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Feedback regarding unassembled components.


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So, I am mainly a PvP'er and I wish to share my experience regarding the new gearing changes.

As a PvP'er, the GC lootboxes are considered a tiny bonus, but frankly, unless I see a purple set item, I disintegrate everything since it has no use to me what so ever. So I will leave RNG out of this post.


The main priority is of course getting better gear. But getting it, is proving to be quite a grind for unassembled components so let's do some math together.


So first off, let's take a look at how many you actually need:


Piece__Tier 1 (230)__Tier 2 (236)__Tier 3 (242)_Total

Implant_80________ T1+ 120_____T2 + 180___380

Ear____ 80________T1+ 120 _____T2 + 180___380

Relic___80________ T1+ 120_____T2 + 180___380

Chest__100________T1 +150_____T2 +225___475

Legs___100_______T1 +150_____T2 +225___475

Hands__100_______T1 +150_____T2 +225___475

Boots___100_______T1 +150_____T2 +225___475

Helm___100_______ T1 +150_____T2 +225___475

Offhand_120_______T1 + 180_____T2 + 270___570

Mainhand_120_____T1 + 180_____T2 + 270___570

Bracer__75________T1 + 115_____T2+ 175___365

Belt ____75________T1 + 115_____T2+ 175___365



So it's 6145 unasembled components needed to get full T3 gear. Assuming you win every warzone which currently rewards 5, the math is 6145/5 = 1229 warzone wins.... which is a LOT.


Now let's assume each warzone + queue takes about 20min. So that's 1229*20 = 24580 minutes.

To get that in hours it's 24580/60 = 409,67 hours which is.... a ridiculous amount.


If we wish to go as far as days, we simply do 409,67/24 = 17,07 days. That may not seem as much, but none of us are machines that never sleep, work or socialize irl.


If we as humans spend time sleeping, eating and even then still have the time to play 12 hours a day, it will take us a month to get a full set of T3.


But let's face it, even the dedicated swtor gamers wont spend more than 6 hours a day. Which brings us to 2 months.


But what about the casual player? They are looking at, at least 4 months of grind here. Not to mention that the game has so much else to offer in terms of dailies, ops and casual PvE.


MIND YOU! We are STILL assuming that every warzone is won AND that the game is played EVERY SINGLE DAY! You can start multiplying these numbers if you wish to count losses and real world priorities. Those who are not on PvP servers or not playing during prime hours sit much longer in queue as well. Oh and this is for one character ONLY, start praying to the RNG Gods if you have alts.


^Basically, what I am saying is that those results are a VERY unrealistic and optimistic approach! It is likely to take much, much longer, but since I do not have access to information regarding how much time players devote on this game and solely on PvP consider is an estimate. Nevertheless, it doesn't meant that the numbers, even in its optimistic state, aren't grossly huge.


So frankly put, the average player might achieve T3 gear for 1 character in no less than half a year. I personally believe that is a bit much.


Right now, tactical flashpoints, Master Mode Flashpoints, daily heroics, planetary heroics offer no reward towards gear. Neither does replaying Story content on any difficulty.


Repetition is dull, I personally believe that regardless of what aspect of the game you are playing, it should feel rewarding and the game in its current state is neither rewarding or fun.




- You fight as hard as you can in a Warzone/Arena, use every ability and on the nick of time secure a win for your team and get rewarded with... 5/3 unassembled components. Only 4 months and 6000+ more to go, yay.


- You wipe several times in ops and after hours of progression you finally defeat that final boss, have terrible /roll (1-100) don't win any gear but the CXP gains you a command rank. You open your box and get nothing but green/orange vendor trash.


- You run a tactical Master Mode flashpoint and after an hour, finally complete it and are... rewarded nothing except half a level of command rank.


- You run a tactical flashpoint and get maybe 1/4 of a command rank. Less if you are 90+ already. No reward either.



Conclussion: The way the game feels now is.... well, it feels like an eternal grind. Repetition upon repetition with barely any feel of progression and the milestones are so far out in the horizon that you can barely even see them.

Most importantly, 80% of the games content does not feel rewarding at all, since only OPS and PvP gives you a chance at gear. Which is a shame.


Suggestion: Give us a proper rewarding experience for playing the games content. Make us feel that we actually achieve something. Make all of the games content matter and multiply your rewards x4 at least to give us something to work for and enjoy.


