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GSF 1v1 dueling arena


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You wouldn't even have to have it mean anything , no rewards etc. Guilds could run their own events .But it would make pilots better and give new players a chance to get decent before subjecting them to the crucible of GSF where most go in get it handed to them hard and never play it again . Come on guys , we could do it out side the republic fleet or any planet with a orbital station ,i.e. make the arenas small and add the entrance on said planets and stations much like flashpoints .
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posting this on behalf of The King who is (still) banned from the SWTOR forums for his 'outburst' about mentioning someones name about 1v1 defeat


"Greetings traveller,


I am pleased to meat your aquintince and guess what ur wish is granted ive been killing fools 1v1 for 2 years now. i have unfortunately never faced a decent competitor enough to give me a real challenge so perhaps you would be such a bewilderly fellow to take down a King. your pain will be a tasty banquet to me TBH


If you wish to learn more about 1v1 arena aka Kronies Kombat please click my signature which Raxarcs will enlighten u by providing


cheers and happy dieing,

yours truly


His Majesty,





Sorry but I cant post that 1v1 thread link as Krixarcs posts no longer have a signature. did bioware perma deleted his account????

Edited by Reavelius
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posting this on behalf of The King who is (still) banned from the SWTOR forums for his 'outburst' about mentioning someones name about 1v1 defeat


"Greetings traveller,


I am pleased to meat your aquintince and guess what ur wish is granted ive been killing fools 1v1 for 2 years now. i have unfortunately never faced a decent competitor enough to give me a real challenge so perhaps you would be such a bewilderly fellow to take down a King. your pain will be a tasty banquet to me TBH


If you wish to learn more about 1v1 arena aka Kronies Kombat please click my signature which Raxarcs will enlighten u by providing


cheers and happy dieing,

yours truly


His Majesty,





Sorry but I cant post that 1v1 thread link as Krixarcs posts no longer have a signature. did bioware perma deleted his account????



Does the "King" provide a medium fry and drink with every duel or can you get a chocolate shake?

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I am wondering, when will Krix duel Le'Bob ? He had argument with him in this forum months ago and still no duel ? When I challenged him, the response was he had to duel Le'Bob first. What an excuse :)


Whenever you guys have duel, you should post it on youtube. Would like to see that one.

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