man.


I dont play much but I DO PLAY and I it looks nice to have, one of the best mounts in the game I would say. I did the same in WoW, just bought a cool mount, but stopped playing after 3 months.


Seriously, that would be the very last thing they would do to milk the game to oblivion. That item is not a vanity alone. It is an indication of a hardcore raider. They would shut the game down a month after people pay like 200 bucks for it. All raiders would just leave, let alone nim raiders. It would be an insult to them all.


Why would it? They Copy/Paste the NiM DP Council rancor into Eternal Champtionship!!

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Oh Christ...


Leave the ********ned RL politics out of this, FFS. (There's reason that's against the forum rules, OK? That **** has a nasty tendency of getting very ugly, very quickly.)


This thread is fundamentally doing what should be done:


Bashing the Austin Incompetents' Club for trying to milk the player-base one more time when they should have been on full crunch-time --as of, like, a year ago-- to improve and evolve this game.


But then, it's becoming increasingly obvious: We're in maintenance mode here, and TOR is on the way to being sunsetted, so hey --let's milk as much as we can, as long as we can, until shut-down.


And we both know that the morons will keep buying whatever overpriced crapola's in the cash-shop on command, until the literal moment the switch is thrown for the last time.


which is why i said this in not the place to discuss... i was just explaining my earlier remark. Personally i dont care one iota what people choose to spend their money on. It's their money... If they weren't willing to spend it BW would have to react and lower the price... that much is obvious. But like i said, its not my place or yours to decide if it's worth it or not for <<insert random name>> to buy one thing or another. Besides, there might be folks that have a lot of CC saved up from their monthly subscription allotment and they like this particular item... it will cost them nothing in excess of what they have payed already for playing the game... that is also something to be considered.


As for the game in general... im a founder myself but took a lot of time off from the game. Having recently returned i can say that im enjoying my experience a lot more now then i did back then. So personally im excited about the new Ops coming out and hope the game survives for years to come... but thats just me.

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Ok, so you know all this, yet you are still here, playing the game till it dies.


Yes it must be maintanance mode, its too obvious already for years now. They why bother? Why you comment on this? What ever you write here, people will buy the saber. Those who buy are not even on the forums, its only 10% of the game population here, remember?


There is no point to get excited. We just go with the flow till the servers shut down.


Maybe next year.


Actually, I can barely even log in anymore. Most of my time in TOR is actually spent forum-PvPing, on here, on Dulfy, elsewhere.


For the last few months my typical play-session was/is:


I might port to Fleet, scream a few random obscenities at all the toxic PvP tryhards in /1 and/or /2, solo a Tac FP or Uprising, then just stare at my toon, a few more obscenities/*****-jokes in /1 or /2, until auto-kick for inactivity.


Yeah, already un-subbed a while go, but I got about month left --thought it'd be a shame to waste it, but there's just nothing to this game anymore --and hasn't been for far too long, which is why I think it's in maintenance mode.


It didn't have to be this way.


It shouldn't have been this way.


Maybe the third time will be the charm for a StarWars MMO? Might be, as long as BioWare and/or EA are kept far, far the Hell away from even a whiff of it.

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it does actually... you just need a bit of previous knowledge about interventionism vs non-interventionism in The Market... capitalists generally favor letting the market "rule itself" ... whereas socialists generally tend to favor "state intervention" to regulate the market... not the place to go into it on here really... so yeah, better to stay clear... i will say that imho, to adress the OP, the cartel market should regulate itself... if BW are pricing this particular item to high then feedback from the market will tell them exactly that (in purchase numbers). Something is only ever worth what someone is willing to pay for it and its not for you or me to decide if something is worth X amount of money to someone...

You do get that giving their opinions as paying consumers is non-interventionist feedback from the market, right? "It's selling" vs "it's not selling" is only part of the overarching category of "market feedback" - this is consumer action, not government regulation.


If someone was saying that the government should step in and actively prevent EA from doing this, then that would be an interventionist approach. What we're seeing in this thread isn't that, we're seeing paying customers giving feedback to a company they buy from that one of that company's business decisions is upsetting them.


That is free market capitalism in action.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Its just a way to get money from one place to another. Price and market manipulation. In the end it only created diversity, hostilities among players. Such features are actually anti-social features. But "ITS EXCITING". What kind of bastard creates a game so people can have fun and then introduces features that incite players against each other? Sounds like a god complex.

Just to play devils advocate...What if they sold it at $4.99. would the people who bought the packs be cool with a super low price? I'm just curious. Not buying either way but curious

Create platinum items just to have some really, really ultra rare items that are no different when used than any other item, watch how the market treats these items... Uhm... I think it would kill the price of that item when everyone can just buy it for a few bucks instead of selling half their soul for it.


The ziost saber cost something between 1.500 and 2.000 CC. I bought one for myself and one to sell. Took me 3-4 months of saving for it. These days it costs 9mil upwards. The arbiter saber on the other hand would take 15 months of saving CC. Thexans saber (gold) costs 5mil upwards on my server. 500 CC on the cartel market. When it comes to outfits, the quality of the item doesnt necessarily reflect its popularity or "value" players assign to it.


