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Reached GC Rank 300. No 242s.


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I'm all for the system being sped up, but honestly, I don't know how to take some of these people seriously. "ive opened 100 t3" "I've gone 200+ past 300". what are you guys doing to get all these yet not have gear? if you've done 100 gc lvls worth of ops you would definitely have some gear, if not a full set. same with doing those 100 gc lvls worth of pvp, the components alone would buy your gear set.
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I'm all for the system being sped up, but honestly, I don't know how to take some of these people seriously. "ive opened 100 t3" "I've gone 200+ past 300". what are you guys doing to get all these yet not have gear? if you've done 100 gc lvls worth of ops you would definitely have some gear, if not a full set. same with doing those 100 gc lvls worth of pvp, the components alone would buy your gear set.


All I get is green gear from crates at T3, and I haven't seen a tokens drop from any NiM boss in over 2 weeks. All Ops bosses must drop 100% specific pieces if they want a raiding community to do this new boss dropping.;)

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I'm all for the system being sped up, but honestly, I don't know how to take some of these people seriously. "ive opened 100 t3" "I've gone 200+ past 300". what are you guys doing to get all these yet not have gear? if you've done 100 gc lvls worth of ops you would definitely have some gear, if not a full set. same with doing those 100 gc lvls worth of pvp, the components alone would buy your gear set.


I bought 240 stuff off the gtn, on like week 2 or 3 of 5.0, when I was still tier 1. The 5.1 gearing changes have allowed my to buy 2 pieces of 242. The problem is without the shells, it takes between 380 and 570 components to get through the tiers to a 242 piece.


So grand total for almost 3 months of effort, have 3 242 pieces. At this rate 6.0 will be out before I can get a complete set, let alone optimize anything.

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I bought 240 stuff off the gtn, on like week 2 or 3 of 5.0, when I was still tier 1. The 5.1 gearing changes have allowed my to buy 2 pieces of 242. The problem is without the shells, it takes between 380 and 570 components to get through the tiers to a 242 piece.


So grand total for almost 3 months of effort, have 3 242 pieces. At this rate 6.0 will be out before I can get a complete set, let alone optimize anything.


I'm about 225 and have six t3 and one t2, and the vast majority of that is from unasssembled components. This is why I don't get people saying they're GC 400-500 saying they don't have any 242's.

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This is why I don't get people saying they're GC 400-500 saying they don't have any 242's.


I was already tier3 before they announced that the tier 2 shells were needed to go with the components to make a tier 3 unassembled pice to get a 242 piece. So guess how many tier 2 shells I saved. That's right, ZERO.


I can't take a tier 2 earpiece, add 180 components and get a tier 3 ear.

I have to take a 80 components and buy a tier1 ear, take it and 120 more components and buy a tier2 ear, take it and 180 more components to get a tier 3 ear. 380 components is 76-190 war zones to get 1 242 piece. If if you had a 50/50 win loss ratio it 110 was.



730 for Bracers/Belts 365 components each

1900 for Ears/Implants/Relics 380 components each

2375 for Boots/Pants/Gloves/Shirt/Hat 475 components each

1140 for Mainhamd/Offhand 570 components each


6145 for a complete set of 242's. It would take over 4 months of 10 wins per day to do that.

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I'm about 225 and have six t3 and one t2, and the vast majority of that is from unasssembled components. This is why I don't get people saying they're GC 400-500 saying they don't have any 242's.

Probably because they don't PvP or GSF. Many people do find either or both activities abhorrent.


All modes need a deterministic path to gear. Making it exclusive to select modes is just as amateurish a decision as implementing gambleboxes as the primary gearing system.

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I can't take a tier 2 earpiece, add 180 components and get a tier 3 ear.

:rak_02: You can't take the 234 (purple) ear but you certainly should have been able to upgrade the 236 (gold) one. Same goes for all of the other 234 gear. Only the Legendary (gold) T2 pieces are upgradable.


