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ERIC - Hackers are back in PVP


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Hi Eric,


The Hackers I warned you about are back in Ranked PVP. They started to show up 24 hours after I PMd you that the account was active again.


You should be getting multiple PM reports from different people with the details as well as ingame reports.


Can you please action this urgently and acknowledge that you have seen this thread.


Thanks in advance for "hopefully" getting back to us to say you've seen this thread and are looking into it ;)

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Stupid question: How do I write Eric a PM?


I reported the hacker who is currently dominating T3M4s ranked PvP on either his Operative or Sniper working together with a Maradeur who he is kind of working for by pushing his rating. If they are teamed up together, they will kick all their mates and then the Sniper/Operative will fly out of the map, wait for and survive the acid. If they are playing against eachother the hacker is suddenly to stupid to hack and loses. If the hacker is not against or with him, he will just leave the wz.


I am tired of reporting such obvious behaviour. We need an admin for ranked who can react on reports and check the logs within 24 hours.


Atm the hacker will get banned after days or even weeks, but he doesn't care because the Mara stays with his rating. He will create a new account and then start it again. I wonder if he gets paid by the Mara or whether they are just good friends.

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No that is not what we are talking about. The hovering thing could be a hack but is in most cases just a visual bug. I understand that there need to be investigation about reports like that.


We are talking about obvious hacks in ranked, where a player can walk through walls, reach places where he is not targetable and shot at you are even go hundreds of meters above the map where the acid in arenas can't reach him.


Its not suspicious behavior, it is not a bug nor an exploit, it is plain obvious. And they still can do it for days or weeks eventhough they get reported. Obviously no one is investigating at all, since the investigation would take like 5 minutes to have enough proof to ban them.

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No that is not what we are talking about. The hovering thing could be a hack but is in most cases just a visual bug. I understand that there need to be investigation about reports like that.


We are talking about obvious hacks in ranked, where a player can walk through walls, reach places where he is not targetable and shot at you are even go hundreds of meters above the map where the acid in arenas can't reach him.


Its not suspicious behavior, it is not a bug nor an exploit, it is plain obvious. And they still can do it for days or weeks eventhough they get reported. Obviously no one is investigating at all, since the investigation would take like 5 minutes to have enough proof to ban them.


I understand. I don't think I've seen it in regs but I just want to keep my eyes peeled just in case. There's always this one guy who is fly hovering in the wzs I'm in with them and I'd never seen it before so I thought it strange. I'm nearly rank 60 in valor on that one toon so I'm not a complete newbie. I've yet to see what you describe. Sorry it's happening.

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I understand. I don't think I've seen it in regs but I just want to keep my eyes peeled just in case. There's always this one guy who is fly hovering in the wzs I'm in with them and I'd never seen it before so I thought it strange. I'm nearly rank 60 in valor on that one toon so I'm not a complete newbie. I've yet to see what you describe. Sorry it's happening.


You don't see it in regs because hacking is almost useless in regs. Their only way to control the ranked bg is to hide and wait for the acids, that can't touch them due to their position above the map. Thats how they win arenas.


Also, if they don't do it for the fun of frustrating others, they are a specific kind wintraders who are doing it for a collegue of them who is not hacking himself but needs rating and hopes to get teamed up with the hacker.


Since there is no rating in regs they would quickly lose the motivation of hacking even though it might be funny for them a few games long to annoy all other players.

Edited by Bobby_McDonald
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I've heard reports of former hackers returning to the Ebon Hawk server in the last couple of days, so I'm not surprised about this thread. Many people have been alluding to the guilds: <bots> and <admiral acklays> with the charge. Personally, I'm not really what to look for when it comes to hacking but I do find it odd that a monumental shift in my win % on unranked has gone down since those reports have started coming in.


Also, I think I have accidentally found a bug relating to instant one-shots in PvP. I'm not sure what happened when I was in the match but when my opponent was engaged with me I used /stuck which somehow reverted from killing me to offing him instead. I'm not sure what abilities I was using at the time.

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Which server?




I have to repeat that this thread is about obvious hacks. There are no assumptions to be made and everyone who ever saw it will know exactly.


Please do not harm our demands for immediat bans by talking about your suspicions when it comes to over-average players in regular warzones.

I am totally fine with Bioware being careful about reports that players would be moving "too fast" or doing "too much" damage in regs.

But when it comes to the Arena-hacks we are talking about in this thread, no long investigations need to be made but immediate action is necessary to save ranked.

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  • 5 months later...
Hi Eric,


The Hackers I warned you about are back in Ranked PVP. They started to show up 24 hours after I PMd you that the account was active again.


You should be getting multiple PM reports from different people with the details as well as ingame reports.


Can you please action this urgently and acknowledge that you have seen this thread.


Thanks in advance for "hopefully" getting back to us to say you've seen this thread and are looking into it ;)


JUST PM ERIC . Jeezee has been let out of his cage

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