Final word: These calculations were done for 1 character only :( I hope you haven't forgotten that most of us have more than 1 character. If we are to play the game and all of its content, we have the hopes of gearing maybe 2-4 characters before 2018. But frankly... if that's how long it takes, why would we want to.


PS: Class balance. You need to be very careful here, because people are currently investing a LOT of time in a single character only to progress towards that juicy gear. You nerf a class/specialization and you basically force people to unsubscribe/quit since gearing a new FOTM character is months of repetitive grind away. I have no idea how to address that issue, but I think it is worth mentioning.


Disclaimer: This post is in no way meant to be offending towards any player, moderator, developer and producing company. I merely wish to give feedback and share my opinion as a average player from a PvP'ers point of view.

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Not to mention you can get royally screwed with pairing. There's no way my operative or my sentinel can go 1 on 1 with a merc. No. Way. I'd add sorc to that list with the merc. So if you get assigned to 4v4 with all dps on your side and 2 mercs and 2 other dps then it's game over. We had one where the mercs were in 242 gear. You. Could. Not. Hurt. Them. END. They didn't need to be close to you to shoot you. So my poor sentinel and operative just can't win. In fact we all knew wed lose by looking at the mercs health bars prior to the match. It was out of this world. Lose a 4v4 and only get 1 piece and 137 cxp. Waste. Of. Time. Edited by americanaussie
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Not to mention you can get royally screwed with pairing. There's no way my operative or my sentinel can go 1 on 1 with a merc. No. Way. I'd add sorc to that list with the merc. So if you get assigned to 4v4 with all dps on your side and 2 mercs and 2 other dps then it's game over. We had one where the mercs were in 242 gear. You. Could. Not. Hurt. Them. END. They didn't need to be close to you to shoot you. So my poor sentinel and operative just can't win. In fact we all knew wed lose by looking at the mercs health bars prior to the match. It was out of this world. Lose a 4v4 and only get 1 piece and 137 cxp. Waste. Of. Time.


Indeed. But that's what I mentioned lastly.


If you nerf mercs/commando and healer sorc/sage, which we know currently are the most played classes in PvP... well then half the pvp community is likely to ragequit because the effort to gear an alt is way too long. Like... stupidly long.


So also like I said, I have no idea or any suggestions on how to sort balance with the changes in 5.0+5.1.

I mean, you could buff all the other classes to match their damage and survivability, but then they lose their unique aspects and fights become a shuffle between defensive cooldowns.


You are wrong about one thing, however. Operatives/Scoundrels are a direct counter to mercs/commandos. You simply do NOT attack a merc/commando when they use their shields.

Reflective shields throws your damage back in your face and the other will bring them to full hp if you continuesly attack them while it is up and going. You need to lure the cooldowns out of a commando/merc and use your owm movement+selfheals+defensives without attacking them till the commando/merc has all his on cooldown. Then you have a 30second window to destroy them, which is more than enough.


Lastly, I don't find sages/sorcs overpowered at all in any spec, I think they are right where they need to be with the exception of that dot spec (damage over time). That spec, seems to do no damage at all, and the sorcs in that spec seem to break like paper. At least when I engage them.

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I agre its all absurd right now.

It also feels like if i put the effort in to gain some thing i will end up being punished for it.


First of all if you want people playe all the game just reward it.


For each daily/ weekly we finich of should be much more rewarded.


My sugestion would be regarding Unassembled Components is that for each daily/weekly you are also rewarded whit them.

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None of the math for getting parts is worth the effort. As more people realize how it works out, more people will get angry.


Except it seems you are one of the people who do not realize how the system works. I think once people figure it out, the reaction may be the exact opposite of what you think.


The parts and tokens are meant to supplement the crates. There are people running around in full T3 sets from the crates alone before the changes (Yes they played a lot). The only issue is that it is a little bit slow and they have said over and over that they are addressing that. First try was a minor improvement and they want to go further.


Trying to calculate how long it will take to buy the pieces from pvp makes no sense. You will get pieces while you are earning the currency. The currency is the bad luck protection, not the other way around.

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Not to mention you can get royally screwed with pairing. There's no way my operative or my sentinel can go 1 on 1 with a merc. No. Way. I'd add sorc to that list with the merc. So if you get assigned to 4v4 with all dps on your side and 2 mercs and 2 other dps then it's game over. We had one where the mercs were in 242 gear. You. Could. Not. Hurt. Them. END. They didn't need to be close to you to shoot you. So my poor sentinel and operative just can't win. In fact we all knew wed lose by looking at the mercs health bars prior to the match. It was out of this world. Lose a 4v4 and only get 1 piece and 137 cxp. Waste. Of. Time.


