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They listened:Patch notes


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"Story Mode Flashpoints are no longer listed in the Group Finder."


I wonder if they managed to screw this up in some new way, they already tried to fix the labeling once and without success:-D.


My guess is this time they will keep the Veteran labels for Master flashpoints and just remove the option to queue for Veteran (current Story mode label) altogether:-D.


At least it sounds like they have put their full well known incompetence and ignorance into fu... this up in a unique way, their very own unique way. Reason probably they don't play their game themselves and because correction of wording is too obvious and easy. Btw, the wording in the Conquest goals for Master fp achievements is wrong too. It reads veteran instead of master. I wonder when some genius at Bioware is going to remove those conquest goals entirely as well...this company makes me cringe on so many levels. I've never seen more incompetence, lack of oversight, respect for customers, etc. in my entire life, with any company not limited to the gaming industry...

Edited by Khaleg
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Too bad it gets overshadowed by the announcement of a 100 more GC levels to grind for higher tiers of gear, whilst it's pretty much impossible to complete lower levels of gear.


There are some good things in her, but most people probably won't care at this stage.

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Fixing a bug, wither it is the AOE colors or map color icons, that takes over a month is not something that should be commended.


So true, a competent company would fix such core issues in a hot fix the day after, same with the dvl armor "cheat". Something like this needs to be addressed immediately and not 4 weeks later...

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Too bad it gets overshadowed by the announcement of a 100 more GC levels to grind for higher tiers of gear, whilst it's pretty much impossible to complete lower levels of gear.


There are some good things in her, but most people probably won't care at this stage.


True dat :( not looking forward to grinding 100 more levels.had to take a break and I'm only 119 or so.

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True dat :( not looking forward to grinding 100 more levels.had to take a break and I'm only 119 or so.


why "grind" at all? ... just play the game... the CXP comes as you go along... its a pseudo-leveling mechanic but you dont need to max it out to do any sort of content. All MMO's have the carrot on the stick but its up to you how hellbent you are in chasing it...

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Awesome as defined that a lot of things bothering people are being fixed. I knew they wouldn't announce no more cxp. But these are small fixes that will make the game improved.


As for myself I love the XP boosts but anyway I'm happy for all those who have complained about it.


Still they are fixing what they broke, they are not fixing stuff that was broken long ago, so actually this is sad!

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I ran heroics until I was sick. I did sf. After WEEKS...MONTHS? of grinding I earned my first piece of 220 gear. Hooray. Got maybe 2 pieces of 216 gear a week. I'm currently outfitted in 234-240 gear at tier 2 level 119 maybe? Pretty happy about that. Not happy about the system but helluva lot better than crystals. I PvP or run CH 2 for it and rarely do heroics now. Sometimes I run flashpoints.i may try uprisings. I didn't do any of that before as it took me til 5.0 (from say July) to get 216 gear with 2 220 one being that relic you get as a reward from CH 16


Oh.My.God. Dude:eek:, I don't know how to tell you this, so I am just gonna do it - you were doing it all wrong in 4.0:o

Gear from vendors for comms was bad. It had too much endurance and too little power. Good gear only came from ops drops. Did you really grind heroics instead of doing ops? Then you have my condolences.:o


No wonder you happy with current system since you don't know how to gear properly.

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Oh.My.God. Dude:eek:, I don't know how to tell you this, so I am just gonna do it - you were doing it all wrong in 4.0:o

Gear from vendors for comms was bad. It had too much endurance and too little power. Good gear only came from ops drops. Did you really grind heroics instead of doing ops? Then you have my condolences.:o


No wonder you happy with current system since you don't know how to gear properly.


Its not worth it to point that out to him. Reading his constants posts and replies to everyone trying to justify new gearing grind every possible way. I get it his happy but a lot left or leaving game anyway. He looks things from his small perspective window but dismiss the fact that so many loyal fans have been doing same content 3-4 years if we take out few years when we did get a lot new content updates.

If it works for him to farm cxp and soon new tier rating gear again then thats good for him but game overall wont do better unless things change A LOT. But that needs new team and more resources from EA which is not going to happen.

Edited by Divona
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Story Mode Flashpoints are no longer listed in the Group Finder.

This sounds like they remove the OPTION to queue for the lowest difficulty of flashpoints as a group. I dont think they mean SOLO mode because it was never possible to queue for solo flashpoints through the group finder. The command system does allow it tho but thats not being mentioned here.


This definately needs proper clarification!

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Patch notes are pretty awesome. People can remove XP boosts. The size of the purple indicators on map are reduced. The enemy aoe will no longer be green. Lots of stuff. 😁


So they are fixing stuff they only recently broke....ok.....and that means they listen? Sorry sell that somewhere else. They don't listen or cxp and gc would be gone. All they keep doing is distracting people with false fixes of it.

