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Explorable Worlds......where are they?


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I do hope the worlds open up more. You do realize that can always add on. I would love nothing more than to jump on a speeder bike and ride out into the nothing and explore for hours. I know I'm asking for a lot, but hey if you don't ask, you don't receive.
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ive been through tatooine and am now starting alderaan. every planet so far has been small as my balls.


you go to point a b c d back to a finish go to next planet rinse repeat. the "explorable" areas are just empty wastelands off to the side. you know exactly where to "explore" because on your map there are nice outlines of where you havent been yet so you can go "explore" to the predetermined place.


usually when i would explore in mmo's i wouldnt know where the hell im going because the map wouldnt be totally sectioned off like a petting zoo.


also the zones(planets) are small as hell. everyone talks **** to Rift because its so tiny but rift is bigger than all of the planets combined.

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try swimming out into the ocean in WOW, you get exhaustion too.


Areas are far smaller too in WOW.


Questing? Linear in WOW also. You go from camp to camp, or from village to village doing quests in a zone. Then there is a "finale" quest in the zone.


good point here friend. when im swimming in the oceans in swtor i get exhausted too... OH WAIT?! i just remembered that swimming isnt even possible in this game because there is literally no swim function and all water is knee high at best.

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How many datacrons have you collected without the use of a guide?


11 so far and they have all been within the confines of the small map just outside a quest hub.


I have never needed a reason to explore other than I like to explore.


SWG - I use to spend hours running around the planet, finding new pets etc


EQ - Man I loved the feeling I was gonna die when i jumped off a boat and didn't know where land was. The Karanas...I think all of SWTOR would fit into this zone.


Rift - Atleast I could go off-roading on my turtle and jump off of every mountain/cliff and or water fall.

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