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Yet another bolster thread


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I know I'm beating a dead horse here, but I'm confused as to how bolster works. I know you get bolstered to 232 and I'm cool with that. But I was in a WZ and saw a toon in blue and green 208's-220's (just a mix mash didn't seen like there was any order to it) and he had better stats than me even though I've got 7 240 pieces and the rest T1. Does each piece get bolstered? Does it take your average gear rating and bolster from there? Sorry if another bolster thread angers you for some reason, just looking for some answers.
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It just doesn't make sense. Why would his gear bolster better than mine? Shouldn't my gear below 232 be the same as his and my 240 gear give me a slight advantage in stats? This guy had 3k more health than me and 500 more mastery. He was valor lvl 10 too, so it was a randomly geared new toon.
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If his gear was unoptimized as a fresh 70 wearing whatever he had, it may have been higher in STA and then after bolstering he was higher again? Not really sure, just spit balling.


Perhaps his STA was higher but his DPS stats lower? Perhaps he was a crafter and had augmented his gear while yours was not?


Possibly Bolster is just weird?

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