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developers please make them ranked ! or have beginner queue's


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The fact that you can get 1 shot killed on a fully upgraded ship with full power to shields is frustrating enough !. but when you are a new player with no upgrades playing against really good players it's not fun to play at all. arent games supposed to be fun... at least make a beginner queue for up to half upgrades .. so it is more balanced . also i think that there should be a 10 second shield at spawn points for all ships because for some reason players are killing at spawns as soon as they come out .. not sure if its bugged but . these are just suggestions to make it more fun and stop most of the complaining i keep hearing, and feeling... lol
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at least make a beginner queue for up to half upgrades .. so it is more balanced .

It would be great if there was some form of tiered system like this, since it's definitely not easy on new players as-is. Unfortunately, there is no active development on GSF and there hasn't been in over two years, so such a solution is unlikely to arise.


The matchmaking algorithm actually does a pretty good job, if there are enough people queuing up to field appropriate matches. On a server like Harbinger, that can happen frequently. On less populated servers, you end up with the game pitting whoever queues against each other as soon as it can fulfill 8 players a side.


The good news is that you can be competitive even in stock ships. I recently debuted a video series documenting exactly how to do this, which you might find helpful.

. The GSF School YouTube channel has a lot of other beginner-level material that could help you, as well.


- Despon

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The matchmaker already matches based on upgrade level of your most upgraded ship, so a new player is less likely to fight a player (new or veteran) with an upgraded ship. Beginners queues, or any other method that tries to hard deny queues, would be awful for this game. If given enough players in queue, the matchmaker will already make a low req game and a high req game, but it is rare that there are exactly enough players for each, and so there is some bleed over. Pilot skill is much more important than gear, of course, and you will simply build both over time.


What would help massively would be cross server queues- all GSF in all of SWTOR should be in the same bank of players. This would help the matchmaker far more than anything else, but cross server doesn't seem like something the SWTOR devs are ever going to bother with. They also wouldn't do it just for GSF (the part of the game that would 100% benefit), and probably wouldn't even do it for GSF and ground pvp (a part of the game that would benefit largely, but also lose some stuff). I think if the playerbase perceived cross server as good in ALL parts of the game, they might have done it a couple years ago, but it is very controversial in pve.

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