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So they are fixing stuff they only recently broke....ok.....and that means they listen? Sorry sell that somewhere else. They don't listen or cxp and gc would be gone. All they keep doing is distracting people with false fixes of it.


youre assuming everyone thinks CXP and GC should be gone... i for one dont think that. I disintegrate most of the items that is true but when luck does favor me its quite lovely getting an extra piece of gear for free.... and all this while im actually doing other content enjoying myself and getting gear from that too. GC items are a bonus, not the primary way to gear... simple as that.

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The golden items from crates say otherwise.


you mean legendaries? ... thats also a bonus... cause you get the crates regardless of what type of content you engage in. That is the point of the system... play what you want (PvP or PvE) and all the while you get this free stuff... "grinding" CXP is where people are getting it wrong instead of playing like they always do and then getting some nice stuff to top it off (ocasionally) ... again, like ive said... the system needs tuning as do drop rates of raid bosses, unassembled component gains and crate drops themselves and they are doing it in 5.2 (and will likely see if it needs further improvement after that) ... CXP is just a bonus and continuation of you leveling that has a random reward to it... you get it for playing the game. The thing is players want to have their cake and eat it too... meaning not engage in the most challenging content but still be able to easily get the best gear... it doesnt work that way nor should it in an MMO imho...

Edited by Valceanu
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you mean legendaries? ... thats also a bonus... cause you get the crates regardless of what type of content you engage in. That is the point of the system... play what you want (PvP or PvE) and all the while you get this free stuff... "grinding" CXP is where people are getting it wrong instead of playing like they always do and then getting some nice stuff to top it off (ocasionally) ... again, like ive said... the system needs tuning as do drop rates of raid bosses, unassembled component gains and crate drops themselves and they are doing it in 5.2 (and will see if it needs further improvement after that) ... CXP is just a bonus and continuation of you leveling that has a random reward to it... you get it for playing the game. The thing is players want to have their cake and eat it too... meaning not engage in the most challenging content but still be able to easily get the best gear... it doesnt work that way nor should it in an MMO imho...


With the way PvP gear upgrade work, the legendaries are shown as the main set and the purple 234 and 240 are the extra. You can't upgrade those, so the 234 right now isn't worth it if you PvP and getting them just slow down the gearing process since you don't get the paltry of CXP from the Disintegration. With the announcement of the next tier, this put the 240 purple in the same situation.

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you mean legendaries? ... thats also a bonus... cause you get the crates regardless of what type of content you engage in. That is the point of the system... play what you want (PvP or PvE) and all the while you get this free stuff... "grinding" CXP is where people are getting it wrong instead of playing like they always do and then getting some nice stuff to top it off (ocasionally) ... again, like ive said... the system needs tuning as do drop rates of raid bosses, unassembled component gains and crate drops themselves and they are doing it in 5.2 (and will see if it needs further improvement after that) ... CXP is just a bonus and continuation of you leveling that has a random reward to it... you get it for playing the game. The thing is players want to have their cake and eat it too... meaning not engage in the most challenging content but still be able to easily get the best gear... it doesnt work that way nor should it in an MMO imho...


Answer me this. Why do those who play casually would even need gear for?

Second thing. What was wrong with old system? Keep ops drops as it was and then give casuals CHANCE to get also gear from boxes. All happy. but no forcing even raiders to farm cxp tokens.

This has nothing to do "just play as usually". You have totally wrong assumption why a lot play this game and have supported many many years.

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With the way PvP gear upgrade work, the legendaries are shown as the main set and the purple 234 and 240 are the extra. You can't upgrade those, so the 234 right now isn't worth it if you PvP and getting them just slow down the gearing process since you don't get the paltry of CXP from the Disintegration. With the announcement of the next tier, this put the 240 purple in the same situation.


ive only just come back to the game a couple of weeks ago (i was a founder originally) so im not great with the whole rating system and how it works atm. But what i meant was that that the crates themselves are a bonus rather then the contents...


Answer me this. Why do those who play casually would even need gear for?

Second thing. What was wrong with old system? Keep ops drops as it was and then give casuals CHANCE to get also gear from boxes. All happy. but no forcing even raiders to farm cxp tokens.

This has nothing to do "just play as usually". You have totally wrong assumption why a lot play this game and have supported many many years.


i did say that the OPS boss drops need to be adjusted as does the rate at which we get components from PvP as do the rates of rare drops from the boxes themselves... according to Eric they are looking to do that in 5.2. Oh and also increasing CXP across the board. And no, the casuals DONT NEED the best end game gear... thats what i meant.

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ive only just come back to the game a couple of weeks ago (i was a founder originally) so im not great with the whole rating system and how it works atm. But what i meant was that that the crates themselves are a bonus...