Actually would be nice if there was a way to upgrade the 234's and 240's to 236's and 242's respectively. The cost would have to be no more expensive than 10% of the T2->T3 upgrade.

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:rak_02: You can't take the 234 (purple) ear but you certainly should have been able to upgrade the 236 (gold) one. Same goes for all of the other 234 gear. Only the Legendary (gold) T2 pieces are upgradable.


Actually would be nice if there was a way to upgrade the 234's and 240's to 236's and 242's respectively. The cost would have to be no more expensive than 10% of the T2->T3 upgrade.


I'm sure the poster knows this. If you read that post closely you'd have noticed that the poster mentioned why they're unable to upgrade: The poster was in Tier 3 when the 5.1 changes were announced. Previously, there was no reason to save the 230 and 236 shells. So, like many of us - including me - the poster pulled out the item modifications and put them into augmented BoL shells and vendored the 230 and 236 shells. Patch 5.1 made it possible to upgrade using previous tier top gear shells but DID NOT restore the shells some of us sold to vendors (we did so because there was no need at that time to hold on to those shells.) So, now the poster (and many of us) have to start at the bottom and acquire all the shells of all the tiers (and the left-side items) before acquiring 242 gear. That amounts to 1290 unassembled components for tier 1, 1940 for tier 2 and 2915 for tier 3 totaling 6145 unassembled components that the poster above (AmadanNaBrona) mentioned.


Assuming a 50% win rate, 15 minutes for WZ on average, 5 minute wait time between queue pops and zero bio breaks it'd take more than 6 hours of PvPing every day for 4 months to get that done. On one character.

Edited by mike_carton
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Since I've already reached 300 GC rank and a new tier is going to be introduced (possibly in 5.2,) this is what I'm doing right now:


1. Doing Uprisings, FPs and Ops to get CXP Packs


2. Saving CXP Packs and storing them in inventory, cargo storage, legacy storage and on mule characters. Will open once the next tier is introduced.


3. Stopped opening crates. Will open and disintegrate items once the next tier is introduced. (The crates are tier-locked; the crates we earn now will not drop tier 4 items if we open them later)


4. Keep up to 1,000 Unassembled Components unused. This will be of little help since the upper limit on storage is 1,000 and even tier 3 already costs nearly 3,000.

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I'm sure the poster knows this.

Sure, I was trying to point out that he used a bad example. The point he was making was that many of us sold off the empty shells but he went on about an earpiece which doesn't use a shell.


I certainly agree with him that BINO messed up AGAIN and have been wholly unrepentant about bending us over on the whole missing shell problem.

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Probably because they don't PvP or GSF. Many people do find either or both activities abhorrent.


All modes need a deterministic path to gear. Making it exclusive to select modes is just as amateurish a decision as implementing gambleboxes as the primary gearing system.


nail meet hammer

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Sure, I was trying to point out that he used a bad example. The point he was making was that many of us sold off the empty shells but he went on about an earpiece which doesn't use a shell.


I certainly agree with him that BINO messed up AGAIN and have been wholly unrepentant about bending us over on the whole missing shell problem.


OK how about main hand where the numbers are even worse, without a 236 main hand she'll, ( which I never got, but just saying by way of example) a tier 1 main hand is 120 components, that plus 180 more components will get you a tier2, which with another 220 comoments will get you a 242 main hand. 570 components!!! Now go recalculate the number of WZs needed to get THAT.

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Now go recalculate the number of WZs needed to get THAT.

Let's say you do GSF - it has the best UA Components-per-activity in the game right now.

You get 8 for a win and 3 for a loss.

Let's assume a 50% win rate, meaning you get 11 UAComps every two matches, or an average of 5.5 UAComps per match.


In order to get your max tier main hand, which costs 570 UAComps, you'd have to complete about 100 GSF matches. Let's say you can get 3 GSF matches per hour (queue times + time played... I think I'm being extremely generous assuming 3 per hour), that means it'll take you over 33 hours of played time to earn one max-tier item.


