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Why did not Jaesa won me over ( KOTFE spilers)


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Here are my reasons for dislike:


1. she had no special talent, the whole thing is a bluff - first time she "used" it was to save her own skin by telling you whatever you wanted to hear, after all she was in deep trouble, her master going crazy and so on. Second time by simply seeing the guilt on the soldiers faces - you don't need the Force to see if someone is lying or not .

2. she was just an uneducated servant . in SW mission story, you learn that General Geselle Organa was always with her troops and that her and Jaesa were always together. Excuse me if i don't believe for a second that Jaesa had any education while being with General Organa and her soldiers...

3. Parvin and Gregor Willsaam say that Jaesa was " supposed to marry an Organa noble". I call that BS ! Imagine you are a noble, with money and education and political power.. would you marry a dishwashing servant like Jaesa? Of course not ! You might, just might take her as a cheap distraction, but nothing more.

4. Fallen Empire : the DS Jaesa sends you a letter stating that she is with another man. Why would you recruit back the woman that cheated on you? Are you, the Outlander, such a * another word for cat* ?

5. Torturing Vette: you are a Sith Lord, a symbol of the dark side. Since when do you do whatever your so-called apprentice wants you to?


Notice : feel free to report me, but i doubt that will be any grounds for my ban since ALL the words i have used are not flagged as insults in any English-speaking country.

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Kate Middleton is a nobody, and she married a princess, and you see it's a stretch that Jaesa marry a noble? It actually happened often in history, Wu Zetian was just a concubine who got together with the emperor before becoming an empress herself.


You considered it cheating? Are you telling me that you would stay celibate for 3 years for someone you thought was dead or missing? She specifically mentioned "Why write words to a dead man?". I see the issue of Jaesa sleeping with someone during the game than in the expansion.

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You considered it cheating? Are you telling me that you would stay celibate for 3 years for someone you thought was dead or missing? She specifically mentioned "Why write words to a dead man?". I see the issue of Jaesa sleeping with someone during the game than in the expansion.


Torian waited for his wife 5 years, so why wouldn't your " princess" wait??? What is so special about her to get away with adultery? I see a big issue with that NOBODY jaesa sleeping with another man during the expansion, but meh, it must be her lousy education, maybe she is used with sleeping with soldiers or ordinary man for a few coins..

Edited by bluehufsa
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At least Jaesa is open about being with other man, not like a certain blondie Bioware pushes down our throats :rolleyes:


Everything you said fits with DS Jaesa, she can finally sleep around and she does, that is how she rolls. Does she fake her talent? Don't think so. She just hasn't mastered it yet, she was used from the beginning by her old master, doubt he had any plans on teacher her more than she needed to further his own goals. She may lack education but...who doesn't when you look at all class companions?


Think Corso, Vette, Andronikos or Kaliyo finished top of their class? Think they even attended? :p

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Torian waited for his wife 5 years, so why wouldn't your " princess" wait??? What is so special about her to get away with adultery? I see a big issue with that NOBODY jaesa sleeping with another man during the expansion, but meh, it must be her lousy education, maybe she is used with sleeping with soldiers or ordinary man for a few coins..


Not everyone is the same, and to be fair, in real life, it's way easier for a woman to get laid than for a man. From her letter, she thought you were DEAD. Instead of other people, would YOU personally stay celibate for 5 years if your spouse were dead? Not even missing, dead. She thought you were dead. How is that even cheating if your spouse is dead for five years for her to move on?

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Not everyone is the same, and to be fair, in real life, it's way easier for a woman to get laid than for a man. From her letter, she thought you were DEAD. Instead of other people, would YOU personally stay celibate for 5 years if your spouse were dead? Not even missing, dead. She thought you were dead. How is that even cheating if your spouse is dead for five years for her to move on?



The legal time is seven years, not five. And yes, i would stay celibate for five years if i'm not sure my partner is dead or not .

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The legal time is seven years, not five. And yes, i would stay celibate for five years if i'm not sure my partner is dead or not .


Wait for 7 years? Legally dead at 7 years? For whose standard? The current peaceful society or a universe where you can die at any moment, even more true for a Sith soldier, you wouldn't have the luxury of waiting for 7 years. Everyone is different. You can't judge people based on how you do things. I'm not just talking about video games, but it happens in real life where people want a perfect relationship in their mind and become disillusion when things don't play out as in their head.

Edited by BattlebloodMage
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The legal time is seven years, not five. And yes, i would stay celibate for five years if i'm not sure my partner is dead or not .


You would. She obviosuly wouldn't and nobody is right or wrong here - it's choice and she made hers :)


Time will tell if it will bite her in the *** or not :D

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Here are my reasons for dislike:


1. she had no special talent, the whole thing is a bluff - first time she "used" it was to save her own skin by telling you whatever you wanted to hear, after all she was in deep trouble, her master going crazy and so on. Second time by simply seeing the guilt on the soldiers faces - you don't need the Force to see if someone is lying or not .


Eh, not necessarily. Baras - and others - explicitly state that Jaesa's the reason all the deep-cover agents have been revealed so far. Most Jedi aren't *that* bright...even the player characters are (often) fooled. (Like the overarching plot for Act II for the consular. The consular's supposed to be a prodigy in the force - and even s/he stated several times that they feel no deception from anyone...come the end of Act II and...well, spoilers ensue and the consular's absolutely flabbergasted.)


2. she was just an uneducated servant . in SW mission story, you learn that General Geselle Organa was always with her troops and that her and Jaesa were always together. Excuse me if i don't believe for a second that Jaesa had any education while being with General Organa and her soldiers...

