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Romance with Kira Carsen question


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I believe companion romances depend on whether you picked the option during their companion conversations, which are supposed to be done (more or less) over the course of the class story. If you've done her conversations, and haven't triggered the romance then you can't get it on that character. If you've finished the story but haven't talked to her, I'm not sure exactly what would happen. I guess in theory it would be possible to trigger it after the main story.
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I don't think romances act the same way as in Mass Effect where you seem to have all time in the world in each game to romance whoever.


I didn't pick the first 3 flirt options for Elara Dorn and now they aren't popping up anymore because I thought Sgt. Jax was going to be a companion as well and I already had a thing going on with her.


Though with Kira, romancing her will require you to make DS choices given that you're both under oath to the Jedi Code. But that's nothing really if your Jedi is going full light. Although you might have the option to flirt with her during her companion quest if you didn't flirt with her earlier.

Edited by The_Lost_Bean
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It seems to vary a bit, depending on the companion, but they all have a "critical" [flirt] option that you *must* pick when it is presented if you want to continue the romance. If you flirt on the critical one, you get the romance, and in fact cannot avoid it. If you don't, you lose it. There are occasional complaints about how Corso Riggs in particular is a creepy bastard who's always hitting on smugglerettes, but the reality is that they picked [Flirt] on the critical conversation, but for him it's really, really early in the story. (So here the victim really is to blame...) For others, it comes later. Kaliyo has an episode of casual sex with a male Agent that comes really early on (probably the earliest BSoCK(1) among all the companions(2)), but it's just casual sex, not the prelude to a romance. The key conversation with Kaliyo comes much later.


(1) Black Screen of Carnal Knowledge, duh.


(2) Not the earliest BSoCK in the game, but the earliest one in a companion story. The earliest one in the game is also for the Agent, but this time it's the female Agent.


It's on Hutta, when you are posing as the Red Blade. A guy kind of threatens to expose you, and female agents can sleep with him to get his silence. My first F!Agent, back in the day, and definitely before 4.0 came out, did this one at level 3, ffs.


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Is it possible to romance Kira Carsen after main story? Or do you have to start the romance at the beginning?


You should do it during main story. Some dialog options may change if you are in a romance with her (at least when you meet Doc in Balmorra if kira is present). Also, Kira generally speaks out of order, always commenting on something, if you are romancing her, those may reflect so. She has good lines.

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Though with Kira, romancing her will require you to make DS choices given that you're both under oath to the Jedi Code. But that's nothing really if your Jedi is going full light. Although you might have the option to flirt with her during her companion quest if you didn't flirt with her earlier.


That is untrue. There is a flirt option that is a DS choice, but you don't necessarily have to pick it to activate or continue the romance.

Edited by OldVengeance
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