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Solo Everything


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I play at RedEclipse, most populated EU server...


I have a quest for H4 shroud and its impossible to collect enough players!

I have a quest for Kaon Under Siege (thanks for making it 70lvl - not) and group finder is dead!

I have a quest for Corporate Labs and group finder is dead!


Make EVERY quest in game soloable... solo mode for operations, solo mode for flashpoints, FOR EVERYTHING. I cant enjoy the game because there is noone to play with. I dont care about loot... I want to complete EVERY quest in my quest log and its impossible. You changed things and created Veteran and Master... where is CASUAL mode just for quests and learning tactics. Operations should have CASUAL mode as well... I want to try it solo without watching 1hour long video.

Edited by PatrykJesionek
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I play at RedEclipse, most populated EU server...


I have a quest for H4 shroud and its impossible to collect enough players!

I have a quest for Kaon Under Siege (thanks for making it 70lvl - not) and group finder is dead!

I have a quest for Corporate Labs and group finder is dead!


Make EVERY quest in game soloable... solo mode for operations, solo mode for flashpoints, FOR EVERYTHING. I cant enjoy the game because there is noone to play with. I dont care about loot... I want to complete EVERY quest in my quest log and its impossible. You changed things and created Veteran and Master... where is CASUAL mode just for quests and learning tactics. Operations should have CASUAL mode as well... I want to try it solo without watching 1hour long video.



This is an MMO not everything should be soloable and if you cant handle that play a solo game. So sick of people in every MMO whining they cant do this or do that because *gasp* the game is meant to be played with others


suck it up

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This is an MMO not everything should be soloable and if you cant handle that play a solo game. So sick of people in every MMO whining they cant do this or do that because *gasp* the game is meant to be played with others


suck it up


You cant play with others because noone want to play. Flashpoints are useless and dead. This entire game is a RPG with multiplayer elements... not MMO. Dont make me laugh... you ever played MMO game? Try WOW. In WOW I can queue for anything and I will find someone to play with. In WOW I can complete old content with high lvl hero... so I dont miss a thing. SWTOR have no content and you keep farming old operations, over and over again - enjoy your "MMO".


They even killed world PvP by creating instances... not that there was any kind of fighting anyway... empty planets and noone to kill with game engine that cant handle 40 players in one place ( hi to everyone who remember Illum from release).

Edited by PatrykJesionek
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You cant play with others because noone want to play. Flashpoints are useless and dead. This entire game is a RPG with multiplayer elements... not MMO. Dont make me laugh... you ever played MMO game? Try WOW.


They even killed world PvP by creating instances... not that there was any kind of fighting anyway... empty planets and noone to kill.


firstly i played WoW... got old really fast... quit after Lich King. I enjoy my SWTOR a hell of a lot more... though granted i have no idea how WoW is now but i dont really care for it anymore... still have the collector's edition box lying around somewhere in the house... lol.


Secondly i play on Red Eclipse myself and the guild im in does regular SMs and HMs etc etc. So there are certainly people out there to play with... perhaps joining a guild would help. and while many dont use the LFG system that much you're pretty much guaranteed to see people posting LFG messages on general chat for various stuff. I have to agree with the previous poster... not everything should be soloable... this is an MMO in the end and by the looks of it BW are preparing a bit of a turn around with new Ops coming and so forth...

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You cant play with others because noone want to play. Flashpoints are useless and dead. This entire game is a RPG with multiplayer elements... not MMO. Dont make me laugh... you ever played MMO game? Try WOW. In WOW I can queue for anything and I will find someone to play with. In WOW I can complete old content with high lvl hero... so I dont miss a thing. SWTOR have no content and you keep farming old operations, over and over again - enjoy your "MMO".


