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Dark side winning all the time again on Harbinger


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Dark side wins, light side gets up to rank 3 or 4 and then goes backwards, this is pretty frustrating for those of us waiting to click all of our cxp boxes.

Pls fix so lightsiders aren't at such a huge disadvantage and ppl feel forced to switch to dark side making it even harder for lightsiders.

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Suggestion: have you pubs considered trying to, you know, win?


How exactly would they do that?


For starters dark vs light isn't a Republic vs Empire thing as you can have Republic characters that lean dark side and Imperial characters that lean light side.


Second, there is a large faction imbalance on most servers because a lot of players choose to main Imperial characters. While that doesn't necessarily guarantee that one side of the Force will win more than others for the reasons stated above (It's fairly balanced on Ebon Hawk with light side maybe winning slightly more often, despite Imps having a slightly larger population), it might if the majority of players roll characters who share the alignment of their faction.

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Dark side wins, light side gets up to rank 3 or 4 and then goes backwards, this is pretty frustrating for those of us waiting to click all of our cxp boxes.

Pls fix so lightsiders aren't at such a huge disadvantage and ppl feel forced to switch to dark side making it even harder for lightsiders.


:sy_empire: Working as intended :sy_empire:

Edited by NeverLoseFaith
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I have characters on that server but very rarely play there, I do go on many other servers and find that both sides win on an even bases. Though one side or the other win more at certain times of the day. So Harbinger must be the exception rather than the rule going by your post OP. Not sure what the answer is because the whole idea was light or dark was the players choice. If more players are picking darkside on Harbinger? Anything BW did to make it more even would no longer be the players choice. Be interesting to see if BW do anything or not about it all the same.
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I remember at least the first week of the Light/Dark thing on both servers I play on (one's Harbinger) it was non-stop raging over Lightside winning all the time. People were getting outright nasty about it and I got a few whispers on my lightsided Sith who was nowhere near being level 70 that I had no right playing a Sith this way and to go play a Jedi.


According to the devs, they've already tweaked the system so if one side seems to be winning more, it should be easier for the other side to get a win in.


Having looked at what the light/dark vendors have, the only differences are the color schemes on the armor and mounts and different pets being offered so it's really no big deal which side wins unless you're one of the ones who's lucky enough to be where an alignment boss spawns and have a group ready to go.

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"Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb." - Dark Helmet.


^^^^ This. Also the Dark Side is better. We have cookies :D


But in all seriousness like others have said you can't fix how people play. If people are choosing dark side options then they choose dark. There is nothing that BW can do about that. I was in a flashpoint on my imp character, I choose a Darkside option and everyone else choose Light Side option. It happens, no game mechanic can fix that.


Sure BW can tweak it to where say if DS wins, then the points count for 25% more the next round for LS or something like that to help swing it one way versus the other, but even if they do something like that or however they tweak it, if more people choose one side over the other, nothing can change that.


Also the rewards are nothing much, just some different color skins like another person said and bosses that I've never seen anyone fight pop up.

Edited by Nightblazer
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