Imagine the items wouldnt have rarity levels. No bronze, silver, gold or platinum. Just cartel market items. Would that change the actual value of the item for players that like the way these items look? No. Because the demand will be the same. They might aswell just unlock all those items, get rid of packs and let people buy the items directly like we can now. Its just players buy the armors at a slightly reduced price than now but more people would buy from the market and be happy to get the desired items instead of juggling with the GTN.


But hey, one can dream to get reasonable devs in MMOs...

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Oh Christ...


Leave the ********ned RL politics out of this, FFS. (There's reason that's against the forum rules, OK? That **** has a nasty tendency of getting very ugly, very quickly.)


This thread is fundamentally doing what should be done:


Bashing the Austin Incompetents' Club for trying to milk the player-base one more time when they should have been on full crunch-time --as of, like, a year ago-- to improve and evolve this game.


But then, it's becoming increasingly obvious: We're in maintenance mode here, and TOR is on the way to being sunsetted, so hey --let's milk as much as we can, as long as we can, until shut-down.


And we both know that the morons will keep buying whatever overpriced crapola's in the cash-shop on command, until the literal moment the switch is thrown for the last time.


Well said.


There are some people that seem to think that they can write enough crap to cover up they don't know what they are talking about. Everyone knows about free market economics, they are not the next Keynes or Smith cause they make some vague comments about pricing. Its a digital item that was used as the lure for the cartel pack, its now being rehashed as a direct purchase for more than the game cost. Which is the issue, the development team seem more interest in milking their players at every step; Rather than deal with the issues that have caused subscribers to leave on mass, or deal with almost all servers light all the time they look to sell a single saber for 60 bucks.


The problem isn't with the item or the price. Its that they are more interested in the cartel market and ripping off morons (who are probably stealing the money from their parents) than they are of offering a compelling enjoyable experience. Hell they don't even acknowledge that the story focus for the last two years was basically a one size fits all, plot holed mess that at best was keeping up with the Valkorians with the player sidelined to the role of idioitic bruiser who gets betrayed by 90% of the people they meet.

Edited by Costello
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I dont play much but I DO PLAY and I it looks nice to have, one of the best mounts in the game I would say. I did the same in WoW, just bought a cool mount, but stopped playing after 3 months.




Why would it? They Copy/Paste the NiM DP Council rancor into Eternal Champtionship!!


Well maybe you should perhaps play a tad more, maybe then you would know the difference between a lightsaber and a speeder mount.... unfortunately this isn't Harry Potter, you can't fly the Arbiter like a broomstick... if we could maybe the price tag would feel a little more realistic .. a mount and a L/saber all in-one sounds groovy.


Maybe next week they will put the crate-o-matic up for sale as well... that's not a speeder mount either btw.

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You do get that giving their opinions as paying consumers is non-interventionist feedback from the market, right? "It's selling" vs "it's not selling" is only part of the overarching category of "market feedback" - this is consumer action, not government regulation.


If someone was saying that the government should step in and actively prevent EA from doing this, then that would be an interventionist approach. What we're seeing in this thread isn't that, we're seeing paying customers giving feedback to a company they buy from that one of that company's business decisions is upsetting them.


That is free market capitalism in action.


I was actually taking about the mentality of people and using the free market example to explain what I meant of being left wing views (from my point of view). Ofc there is no intervention per say here. But consumer action this is not... Not in a meaningful way anyway. The forums represent a very small part of the player base and it's usually the vocal minority... It's irrelevant to the larger consumer base. Most people are happy to just play the game. And it's nobody's business how I chose to spend my money and if I think that particular item is worth 60$ to me or not. In the end it's sales numbers that will dictate the price. Also, I can like and purchase one product from a company while not liking or buying another product from the same company... That doesn't entitle me to complain about the fact that I don't like the second one... If I don't like the company's policies in general I won't purchase from them at all... But I wouldn't presume to tell others that they should do the same.

Edited by Valceanu
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With the mass exodus of players from this game to other games, I'm not sure there are not enough whales left in the game to make this sale a "success"


the grind for gear at level 70 stressed me out enough to make me start playing Diablo III again.

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I'm fine with this. Though I think the saber itself is uglyish.


Would encourage more GOOD looking NON-HOODED armors for direct sale. The Xoxaan was a good example.


Need more good looking blasters and cannons for direct sale too.


Of course I prefer high quality content, who doesn't. But so long as good high quality content keeps coming out at a decent clip I'll be okay with luxury sales in between.

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Might have gotten my money with the Vented saber, Not that one...


^ This was my thought as well. :p


I actually surprised myself when I realized I want that saber, since I thought the cross-guard was the only thing that looked dumb in the trailers leading up to Ep. VII - but by the time the movie actually came out I didn't really mind it, and it would actually match my Juggernaut's look really well.

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