They even killed world PvP by creating instances... not that there was any kind of fighting anyway... empty planets and noone to kill with game engine that cant handle 40 players in one place ( hi to everyone who remember Illum from release).



played wow for 12 years still play wow. This is still an MMO and sick of people thinking everything should cater to them cause they cant see a non single player event


Fine let OPs become soloable but you get no drops coms or anything

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firstly i played WoW... got old really fast... quit after Lich King. I enjoy my SWTOR a hell of a lot more... though granted i have no idea how WoW is now but i dont really care for it anymore... still have the collector's edition box lying around somewhere in the house... lol.


Secondly i play on Red Eclipse myself and the guild im in does regular SMs and HMs etc etc. So there are certainly people out there to play with... perhaps joining a guild would help. and while many dont use the LFG system that much you're pretty much guaranteed to see people posting LFG messages on general chat for various stuff. I have to agree with the previous poster... not everything should be soloable... this is an MMO in the end and by the looks of it BW are preparing a bit of a turn around with new Ops coming and so forth...


I preodered legion since several guildmates where going over to WoW for a bit back at the time. grinded dungeons to around level 40 with a couple other people, found that WoW was nothing but bloat with absolutely nothing to it, and came back. I still have my free 90 token floating about somewhere in that game.

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I play at RedEclipse, most populated EU server...


I have a quest for H4 shroud and its impossible to collect enough players!

I have a quest for Kaon Under Siege (thanks for making it 70lvl - not) and group finder is dead!

I have a quest for Corporate Labs and group finder is dead!


Make EVERY quest in game soloable... solo mode for operations, solo mode for flashpoints, FOR EVERYTHING. I cant enjoy the game because there is noone to play with. I dont care about loot... I want to complete EVERY quest in my quest log and its impossible. You changed things and created Veteran and Master... where is CASUAL mode just for quests and learning tactics. Operations should have CASUAL mode as well... I want to try it solo without watching 1hour long video.


Short answer: No


Long Answer: What is an MMO? MMO stands for "Massive Multiplayer Online". Is SWTOR an MMO? It comes down to what one defines as "Multiplayer" Does the word "Multiplayer" explicitly mean "Cooperative Play" or in the case of PvP "Competitive Play"? For some, apparently including the OP, the answer is yes. Having played many MMOs over the past 17+ years, I disagree with that definition.


In the olden days, MMOs were explicitly grouping affairs; one HAD to group to accomplish anything significant. But even then, players found ways to play solo.


It was with WoW that I got my first real taste of solo playability in an MMO (ironic because the OP states that WoW is an MMO). I was able to sit down at my computer, login to WoW, and go do something for 20 or 30 minutes and felt like I had accomplished something. Prior to that, it was sit down and prepare for hours of forming groups, going to places, doing something for a while, the group breaking up...rinse and repeat.


SWTOR is in fact based on the WoW design model: one can level a character strictly solo if they choose, but if they want the full game experience at some point you have to group. However, over time BW has made SWTOR even more solo freindly: solo mode FPs where there is significant story to tell, the option to complete a story line solo OR with a (ops) group, were both introduced with SoR and it went over VERY well.


But then BW took that data and said, "well more players are doing the group content solo, so maybe we should focus on solo." and out came KOTFE and KOTET - two expansions worth of mostly solo content. What BW failed to realize was that players were choosing solo modes for convenience not because that's the way they wanted to play; it was faster and more efficient to queue for solo mode Blood Hunt and Battle of Rishi than to queue for those FPs and wait for a group; it was faster and more efficient to do the set of daily missions on Yavin IV to "rally the troops" than to form a "strike force" (run the TOS op) to take out the machine Revan was ramping up. The stories being told are in fact quite good, but to have to stop progression through a story to find a group is annoying...They found that out with Oricon.


So getting back to the OP's request for 100% soloable questing. I agree that main and major story arcs should be 100% soloable...they should go back and make an option for a solo bypass of DF/DP just like they did with Yavin and TOS; it's not gonna happen but it should. But to make EVERYTHING soloable...No just No. Like I said early, there's a lot a player can do solo in this game, but if they want the full experience they are going to have to group at some point.