They don't intend the crates as the bonus, but as the main gearing system. It was the only system until 5.1 came out. They said it outright that those crates are supposed to be the way to gear up and the other system were introduced to fill in the missing gear pieces.


They also tied crafting in it with the higher level relics, implants and earpiece schematics being obtainable only from the command crates.

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They don't intend the crates as the bonus, but as the main gearing system. It was the only system until 5.1 came out. They said it outright that those crates are supposed to be the way to gear up and the other system were introduced to fill in the missing gear pieces.


They also tied crafting in it with the higher level relics, implants and earpiece schematics being obtainable only from the command crates.


that seems easily fixable though doesnt it?! anyway thats how i treat it. Crates are bonus goodies... i play for components in PvP and GSF atm and as soon as i get reasonably geared will try to dabble in Ops... For me it makes sense to get the best benefits when you engage in all forms of endgame content...

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youre assuming everyone thinks CXP and GC should be gone... i for one dont think that. I disintegrate most of the items that is true but when luck does favor me its quite lovely getting an extra piece of gear for free.... and all this while im actually doing other content enjoying myself and getting gear from that too. GC items are a bonus, not the primary way to gear... simple as that.


I make no assumption that everyone wants anything. I am fairly certain there will always be oddballs who think the world is flat, global warming is fake, and Santa is real. You are free to be one of those, I don't care. Enough people have said their peace and even more have moved on over it. Clearly even BW knows that their system isn't wanted because they keep tweaking it as a distraction trying to placate people. The fact they keep failing to just dump it is on them. GC items are still the primary PvE method of getting BiS. You can say what you will but it isn't true or honest to argue otherwise. You know this, we know this, lets stop with the smoke and mirrors.

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I make no assumption that everyone wants anything. I am fairly certain there will always be oddballs who think the world is flat, global warming is fake, and Santa is real. You are free to be one of those, I don't care. Enough people have said their peace and even more have moved on over it. Clearly even BW knows that their system isn't wanted because they keep tweaking it as a distraction trying to placate people. The fact they keep failing to just dump it is on them. GC items are still the primary PvE method of getting BiS. You can say what you will but it isn't true or honest to argue otherwise. You know this, we know this, lets stop with the smoke and mirrors.


ahh yeh... the old strawman type of argument. replacing what i said with things like "the world is flat" etc. Yeah, that doesnt make you right... sorry. And if you think that GC is the primary way of getting gear thats on you... farm it or quit... simple as that. I dont treat it as such... i have alternatives... and get the odd bonus when i "level up".

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ahh yeh... the old strawman type of argument. replacing what i said with things like "the world is flat" etc. Yeah, that doesnt make you right... sorry. And if you think that GC is the primary way of getting gear thats on you... farm it or quit... simple as that. I dont treat it as such... i have alternatives... and get the odd bonus when i "level up".



Sorry to have even responded to you. You have nothing to offer but the same old story some have been spewing since the begining. It wasn't true then, it isn't true now. How you treat something doesn't really change what it is, you can treat the enviroment like you can do it no harm, as we have for a long time now. Or you can wise up and see the harm we have done.


OPs are not a good way to gear up because to get BiS only from OPs is no small task if it can even be reliably done. PvP and GSF are certainly the easy method where skill meaning nothing only time spent does. Sure if you loose a lot the time is greater but given enough time you will have BiS.


But while crafting is a fine way to gear alts in 228 or 230 gear eventually you want to put them in better gear, that means OPs and crates, lots and lots of crates. You need ear, implant and relics, that means you need crates to get to 240 in those items. For mods, barrels, enchants, armorings, and hilts that mean NiM ops. And all of that is random, there is no promise you will ever see a dps relic recipe or a tanking one, you might never see an ear piece or implant grinding crates as much as you may doesn't promise you anything but more grinding.


So you can keep repeating the same line over and over again but it doesn't change the truth. The truth is right now crates are the primary method of getting BiS or even close to it.

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that seems easily fixable though doesnt it?! anyway thats how i treat it. Crates are bonus goodies... i play for components in PvP and GSF atm and as soon as i get reasonably geared will try to dabble in Ops... For me it makes sense to get the best benefits when you engage in all forms of endgame content...


The problem is that both the components and the operation drops are set up considering that the crates are the main way to gear up. This result in the worse reward per boss for Story and Veteran mode ever in this game. For PvP, the only time it was worse for gearing up, for the grind time to BiS was if you were unlucky with the Battlemaster RNG bags.


If the Command Crates were something added to the previous gearing and crafting system instead of the go to, it would be ok. But since it's supposed to be the main way, all the others gearing paths are set up with that in mind, so the rewards aren't as great as they should be. We will see with 5.1.2 if they change things up.

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