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4v4 Fight nights


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I think everyone is aware just how much I like premade vs premade games so I'd thought I'd try to get a little something organized to help make it happen a little more often.


The idea is going to be really simple, we'll have two 4 man teams on each faction and while coordinating in discord we'll both queue at the same time. The idea being that we'll only take the queue's if both sides get a pop at the same time. While this won't ensure we fight each other, it will give us a really good chance at it. Please keep in mind this means we might be waiting a much longer time in queue then normal as one team might get skipped and both teams would then have to keep waiting. (I'll be putting a disclaimer on my stream so that viewers know the queue's might be longer as well)


My team and I are looking to make this a regular thing, maybe on Friday nights or something nothing concrete has been decided and I also like the idea of leaving it open so we can coordinate with whatever other team we might be fighting.



I really want it to be 4v4 and not 8v8 so please keep that in mind if your interested. I want both sides to be filled with random players, that way even if one team might have a skill advantage over another one side might get lucky and have really good teammates or the other really bad teammates.


We will be coordinating queue's over discord so please have at least one person able to do so.



If you're interested in fighting us please get in touch with me either in this thread or on discord. I look forward to some really fun premade vs premade games. Thanks!

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Good idea! The 4v4 nature adds a little bit of randomness (hopefully!) to the games which should make it quite a bit more fun and casual than organized 8v8's, but also not as lopsided as a lot of unorganized matchups seem to be.


I'll see if anyone is interested in something like this. Heck, we could even get 4 or more premades doing this at the same time and have different premades face each other throughout the night, 4v4 style.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Is there a designated server for it? We are currently running nights on Shadowlands for SI and SRW matches. I like this 4v4 idea as well. The other players add an element of randomness though which could lead to significant benefit or detriment. Especially after last night's 8v8 matches where we played ring around the rosey with the queue for 10-15 minutes at a time... I'm all for 4v4's!
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This is such a cool idea...I really wish Bioware would implement something like this in the game mechanic. Kinda like the 4x4 deathmatch in Warzones, with the last ship flying! They would probably need a more condensed map, but I'm sure it could be done.


It has so many elements of teamwork and strategy, especially if you had to select your ships in advance. I could totally see one team member saying, "Ack! It's all gunships!", and the leader responding, "to your scouts everyone!"

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Especially after last night's 8v8 matches where we played ring around the rosey with the queue for 10-15 minutes at a time... I'm all for 4v4's!


It was creating havoc in the rest of the queue too. The matchmaker isn't really good at handling it when 4+ people drop from a match and then immediately requeue. The 5-7 vs 1-2 player matches did have a certain amount of, "Win in 30 seconds or less," hilarity, and were probably stupendously good CXP gain, but it wound up pretty much destroying the non-serious queue by the end of the second/start of the third serious match.


There were some fairly cranky comments in chat about people dropping. Even after it was explained that large teams of aces were trying to avoid gratuitous obliteration of people who wouldn't stand a chance.


Incidentally, 4 v 4 does sound nice.

Edited by Ramalina
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Ack! Ramalina, for that I am sorry. Of course, our intention was not to destroy the non-Event Queue. :-(


On a positive note: I bet a lot of people got tons of CXP for free and I guess it's hard to argue that they didn't at least benefit a little bit. I am stil sorry about it. :-(


Looking forward to doing some of these 4v4s

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