Yeah, there are plenty of 1v1 class pairings that are pretty damn lopsided, which can easily doom you in an arena. And now arenas give less CXP and components than regular warzones, so you have even less reason to do them if you see the other team is the same tier 3 premade that's been splattering you all day.


Not only do I think the components from PvP and GSF need to be significantly increased per match, I think they need to be added as rewards to the daily and weekly quests as well, AND become legacy-bound. That would at least make things a bit less painful.


Of course, until they restore bolster, it's potentially going to be harder to get PvP match pops period, especially on servers with low population already. :/

Edited by AscendingSky
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Yeah, there are plenty of 1v1 class pairings that are pretty damn lopsided, which can easily doom you in an arena. And now arenas give less CXP and components than regular warzones, so you have even less reason to do them if you see the other team is the same tier 3 premade that's been splattering you all day.


Not only do I think the components from PvP and GSF need to be significantly increased per match, I think they need to be added as rewards to the daily and weekly quests as well, AND become legacy-bound. That would at least make things a bit less painful.


Of course, until they restore bolster, it's potentially going to be harder to get PvP match pops period, especially on servers with low population already. :/


I agree with that middle paragraph. Add in FPS and Uprising, especially master difficulty.

Edited by IstariZen
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The parts and tokens are meant to supplement the crates. The currency is the bad luck protection, not the other way around.


No offense intended, but your logic is that if the RNG fails at least you have the option to grind for several months on a single character through morbid repetition?


That is flawed logic, considering this is a game which is meant to fun and entertaining. In its current state it feels like a chore or second job that is neither fun or entertaining.


Would you take a job where your paycheck is decided by a lottery with extremely low percentages and take comfort in that? The irony is, that we don't get payed to play the game, we actually pay to play it.

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So, I am mainly a PvP'er and I wish to share my experience regarding the new gearing changes.

As a PvP'er, the GC lootboxes are considered a tiny bonus, but frankly, unless I see a purple set item, I disintegrate everything since it has no use to me what so ever. So I will leave RNG out of this post.


The main priority is of course getting better gear. But getting it, is proving to be quite a grind for unassembled components so let's do some math together.


So first off, let's take a look at how many you actually need:


Piece__Tier 1 (230)__Tier 2 (236)__Tier 3 (242)_Total

Implant_80________ T1+ 120_____T2 + 180___380

Ear____ 80________T1+ 120 _____T2 + 180___380

Relic___80________ T1+ 120_____T2 + 180___380

Chest__100________T1 +150_____T2 +225___475

Legs___100_______T1 +150_____T2 +225___475

Hands__100_______T1 +150_____T2 +225___475

Boots___100_______T1 +150_____T2 +225___475

Helm___100_______ T1 +150_____T2 +225___475

Offhand_120_______T1 + 180_____T2 + 270___570

Mainhand_120_____T1 + 180_____T2 + 270___570

Bracer__75________T1 + 115_____T2+ 175___365

Belt ____75________T1 + 115_____T2+ 175___365



So it's 6145 unasembled components needed to get full T3 gear. Assuming you win every warzone which currently rewards 5, the math is 6145/5 = 1229 warzone wins.... which is a LOT.


Now let's assume each warzone + queue takes about 20min. So that's 1229*20 = 24580 minutes.

To get that in hours it's 24580/60 = 409,67 hours which is.... a ridiculous amount.


If we wish to go as far as days, we simply do 409,67/24 = 17,07 days. That may not seem as much, but none of us are machines that never sleep, work or socialize irl.


If we as humans spend time sleeping, eating and even then still have the time to play 12 hours a day, it will take us a month to get a full set of T3.


But let's face it, even the dedicated swtor gamers wont spend more than 6 hours a day. Which brings us to 2 months.


But what about the casual player? They are looking at, at least 4 months of grind here. Not to mention that the game has so much else to offer in terms of dailies, ops and casual PvE.


MIND YOU! We are STILL assuming that every warzone is won AND that the game is played EVERY SINGLE DAY! You can start multiplying these numbers if you wish to count losses and real world priorities. Those who are not on PvP servers or not playing during prime hours sit much longer in queue as well. Oh and this is for one character ONLY, start praying to the RNG Gods if you have alts.