Now you have 13 more items to max out for a grand total of an additional 5575 UAComps. If you fully gear your character, through the best, most reliable way to gear, it'll take about 1858 more hours. There are only about 720 hours in a month.


Maybe you're super active and average 40 hours a week in SWTOR. Every minute you play is devoted to GSF. You'll need almost 47 weeks (five weeks short of a year) to max out your character. Maybe you'll get lucky and get a couple pieces from Command Crates, but that'll likely only save you a few days. Again, that's by doing nothing but GSF. If you like Ops, FPs, Warzones, etc, your time to max tier will take longer. I should reiterate, that we've looked at some "best case" scenarios regarding win rates and queue times, as well. I expect, in the real world, it would not be uncommon for a 50% to 100% increase in the estimated times.


Oh, and then you do it all over again on the second of your dozen+ alts.


Almost a full year, to fully gear one character. /smh

Edited by Archellion
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I am 60 crates past Rank 300 and still no 242 pieces. Heck I haven't even gotten a set of purple 240 yet. Since I despise PVP there seems to be no chance for a 242 piece for this girl. I have saved my handful of 236 shells so maybe if they come out with another way to get components besides PVP and GSF I will have a chance. As someone said earlier it is demoralizing and becoming so hard to find the will to gear my other chars or even get a tank set for my shadow. To work and grind for just a 'chance' at gear isn't working for me. The other thing is I have gotten nearly the exact same thing in the past 15 crates. 14 of the same pet 14/15 times is strange but I submitted a ticket and received the dreaded working as intended so there you have it.
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OK how about main hand where the numbers are even worse, without a 236 main hand she'll, ( which I never got, but just saying by way of example) a tier 1 main hand is 120 components, that plus 180 more components will get you a tier2, which with another 220 comoments will get you a 242 main hand. 570 components!!! Now go recalculate the number of WZs needed to get THAT.

I completely agree that the problem is that even if you do PvP and/or GSF the drop rates are far too stingy because we can't have that showing up the brainsick RNGearing idea.


As an aside: I've been using a blue 230 barrel in my mainhand (same stats as the purple). I recently got a 234 (bleh) drop from a DisintiCrate™. Since I don't do Ranked or NiM I'll probably contract somebody to make me a pair of 240 barrels.

Edited by PlasmaJohn
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... 14 of the same pet 14/15 times is strange but I submitted a ticket and received the dreaded working as intended so there you have it.


I've gotten enough Subteroths to repopulate an endangered colony. Unfortunately I'm not narcissistic enough to want a non-sentient beast to watch and admire my abilities, so I went and brutally disintegrated all of them.

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I've gotten enough Subteroths to repopulate an endangered colony. Unfortunately I'm not narcissistic enough to want a non-sentient beast to watch and admire my abilities, so I went and brutally disintegrated all of them.


Wait. ...so we are supposed to get different pets? I've disintegrated that one dozens of times. Shhh. ...don't tell PETA :eek:

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Did get a few nice pièces in tier 2 but tier 3 only have gotten one nice piece.. I spoke too soon earlier so I am revising my post. I hate to even open the crates now. :( Edited by Savyl
revised original opinion
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Hi, even though I've been playing this game for several years, I'm still Learning since I'm mostly a solo player without a guild. I don't do OPS or PVP or anytihng really other than heroics and crafting. I love crafting most.. find it fun to make game money so I can spend it on cool items. I have done a few group things and I would like to do more but my machine lags too much so I usually don't bother unless it's not a laggy night.


Currently I'm at command rank 219. It's been tedious to reach that rank. There were many times that I thought I would just give up and yet here I am still trying to get to the magic number 300.


Tier 1 I did not get any gold pièces but in Tier 2 I got several pièces such as chest, boots, gloves, staff, focus, relics, implant, etc.. infact almost everything I have is gold now. Since Tier 3, I have so far gotten 3 new gold pièces.. a helmet, implant and relic. I hope they will continue to drop.


