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OPS Token Drop is Terrible!


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So i just re-subbed (after leaving for a month) when we got word we are getting a new operations. GJ BW took you 3 years. So I've gotta get my guys geared (GC is terrible but thats for another post, i mean i got 5 bonus gear piece pants in a row from it).


So this whole week doing operations on my Commando here was our gear drops. (This does not include the final boss where its a guaranteed drop)


The Dread Fortress (just did it today 10 mins ago)- 0 gear drop

Ravagers- 0 boss gear drop

Scum and Villainy- 0 boss gear drop and it has 6 bosses till the final :mad:

Dread Palace- 1 boss gear drop (which nobody wanted because everyone had earpieces already :eek: )

KP HM- 0 boss drop

Eternity Vault- 4 bosses gear drops


I mean seriously the only ops i do that dropped gear was EV which every boss dropped (not even a challenge on SM), HM didn't drop anything, and DP only dropped 1.


The RNG for drops on ops is Terrible. THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED!!!


I'm all for randomized gear like if i kill Corrupter Zero on one run he drops pants and on the next he drops a head piece. But this RNG for a chance at a gear drop is terrible. It should be 100% drop each boss.


Do you know how annoying it is when only the last boss drops any gear and 8 people are fighting for 2 pieces which drop in the entire operation. :mad: It SUCKS!


So for the love of god please BW make it so that all operations bosses are guaranteed a gear drop. It sucks when the only way i can gear for HM ops is through pvp because that is the only consistent way to gear right now.

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They want to keep the drops low because they still think an Asian-style free-to-play MMO grind with microtransactions out the rear end to give you more spins at the gear roulette game will keep people subscribed when we have such a dearth of content. We had to raise a huge fuss and a bunch of people had to cancel their subscriptions for us to even get any ops drops AT ALL; 5.0 gave us nothing. 5.1 is marginally better, but only marginally, because they've just given us two different grinds to do that link into eachother. So it's like saying a ton of elephant dung falling on you is at least better than 1.25 tons instead.
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I agree, it's a terrible idea. Everyone put effort into the ops, so there should be at least some type of reward for everyone there. It doesn't have to be an unassembled piece and it doesn't have to be designed to be given to each person... but there needs to be just enough drops that the group can decide how to distribute it.


Seriously, why should we bother doing ops if only 1/4th of the group is guaranteed to get something?


It's actually causing problems in my guild because people are getting annoyed that they've run many operations over the past few weeks and haven't gotten a single drop, whereas other players have gotten more than one.

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So it's like saying a ton of elephant dung falling on you is at least better than 1.25 tons instead.


Exactly how I'd describe 5.0 (1.25 tons of elephant dung) and what we have now: a ton of elephant dung.


So, me, I'm not going to be paying Bioware for: Elephant Dung/***** in a box, etc. even if it is less Elephant dung and more ***** in a box than in 5.0.

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Exactly how I'd describe 5.0 (1.25 tons of elephant dung) and what we have now: a ton of elephant dung.


So, me, I'm not going to be paying Bioware for: Elephant Dung/***** in a box, etc. even if it is less Elephant dung and more ***** in a box than in 5.0.


Ya i mean the command crates are good and all if they made ops drop token gear all the time. If they did that everyone would be happy. PvE'ers get their ops gear token drops 100% of the time, they are happy (epsecially with a new operation coming soon), PvP'ers are happy the components they get are just like WZ coms from before hand to grab gear and they would keep using the previous gear with new components to upgrade to the next tier. And Casual players have GC for basic green and blue gear so they can feel special.

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I agree, it's a terrible idea. Everyone put effort into the ops, so there should be at least some type of reward for everyone there.

This. The extra spins of the DisintiCrate Wheel are a very poor substitute.


It's actually causing problems in my guild because people are getting annoyed that they've run many operations over the past few weeks and haven't gotten a single drop, whereas other players have gotten more than one.

Are you doing straight rolls in a guild run or is the problem because what drops isn't useful to those that aren't getting anything?


Obviously can't do anything for the latter except hold BINO's feet to the fire. If the former then that can be solved at the guild or raid team level. Google for EP/GP or Suicide Kings. Or at a bare minimum track who's gotten drops.

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Should work like this:


1. Extra drop chance is 100/number of sub bosses. 4 sub-bosses = 25% chance per boss.


2. If a boss doesn't drop, all subsequent sub bosses get +extra drop chance (25% in this case).


So with the worst luck, you get guaranteed drops on the last two bosses of the operation instead of one. With the best luck, you get drops on all of them. What do you guys think?

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Should work like this:


1. Extra drop chance is 100/number of sub bosses. 4 sub-bosses = 25% chance per boss.


2. If a boss doesn't drop, all subsequent sub bosses get +extra drop chance (25% in this case).


So with the worst luck, you get guaranteed drops on the last two bosses of the operation instead of one. With the best luck, you get drops on all of them. What do you guys think?


It shouldn't be up to luck at all. It shouldn't be gear roulette. Just drop one token off every operations boss like we used to have. Simple, straightforward, and completely functional.

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It shouldn't be up to luck at all. It shouldn't be gear roulette. Just drop one token off every operations boss like we used to have. Simple, straightforward, and completely functional.


Yup, or if they still want RNG. Every boss is guaranteed 1 drop with a chance of a 2nd drop of gear. Everyone is happy end of story.

