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Everyone in by the 15th.


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Maybe I'm just an optimist, but for some reason I think everyone will be in by the 15th. They said that the majority of pre-orders were done the day it was announced. With that said, my hunch is that everyone should be in by the end of the day on the 15th. Maybe I just have faith in BioWare, they've never let me down so far.


Whatever your smoking/drinking/licking or rubbing on ...



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Maybe I'm just an optimist, but for some reason I think everyone will be in by the 15th. They said that the majority of pre-orders were done the day it was announced. With that said, my hunch is that everyone should be in by the end of the day on the 15th. Maybe I just have faith in BioWare, they've never let me down so far.


You're about to be let down very much. I'd like to believe your'e right but I'd just be setting myself up for massive disappointment having activated my code on the 7th of december.

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I used to be a optimist.. then bioware took a 18 hour break.


See people, this is how you use a meme, cleverly with a bit of wit. Not just mindlessly repeating it.


I think anyone who honestly expects most people to be in by the 15th is rather silly. Don't get me wrong, as someone who didn't order till November I'd like that, but I doubt it.

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Yep. If you read my post where I broke it down logically using basic algebra you would have seen that everyone will be in by the 16th.


I am so very sorry to be mean, but when I read this I couldn't help but picture extremely thick glasses and a pocket protector.

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no, you didn't read carefully


Per Stephen Reid:


Hey everyone, good morning and welcome to the first day of Early Game Access for Star Wars: The Old Republic!


We're granting access based solely on when people's pre-orders were redeemed, and we're going to be granting it in 'waves' - large batches of emails and game entitlements that will go out over the course of today (and tomorrow, and the next day, and so on).


I'll be updating this thread (and this post) as we send out more 'waves' of invites.


So far today, we have sent out two 'waves' of invites; we will be sending more later on, but I cannot be specific on timing. (Why? Because as we invite each wave, we monitor to see how servers are performing and so on. If everything is good, we'll send a 'wave' earlier; we in fact sent 'wave 2' ahead of schedule. So cross your fingers.)


Now, to the question you all have: when will you be invited? Well, I cannot be specific to individuals or even to dates, because again, we have to remain flexible. That said, I can talk a little about the pattern of pre-orders.


At the very beginning of pre-orders, which started on July 21st, we had a massive influx of pre-orders. A huge spike. After that, things settled down. As a result, today especially, you're going to see a fairly narrow band of dates from those admitted to Early Game Access. From tomorrow, it'll spread out to a wider date range.


That's about as specific as we're going to get right now. However, as we send more waves I'll update this thread/post with more information. Thanks for your patience - we know it's been a long road, but you'll be playing before too long.


Update: Wave 3 was just sent.

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Maybe I'm just an optimist, but for some reason I think everyone will be in by the 15th. They said that the majority of pre-orders were done the day it was announced. With that said, my hunch is that everyone should be in by the end of the day on the 15th. Maybe I just have faith in BioWare, they've never let me down so far.


It's a good thought and it's not outside of reason that if you can pick up 10 lbs. no problem on the first try you may feel comfortable being a little more aggressive but honestly this is roughly as valid as the people contemplating sippoku because they are convinced they'll get in intime to see the 'server's will be shut down for maintenance in 10 minutes' message.


Personally I share your optimism, maybe not so far as all by the 15th, but I think tomorrow will bring a much clearer picture of a timeline, well hopefully. I highly doubt there will be people logging in with less than 24 hours early time though.

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That will probably be the case as it is the only thing bioware can do to keep people from canceling their preorders and moving on.


That is if they actually learned anything from today. Which is forced ques piss people off and introduce balance issues.

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Well, seeing as they were advertising 'up to 5 days early access' as late as the first week of December....I would say any body who pre-ordered November or earlier should get in no later than the 15th. I'm no Lawyer, but if it can be proven they were adversising a 'potential' access that wasn't really possible they might find themselves in legal trouble if they aren't careful. It is for this reason I agree with you on the 15th NLT date.
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