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Why are things SOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad?


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Playing PvP getting matched with players who are T3 command with maxxed gear and new players being matched against them with Veteran gear (210 rating) Did anyone in testing work through this? Did anyone think about how this would impact the FUN FACTOR. PvP gear at least leveled the playing field with like leveled players. Now there is an enormous stat gap from the gear being used in PvP that it is just plain stupid!


Giving everyone the unassembled parts is a start but where some are so overpowered simply because of gear it is ridiculous. Fix this either with PvP gear being reestablished or just baseline everyone in PvP with exactly the same stats and see what happens, I don't know that it could be worse.


PvP is a challenge of skill and teamwork not gear. Remove this gear gapping and fix PvP!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It's traditional MMO PvP...that's not proper PvP.


Mind you though, skill does come into it. The gear differences however do put a strain on things. I find that currently PvP matches mostly revolve around either a mexican stand off or a one-sided roflstomp. The problem with that is that it's not fun because either the teams have healers and everybody's working hard but nothing's happening OR it's clear within the first minute who's going to win.


Now, when matches can take 10-15 minutes, either of the two situations isn't great. Even if you get beaten easily it can take 5-10 minutes before it's over. That's time where you're not enjoying the battle but just waiting for it to be over. When you're on the winning side of that I suppose that's ok because at least your reward centres will tingle, but there's no challenge there either.


I dunno. I PvP from time to time and I currently just go through the motions on one toon, a couple of matches a day, just because it's the only source of components. I don't actually care about the PvP as such.

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Those alleged players in 210 equipment in PvP.... they get bolstered. Those alleged players in tier 3 gear do not. The bolster does not take a player to complete parity with tier 3 non-bolstered players.... but it does bring you close enough that good skill and team play will make the gear difference negligible.


Keep in mind.. they do not normalize PvP for player on player. They expect players to use skill and team work in PvP.. and hence do not bolster all the way to tier 3 levels. If they did.. non PvP player would ever chase gear at all... and maybe that is the way it really should be in PvP.


Personally I think PvP should remove gear from the equation in this MMO... and everyone enters effectively naked (stat wise) and are all bolstered to the same level. But that does not take into account the effects of set bonus in gear (which frankly should be moved away from gear for PvP and inserted as a horizontal skill progression in PvP (PvP only, not PvE).

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Or they could just set bolster back to above the max gear level like it was in 5.0 before the nerf in 5.1. That was perfect; plus you can go back and lol at the posts in that timeframe where bads blamed gear for losing, without knowing the bolster level :) Edited by stoopicus
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Theres a couple of thing wrong with pvp atm


Over-performing classes


The continued proliferation of the dcds arms race


No cap on healers in Wz's


The disparity between bolster and gear, this last one is going to continue to increase as BW adds more and more tiers

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The disparity between bolster and gear, this last one is going to continue to increase as BW adds more and more tiers


ONLY if they do not move the bolster limit when a new tier is released. Typically, they do.. but not enough to make gear completely irrelevant.

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ONLY if they do not move the bolster limit when a new tier is released. Typically, they do.. but not enough to make gear completely irrelevant.


PvP should be about skill not gear


but I dont see BWA going back on this, this bolster change was clearly ment to force PvP focused players to grind out GC

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PvP should be about skill not gear


I agree with you. In my view.. gear should be removed from the equation completely.



this bolster change was clearly ment to force PvP focused players to grind out GC


If this accusation was actually true.. then they would not have bolster at 70, at all. Clearly it's not.

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If this accusation was actually true.. then they would not have bolster at 70, at all. Clearly it's not.

Bolstering to 230(?) or so vs the gear tiers being 242 and what not is a real gap in power


like 200 or more diffrence in stats, you will be at a disadvantage and BWA knows that pvpers dont like being at an inherent disadvantage


Making people all "level 70" does nothing

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Playing PvP getting matched with players who are T3 command with maxxed gear and new players being matched against them with Veteran gear (210 rating) Did anyone in testing work through this? Did anyone think about how this would impact the FUN FACTOR. PvP gear at least leveled the playing field with like leveled players. Now there is an enormous stat gap from the gear being used in PvP that it is just plain stupid!


Giving everyone the unassembled parts is a start but where some are so overpowered simply because of gear it is ridiculous. Fix this either with PvP gear being reestablished or just baseline everyone in PvP with exactly the same stats and see what happens, I don't know that it could be worse.


PvP is a challenge of skill and teamwork not gear. Remove this gear gapping and fix PvP!!!!!!!!!!!!


That aside, not sure how this is different to how it was. Often players in lets say standard gear were often against players in full set expertise gear. So no different to players in lower gear, facing players in tier 3 gear from a PvP point. The only difference now is at least (well for subs anyway) anyone can get set gear over time. Even if that is long winded. That's not saying I agree or disagree with the point you made. Just pointing out it was no different before. There was and probably always be gear disadvantage amongst players.

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That aside, not sure how this is different to how it was. Often players in lets say standard gear were often against players in full set expertise gear. So no different to players in lower gear, facing players in tier 3 gear from a PvP point. The only difference now is at least (well for subs anyway) anyone can get set gear over time. Even if that is long winded. That's not saying I agree or disagree with the point you made. Just pointing out it was no different before. There was and probably always be gear disadvantage amongst players.


Bolster took expertise into account and gave players in normal gear expertise. Normal gear was also a 216 rating and stronger than the top tier 208 PvP gear. Not only that but the effort to gear yourself in PvP gear was super simplistic compared to trying to get geared now, especially if all you do is PvP.

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