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Think I'm done with the CM


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So I fell for BioWare's trap. I'm guilty of spending about 50 or 60 bucks on Cartel Coins over the last few days because I'm really into the Legendary Packs. The one thing I've always wanted in this game is Revan's armor. It's my, what do they call it? Golden goose or something? Anyway, I've always wanted it.


I've had the chest and robes for years, but could never get the mask or any other piece. It's the mask I've always wanted. So, seeing the complete set was available on the CM in a gambling box got me kind of excited.


The first two packs I bought were good. I got Atris' and Visas Marr sets for my sage and sorc respectively. That was perfect. But then I decided to buy another pack and got a Republic military suit.


I mean really? A Republic military suit. Not Malak or Bastila or what I really wanted: Revan's armor. No. A Republic military suit. What a waste of money.


I know you can buy Revan's mask on the GTN but the average price is like 50 million credits and up, so that's a no-go for me. Unless I buy credits, which I'm not going to do. So, the Legendary Pack is my only way to get it.


But anyway, I learned my lesson. No more buying Cartel Coins for me. It really is like gambling.

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Here are the rules when it comes to any packs, supercrates or hypercrates.


  1. Don't open them after you buy them.
  2. Sell unopened packs, supercrates and hypercrates on the GTN.
  3. Use the credits earned to buy the specific armor, mount, weapon, etc you want off the GTN.
  4. Go back and read rules 1, 2 and 3.

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I just posted the following in another thread and thought it might apply here:


...this is exactly why I've never bought one cash market pack in this game or in any other game I've ever played. If people would just stop enabling this garbage (gambling w/ RL cash for a chance at content vs. experiencing all content via subscription), Galactic Command might not have ever seen the light of day.


Maybe, some time in the distant future, we might be able to resist pulling the lever on a *********** slot machine and just experience a full MMO via subscription... you know, like the good old days...

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Maybe, some time in the distant future, we might be able to resist pulling the lever on a *********** slot machine and just experience a full MMO via subscription... you know, like the good old days...


I'm a sub, but I don't mind cosmetic cash stores.


That being said, I hate the cm packs they do. It's not even "true" gambling for me in that there's always one item I really want, so anything else seems like losing and takes my motivation away. With "real life" lotteries and casinos, even a free ticket feels like a win and that's why it's fun. No such feeling here.


That being said, OP, I got Revan's mask as a reward for the DvL event last summer. It's the only time I've ever gotten anything cool from RNG and made the whole ****** recycled event worth it to me lol. Just to rub it in. :cool:

Edited by Ralei
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It's always good to see people coming finally to the light side. 😊

I could never fathom how it is even possible that so many people fall for this obvious trap to buy absolutely meaningless pixel crap in the CM for cc they separately bought, in addition for absurd whore prices. This whole cm is some kind of way overpriced betrayal scheme in my eyes, from day one on. I myself never bought anything else than 1 character token, server moves forward and back for shopping on a different server (due to the dead server I'm playing/trapped on thanks to Bioware's incompetence and ignorance) when there is a transfer sale, a few collection unlocks, a guild rename, maybe about max 5 packs but just to confirm my crystal ball preview that they contain absolute crap most of the time and a few other things, but only because I have to do something with the 600 cc I get every month. Never did I feel the urge to buy additional ones for this kind of fraud scheme called CM lol, making profit of simple minded or better naive and absolutely clueless people like for instance Apple does too. 😊

Edited by Khaleg
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I just posted the following in another thread and thought it might apply here:


...this is exactly why I've never bought one cash market pack in this game or in any other game I've ever played. If people would just stop enabling this garbage (gambling w/ RL cash for a chance at content vs. experiencing all content via subscription), Galactic Command might not have ever seen the light of day.


Maybe, some time in the distant future, we might be able to resist pulling the lever on a *********** slot machine and just experience a full MMO via subscription... you know, like the good old days...


Oh, this is so true and exactly my stance on this from the first day on I saw cash shops in games. The naivety (to be kind to them lol) of people makes it way too easy for pathetic companies like EA/Bioware (and others) to make insane profits for almost no effort in return. There was only one real and never ending and always ongoing "expansion" in this game in the recent years, called SWTOR: The Cartel Market, instead of content,bug fixing, implementing features like a guild management tool that deserves its name, an app for gtn and companions, etc etc. etc.

