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Broken quest SW


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The Sith Warrior quest "The padawan exposed" on Hutta is broken. (I posted the same text as below in the SW/Juggernaut forums just to be on the safe side, though I don't really expect bioware to bother with fixing it)


In the past I've been able to get different dialogue with Jaessa in this quest where she turns her ability on me as a Light Side SW, getting the reaction that my alignment is unknowable as opposed to how she would have described you as a good person with the same LS score before.


But since the whole dark/light side update (I'm guessing?) update it is impossible since your L/D meter never deviates from "Neutral", I'm currently on my latest playthrough at around 5500 tier 0 light side with the next level being 10000 LS points, considering the old system had up to I think it was 10000 light or dark max for tier V it would seem the mechanics for this quest would need one hell of a tweak to match it, either some form of new scale or different triggers, or do you expect people to to put the class story on hiatus to farm alignment points if they want to experience the true LS story?


When you update game mechanics you should have thought of these kinds of things, why am I not surprised that you just half-arsed it and just didn't bother changing anything?

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I'm having the exact same problem with my Inquisitor.. I apparently don't get to be Darth Nox now because the game thinks I'm neutral. One of the *major* reasons I play this game is for the class stories and this makes them ALL broke. The grind required for 10k DS points just to play my story is absurd. Not to mention with the leveling buff active right now I'm going to hit max level in a day and not be able to play my own story for fear of screwing it up till I've farmed the crap out of DS points.. this is lame.


They need to make dark/light 1 cost the same amount of points that it used to, so it will trigger the storytelling.. then make everything above that whatever amount they need for their command grind.

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I did this quest two, maybe three, weeks ago and I'm pretty sure Jaesa treated me like a LS (she said something about my actions reflecting only light etc). So I guess I was at LS tier 1 at least, though I can't fathom how I'd managed this. I remember now that I finished the SW storyline on Light 2 and my JK finished on Dark 2, so I'd say it's pretty hard to get to tier 1 at the end of Chapter 1. I guess I did some planet arcs and lots of gathering (or crew) missions?


though I don't really expect bioware to bother with fixing it


I wouldn't hold my breath. I can't recall the last time Bioware fixed anything; they just keep introducing new mechanics, new bugs to go with them that affect old mechanics as well. I remember the first two times I tried to finished BH Chapter 1 I couldn't because the final mission was bugged. The bug was there since beta. Years later it still wasn't fixed. Hey, at least Bioware's consistent. You always know what to expect :cool:

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The Sith Warrior quest "The padawan exposed" on Hutta is broken. (I posted the same text as below in the SW/Juggernaut forums just to be on the safe side, though I don't really expect bioware to bother with fixing it)


In the past I've been able to get different dialogue with Jaessa in this quest where she turns her ability on me as a Light Side SW, getting the reaction that my alignment is unknowable as opposed to how she would have described you as a good person with the same LS score before.


But since the whole dark/light side update (I'm guessing?) update it is impossible since your L/D meter never deviates from "Neutral", I'm currently on my latest playthrough at around 5500 tier 0 light side with the next level being 10000 LS points, considering the old system had up to I think it was 10000 light or dark max for tier V it would seem the mechanics for this quest would need one hell of a tweak to match it, either some form of new scale or different triggers, or do you expect people to to put the class story on hiatus to farm alignment points if they want to experience the true LS story?


When you update game mechanics you should have thought of these kinds of things, why am I not surprised that you just half-arsed it and just didn't bother changing anything?


I should probably add that I have made no dark side choices and the only really "bad" thing I did was being a condescending jerk in dialogue to the noble guy on alderaan but treated everyone else I met with kindness and respect even when they didn't deserve it.

Edited by Nizzemancer
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A couple ways to raise your Light Side score:


1) Run Black Talon. A lot. Pick the Light Side option in the two conversations that have the LS/DS choice. This will get you 200 LS points per run-through. If you do this with Vette as your companion, you can also earn a ton of Influence with her - over 7000 points per run, if you have fully unlocked "Legacy of Persuasion" in your Legasy window, and pick all the "right" answers in the many conversations.


2) Train the Diplomacy crew skill and send your companions on the missions that give Light Side points.


The first option is free. In fact, it will earn you money (and experience). But it will be time-consuming.