So OP, join a socially oriented guild; a guild that when four or more players are online, someone says in guild chat, "hey we have X online let's do Y." or "Hey I'm about to queue for X, anyone want to group up and join me?" Yes, sometimes all you'll get are crickets, but that does not mean the guild is not "socially oriented" it just means that at that moment everyone is either not interested (for whatever reason) and does not want to offend by saying, "nope not interested," or they are busy doing something else, or they are AFK.

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I have a quest for Corporate Labs and group finder is dead!



I'm sorry if this comes off wrong but are you perhaps queing master mode as a dps? Because vet pops literally in couple of seconds at European prime time. If the former is true then yea, it can be a long wait.

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I play at RedEclipse, most populated EU server...


I have a quest for H4 shroud and its impossible to collect enough players!

I have a quest for Kaon Under Siege (thanks for making it 70lvl - not) and group finder is dead!

I have a quest for Corporate Labs and group finder is dead!


Make EVERY quest in game soloable... solo mode for operations, solo mode for flashpoints, FOR EVERYTHING. I cant enjoy the game because there is noone to play with. I dont care about loot... I want to complete EVERY quest in my quest log and its impossible. You changed things and created Veteran and Master... where is CASUAL mode just for quests and learning tactics. Operations should have CASUAL mode as well... I want to try it solo without watching 1hour long video.




NO, no, no.


Find a good guild.

Edited by Andryah
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Solo mode options for everything would be fine by me, as long as there are still group options available for those interested in them and some shared persistent spaces it still will be "an MMO". And as long as there are proper incentives (gear drops, CXP, whatever) for those group options, they will still remain viable.


Second best would be alternative solo-able tracks to complete the same storyline, like we had on Yavin IV, where the Op was only one of two options to finish the story.

Edited by DarthDymond
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CZ-198 was designed in an era when story content was gated behind group activity. That having been said, there's not really that much story gated behind those FPs, and they can fairly easily be duo'd. I don't think the rewards are really great anymore, either.


If you're on JC, let me know; I'll see if I can help you get them (I don't have a lot fo free time, or I'd be less vague)

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As a resident of TRE I can assure you that plenty of guilds are recruiting for all kind of activities. Check the server sections, or the general chat on the fleet, you'll find a guild that can provide you the benefits you seek.


From my experience guildmates are intrested in helping only when they benefit from this, and rarely out of good hearth. Still... looks like everyone disagrees with me at this thread, and my rage phaze vented a little so I will spend more time at looking than writing ;)

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I play at RedEclipse, most populated EU server...


I have a quest for H4 shroud and its impossible to collect enough players!

I have a quest for Kaon Under Siege (thanks for making it 70lvl - not) and group finder is dead!

I have a quest for Corporate Labs and group finder is dead!


Make EVERY quest in game soloable... solo mode for operations, solo mode for flashpoints, FOR EVERYTHING. I cant enjoy the game because there is noone to play with. I dont care about loot... I want to complete EVERY quest in my quest log and its impossible. You changed things and created Veteran and Master... where is CASUAL mode just for quests and learning tactics. Operations should have CASUAL mode as well... I want to try it solo without watching 1hour long video.


Search out swtorfamily guild. Maybe it'll be nice to have friendly faces to do things with

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Make EVERY quest in game soloable... solo mode for operations, solo mode for flashpoints, FOR EVERYTHING.

I understand the thought process, but the phrase "solo operation" is a sort of oxymoron, like saying "solo group." It doesn't make sense. A number of boss encounters within operations have mechanics that require teamwork in order to complete them successfully, which is the whole point of operations - everybody in the group has to do their part correctly else the encounter is not passed. This is by design.


So the moment that you make a solo operation, it ceases to be an operation and becomes a solo flashpoint.


I guess what you want is to get the same storyline from the operations and make it so that you can have that story without being in a group. Well, there really isn't much story in operations. There is no dialogue...just a few brief cut-scenes to introduce the boss you are about to fight.