Edited by Khaleg
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Do what I do. Get them and open them for the fun of seeing what's in there. If you get something fun, so much the better. That's how I can get a new character to level 5 before leaving the starting instance - the codex entries for the plethora of CM titles I have account-unlocked now allow me to level up to 5 while my JC stares at Master Syo (or whatever).
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Enh; I'll buy the occasional CM pack to the "new card smell." If I want something specific, I'll play the GTN minigame. I buy CM packs because of the unknown. If I don't like what I get, someone else might, I'll pass it on. I'm not buying packs to get anything specific, though; not even to get stuff to sell for the money.


But I don't buy many packs in a year, either.

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Here are the rules when it comes to any packs, supercrates or hypercrates.


  1. Don't open them after you buy them.
  2. Sell unopened packs, supercrates and hypercrates on the GTN.
  3. Use the credits earned to buy the specific armor, mount, weapon, etc you want off the GTN.
  4. Go back and read rules 1, 2 and 3.


So much this.


The best route to go with the Cartel Market is to spend any cartel coins you purchase or obtain, on unopened packs or hypercrates, which you can sell on the GTN for a large profit. Use the credits from your GTN sales to buy the item you want directly from the GTN, without needing to worry about dice rolls.


The only packs worth opening yourself are any you buy from the GTN with credits. If you spent real money on it, sell it unopened.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Here are the rules when it comes to any packs, supercrates or hypercrates.


  1. Don't open them after you buy them.
  2. Sell unopened packs, supercrates and hypercrates on the GTN.
  3. Use the credits earned to buy the specific armor, mount, weapon, etc you want off the GTN.
  4. Go back and read rules 1, 2 and 3.

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Maybe, some time in the distant future, we might be able to resist pulling the lever on a *********** slot machine and just experience a full MMO via subscription... you know, like the good old days...


^That^ wasn't even all that long ago, either.


/Signed, another GenX gamer micro-transaction refusenik (<---second, evolved meaning, ofc)


The core question, though, is:


How in every Hell that ever was/is/will be have we allowed it to come to this in the first place?


I mean, day-1 paid DLC? Isn't that the sort of thing that got companies shut down and the owners indicted, once?

Edited by midianlord
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Who wastes money on the CM anymore? The gear sets are getting uglier and uglier. I just buy credits from some dude on player auctions and buy the crap I want on the GTN. I get WAY more for my money ($25USD = 60mil+ credits) and I can pick and choose what I want.


Give me a crap exploitative system and i'll just work around it.


I don't feel bad about it either, I feel like i'm fighting fire with fire.

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[...] I just buy credits from some dude on player auctions [...]


I hope that ^that^ isn't saying what it looks like it's saying.


Because I'm sure you wouldn't cheat, egregiously violate the EULA, and actually buy in-game credits for real money --IE "buy gold"-- now would you?

Edited by midianlord
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Who wastes money on the CM anymore? The gear sets are getting uglier and uglier. I just buy credits from some dude on player auctions and buy the crap I want on the GTN. I get WAY more for my money ($25USD = 60mil+ credits) and I can pick and choose what I want.


Give me a crap exploitative system and i'll just work around it.


I don't feel bad about it either, I feel like i'm fighting fire with fire.

The primary reason I would never buy credits is not just because it's against the EULA, but because I don't want to get my account hacked.
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Here are the rules when it comes to any packs, supercrates or hypercrates.


  1. Don't open them after you buy them.
  2. Sell unopened packs, supercrates and hypercrates on the GTN.
  3. Use the credits earned to buy the specific armor, mount, weapon, etc you want off the GTN.
  4. Go back and read rules 1, 2 and 3.


This used to be a fair deal. Sadly these days the inflation makes it so you have to sell multiple hypercrates to get enough credits to buy specific items and considering each hypercrate runs 30 bucks or more, the price you pay for a specific armour set or lightsaber skin (platinum items anyone?) is still going to be a lot of actual money.


Now it's still cheaper than buying all the hypercrates yourself and opening them till you get that item, but what I'm saying is that it takes a lot of real life cash still even in this way.

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Now Biowear has the nerve to ramdomly post packs on there market that suppose drop certain even rarer items. Now me personily that is a bummer because on me getting disability once a month and by the time certain pack comes out I'm out of funds to obtain it, but enough of my RL problems. The point is, Biowear's timing some times stinks.
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