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Here's a suggestion: Don't make the final mission of a series IMPOSSIBLE to finish!


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Defeating Vaylin is IMPOSSIBLE for my skill level and my character's abilities. All it takes is one grand slam from her and I am dead.


Nothing in the game prepared my Trooper to face her alone in the final mission. Don't most games help you to prepare for missions coming to you in a series like this? I do not play PVP or close combat, which seems to be the ONLY way to finish this mission, and I have to do it completely alone!


I would say this has to be one of the worst designed missions I have EVER seen in a game. I'm ready to ask for a full refund for the hundreds and possibly thousands of dollars I have spent on SWTOR over the past many years!


It's ridiculous. Especially, since I can't even find anyone to join up with me to help in the final mission.


All I can say is that Bioware needs to balance the missions to prepare people for these types of things. The entire Eternal Throne series was fairly easy and then at the very end they make it IMPOSSIBLE!


I've never seen anything like it in my gaming life.


I'm really sad that one of my favourite games ever made has been reduced to one of the worst experiences I have ever had.


:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad::mad: :mad:

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The solution to your personal issue is simple: Learn to Play.


Thanks for the constructive criticism!


Not everyone is a hard core gamer and doesn't expect to have to play that way when NONE of the missions leading to it require those skills.


I take it I need to play PVP to learn these skills.... geesh.

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Thanks for the constructive criticism!


Not everyone is a hard core gamer and doesn't expect to have to play that way when NONE of the missions leading to it require those skills.


I take it I need to play PVP to learn these skills.... geesh.


You don't need to play PVP. You just need to have a very solid grasp of the way your class works - how you can do and take damage. Be smart about it. And if you genuinely can't succeed, try switching to another discipline and do it that way... or, wait, can you invite a friend to help you on missions? I know they won't have their own missions completed by helping you with yours, but they can at least help with the fighting, right? (I'm not sure. o.o)


What class/advanced class are you? Dulfy has a whole list of class guides here: http://dulfy.net/2016/12/22/swtor-5-0-class-guides-master-list/

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It really is a case of Leran To Play. You should be level 70 so your level and skills should not matter. Vaylin is pretty easy to beat once you figure out the fight. When you fought her did you notice the floating green orbs? You should have seen them. Running into those will heal you. Luring Vaylin into them will stun and damage her. Use those orbs!


the mission is not impossible, it only seems that way because you were doing it wrong. Learn the mechanics, don't just try to DPS her down like she is a normal silver. The orbs are the ley to her demise. Pvp has nothing to do with the battle. Learn to utilize your skills better and learn the fight mechanics. Use the orbs as I suggested and you should beat her fairly easily.

Edited by Kilikaa
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Ok, i know its Biowares fault for nerfing the game too much so new players dont ge a chance to learn to play their class properly during leveling etc.


You have to learn to play your class! Dont take this offensively, you need to read the ability descriptions, check you gear and stats, use everything you have, defensive cooldowns, medpac, adrenal maybe.


I have just finished KOTET on Master difficulty and I can tell you that fight is as easy on SM as on Master mode. Lastly, if you really have trouble with it, ask a friend to help, you can invite people into your instance. Make a group, travel to the instance, click on your portait with the right mouse button, go on group and click invite to Story.

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Maybe search on forums on this matter, this is like the 6th time about Vaylin's fight that people can get past.

But here's a recap.

1. There are healing spots (green area circles that heal you once your low on health or just ocd and like to be 100% during fights heal up and attack) they spawn around the other walls and under the throne.

2. Vaylin has a reflective shield (not a problem for some classes but you since you're ranging stay close to her)

3. Vaylin channels (at this points of the fight run to safe zones, heal up, and then attack her once channeling finishes)


BTW try it with the other 7 classes before you consider it impossible.

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2. Vaylin has a reflective shield (not a problem for some classes but you since you're ranging stay close to her)

OP: helpful hint: there's a purple circle around her feet. Fight her from *inside* that circle. Even ranged classes must do that. Attacks that hit her from outside the circle are reflected back and hurt the attacker.

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You don't need to play PVP. You just need to have a very solid grasp of the way your class works

I've already replied to OP in another thread, but I need to say that 'knowing the class' is 200% irrelevant during this fight. And that's the main issue. Heavy trial&error and\or google are the only way to figure the mechanics and tactics of the fight.


Forcing healing and\or ranged classes into solo melee combat was a stupid thing to do. Period. And the person who thought that it's any intuitive to move inside the purple glowing area (with the rule of thumb being 'not stand in ****') has a really strange sense of humor.


Not to mention that nothing on the level even remotely indicates that 'healing' zones are supposed to damage her. It's SW. Divine does not damage unholy, you know... And if it does, then why can't I bloody heal this psycho to death?! :rolleyes:

Edited by NRieh
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You have plenty of time to get out of the big red circle before she does that slam.


You have abilities that can be used on the run, and specced to use on the run. Are you Vanguard or Commando? Heals, DPS, or Tank? If you are commando, spec Overclock in the Heroic tier, that will give you two charges of Tech Override, which will give you the chance to make two casted abilities instant. Spec Forced March in Legendary tier so that you can use Bolt Storm, Full Auto, and Successive Treatment while moving. I personally am Innovative Ordinance on my Merc main(mirror class for Assault Specialist) because of it's mobility. I haven't done Gunnery/Arsenal in a long time so I'm not sure how much more mobile it is :p


As you are running her around trying to stay out of stuff, look for those floating heal things, if Vailyn gets hit by them it does a lot of damage to her.

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also, as general advice.


this game isn't hard. nothing about it is overly difficult, it's built to be played.


when you encounter something you don't understand, or is giving you trouble, this attitude you have to come here and rant and rave at the Devs is also part of your problem.


take a little responsibility for your own enjoyment of the game, and the time you spend in it.


you could have probably gotten the info on how to best this fight, with a polite and simple question tossed out on fleet chat.


or. lead off with asking the question: how do you beat the Vaylin fight? Or what am i doing wrong? don't immediate blame your failings on other people. It just makes you look stupid. Your largest problem in this instance is your attitude.


If you can't find anyone ingame to give you a little advice, there are websites, youtube videos and other online resources for any major aspect to the game.

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