Edited by teclado
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Solo operations would just be a series of too-easily-killed mobs and every boss fight would be the exact same experience as fighting Revan at the end of the SoR story. I've nodded off every time I've been in that fight, including the first time. That fight was exactly the sort of thing Bioware would do if they ever made operations soloable--you'd have 7 NPCs with you who would make sure you couldn't die, no matter what you did, and your own attacks would be ineffectual on their own.


You might as well just remove all the bosses and their models, replace them all with a training dummy in the center of the setpiece, and slowly whittle down its 5 to 10 million HP. That's all Revan is--an overly-talkative training dummy. Now imagine fighting that 4 to 8 times with no suspense whatsoever as to the outcome just to do one operation.


What might be a clever idea on Bioware's behalf, seeing as how heavily-invested in the CM they are, would be to offer a cartel item that would grant the operation's meager "stories" to players who are unable/unwilling to do a giant operation just to see the tiny little cutscenes related to the story before, during, and after the actual operation. They've already done this with the Datacubes, in a way. You unlock them and they grant short cutscenes on Nar Shaddaa. (those aren't spectacular, I'm just saying the grain of the idea is already there)

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I know many people who play this game just for the story, as if it is a sequel/prequel to Kotor 1 & 2.

For them anything combat related or any group content is just busywork in between the story or too bothersome to even do in the first place. So why not offer both ways? They're paying customers so let them have the story and maybe some of the decorations that can drop (a little memento from your adventure), but leave gear, mounts and other good stuff out of it so there is an incentive to team up. It's not like the current raiders are missing out on anything if they would add such an option since these people would never raid in the first place, so you won't be losing people in your raiding team.

Saying people can't have a story mode for all the things is like saying others can't eat cake when you're on a diet or that pineapple on pizza should be banned because you dislike eating it. It's an alternative not a replacement.

Your choice will not change unless you yourself change it and if being confronted by that choice scares or angers you then you can only blame yourself.

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This is an MMO not everything should be soloable and if you cant handle that play a solo game. So sick of people in every MMO whining they cant do this or do that because *gasp* the game is meant to be played with others


suck it up


Oh you mean MMO as in Massively multiplayer online game - (Wikipedia)


So lets say 100 solo players on ToFN, 200 on Red Eclipse, 300 solo players on Harbinger. Carry on until you mention all servers. Well there's your multiple players, all online at the same time.


Massively multiplayer online game - Wikipedia. No where does it say they have to play together or group. Ok does not say you can't or should not, but does not say you must ether. Though what counts as Massively is open to interpretation.


As for everything solo. Well I don't see why not. Not that I am bothered anymore if it stays as it is now. Are you worried that if everything was soloable then one would ever group? If so then maybe groups are not as wanted as you think. If not worried by that, then cannot see the objection.


Solo operations would just be a series of too-easily-killed mobs and every boss fight would be the exact same experience as fighting Revan at the end of the SoR story. I've nodded off every time I've been in that fight, including the first time. That fight was exactly the sort of thing Bioware would do if they ever made operations soloable--you'd have 7 NPCs with you who would make sure you couldn't die, no matter what you did, and your own attacks would be ineffectual on their own.


You might as well just remove all the bosses and their models, replace them all with a training dummy in the center of the setpiece, and slowly whittle down its 5 to 10 million HP. That's all Revan is--an overly-talkative training dummy. Now imagine fighting that 4 to 8 times with no suspense whatsoever as to the outcome just to do one operation.


What might be a clever idea on Bioware's behalf, seeing as how heavily-invested in the CM they are, would be to offer a cartel item that would grant the operation's meager "stories" to players who are unable/unwilling to do a giant operation just to see the tiny little cutscenes related to the story before, during, and after the actual operation. They've already done this with the Datacubes, in a way. You unlock them and they grant short cutscenes on Nar Shaddaa. (those aren't spectacular, I'm just saying the grain of the idea is already there)


Well I guess you won't solo them then and continue to do the group version. Still not seeing the objection as really if you were going to do the group/team version it's won't affect you. or am I missing something? cuss everything you mention would be a solo players concern, If its boring or has no suspense still not affecting you.


