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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I'm worried about this upcoming romance, I hope it will be a happy reunion. :( I will constantly check Youtube for spoilers, because I need them. They calm me, knowing what is to come helps me to mentally prepare. :o:p I usually don't like surprises (unless they are gifts or good news :))

And my Warrior hasn't reached the lvl to begin KOTFE yet.


Quinn: I...I would never! My lords, please. You must understand how ridiculous the question is.

Cute and true! :D


Quinn: A...another poster? ... *sigh*

Do it. *holds Red Pen of Editorial Doom threateningly*

Quinn: I thought you were a fangirl, not a...anti-fangirl...hater...whatever you call them. Sir.

Oh, I am a fangirl. My particular brand of fangirling just comes with "make the characters you love suffer...a lot."

Quinn: That is not reassuring.

Hey, I'm taking classes to be a freelance editor! What good is the Red Pen of Editorial Doom if I don't get to exercise it frequently? Defeats the whole purpose. Takes all the fun out of it! :( ...now sign that poster.

Quinn: *autographs extra glossy poster* Darth Nightfrogger, my lord. *bows while presenting it*

Good Quinn.


LOL, Quinn has a lot of work to do, signing so many posters! :D

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Well I got done writing what I was hoping to do. I made a bit on Quinn's thoughts and feelings of what happened during chapter 1 of KotFE. I know it is sad and depressing, but I figured if I am going to get excited about his return...and probably write something about the reunion and probably fade the black moment I hope is there. I need something to start with. How can I attempt to write a touching reunion if I don't have anything on the farewell?


This is my headcannon idea of what he would do being thrust in this situation...

There is no swearing or graphic language in this piece, just lots of Quinn feels



Is a work in progress and will change should Tuesday reveal anything that goes against my narrative. I want their work to be cannon, I just do the filler around and in between.


I really enjoyed it, it is very well written! :) I like the idea that Vette stayed with him for the longest time, I think she really did, despite their differences. Oh, and I also like the word "Sithless", it's funny. :)

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I'm worried about this upcoming romance, I hope it will be a happy reunion. :( I will constantly check Youtube for spoilers, because I need them. They calm me, knowing what is to come helps me to mentally prepare. :o:p I usually don't like surprises (unless they are gifts or good news :))

And my Warrior hasn't reached the lvl to begin KOTFE yet.


I'm worried too, but I'll do it as soon as servers are up. I don't want any spoilers, I want to go through it by myself, and if it's bad, to be done with it and get over it (after an appropriate mental meltdown, rant, and throwing heavy objects). If they messed up, I'll ignore that and stick to my fanfic. If it's awesome, I'll be happy. I always record all cutscenes, so I could upload it to YT and send you the link, if you'd like to see my version of events. I will certainly try to choose the most mushy-mushy options available, because that's what my warrior needs.

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I really enjoyed it, it is very well written! :) I like the idea that Vette stayed with him for the longest time, I think she really did, despite their differences. Oh, and I also like the word "Sithless", it's funny. :)


Glad you approve of me making up a new vocabulary word lol


Sithless: To be in a state without Sith leadership

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So it's been 5 years


I'm curious to know, how would you react if you found out Quinn "cheated" on you

I would kill him without a second thought. One betrayal on my life was forgiven (and understandable given that the sith are all about that) but a betrayal on the Warrior's love? He gets no further chances.

Great question - can't believe none of us have thought of this before.

Edited by Sarova
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I would kill him without a second thought. One betrayal on my life was forgiven (and understandable given that the sith are all about that) but a betrayal on the Warrior's love? He gets no further chances.

Great question - can't believe none of us have thought of this before.


I think I remember discussing it earlier in the thread, kind of a blur now honestly. Can't believe it but I think I've said everything I have to say on the (Quinn) subject! Just waiting now :)

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So it's been 5 years


I'm curious to know, how would you react if you found out Quinn "cheated" on you


After the letter he sent at the beginning of KOTFE, I think cheating would seem really out of his character. I mean, we go from Quinn saying he planned on making up for his betrayal for the rest of their lives and swearing that he would find her, even if it kills him... and we go from that to... cheating? Eh, just doesn't make sense to me from a writing standpoint, so my SW would probably off him for dishonesty in the letter and dishonesty in the relationship, and then I would probably rant on the forums about nonsensical writing and quit the game. :D