^Basically, what I am saying is that those results are a VERY unrealistic and optimistic approach! It is likely to take much, much longer, but since I do not have access to information regarding how much time players devote on this game and solely on PvP consider is an estimate. Nevertheless, it doesn't meant that the numbers, even in its optimistic state, aren't grossly huge.


So frankly put, the average player might achieve T3 gear for 1 character in no less than half a year. I personally believe that is a bit much.


Right now, tactical flashpoints, Master Mode Flashpoints, daily heroics, planetary heroics offer no reward towards gear. Neither does replaying Story content on any difficulty.


Repetition is dull, I personally believe that regardless of what aspect of the game you are playing, it should feel rewarding and the game in its current state is neither rewarding or fun.




- You fight as hard as you can in a Warzone/Arena, use every ability and on the nick of time secure a win for your team and get rewarded with... 5/3 unassembled components. Only 4 months and 6000+ more to go, yay.


- You wipe several times in ops and after hours of progression you finally defeat that final boss, have terrible /roll (1-100) don't win any gear but the CXP gains you a command rank. You open your box and get nothing but green/orange vendor trash.


- You run a tactical Master Mode flashpoint and after an hour, finally complete it and are... rewarded nothing except half a level of command rank.


- You run a tactical flashpoint and get maybe 1/4 of a command rank. Less if you are 90+ already. No reward either.



Conclussion: The way the game feels now is.... well, it feels like an eternal grind. Repetition upon repetition with barely any feel of progression and the milestones are so far out in the horizon that you can barely even see them.

Most importantly, 80% of the games content does not feel rewarding at all, since only OPS and PvP gives you a chance at gear. Which is a shame.


Suggestion: Give us a proper rewarding experience for playing the games content. Make us feel that we actually achieve something. Make all of the games content matter and multiply your rewards x4 at least to give us something to work for and enjoy.


Final word: These calculations were done for 1 character only :( I hope you haven't forgotten that most of us have more than 1 character. If we are to play the game and all of its content, we have the hopes of gearing maybe 2-4 characters before 2018. But frankly... if that's how long it takes, why would we want to.


PS: Class balance. You need to be very careful here, because people are currently investing a LOT of time in a single character only to progress towards that juicy gear. You nerf a class/specialization and you basically force people to unsubscribe/quit since gearing a new FOTM character is months of repetitive grind away. I have no idea how to address that issue, but I think it is worth mentioning.


Disclaimer: This post is in no way meant to be offending towards any player, moderator, developer and producing company. I merely wish to give feedback and share my opinion as a average player from a PvP'ers point of view.


Yep the new system is much better for pvers. Of course pve players will say that it isn't because you won't have a luck in rolling the piece + ninja looting but! We all know everyone is running ops through guild runs and those just gearing each other every week. For example there is a guild named "X" which consists of players a,b,c,d. One week guild X gives all gear from bosses to A, next week X's operation runs will be for player B , so player B gets everything, next week player C will receive all gear from bosses. In a few weeks they will have 3-5 full geared players and will continue to gear everyone in their guild. No ninja loot, no unlucky rolls, no failures (thanks to coordination of course) while pvp players are tied to a stupid components which are dropping in a very small quantity.... Another gearing disbalance in pve favor from bioware

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Yep the new system is much better for pvers. Of course pve players will say that it isn't because you won't have a luck in rolling the piece + ninja looting but! We all know everyone is running ops through guild runs and those just gearing each other every week. For example there is a guild named "X" which consists of players a,b,c,d. One week guild X gives all gear from bosses to A, next week X's operation runs will be for player B , so player B gets everything, next week player C will receive all gear from bosses. In a few weeks they will have 3-5 full geared players and will continue to gear everyone in their guild. No ninja loot, no unlucky rolls, no failures (thanks to coordination of course) while pvp players are tied to a stupid components which are dropping in a very small quantity.... Another gearing disbalance in pve favor from bioware


Right, but PvP'ers are left to rot. PvE'ers will have a full set of T2 within weeks, while the PvP'er after a month is still getting the final pieces for his T1.


THEN the PvE'er decides that now is probably the perfect time to PvP and stomps all over everyone because with the new bolster, we are back to gear having priority over skill.


This is a very bizarre system....