3. Parvin and Gregor Willsaam say that Jaesa was " supposed to marry an Organa noble". I call that BS ! Imagine you are a noble, with money and education and political power.. would you marry a dishwashing servant like Jaesa? Of course not ! You might, just might take her as a cheap distraction, but nothing more.


"Servant" can mean anything from a scullery maid to a lady's companion. Perhaps Jaesa was the latter, or something close to it.

Also, yeah - nobles marry for money and political power. Why would a lower-class family not do the same, to get their family into a higher position? They'd a) provide for their daughter and her descendants, should she have any, and b) ensure *their* status into their old age. It's pretty reasonable.

Edit: Actually, taking a look at her information page here in the "holonet" section of SWTOR - http://www.swtor.com/holonet/companions/jaesa-willsaam - it says, and I quote,

Born on the idyllic planet of Alderaan to servants of House Organa, Jaesa Willsaam was raised in a life of relative privilege. Though she was not a member of Alderaanian nobility, her family’s position within one of the more esteemed Houses allowed her the opportunity to intermingle with the social elite. As she got older, Jaesa discovered that she possessed a gift; she could see the true nature of anyone, and learn of their true intentions. When Jaesa was chosen to be the personal handmaiden to an ambitious, yet deceitful aristocrat, she discovered the lies and hypocrisy that tainted Alderaan politics.

So, she's definitely not uneducated.


4. Fallen Empire : the DS Jaesa sends you a letter stating that she is with another man. Why would you recruit back the woman that cheated on you? Are you, the Outlander, such a * another word for cat* ?


We recruited Kaliyo, who cheated on the male agent...several times...even after she thought he was "dead." And Jaesa says that someone already "seeks" to take the male warrior's place. Not that he has. No doubt several Sith would be vying for her hand - she was, after all, the wife of the Emperor's Wrath, and thus probably has a very high status within the remnants of the Empire.


5. Torturing Vette: you are a Sith Lord, a symbol of the dark side. Since when do you do whatever your so-called apprentice wants you to?


Notice : feel free to report me, but i doubt that will be any grounds for my ban since ALL the words i have used are not flagged as insults in any English-speaking country.


5. ......because dark!warrior is evil? Duh? :p


Everyone's allowed to have their differing opinions on companions... like the Love Quinn / Murder Quinn threads. (Speaking of which, where'd that Murder Quinn thread go? :D The Quinnmancers win again! AHAHAHA--oh, ahem, sorry...*cough* Bias getting in the way there. XD) People report you when you flip out on others and start threatening them with arrest; not when you have a strong opinion about a companion.

Edited by Jagaimee
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Here are my reasons for liking Jaesa:


Crazy Sith lady who wants to bang you, and also kill you one day to become stronger


Did I mention crazy sith sex?


A jedi turned sith, the most Interesting character to see turn from jedi to sith and discover the lies of the jedi, the weakness of them and how sith are better, more free, more powerful.


Also WHERE IS SHE... I still can't find her In this new post-zakuul world. I still don't care about Lana, Shan or any of the new chars, I'd like Jaesa and my old crew back.

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Here are my reasons for dislike:


1. she had no special talent, the whole thing is a bluff - first time she "used" it was to save her own skin by telling you whatever you wanted to hear, after all she was in deep trouble, her master going crazy and so on. Second time by simply seeing the guilt on the soldiers faces - you don't need the Force to see if someone is lying or not .

2. she was just an uneducated servant . in SW mission story, you learn that General Geselle Organa was always with her troops and that her and Jaesa were always together. Excuse me if i don't believe for a second that Jaesa had any education while being with General Organa and her soldiers...

3. Parvin and Gregor Willsaam say that Jaesa was " supposed to marry an Organa noble". I call that BS ! Imagine you are a noble, with money and education and political power.. would you marry a dishwashing servant like Jaesa? Of course not ! You might, just might take her as a cheap distraction, but nothing more.

4. Fallen Empire : the DS Jaesa sends you a letter stating that she is with another man. Why would you recruit back the woman that cheated on you? Are you, the Outlander, such a * another word for cat* ?

5. Torturing Vette: you are a Sith Lord, a symbol of the dark side. Since when do you do whatever your so-called apprentice wants you to?


Notice : feel free to report me, but i doubt that will be any grounds for my ban since ALL the words i have used are not flagged as insults in any English-speaking country.


1) She does. It's stated and shown.


2) She was no ordinary maid. Also stated she was educated.


3) Rich guy wants to marry a pretty girl? No surprise there. :p It's like you've never watched Pretty Woman or any romance movie ever :p


4) She also states you're dead.


5) If you are dark sided yourself, you never should have let Vette out of the shock collar :p

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Here are my reasons for liking Jaesa:


Crazy Sith lady who wants to bang you, and also kill you one day to become stronger


Did I mention crazy sith sex?


A jedi turned sith, the most Interesting character to see turn from jedi to sith and discover the lies of the jedi, the weakness of them and how sith are better, more free, more powerful.


Also WHERE IS SHE... I still can't find her In this new post-zakuul world. I still don't care about Lana, Shan or any of the new chars, I'd like Jaesa and my old crew back.


I agree with all of this 100%

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The legal time is seven years, not five. And yes, i would stay celibate for five years if i'm not sure my partner is dead or not .


You'd be the only one, my friend, you'd be the only one...


I know that I sure as heck wouldn't.


But then.. I don't do monogamy anyway. It's an archaic and outdated practice that's rooted in misogyny, female ownership and fear and it society needs to grow up and get over it.

Edited by Raphael_diSanto
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