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How Jaesa won me over...


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Let me start by admitting the rigid bipolarity of Jaesa is poorly written. The first time I leveled a SW I detested Jaesa on her first comments on turning dark side. They were so Mary Sue they weren't even funny. I thought she was a thug and minimized how often I'd bring her out to play.


A few years pass and I level a new warrior, this time a Marauder, thinking I'd make her light. But after some time with Aszhara Zavros and one Nadia Grell I was like, nope, no more vanilla Jedis for me and turned Jaesa dark again.


But this time something happened. I actually listened to the meaning of the words in her conversations and not her tone.... this character is insecure! Behind all the bravado and nastiness there was this little character seeking MY approval. I began to understand her unwavering devotion (which originally made no sense to me.). And then...


And then Voss happened.


A sacrifice was requested. I "volunteer " her to take the hit in my place and .... and ... she approves!!!


"I can't defy your will, Master." She kneels as the "JW approves" flag floats out....


That little freak ... wants whips and handcuffs ...


I approved.




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I had a similar experience with (dark) Jaesa and Broonmark, I used to hate both of them. But when I took Jaesa with me to the "Quinncident" and she laughs in his face when he suggests she turn on me too, I was like.. /lip quiver I lub you Jaesa! And Broonmark just wants to make you happy, he just wants a family, so to speak. He's terrible for a light sided warrior though.


During this xp event I've been seeing like HUNDREDS of male sith warriors, almost always marauders and they always have Vette out. Seems so tired to me, try Jaesa!

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I had a similar experience with (dark) Jaesa and Broonmark, I used to hate both of them. But when I took Jaesa with me to the "Quinncident" and she laughs in his face when he suggests she turn on me too, I was like.. /lip quiver I lub you Jaesa! And Broonmark just wants to make you happy, he just wants a family, so to speak. He's terrible for a light sided warrior though.


During this xp event I've been seeing like HUNDREDS of male sith warriors, almost always marauders and they always have Vette out. Seems so tired to me, try Jaesa!


Exactly! My first runaround I was leery of letting her too close thinking she'd do the usual Sith betrayal thing; but it's becoming obvious that of all my crew she's the only one I can count on unflinchingly taking a bullet for my character. All the others, Vette most of all, would balk and run if it was them or the warrior. (I mean she even whined when I had her stay in the room while jumping the Grathan Milfdive. There was no immediate source of danger then!)


Now granted, of course I love the Vette character - she's been engineered to be adorable. But Freaky Willsaam is the type you have to crack through the scars and wounds to get to the finest diamond. OK the finest Zirconia. But only she and Quinn would pass the self-sacrifice test but while Quinn would do it out of guilt and duty she'd do it out of adoration (and love of pain.)

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Who said worship? The story is the change from not tolerating the character to "appreciating" it for what it is.


Perhaps you may find it more disturbing to be using my pure blood racial on her whenever she interjects with her "stop slacking!" BS. :)

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So you worship a cruel sadistic mentally ill .. servant. I pity you, really!


Oh no, not you again. :p We get it! You hate Jaesa. Yeesh.


Maybe it's different for a dark-side male character, but my warrior was a) female and b) neutral. She was perfectly willing to do "dark side" actions IF they benefited the Empire as a whole, or were simply the pragmatic thing to do. Same with light-side actions. She wound up turning Jaesa dark, however, and the very first conversation was "The Jedi forbid romance, so...can I go 'hunting'?"

...cue a long, shocked silence from my warrior lady, who finally sputtered out a "no, absolutely not, and if I catch you harassing Quinn [or Pierce, as he joined the team], I will punch you in the face. And if you so much as breathe sideways on Vette, automatic detention for you."


What annoyed me about dark-side Jaesa was simply the fact that you couldn't get her to change her ideas *one bit*. Once she was dark, she was DARK. A murderous psychopath who revelled in how much pain she could cause - and you couldn't reign her in at all. That was rather irritating. Kind of wish you had the option to get her to be a *little* more pragmatic... But, like I said, perhaps it's different for a dark-side male character. I didn't run with Jaesa on missions (except that one time on Taris where you split up the team to assault a Republic outpost), so I don't know what she's like outside of her companion conversations. *shrug* It's rather reassuring, however, to note that she's devoted to the warrior...heh...now my warrior won't have to sleep with one eye open, wondering if Jaesa's creeping up on her with a knife.

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There is a report button on every post. Let's reel this thread back in.


My first impression of dark Jaesa has pretty much remained "hamfisted writing", but a combination of a fairly good introduction, some headcanon and the elements described in the OP, she can work. My dark male SW is of the opinion that, well, she's not entirely stable. Best keep her close.

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There is a report button on every post. Let's reel this thread back in.


My first impression of dark Jaesa has pretty much remained "hamfisted writing", but a combination of a fairly good introduction, some headcanon and the elements described in the OP, she can work. My dark male SW is of the opinion that, well, she's not entirely stable. Best keep her close.


She can work for a SW. But for the rest of us? As a BH. i don't care about light or dark. Why would i keep her close? Anyway, the choice will be between Jaesa and another sith wife ( not giving any spoilers)

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She can work for a SW. But for the rest of us? As a BH. i don't care about light or dark. Why would i keep her close? Anyway, the choice will be between Jaesa and another sith wife ( not giving any spoilers)


Very true. Every single BH I have (a few - it's one of my favorite classes) would put her down. Good thing she's not required on any other class. :D

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She can work for a SW. But for the rest of us? As a BH. i don't care about light or dark. Why would i keep her close? Anyway, the choice will be between Jaesa and another sith wife ( not giving any spoilers)


Why no spoilers? We haven't even heard anything about upcoming story involving anymore companions than Quinn and Elara and I'm curious as to what your guess is!

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Jaesa is probably the worst when it comes to being an extreme and cardboard character. I've mentioned this before and won't reiterate it.


Even so she's so much better than Ashara, at least for a dark side Sith. Jaesa at least has a whole story arc devoted to potentially corrupting her to the dark side, while Ashara remains a Jedi (in her mind) and is fairly light-sided even if your Inquisitor is at Dark V.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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I don't know, LS Jaesa fits like a glove to my LS lady juggernaut. Jaesa still enjoys her new-found freedom from the Jedi code and both ladies work towards making the Empire a better place - while still being opposed to Jedi and the Republic in general :)
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Even so she's so much better than Ashara, at least for a dark side Sith.


Oh, I completely agree. To me, Jaesa is a character of extremes: she's either the passionless jedi or a completely psychotic sith. I'd rather look at Ashara, though: bigger ... rack. :D

Edited by light_senshi
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