I do agree though gear drops should be less if it is too easy to do. If its like master mode chapters then, yes doable but I would not say easy.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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As for everything solo. Well I don't see why not. Not that I am bothered anymore if it stays as it is now. Are you worried that if everything was soloable then one would ever group? If so then maybe groups are not as wanted as you think. If not worried by that, then cannot see the objection.

Probably the biggest reason why not is because it would be a waste of time/effort. It'd make no more sense than making group and Op versions of all the solo stuff, and by that, I mean properly balanced for having more people, rather than just an xp bonus. Personally, I'd rather see some stuff that's unique and designed for challenging solo play, in addition to single group content with its own story, and then ops that are different still. More variety, yay!


That said, there does need to be a single player version conclusion to the Dread Masters storyline, as having the entire story be solo right up until suddenly slamming two 8 man ops at the end is poorly conceived. An op side story, sure. Concluding the story that way? Stupid and shortsighted.

Edited by Battilea
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Probably the biggest reason why not is because it would be a waste of time/effort. It'd make no more sense than making group and Op versions of all the solo stuff, and by that, I mean properly balanced for having more people, rather than just an xp bonus. Personally, I'd rather see some stuff that's unique and designed for challenging solo play, in addition to single group content with its own story, and then ops that are different still. More variety, yay!


That said, there does need to be a single player version conclusion to the Dread Masters storyline, as having the entire story be solo right up until suddenly slamming two 8 man ops at the end is poorly conceived. An op side story, sure. Concluding the story that way? Stupid and shortsighted.


Well at least that is a reason I can except. Other reasons given before by the players I quoted in this thread, not so much.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Well I guess you won't solo them then and continue to do the group version. Still not seeing the objection as really if you were going to do the group/team version it's won't affect you. or am I missing something? cuss everything you mention would be a solo players concern, If its boring or has no suspense still not affecting you.


I do agree though gear drops should be less if it is too easy to do. If its like master mode chapters then, yes doable but I would not say easy.


My objection isn't to there being a solo option, just that the solo option is so incredibly boring. I know that's subjective. But Bioware wouldn't make these solo encounters fun for anyone. As I said, I would have agreed completely as I was 100% solo for most of this game's existence, but what they did with the Revan fight was so off-putting that I wouldn't trust Bioware to be able to make solo options engaging on any level.


Most solo-only posters in the forums are after the same couple of things. A way to see 100% of the story available in the game (and not have any part of it gated behind group-only content), and/or a way for perfectionists/completionists to clear content from their mission logs without abandoning them.


I suggested at least for the first group of people that they could offer unlocks of the cutscenes. If your gripe is you have to do an operation to see the cutscene, then you wouldn't object to just cutting the operation out of the equation. The main point I was getting at was the proposed solution being "Solo Operations" are a complete and utter waste of time, but I don't OBJECT if people want to waste their time running it that way if that was Bioware's solution. I just think Bioware could solve it better by going down the unlock path.



I want to see the end of the Dread Masters storyline someday just as much as other solo-leaning players. I'd just rather pay for an unlock of the cinematics/cutscenes than to slowly whittle down 100 million HP worth of training dummies to get to the same point.

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@ aerockyul


Actually don't have any gripe about anything on this subject as was not actually asking for anything to change. My point was that if everything was made soloable it would not affect you in any way. If it was boring, no suspense, easy to do and so on, that be the problem of those doing it solo. Not your problem. As for me personally I see it like this, if they made them soloable I would do them if only once. If they are never made soloable I am no worse off than I am now. So really don't care all that much as nothing would have changed. So not opposed to them being made soloable but not asking for it either.

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