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I save up my Components because I'm always hopeful the next T2 crate will have something I could use and that way I can easily upgrade it to a T3 using Components, but it never happens. I'm averaging 100 Components/day, along with 6-8 Command Ranks, and as soon as I hit 1,000 I'll just spend on ear/implants because I have never ever gotten those from crates so chances are I'll never get them anyway so might as well use the Components for them.


Even averaging 100 Components/day it'll take me over 2 months to get enough Components to get the full T3 set (assuming I get some T2 pieces I can upgrade to T3).


The current system KILLED alts. I have 10 alts and I can only play with 1 character now. I have friends with 30+ max lvl characters and they too are stuck playing 1 character and it's bringing them to the point where this game isn't enjoyable anymore. During the 4.0 patch they encouraged us to level up plenty of alts for DvL achievements, and now with 5.0 they effectively killed alts.


I really hope they make Component legacy wide and they also desperately need to increase the amount of Components drops. Only then someone with multiple alts, and who doesn't PvE at all and only PvPs, will be able to enjoy this game again.

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Unassembled components should be gotten for ALL Command Screen activities. It shouldn't be just limited to ops and pvp in order to have a faster or more sure method of gearing up versus the rng roll of the command crates. A thread is up in the suggestion box stating the same thing while trying to generate ideas/numbers of how to gain them from pve activities as well.



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Yep the new system is much better for pvers. Of course pve players will say that it isn't because you won't have a luck in rolling the piece + ninja looting but! We all know everyone is running ops through guild runs and those just gearing each other every week. For example there is a guild named "X" which consists of players a,b,c,d. One week guild X gives all gear from bosses to A, next week X's operation runs will be for player B , so player B gets everything, next week player C will receive all gear from bosses. In a few weeks they will have 3-5 full geared players and will continue to gear everyone in their guild. No ninja loot, no unlucky rolls, no failures (thanks to coordination of course) while pvp players are tied to a stupid components which are dropping in a very small quantity.... Another gearing disbalance in pve favor from bioware


Obviously you have an issue with raiders.


Let me point out that my group has had a couple nights already where it's just wipe after wipe on one boss and not to the last one yet, so we got nothing for 2 hours of effort. The entire gearing system, PVE and PVP is totally FUBAR. There is no point in end game players fighting each other when we're all getting screwed. We all need to fight BW until everyone has gearing that makes sense. My ammunition is refusing to pay them. That seems to get their attention. Any other feedback rather obviously gets ignored (they had 2 months of negative feedback, plus the negative feedback on PTS, before they even went live with it.)

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No offense intended, but your logic is that if the RNG fails at least you have the option to grind for several months on a single character through morbid repetition?


That is flawed logic, considering this is a game which is meant to fun and entertaining. In its current state it feels like a chore or second job that is neither fun or entertaining.


Would you take a job where your paycheck is decided by a lottery with extremely low percentages and take comfort in that? The irony is, that we don't get payed to play the game, we actually pay to play it.


how do you think several months? I know for myself getting 80-100 components per day (granted that's grinding my tail off) will be me from start to finish 1 piece per week, + any Operations or crate tokens will speed that up considerably. This system will not take MONTHS to get a full set. This system is meant to be an addition to the GC crates, not to fully gear yourself out, not to mention the fact you can now get Drops off of Operations bosses.


PS: but then me grinding 80-100 of these is still doing the same thing I'd do anyway.

Edited by Toraak
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how do you think several months? I know for myself getting 80-100 components per day (granted that's grinding my tail off) will be me from start to finish 1 piece per week, + any Operations or crate tokens will speed that up considerably. This system will not take MONTHS to get a full set. This system is meant to be an addition to the GC crates, not to fully gear yourself out, not to mention the fact you can now get Drops off of Operations bosses.


PS: but then me grinding 80-100 of these is still doing the same thing I'd do anyway.


Many of us play a couple hours a night a couple nights a week. For em that's raiding, for some that's doing PVP. How long is that gear grind at 2 hours a night? How many nights? That's the problem with gear balance in PVP and making gear matter in PVP.


The same issues exist for raiders. at a couple hours a night a couple nights a week you're looking at over 6 months to get a full tier one set, assuming you get through all the bosses in an op each night. Then another 6 months for tier 2, again assuming no nights full of wipes (which is very overly optimistic) so now you're past the next update.