I hear so much about RNG but tried to find more info and I don't really understand what that is. I also wanted to know if there is anyway that I can just exchange my Tier 2 gold piece for Tier 3 or must I have these unassembled pièces.


The downside to all these heroics is the garbage you get from the crates so I never bother to open them. Currently I have 950 unopened crates. I used to open them during Tier one but found them too time consuming and I would have to sell all the Junk anyway. Now I'm wondering if one of the reasons why I am having a better drop rate than some of you is because I don't open them. Like I said previously I don't understand the RNG system.


I try to coordinate my command rank during the one hour time frame when the Light has been victorious. Lately since the event I've been lazy so I've not earned as many Light Tokens as I could have. Usually what I do is complete the missions and then when I see the Light has just won, then I go to the GC to complete them there to earn my Light Tokens. This works out good because no one can just sit and spend all their day and night waiting for the perfect moment. Even then, it takens effort. I've earned a total of 172 Light Tokens as of this moment in time out of my rank 219. I wasn't really impressed with the armor and since I like to collect mounts, I bought all 3 and 2 pets. I guess I'll be forced to buy some armor with my new batch of tokens unless Something else new is offered to the Light Side Vendor.


The grind has been unbearable but to be honest I never did acquire Tier 3 armor before GC. At least for solo people like myself we actually have a chance to get the better armor. So in that respect it's working for me. I do wish there was an easier way to buy the gold pièces, like with command tokens... no idea. Otherwise I'll keep taking my chances with the command rank crates because so far the system seems to work for me as a solo player.


PS Sorry for all typos, etc.. Been sick ill and on meds, plus it's late now too! :)


You might want to edit your post because if you are level GC level 219 you don't have 950 unopened crates since you only get 1 crate per level.

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Those are the crates you get from Heroics. :)


The only way to get a command crate is by leveling up your galactic command level. Whatever 950 crates you have, they aren't command crates. Crates do not drop from Flashpoints, Uprisings, GSF, Planetary heroics, nor Operations. The only other random crates in the game at the moment are the ones from PvP which, while they give you a chance at a purple schematic, they do not give you a chance at any purple or gold gear.


You maybe referencing the crates from the chapters but those have predetermined items in them.


As for your other question, yes 236 gold items can be traded in for 242 gold items of the same type if you have the necessary component along with the 236 shell (you don't need the armorings/mods/enhancement), relics, implant, or earpiece.


234 and 240 items can not be traded in for the next higher level.

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Wait. ...so we are supposed to get different pets? I've disintegrated that one dozens of times. Shhh. ...don't tell PETA :eek:


I think of all the trashloot in the crates, the useless pets irritate me the most. Even more than rep tokens for rep I have already maxxed. If you want a mascot for the incredible gap in understanding between what the dev team thinks is good and what the players actually want in a loot system, keep one of the pets.

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The only way to get a command crate is by leveling up your galactic command level. Whatever 950 crates you have, they aren't command crates. Crates do not drop from Flashpoints, Uprisings, GSF, Planetary heroics, nor Operations. The only other random crates in the game at the moment are the ones from PvP which, while they give you a chance at a purple schematic, they do not give you a chance at any purple or gold gear.


You maybe referencing the crates from the chapters but those have predetermined items in them.


As for your other question, yes 236 gold items can be traded in for 242 gold items of the same type if you have the necessary component along with the 236 shell (you don't need the armorings/mods/enhancement), relics, implant, or earpiece.


234 and 240 items can not be traded in for the next higher level.


He said that I need to edit my post but actually I never once said I got 950 galactic command rank crates. I'm sitting here giggling because if you guys would re-read my post it clearly states my unhappiness with the 950 unopened crates I got from doing the daily heroics. :) I know what a command rank crate is.


Thanks for answering my other question but I guess I'll never be able to trade since I think you get those "necessary components" from doing OPS, Something I hardly ever do.


I would still like to understand what this RNG is though. :)

Edited by Savyl
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