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Problems romancing Lana Beniko


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At chapter 9 it won't give me the option to lock romance with her by choosing the flirt option. I didn't realize this up until finishing KOTFE. Is there a way to fix this? I haven't started Knights of eternal throne yet.

There's no "official" way to do it for that character, although there are some reports of people getting a second bite at the cherry by redoing the chapter in a different difficulty.


It doesn't affect doing it on a different character, of course. Be aware that the one thing that is *known*, and, indeed, **guaranteed** to mess this up is having the earlier chapters open on "first pass" when there's a patch. The conclusion, therefore, is that you should wait until Friday night to begin Chapter I (The Hunt), and crank through before noon GMT on the following Tuesday - there are no patches issued during the weekend, but there are sometimes emergency patches on Thursdays.


(On a couple of characters, I was feeling especially paranoid, and cranked through the whole of I-IX without logging out. I don't particularly recommend this.)

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There's no "official" way to do it for that character, although there are some reports of people getting a second bite at the cherry by redoing the chapter in a different difficulty.


It doesn't affect doing it on a different character, of course. Be aware that the one thing that is *known*, and, indeed, **guaranteed** to mess this up is having the earlier chapters open on "first pass" when there's a patch. The conclusion, therefore, is that you should wait until Friday night to begin Chapter I (The Hunt), and crank through before noon GMT on the following Tuesday - there are no patches issued during the weekend, but there are sometimes emergency patches on Thursdays.


(On a couple of characters, I was feeling especially paranoid, and cranked through the whole of I-IX without logging out. I don't particularly recommend this.)

i too fell victim to this and i completed the entire sodding thing wondering why i couldnt flirt with lana any more, but if doing it on another difficulties allows me to correct this then im glad thankyou

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Hi guys!


I too had the problem with romancing Lana, except I misunderstood the flirt option in the Cantina scene, thinking I was speaking with Theron only, but anyways after reading both here and other places regarding playing on another difficulty would allow you to get the flirt option again in the Cantina scene, I can gladly say that it seems to work (at least it did for me), what I did was playing Chapter 1 and Chapter 8 at Veteran and after completing Chapter 8, I started up Chapter 9 to see if I would get the option and I did!


What I did during Chapter 8 was taking every flirt option with Lana I could and denying Valkorion's help during the last fight with Arcann.


I hope this helps someone and I stress, this could just have been a fluke for me.



So after I finished the mission the segment under Companions and Contacts for Lana Beniko the whole "You have a romance with Lana Beniko" is now gone, ****** Fantastic. I was in a romance with her and now i'm not.

Edited by Erada
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So after I finished the mission the segment under Companions and Contacts for Lana Beniko the whole "You have a romance with Lana Beniko" is now gone, ****** Fantastic. I was in a romance with her and now i'm not.

That's the expected result for redoing any KotFE/KotET chapter - during the chapter, you see the results of making the choices you make during the chapter, but as soon as you finish it (or abandon it), your previous choices are restored.


The (admittedly rather vague) reports that we've had might simply be people doing what you did, and thinking they'd changed it when in fact they were looking at the in-chapter state rather than the post-chapter state. Or maybe it was people yanking our chains, or even a bug that allowed them to genuinely do it, but only if you wear blue socks while you redo the chapter. I don't know.

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Yeah I get what you mean and I read about that, with the whole you see the progress made in a replay chapter while playing it.

What I don't get why BioWare support seem so reluctant to help. My experience with other companies such as Blizzard, Bethesda (at least the one that manages TESO) and CCP, are that the support here can't/won't help with seemingly semi-simple problems and everything is shoveled to the Devteam with bug-reports.


I know that they can see mission progress and what items you have, but it seems like they can't reset or engage a flag (such as Lana's romance flag) and with progress getting lost when a patch goes live would indicate (in my opinion at least) that the database for the game are either shoddy or just poorly implemented.


Well I have at least sent a ticket to the support to either engage or romance flag or reset my whole KoTFE progress as I rather like my Assassin and would rather not level or use my boost on some toon.