The second option can be expensive, depending on the level of missions, but will allow you to do other stuff while your companions are running the missions. Higher level missions will cost more, and take longer, but will earn more LS ponts per mission. And you can list the stuff you get from the missions on the GTN, and maybe get some of the cost back, or even make a profit, if you don't want the stuff yourself.


Third option is to do both - send your other companions on Diplomacy missions, while you run through BT with Vette. (Or send Vette on Diplomacy missions along with your other companions, and just run BT in solo mode with the "god droid" as your only companion).

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A couple ways to raise your Light Side score:


1) Run Black Talon. A lot. Pick the Light Side option in the two conversations that have the LS/DS choice. This will get you 200 LS points per run-through. If you do this with Vette as your companion, you can also earn a ton of Influence with her - over 7000 points per run, if you have fully unlocked "Legacy of Persuasion" in your Legasy window, and pick all the "right" answers in the many conversations.


2) Train the Diplomacy crew skill and send your companions on the missions that give Light Side points.


The first option is free. In fact, it will earn you money (and experience). But it will be time-consuming.


The second option can be expensive, depending on the level of missions, but will allow you to do other stuff while your companions are running the missions. Higher level missions will cost more, and take longer, but will earn more LS ponts per mission. And you can list the stuff you get from the missions on the GTN, and maybe get some of the cost back, or even make a profit, if you don't want the stuff yourself.


Third option is to do both - send your other companions on Diplomacy missions, while you run through BT with Vette. (Or send Vette on Diplomacy missions along with your other companions, and just run BT in solo mode with the "god droid" as your only companion).


So you're not wrong about ways to alter alignment... but the underlying problem is that they didn't give a crap about breaking a fundamental aspect of their game. We shouldn't have to grind stupid FPs or crafting missions for hours/days before we can work on chapter one of the damn class stories. With that in mind, this feels like an unacceptable solution. Unfortunately if Bioware did this on purpose, then they won't care about fixing it.

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I didn't have any trouble with that and my Sith Warrior, although I made her dark side aligned with a few light side qerks.


I got told she detected hate and evil but also mercy, which fit with what I was going for. At that point I don't think I was even Dark 1 yet.



As for the poster who said their inquisitor couldn't get the Darth title because of alignment that seems weird to me. My inquisitor is more light align than dark, I think she was light 1 actually when I completed the quest, and I can still use the Darth title on her.

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I didn't have any trouble with that and my Sith Warrior, although I made her dark side aligned with a few light side qerks.


I got told she detected hate and evil but also mercy, which fit with what I was going for. At that point I don't think I was even Dark 1 yet.



As for the poster who said their inquisitor couldn't get the Darth title because of alignment that seems weird to me. My inquisitor is more light align than dark, I think she was light 1 actually when I completed the quest, and I can still use the Darth title on her.

It's not the Darth *title* that people are complaining about on SIs, but the perceived difficulty of achieving a high enough rating by the end of Chapter 3 to be granted Darth Nox (dark side) or Darth Imperious (light side) as your Darth name (given by Darth Marr when a certain person is dead) instead of Darth Oculus (?sp) for neutral.

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Has anyone seen why Bioware changed the grind to certain alignments? Because it's extremely annoying.


It doesn't really make a difference for the Force blind classes, but it does impact the Jedi and the Sith classes. I believe a Consular is made a Master no matter their alignment at the end of Chapter One, but the Council's comments on it differ depending on your alignment. You also don't get to sit on the Council at the end of Chapter Three if you're dark side. A dark side Knight is denied the title of Master in the scene at the end of Chapter Three(even though thanks to crybabies in beta they can still don the title). The Warrior's alignment matters regarding Jaesa(though a dark side Warrior can still recruit light side Jaesa and vice versa) as well as some of Quinn's and other NPCs comments. And then there is whether your Inquisitor will be Nox, Imperius or Occlus.


Now consider something else: let's say your Jedi Knight starts out sweet and merciful. Then the events of Chapter Two happen, and they become dark thanks to Vitiate. Do you have any idea how much grinding that would be?



So it's kinda of a big deal for people who want to see how different choices play out, and it's irritating if you're starting a brand new legacy and have to grind crew skill missions just to get your character to the alignment you want.

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I've been over this in a couple of similar threads, but the fastest way to boost your alignment is pvp *shudder*.

