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[IMP] TOFN Refugee


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Returning sub player who realized after two months of doing solo content (rolled new char) on TOFN that everyone had vanished. I know how did I not notice it earlier; I maxed my new char (Jugg/Immortal) and in terms of PVE content I am only upto the Dread Masters.


Well I am now convinced I need to move servers and I am contemplating; TRC, Harbinger or Progenitor. I am writing this post to see if there are any PVE-Guilds or PVE/RP-Guilds on this server that have a social and friendly atmosphere, that do priorities PVE progressions (FP, OPS and etc) but it is not their top priority. I want to avoid 'PVE Elitist' Guilds that have a inner circle of players that gloat over the help they got when they joined and subsequently the best raid gear and yet there not willing to help others progress.


I have only ever played Jugg (i know why re-roll same class); well I forgot the story that is why haha. So I would be looking to get more experience with class for the 5.0 Guild/PVE content.


As for RP I am a novice at best, never done it before but would definitely like to find players/ a guild who would be able to show me the ropes and adopt it into my SWTOR gameplay.


Kind Regards,

Darth Euboe Jen'ari

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