In no way is gearing now good for anyone. The hardcore, play all the time, grind until your eyes bleed players will get gear via PvP in short order. Everyone else is going to take a LONG time. (And the more unbalanced the gear gets the longer it will take new end game players and people who play less hours to get gear.) The entire system is nuts.

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Unassembled components should be gotten for ALL Command Screen activities. It shouldn't be just limited to ops and pvp in order to have a faster or more sure method of gearing up versus the rng roll of the command crates. A thread is up in the suggestion box stating the same thing while trying to generate ideas/numbers of how to gain them from pve activities as well.




To advocate for the devil here, if you're not running ops or doing PvP, what do you need the gear for? Master Flashpoints don't need 230+ set piece gear. You certainly don't need the gear for Heroics, Daily areas, or even World Bosses or Star Fortresses. Nothing in solo or small group PvE needs the end-game gear. I see why BW implemented this system within the realm of ops and PvP - which is what has always been necessary to get set pieces and BiS gear. Except now you also can get BiS gear doing nothing but story and Heroics - you're just not getting the advantages of straight gear drops or components.


Taking the advocate's hat off, I agree it'd be nice to supplement ops and PvPers' efforts by spreading around some more Components.


how do you think several months? I know for myself getting 80-100 components per day (granted that's grinding my tail off) will be me from start to finish 1 piece per week, + any Operations or crate tokens will speed that up considerably. This system will not take MONTHS to get a full set. This system is meant to be an addition to the GC crates, not to fully gear yourself out, not to mention the fact you can now get Drops off of Operations bosses.


PS: but then me grinding 80-100 of these is still doing the same thing I'd do anyway.


Indeed. This is a supplementary system. The intention is not to gear up 100% with PvP components - those are just a gap filler. My Shadow is GC Rank 10 and has two Mk-3s. Two of my Rank 10s have one. A Rank 17 has three. I've also got a Rank 19 and a Rank 24 with no set pieces between them, so win some/lose some.


I would like to see some statistics on how many Mk-3 pieces people are getting by Rank 10, 20, 45, and 90. By the time you get 6k PvP components, you could be using them strictly to upgrade the 236s you got from crates along the way to 242s. PvP (and GSF, and Heroics, and Story) are still gearing you up, with or without the components. Stop looking at the components as the end-all, be-all of gearing up, and see them as you would an EXP Boost - you'll still get to Lv70 one way or the other, it just goes a little faster with a 25% bonus.

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how do you think several months? I know for myself getting 80-100 components per day (granted that's grinding my tail off) will be me from start to finish 1 piece per week, + any Operations or crate tokens will speed that up considerably. This system will not take MONTHS to get a full set. This system is meant to be an addition to the GC crates, not to fully gear yourself out, not to mention the fact you can now get Drops off of Operations bosses.


PS: but then me grinding 80-100 of these is still doing the same thing I'd do anyway.


Perhaps it wont take that long for you, but not everyone has the time to play this game every day for 6 hours and in the end there is that other valid point, which I state again is: "Grinding constantly every day, repeating the same stuff, for a full month, is NOT FUN or REWARDING". And again, that would only be for 1 character, what about alts???


How I see it as several months is explained and calculated in the very first post in the thread. I can really tell you took the time to read it.....:rolleyes:

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Not only do I think the components from PvP and GSF need to be significantly increased per match, I think they need to be added as rewards to the daily and weekly quests as well, AND become legacy-bound. That would at least make things a bit less painful.



I don't think GSF or Ground PvP need increases in the match drops, but I've definitely said before and totally agree that daily missions and weekly missions need to be a big factor here. I was thinking 20 components for each daily, and 100 for the weeklies. Maybe 50 for GSF weekly or something to keep it fair and balanced between the two pieces of content. They did say during the live stream they were figuring out how to do a transfer like warzone coms had in 4.0. I truly feel like if they add components to the weeklies and dailies, and add that transferrable piece that system is fine as is. It would allow people to get about a piece or two a week which seems perfectly reasonable.

Edited by Shwarzchild
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Right, but PvP'ers are left to rot. PvE'ers will have a full set of T2 within weeks, while the PvP'er after a month is still getting the final pieces for his T1.


THEN the PvE'er decides that now is probably the perfect time to PvP and stomps all over everyone because with the new bolster, we are back to gear having priority over skill.


This is a very bizarre system....