You get a minimum of 1000 points per match, so if you can stand it, it is very handy.


Diplomacy is no longer the only way to let your crew fudge your alignment, and unlike the others, Diplomacy missions have a "natural" alignment as well as your chosen alignment - if you hover your cursor over the alignment symbol you will see if a given mission is worth both or just one - and that "natural" alignment doubles on a crit, so check before you send your crew out ;)


All missions grant your level in alignment points as well as whatever you get from choices.


On the one hand, being able to improve alignment from so many sources is handy, but on the other, it can be annoying if you don't know about the extra options or just want to stick to your class story like you could before someone stuck a zero on the end of the alignment tier requirements :(

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Has anyone seen why Bioware changed the grind to certain alignments? Because it's extremely annoying.


It doesn't really make a difference for the Force blind classes, but it does impact the Jedi and the Sith classes. I believe a Consular is made a Master no matter their alignment at the end of Chapter One, but the Council's comments on it differ depending on your alignment. You also don't get to sit on the Council at the end of Chapter Three if you're dark side. A dark side Knight is denied the title of Master in the scene at the end of Chapter Three(even though thanks to crybabies in beta they can still don the title). The Warrior's alignment matters regarding Jaesa(though a dark side Warrior can still recruit light side Jaesa and vice versa) as well as some of Quinn's and other NPCs comments. And then there is whether your Inquisitor will be Nox, Imperius or Occlus.


Now consider something else: let's say your Jedi Knight starts out sweet and merciful. Then the events of Chapter Two happen, and they become dark thanks to Vitiate. Do you have any idea how much grinding that would be?



So it's kinda of a big deal for people who want to see how different choices play out, and it's irritating if you're starting a brand new legacy and have to grind crew skill missions just to get your character to the alignment you want.


I think they did it - in addition to creating yet another grind - to stop people alignment hopping to unlock rewards from the new dark/light vendors tied to the galactic command system. They could still do something like make the awards take dark II minimum, and leave dark one easy to attain so the story can be tweaked to your liking. But that would've required them to think before they acted.


As for the poster who said their inquisitor couldn't get the Darth title because of alignment that seems weird to me. My inquisitor is more light align than dark, I think she was light 1 actually when I completed the quest, and I can still use the Darth title on her.


I'm not missing the Darth title, but I want to be Nox, not Imperius or Oculus. It may not matter to some people, but for those of us who play the story to see all the dialog variations and/or roleplay it's obnoxious.

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I'm having the exact same problem with my Inquisitor.. I apparently don't get to be Darth Nox now because the game thinks I'm neutral. One of the *major* reasons I play this game is for the class stories and this makes them ALL broke. The grind required for 10k DS points just to play my story is absurd. Not to mention with the leveling buff active right now I'm going to hit max level in a day and not be able to play my own story for fear of screwing it up till I've farmed the crap out of DS points.. this is lame.


They need to make dark/light 1 cost the same amount of points that it used to, so it will trigger the storytelling.. then make everything above that whatever amount they need for their command grind.


Yes, I IMMEDIATELY thought of just this. Is it broken too? Because, quite unlike SW's quite unimportant parlay, this thing DEFINES your character and how others see it. If it's broken, everyone will be Occulus. Which is funny because originally it was Nox >= Imperius >> Occulus.


But then again, I was reminded that BW no longer cares about 1-50 game.


edit: Also, the title of Darth Occulus was one of the hardest and most satisfying achievments. It isn't easy to stay in the gray zone(Dark I - Light I). But generates an AWESOME story. Now you can be a monster or be a space Jesus and you nonetheless end up as Occulus?


...Bioware, what can I say?

Edited by Cuiwe
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I'm having the exact same problem with my Inquisitor.. I apparently don't get to be Darth Nox now because the game thinks I'm neutral. One of the *major* reasons I play this game is for the class stories and this makes them ALL broke. The grind required for 10k DS points just to play my story is absurd. Not to mention with the leveling buff active right now I'm going to hit max level in a day and not be able to play my own story for fear of screwing it up till I've farmed the crap out of DS points.. this is lame.


They need to make dark/light 1 cost the same amount of points that it used to, so it will trigger the storytelling.. then make everything above that whatever amount they need for their command grind.


Wait...what? My LS Sith Inquisitor became Darth Nox.

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