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Will we be able to romance returning companions if we didn't before KOTFE?


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I have a few characters who went the single route while others I simply waited too long to start a romance. Will we be able to get a second chance to romance returning companions? I didn't romance Elara so I'm wondering if I can after she returns.


Another one is Jaessa. I didn't know you couldn't romance her unless you were both DS as I made her stay LS while my Warrior also went LS. Same question applies once she returns, will an LS Jaessa become a romance option?

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As OldVengeance points out, that hasn't been possible so far and there's no real reason to think that will change - they don't get enough content/conversations to really start a romance (either in their "chapter" or afterward) and companion interactions don't really feel like they're a priority any more. That would go doubly so for LS Jaesa, since she only has one (kind of strange) talk about having kids with the Sith Warrior if he doesn't romance Vette.


I would say the current XP bonus event makes it really easy to level a character if you want to try out/experience the romance (and Elara's is one I'd always recommend).

Edited by RarePorcupine
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I have a few characters who went the single route while others I simply waited too long to start a romance. Will we be able to get a second chance to romance returning companions? I didn't romance Elara so I'm wondering if I can after she returns.


Another one is Jaessa. I didn't know you couldn't romance her unless you were both DS as I made her stay LS while my Warrior also went LS. Same question applies once she returns, will an LS Jaessa become a romance option?


Jaesa will never return, or if she does, she will be like Tano Vik, non-recruitable. Why? Cause of the LS/DS problem. The DS version is with another man, she clearly stated that in the letter you receive in KOTFE, so your romance is over. The LS version , i don't know.

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Jaesa will never return, or if she does, she will be like Tano Vik, non-recruitable. Why? Cause of the LS/DS problem. The DS version is with another man, she clearly stated that in the letter you receive in KOTFE, so your romance is over. The LS version , i don't know.


Who says we can't butcher the "other" man and show Jaesa her place at our side?


And making her LS/DS again is as simple as making a mention of her during a dialogue before you meet her.


NPC: What do you think your apprentice was up to all this time?

YOU: She was obviosuly helping the needy in Dromund Kaas as I tought her/She has been obviosuly murdering innocent padawans as I tought her.


Or something happened that made her change (dunno, she met Marr and Satele and they made her neutral?). Problem solved.

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Who says we can't butcher the "other" man and show Jaesa her place at our side?


And making her LS/DS again is as simple as making a mention of her during a dialogue before you meet her.


NPC: What do you think your apprentice was up to all this time?

YOU: She was obviosuly helping the needy in Dromund Kaas as I tought her/She has been obviosuly murdering innocent padawans as I tought her.


Or something happened that made her change (dunno, she met Marr and Satele and they made her neutral?). Problem solved.


Why would you recruit again a woman that cheated on you? I wouldn't. And as a BH, why would i need that uneducated servant turned jedi turned sith turned unfaithful wife ? To come to Odessen one day and find everyone else butchered by a psychopath ? No thanks. I'd rather romance Qizen Fess or LOrd Scourge instead.

Edited by bluehufsa
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Why would you recruit again a woman that cheated on you? I wouldn't. And as a BH, why would i need that uneducated servant turned jedi turned sith turned unfaithful wife ? To come to Odessen one day and find everyone else butchered by a psychopath ? No thanks. I'd rather romance Qizen Fess or LOrd Scourge instead.


I dunno,

we can't get rid of Lana that easily and no way to break up with her after the skeletons fall out of the closet concering Koth (and nobody wants to which is a surpise for me)

so why Jaesa if she comes back? I couldn't care less about DS Jaesa - she is a freaking psychopath but I get the appeal if you play an equally twisted SW - but I doubt sith have the same standars when it comes to their husbands and wives as we do :p


I see Jaesa as a child in need of guidance, she is mad at you for leaving her (doesn't matter if you are dead or not ;)) and is unable to exist without something driving her. So she finds another thing to become "her center of the galaxy" and tries to cope the best she can. That's how I see it at least :)

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