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What is the funniest thread title you've read on the forums


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I got bored and started looking through the suggestion section and I see the title of a thread that made me laugh so hard because it just seemed like it was the start of a joke. (** disclaimer, I'm not trolling said thread, I just think the title is extremely funny)

So the thread title is "swtor needs a screen reader for blind people". When I saw it I had a massive OMG moment and burst out laughing. Now the content is serious and the title doesn't represent the whole post, except the title is the funniest request I've seen in a video game forum. All I could think was how the hell does a blind person navigate around the game. Then I got this picture of a toon running against a wall or falling off cliffs, lol. I know that sounds bad and I have total respect for blind people because I've got poor sight and can't drive because of it, but it's just such a funny title when you first see it.


Here is the thread if you want to read it because the content is sort of interesting and you'll probably get a laugh when you first see the title.


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Not a thread title, but two of the funniest posts on these forums:


Vector Hyllis: Worst Romance Ever


Girl gamer chiming in - there is literally nothing appealing about this guy. He is an ant. He only ever talks about ants, the hive or finding other hives, and if I leave his armor piercing combat stance on then he stands in the storeroom of my ship pumping out a nasty green pheromone cloud.


Whoever wrote this particular romance - why is the only option for a female Imperial Agent a dehumanized bugman? The flirt options are so ridiculously contrived, he sits there nattering away about his ants and all of a sudden I come out with "HOW ABOUT SOME ALONE TIME WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE" and he's all "that would be nice, also THE HIVE IS CALLING ME I HEAR THE SONG OF THE UNIVERSE!"


The whole point of a good romance subplot is the object of your character's affections is meant to have some likable qualities. This dude is repellent, it's like trying to flirt with a rock. A rock covered in ants. I'm keeping up with the romance sub-plot purely because I keep thinking "There's GOT to be something that saves this from being completely awful...right?" and like a car accident, I just can't quite look away.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying romance sub-plots should be lovey-dovey cuddlefests, but this guy kind of makes me throw up in my mouth a bit.


I don't need him to fart lasers and burp rainbows, it'd just be nice if he wasn't, you know, an entity forever connected to a hivemind of ants.


First time I tried to flirt with him he asked me if I would like to rub forearms with him.


I rest my case.



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I don't need him to fart lasers and burp rainbows


...the mental images running through my head right now are making me cry from laughter. I'm serious; I'm actually tearing up a bit right now. Oh my word. :D


Cipher Agent: We need a distraction on the battlefield.

Kaliyo: Be more than happy to help out there.

Lokin: *rawr?*

Temple: FEAR MY POWERS! *levitates a pebble*

SCORPIO: *standing motionless and still manages to be utterly terrifying*

Cipher Agent: No, nope, definitely not, and...no. We need something more...potent.

Vector: The hive may help.

Cipher Agent: ...nah, you'll do great on your own.

*five minutes later, the battlefield is cleared of opponents. Vector is still spouting rainbows and lasers from...both ends*

Kaliyo: *is laughing so hard she's curled on the ground, tears streaming from her face*

Lokin: *staring in disbelief* ...the nest lets you do THAT!?

Temple: But...I thought *I* had the weird powers...

SCORPIO: *somehow raising an eyebrow* ...interesting.

Vector: *spins around* Did--

*rainbows blare across the field*

Vector: *oblivious* --we do all right?

Cipher Agent: *covered in rainbows* ... :mad:

Lokin: Do NOT turn the other way, Vector.

Vector: Why? *turns around*

Everyone: OH DEAR STARS *ducks for cover*

*LAZER FIAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH* *and the sound effects are exactly what you're thinking of*


...an approximation of said mental images.




Funniest thread title...probably "Hoist Your Pitchforks!" Not because of the contents of said thread - I agree with them 100% and then some - but because every time I see that title, I start humming "Hoist the Colors" from that one Pirates of the Caribbean movie. (Note: ...I have never actually seen said movie, but I've heard that song. :rolleyes:)

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...the mental images running through my head right now are making me cry from laughter. I'm serious; I'm actually tearing up a bit right now. Oh my word. :D


Cipher Agent: We need a distraction on the battlefield.

Kaliyo: Be more than happy to help out there.

Lokin: *rawr?*

Temple: FEAR MY POWERS! *levitates a pebble*

SCORPIO: *standing motionless and still manages to be utterly terrifying*

Cipher Agent: No, nope, definitely not, and...no. We need something more...potent.

Vector: The hive may help.

Cipher Agent: ...nah, you'll do great on your own.

*five minutes later, the battlefield is cleared of opponents. Vector is still spouting rainbows and lasers from...both ends*

Kaliyo: *is laughing so hard she's curled on the ground, tears streaming from her face*

Lokin: *staring in disbelief* ...the nest lets you do THAT!?

Temple: But...I thought *I* had the weird powers...

SCORPIO: *somehow raising an eyebrow* ...interesting.

Vector: *spins around* Did--

*rainbows blare across the field*

Vector: *oblivious* --we do all right?

Cipher Agent: *covered in rainbows* ... :mad:

Lokin: Do NOT turn the other way, Vector.

Vector: Why? *turns around*

Everyone: OH DEAR STARS *ducks for cover*

*LAZER FIAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH* *and the sound effects are exactly what you're thinking of*


...an approximation of said mental images.




Funniest thread title...probably "Hoist Your Pitchforks!" Not because of the contents of said thread - I agree with them 100% and then some - but because every time I see that title, I start humming "Hoist the Colors" from that one Pirates of the Caribbean movie. (Note: ...I have never actually seen said movie, but I've heard that song. :rolleyes:)


LoL, now I want crystals that make your weapons shoot rainbows and a gun that makes fart noises when you shoot it.

Can you imagine you're in pvp on Voice Chat with a bunch of people and someone shoots a fart sounding weapon and everyone on chat goes quiet while we work out who it was that farted. Then we all start laughing and go get fart weapons too. The whole match would turn into an episode of Terrence and Philip or blazing saddles.

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