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Force Fade vs. Jedi Crusader


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I've maxed out my Watchman tree ABOUT as much as I want to, and I'm currently level 46 (about to be 47). My first 5 points in Combat were quite obvious - Dual Wield Mastery and Defensive Forms maxed out. The second tier is also a bit of a no-brainer - Focused Leap (which I will get the second point into at 47). Where I'm conflicted now is whether or not to dump 2 points into Force Fade or Jedi Crusader. Previously, I would have immediately said Force Fade, but the more I think about it, the less appealing it is.


Force Fade gives Force Camouflage a 100% damage reduction buff. The downside is that any hostile action will immediately end the damage resistance as well as the stealth.


Jedi Crusader gives you a 100% chance to generate 1 focus every 1.5 seconds as long as you're being hit. In PvE with Doc, the advantages are obvious. In PvP, it also has significant advantages (especially if enemies are out-ranging you).


Looking for suggestions and thoughts.


Thank in advance.

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I was looking over the skill trees and wondering the same thing about Force Camouflage. If dealing direct damage cancels the effect, what good would having the 100 percent damage reduction do?


I haven't hit the level to tinker with it yet, but to me it just sounds like it would be a last ditch escape mechanism at best.


Personally, I would invest in other talents that will boost your combat prowess, in this example Crusader. Unless I'm missing something about the mechanics of Camouflage, taking Fade seems mostly situational.

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It's a great situational PvE move, for example if you get targeted by a boss for an omgwtf attack, or you simply need to give your healer some breathing room, but it just prolongs the inevitable in a PVP setting, and it's literally useless in a solo PvE setting.


Pretty sure I'm going to go with Crusader, but I'm looking for someone to tell me I'm wrong about my decision with a good reason.

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Force Camouflage is only a 4 second deaggro, it is not a true invisibility.

Having 100% dmg reduction while dropping aggro is very nice.


Also, it reduces the incoming damage, it does not reduce your damage. Not sure why you question it dropping when YOU do damage, not when you TAKE damage.


I have put 2 points in Force Fade, and I, personally, will never look back.

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