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  • 10 months later...
I don't know how hard I've tried but I can't figure it out. I got into trying to do it so much that I am sort of willing to restart the entire story if it is possible XD. Please help I just want to do the romance option but every time I restart chapter 9 it just automatically says " I wanted to speak with one of you " and not in the flirt way
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I don't know how hard I've tried but I can't figure it out. I got into trying to do it so much that I am sort of willing to restart the entire story if it is possible XD. Please help I just want to do the romance option but every time I restart chapter 9 it just automatically says " I wanted to speak with one of you " and not in the flirt way

So the wheel just has one option?

1. I wanted to speak with one of you


If there is also

2 [Flirt] I wanted to speak with one of you


that will flirt with the one you want to flirt with (it is NOT a forced flirt-with-Theron). If you have flirted with more than one of them, you get to choose which one to flirt with.


But if you have reached that point, don't delete the character and don't finish the chapter. It is claimed that if you "replay" chapters III to VIII and take the correct flirts during them, it will rewrite the romance flags correctly (if you flirted properly in the first place).

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It's rather simple

1) This is not a bug


2) For to romance to lock in chapter 9, you need to have reached a certain affinity level with Lana. This is basically impossible by just using the flirt option everytime. Just boost her with companion gifts (i think it was lvl 10, just google it)


3) The game permanently saves the choices you make during your first playthrough of a chapter, replaying them on another difficulty only counts as long as you don't take a break. The moment you log out and choose to continue another time the game takes the savedata from your first playthrough to continue.


If you want a Lana romance you have to:


1) Play the original story so you can play the entire shadow of revan questline (including the flashpoints leading up to the DLC, allowing you to start flirting with Lana) + Ziost which allows you to continue your romance and then import the character into KOTFE. This way the game already considers you and Lana as LIs and gives you an affinity boost if i am not mistaken.



2) Start a new KOTFE character and send him / her cultural artifacts via ingame mail from another character en masse. As soon as you have access to your ingame mail (legacy post droid, mail on board the Gravestone or at the Asylum), get the gifts and boost up Lanas affinity in addition to all the flirt options. Important: You have to do this BEFORE you start chapter 9 for the first time or you are locked out of the romance permanently. You will know if the romance is locked in when Lana rushes towards you after your engagement with Arcann and kisses you. If this scene is not triggered you will never ever have the chance to get Lana as a LI.

Edited by McBaal
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It's rather simple

1) This is not a bug


2) For to romance to lock in chapter 9, you need to have reached a certain affinity level with Lana. This is basically impossible by just using the flirt option everytime. Just boost her with companion gifts (i think it was lvl 10, just google it)


3) The game permanently saves the choices you make during your first playthrough of a chapter, replaying them on another difficulty only counts as long as you don't take a break. The moment you log out and choose to continue another time the game takes the savedata from your first playthrough to continue.


If you want a Lana romance you have to:


1) Play the original story so you can play the entire shadow of revan questline (including the flashpoints leading up to the DLC, allowing you to start flirting with Lana) + Ziost which allows you to continue your romance and then import the character into KOTFE. This way the game already considers you and Lana as LIs and gives you an affinity boost if i am not mistaken.



2) Start a new KOTFE character and send him / her cultural artifacts via ingame mail from another character en masse. As soon as you have access to your ingame mail (legacy post droid, mail on board the Gravestone or at the Asylum), get the gifts and boost up Lanas affinity in addition to all the flirt options. Important: You have to do this BEFORE you start chapter 9 for the first time or you are locked out of the romance permanently. You will know if the romance is locked in when Lana rushes towards you after your engagement with Arcann and kisses you. If this scene is not triggered you will never ever have the chance to get Lana as a LI.

I won't say what I think of the above, since that would get me a forum sanction. Let's just say that you are wrong and leave it at that.


It is by no means necessary to rank up Lana's *INFLUENCE* (there has never been anything called "affinity", and Lana never had an *Affection* score with anyone) to anything for the romance to work. You do all the flirts, and you get the girl. And no, you don't have to get the kiss-Lana thing after the Arcann fight to be offered the Lana romance. Or you didn't during the first week after 4.0 came out. I created a token (start-at-60) character and cranked through. This guy was willing to let V have some control, and Koth came to rescue him from Arcann. He didn't get Lana in the end, but that was because I was stupid and thought the first [Flirt] in the cantina ("2. [Flirt] I want to speak with one of you") meant that he would flirt with Theron first. Bah.


No, you just have to avoid patches between the beginning of Chapter III and the end of Chapter IX.

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