I am not agreeing with the system by any stretch of the imagination, but it is PVE'ers that get the shaft. There is ZERO opportunity to get 242 gear outside of nightmare operations or gambling on the cxp packs. It's now been around 120 levels now and no 242 drops. Last drop was level 208 and im approaching 328ish (can't tell with certainty since it stopped counting at 300). I'm not what server you are on, but the majority of nim teams have long since left the game for greener pastures. There are very few left so it's not like just being in a guild is some magical ticket to 242 gear. The only route is to run hm operations and then pvp to upgrade that drop to 242.


I'm curious on the math to get PVE people to 242 in two weeks. Many pug groups on my server have issues clearing HM KP so I do not see how 2 weeks is anywhere close to reality. Yeah, there may be a few who have a group that grinded enough fracture back when and have the skill and gear to clear nim content, but that is a very tiny fraction of pve players.

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Dont Forget about the fact turnin for 230-236 gear to vender dont work majority of that 230-236 gear, Grinding to get the unassembled components, just to find out the said 230-236 gear you have isnt being accepted by the vender. is great way to really piss people off more. considering the system dont even work right.


BW has seriously lost touch with the playerbase, and have ZERO quality control they release things broke, said things either take months to get fix if ever.


Reflect on merc is still broke ignoring bosses in Immune to damage phases reflect damages them still and it should not...


No one really want to grind CXP at like tier3 for hours just get crates that is gonna give nothing of use the majority of time..


Then "vender" was supposed to fix this. it does not cause the grind for components is WORSE and to top that the Turn in for the 230-236 gear DONT EVEN work right. seeing the vender dont recognized majority of that gear.

Edited by Kyuuu
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Well, I just got my first 242 piece today. This is how I did it:


So after doing the math and seeing the endless grind ahead, I noticed that the only way to skip buying T1 + T2 with unassembled components, is to start doing OPS.

Had to join a raidguild that had room, imagine that recruitment. "Hi, I'm a PvP'er, never done a single ops, *** are tactics? but I do ****** DEE PEE ESS!"


Did EV Veteran and KP Veteran and only won with 1 roll, but with that roll win I was able to get my hands on a T2 piece and with 225 unassembled components upgrade it to T3.

Also I'm making new friends in the raid guild... which is quite nice compared to the competitive pessimists in the my previous PvP guild.


So it seems the devs want to merge endgame content. As in, it is no longer enough to simply be a raider or hardcore pvp'er. Now you need to be both in order to get that juicy 242 gear fast, at least.


Which is something I find interesting, so you are rewarded for doing PvE and PvP but not one alone. Most importantly however, this probably will not be liked by the community. I mean, I still prefer PvP over PvE and having to start raiding is very new to me. I don't know tactics, I learn as I go and the whole thing takes hours upon hours. But still, it is faster than doing the grind.


I mean Bioware, you don't expect every player to do the math on the morbid grind and then calculate their own fasted route to 242 rating, much less learn a whole new aspect of the game which they probably don't prefer?


So my point still stands. You are NOT rewarded by the game for playing the part of the game that you enjoy the most. My raid guild was shocked when I told them I had already managed to grind down over 300 unassembled components.


And frankly, I don't think that's fair. These raiders, took me in, a pvp scrub, taught me tactics, how to progress and for all their effort in the end, I get the better end of the stick? I actually feel bad, because these friendly people put just as much effort into playing the game and cooperating and even so, the difference is nothing more that when they run uprisings on difficulties I PvP instead and for that, apparently SWTOR believes that I am more deserving of better gear.


I know the developers know of this, it will be interesting to see how or if they adjust this system. Unless they intentionally are attempting to spawn a new type player. "Player vs Game/Grind"?


PvG? Are we making that a thing? I vote "NO".

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Ops are limited in what you can do this way because of the lockouts. you got one piece from them, which is actually doing really well. I got none doing the same two Tuesday and we got no extra drops from the other bosses. Now you are locked out of those two ops until next week. The step from there up to TFB in HM or SnV in HM is pretty big. The DPS checks are a lot higher. My undergeared group can't make it far in either at this point due to the DPS checks. I expect we could do Nefra, but the chance of a drop there is so small, there's no point.


And, most of us can't stand PvP, so your method will get you there faster, but it won't work for my group. So, we're slowly fading away as is the guild.


For you, the ops are new, enjoy them. Learning the mechanics can be a lot of fun if you have a raid group you mesh well with.

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