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Are you doing straight rolls in a guild run or is the problem because what drops isn't useful to those that aren't getting anything?


Obviously can't do anything for the latter except hold BINO's feet to the fire. If the former then that can be solved at the guild or raid team level. Google for EP/GP or Suicide Kings. Or at a bare minimum track who's gotten drops.


I've been doing guild runs, we have had terrible luck were the past runs we have done guild wise the only drop we have gotten was on the last boss. 8 players fighting over gear and then we have alts to gear up to. Most people in the guild are trying to gear 6 alts (1 dps, 1 tank, and 1 healer on both pub and imp side) or more. As for me im trying to fully gear 8 alts, i dont even have one of them in full bonus gear yet -_-


The thing is the drop rate is terrible, they need to make bosses drop 100% of the time instead of 25% or whatever it is. The old way in 4.0 you would have 5 drops, 5 of the 8 gets gear the other 3 gets the DMC's. Now in 5.0 1 or 2/8 players are getting gear per run. And when you take Scum and Villainy into account where 7 of the 8 would get gear, now we had 2 tokens on the last boss because the drops are doubled with this event. Out of 8 people only 2 get gear.


It's not the guilds its the RNG factor of getting a gear drop.

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The problem with 4.0 was the featured hard mode. So people just ignored ops on certain weeks and ran EV/KP to the ground when they were featured. I understand this was to give lower skilled players access to top gear, and adding GC for this purpose was fine.


Dropping the featured hard mode and adding GC would have been a great improvement for 5.0.


Me personally, I'm back after a year off and need gear to run Operations, since I really just like to run operations for fun. But I need the gear first, and if this system takes me too long, or doesn't get me there ever, I'll have no interest in staying since it will only take me a couple more days to complete the story content I missed out on.

Edited by bdatt
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I'm all for randomized gear like if i kill Corrupter Zero on one run he drops pants and on the next he drops a head piece. But this RNG for a chance at a gear drop is terrible. It should be 100% drop each boss.


100% agree, it doesn't have to be a certain piece of gear but it needs to be at least some gear.


Heck if they are so worried about guilds farming the gear and thus losing interest in the game so fast ( because GC isn't driving them away right? :rolleyes: ) just make it forced roll on gear drop and no ability to trade it with anyone else.


Sound stupid and it is but it's still better than what we have now.

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Me personally, I'm back after a year off and need gear to run Operations, since I really just like to run operations for fun. But I need the gear first, and if this system takes me too long, or doesn't get me there ever, I'll have no interest in staying since it will only take me a couple more days to complete the story content I missed out on.


This is the boat I find myself in. I don't have time or patience to even get to the tiers of gear I need to do the content I want to do. I couldn't give 2 ***** about RNG gear drops as long as they were RNG gear drops that I could actually use i.e. tier 3 gear.


Having to spend 100+ hours just to get to that point is not good design.

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The problem with 4.0 was the featured hard mode. So people just ignored ops on certain weeks and ran EV/KP to the ground when they were featured. I understand this was to give lower skilled players access to top gear, and adding GC for this purpose was fine.


Dropping the featured hard mode and adding GC would have been a great improvement for 5.0.


Me personally, I'm back after a year off and need gear to run Operations, since I really just like to run operations for fun. But I need the gear first, and if this system takes me too long, or doesn't get me there ever, I'll have no interest in staying since it will only take me a couple more days to complete the story content I missed out on.


They removed priority ops, which im ok with, so that wont be an issue.

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They want to keep the drops low because they still think an Asian-style free-to-play MMO grind with microtransactions out the rear end to give you more spins at the gear roulette game will keep people subscribed when we have such a dearth of content. We had to raise a huge fuss and a bunch of people had to cancel their subscriptions for us to even get any ops drops AT ALL; 5.0 gave us nothing. 5.1 is marginally better, but only marginally, because they've just given us two different grinds to do that link into eachother. So it's like saying a ton of elephant dung falling on you is at least better than 1.25 tons instead.


Actually I've had a number of people telling me that Destiny is worse. I told my husband how our gearing works and he asked me what I was complaiming about then also use Destiny as his point. Now I'm not a fan of this grind either but apparently other games that aren't Asian grindfest games are worse.

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Thrill of the hunt...


But tbh i think the old system, not the 4.0 but the 3.0 and prior ones should be implelment again. It kinda pissed me watching ppl in 224 gear and no skill at all farming dailies and other stuff, you don't need nim gear for that. it is not elitist it is giving what one should deserve with his/her skill. It is a simple logic of every monkey in its place, ppl who lack skill should get sm gear only, those more skilled hard mode and those that are considered the top players nim gear. I still remembering when i got my first kell dragon piece and my almost full 174 set, now the most casual player can have access to nim gear if he farms enough.....

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The thing is the drop rate is terrible

It's pretty obvious that whoever's got the deathgrip on GC is a dangerously ignorant on why people chase gear.


I've been doing guild runs, ... 8 players fighting over gear and then we have alts to gear up to.

No raid team should ever fight over gear. The two systems I named are specifically designed to ensure a fair distribution. If a certain priority is needed then you can form a Loot Council. I'm not a big fan of those as they tend to cause political issues.


Yes the drop rate sucks but it's not worth arguing over.

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