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Help, I dropped a quest and broke the game!


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Imperial, on Nar Shaddaa.


Believe I was on this part of the planet story arc:



Picked up a bunch of heroic quests, did a few.


Dropped the rest of the heroic quest, accidentally dropped the planet arc quest too.


No idea what to do now. Found the Shadow Syndicate Safe House I was in when I was given "Tearing Apart The Foe" but can't get back in. At least I think I found the Safe House.



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You meet a droid at the spaceport and he gives you a hologram of Maro Vizhen.


After that each quest involves visiting Maro, doing some crap, and coming back to her.


The droid has nothing to say to me, and I can't get to Maro because the door into her room is a red field instead of green.

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From what i've experienced you'll have to skip it on this character. This also happens if you are over-leveled and the bonus arc missions pop up before you're actually done with the story arc. You might be able to get the first quest back, but you can't complete any of the quests already done a 2nd time so you'll be stuck either way because the main quest wants you to complete quests you've already done before you can continue.

Do story arc before anything else, ignore any mission not mentioned by the arc. Then do the bonus arc, your main mission and finally all the optional stuff.

I've bugged a few planets this way and it's quite bothersome, but it seems this bug has been around for many years and is low on the to-fix priority list.

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That's ridiculous. A plot-central quest that can be dropped and just never picked up again because of those dumb green/red instance portals? I put in a GM page shortly after this first post. If they can't fix it I'm cancelling to go play ESO or something.


Generally speaking... critical missions to your class story arc, simply cannot be abandoned... which is it's own pain to be honest for a player that has already been there done that on a prior character ...as it stays in your mission log forever.


From the description in the OP... it sounds like this was a planetary mission arc, which has nothing directly to do with your class story chapters. If it was in fact a planetary mission arc.... you can simply backtrack to the NPC that first gave it to you and accept it again. IF.. IF it was a side mission to the planetary arc missions, it's gone and you just need to move onward.

Edited by Andryah
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As far as we know, the planetary mission series that is really broken is the Republic side Taris bonus series which can remain incomplete under certain circumstances because the responsible NPC refuses to engage in a conversation with you. Edited by mike_carton
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As far as we know, the planetary mission series that is really broken is the Republic side Taris bonus series which can remain incomplete under certain circumstances because the responsible NPC refuses to engage in a conversation with you.


Why would anyone actually run the bonus planetary series any more these days, other then a completionist?


I never ran them even back in the day when we had to spend real time and real effort on a planet while leveling.

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This reminds me of when I accidentally abandoned the Taris main planetary story arc missions on my first Sniper a long time ago. I submitted a ticket to customer support who told me that it was not possible to get it back and that they could not do anything to fix it. I was pretty angry because I wanted to see how an Imperial Agent would interact with Thana Vesh. Edited by SlthBounteHuntah
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Tip: Never drop planetary story arc missions if you have any intention of actually wanting to do them.


There is a warning popup that basically says "Are You Sure you may not be able to pick this mission up again", can drop heroics and bonus missions etc just not story arcs.


May have been an accident but takeaway is dont rush dropping missions you may drop one you shouldnt.


CS will not be able to assist with this as it is not a class story.

Edited by OwenBrooks
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This reminds me of when I accidentally abandoned the Taris bonus series missions on my first Sniper a long time ago. I submitted a ticket to customer support who told me that it was not possible to get it back and that they could not do anything to fix it. I was pretty angry because I wanted to see how an Imperial Agent would interact with Thana Vesh.

Um. Thana Vesh isn't in the Imp Taris bonus series. She's in the main planetary arc.


And since you can give her the fatal thrashing she so richly deserves at the end of it, she cannot be in the bonus series.


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Um. Thana Vesh isn't in the Imp Taris bonus series. She's in the main planetary arc.


And since you can give her the fatal thrashing she so richly deserves at the end of it, she cannot be in the bonus series.


You are correct! I always get bonus series and main planetary arcs mixed up for some reason. Either way I deleted the mission and poof - it was gone. Thankfully I was able to quickly level an Agent during the crazy XP event we had a while ago and boy did I enjoy sticking it to Thana Vesh.

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