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Command Crate Nerf?


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No longer getting schematics for Command Crates. This makes command crates absolutely useless.


When did they make this change?


I received a couple last night on various toons in tier 1 and 2. They weren't good schematics, but I did get 2 from about 6-7 boxes overall

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They have never said it, but it seems to me that as time goes along all of their RNG based products drop less good stuff. Want the best stuff from a cartel crate, buy and open it the first few hours. A week later the drop rates are noticeably lower. Same seems to go for everything in the game.
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You used to get one from every box. This is a terrible change. The RnG from command crates sucked by at least you could use schematics to gear.


I just hit the unsubscribe button.


I really don't think they were a guaranteed drop in every box. I know I had some crates that didn't contain one at all. you could have received one in every crate before, but I don't think it was intended, just random.

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I really don't think they were a guaranteed drop in every box. I know I had some crates that didn't contain one at all. you could have received one in every crate before, but I don't think it was intended, just random.


I honestly did over 200 command levels getting one every crate. This was a recent change.

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You used to get one from every box. This is a terrible change. The RnG from command crates sucked by at least you could use schematics to gear.


I just hit the unsubscribe button.


While I have only opened about 30 crates so far.... I have NEVER gotten a recipe in every crate. So please.. stop with the fiction. They are random loot, in the loot table, following the same RNG equation as everything else that drops randomly from crates.

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While I have only opened about 30 crates so far.... I have NEVER gotten a recipe in every crate. So please.. stop with the fiction. They are random loot, in the loot table, following the same RNG equation as everything else that drops randomly from crates.


I'm serious. I used to get one in every crate. Every crate was 1 schematic, 1 shell, 1 piece of gear and something random.

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It wasn't just the on character. It was every character. Probably at total of over 350 command level.


Then your streak just ended. I and others who've posted did not get one in every crate so it doesn't appear like it was never a guaranteed drop. I can only imagine the duplicates from 350 boxes!

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They have never said it, but it seems to me that as time goes along all of their RNG based products drop less good stuff. Want the best stuff from a cartel crate, buy and open it the first few hours. A week later the drop rates are noticeably lower. Same seems to go for everything in the game.


They do in fact adjust drop rates of items in cartel packs depending on how long it's been out, and special circumstances, like when an old pack returns for a few days. It's not your imagination either. Also, there is a difference in drop rates from hypercrates/packs bought with real money vs the free sub coins. Make sure your sub coins are used up first, then buy new packs with real $.

Edited by Darkside
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Then your streak just ended. I and others who've posted did not get one in every crate so it doesn't appear like it was never a guaranteed drop. I can only imagine the duplicates from 350 boxes!


Tier 1 was mostly duplicates after a bit.

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