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Shocked by GSF Community


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As someone who barely does GSF, I have to say, the times I do GSF, people are in general quite helpful, and not half as toxic as gen chat, or any given wz chat. I don't quite have the hang of gsf yet, but I am trying, and I have found the community being helpful, and patient with me, but that might be because I inform them that I'm new, and that I try my best, meaning, I don't self destruct on purpose like a lot of people do.
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I got my best friend who until now avoided GSF like the plague to start playing.


Yeah I can get... feisty at times but overall I, and everyone else in the GSF channel, try to be helpful. Not everyone listens (Desponn's GSFSchool Program exemplifies that) but we try to be friendly and welcoming.


~ Eudoxia

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Have Oscar and I outed ourselves as members of the GSF Cabal?


Hail Hydrospanner!


But in all seriousness, I really do think that the GSF Community is by and large a helpful community and I do strive to keep it and make it more so that way, particularly on JC where the new pilot community is now huge and interest seems to be at an all time high since GSF was first launched.


I would like to see the rest of us trying to be helpful as well, especially if a player asks about components or ships, give an opinion, if just to give a response.


Put yourself in their shoes: if you were a new pilot, confused and dazed by the XYZ Axes of disorienting vomitorium while getting blasted by vets, and you just want to know how to upgrade your epic Rapid Fire Lasers... Reaching out is kind of a big step at all for a lot of players. Not everybody learns well from guides, or even video tutorials.


It's tough enough as it is, and if we want to grow the community, I agree that /GSF is one of the best avenues to go about it.

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Shadowlands we have a good group of players doing GSF, and yes we have a handful that mouth off when noobs are not playing well. But we are not all like that. Funny thing with GSF, you can lose a match but still get good cxp. We do talk to people and try to assist them alone the way. We have 2-3 matches happening at peak times. You group up in 4's to make it a little more bearable if you get new players. But we want the GSF community to grow and get bigger, not scare people away.


I will even pst new GSF players to see if I can help them with anything, and get them into the GSF chat channel to ask questions.


You cannot control everyone, but you can try to make new players feel more comfortable doing GSF. I want more to play so they will add new content, and expand into newer ideas.

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