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After the letter he sent at the beginning of KOTFE, I think cheating would seem really out of his character. I mean, we go from Quinn saying he planned on making up for his betrayal for the rest of their lives and swearing that he would find her, even if it kills him... and we go from that to... cheating? Eh, just doesn't make sense to me from a writing standpoint, so my SW would probably off him for dishonesty in the letter and dishonesty in the relationship, and then I would probably rant on the forums about nonsensical writing and quit the game. :D

This made me smile just thinking of the hordes of pitchforked-up Quinnmancers gunning for the heads of the fail writers :D

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I'm worried too, but I'll do it as soon as servers are up. I don't want any spoilers, I want to go through it by myself, and if it's bad, to be done with it and get over it (after an appropriate mental meltdown, rant, and throwing heavy objects). If they messed up, I'll ignore that and stick to my fanfic. If it's awesome, I'll be happy. I always record all cutscenes, so I could upload it to YT and send you the link, if you'd like to see my version of events. I will certainly try to choose the most mushy-mushy options available, because that's what my warrior needs.


I subscribed to your channel, so I will know when you upload it, thanks. :)

What program do you use to record cutscenes? I use Fraps (free version) but the file sizes are horroristic, so I have only recorded a few so far. It's good for screenshots though.


Glad you approve of me making up a new vocabulary word lol


Sithless: To be in a state without Sith leadership


LOL, I want this to be present in my English dictionary. :D


I would kill him without a second thought. One betrayal on my life was forgiven (and understandable given that the sith are all about that) but a betrayal on the Warrior's love? He gets no further chances.

Great question - can't believe none of us have thought of this before.

:eek::eek:You would hurt our dear Malavai? I don't think he would be unfaithful, but even if he was, the reason for that would be probably this: after years, he came to the conclusion that you are dead and decided to move on. It's not the same as cheating you while he knows you are alive.

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I subscribed to your channel, so I will know when you upload it, thanks. :)

What program do you use to record cutscenes? I use Fraps (free version) but the file sizes are horroristic, so I have only recorded a few so far. It's good for screenshots though.


I run the game on Linux, so I also use a Linux-native screen recording software, which probably won't help you. I don't think there's a Windows version of it. http://www.maartenbaert.be/simplescreenrecorder/


I have external HD for my videos, but they aren't that big. It's been a year since I started recording pretty much everything, and it's still not even half-filled (1 TB).


It should be up on Wednesday at latest. I'll probably start uploading it in the late evening, but it'll depend on when I stop gaming (I plan to run with my warrior, then agent and inquisitor too) and if that file would require any editing (ESC, if she says something she wouldn't, and the wheel didn't give an indication it'd be nasty).

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I run the game on Linux, so I also use a Linux-native screen recording software, which probably won't help you. I don't think there's a Windows version of it. http://www.maartenbaert.be/simplescreenrecorder/


I have external HD for my videos, but they aren't that big. It's been a year since I started recording pretty much everything, and it's still not even half-filled (1 TB).


It should be up on Wednesday at latest. I'll probably start uploading it in the late evening, but it'll depend on when I stop gaming (I plan to run with my warrior, then agent and inquisitor too) and if that file would require any editing (ESC, if she says something she wouldn't, and the wheel didn't give an indication it'd be nasty).


Oh, I use Windows.

Looking forward to the video! :)


Sorry for the off topic, but has any of you refused to become a Mandalorian as a Bounty Hunter? I guess I belong to the minority doing so. ;) Their culture is not symphatetic to me, but I respect them as warriors, and glad they are on the Empire's side, they are valuable allies. My first BH joined because I thought I can't refuse. Now my second didn't, and Gault said a hilarious thing which cracked me up. :D:D:D


When you refuse the offer, Mandalore yells at you and tells you to get out. Then, the 3 other Great Hunt winners give you the blacklist, and one of them is the Zabrak woman who is unfriendly. When you get back to the ship, Mako asks what happened (I always use Gault as my companion so he was the one who witnessed the whole Mandalore incident), and Gault said:

Gault: "Well, first our friend here practically spat in Mandalore's face, then we met the most charming woman, along with some of the other Great Hunt winners."

Mako: "He's kidding, right? Tell me he's kidding."

Me: "Zip it Gault, you're not helping."


Gault just knows how to sum things up the shortest and funniest way. :D:D:D He's my second favorite after Quinn, mainly because of his great sense of humor. :D

I wonder what would happen if he and Quinn had to be in the same crew? :D That would be a disaster. ;)

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So it's been 5 years


I'm curious to know, how would you react if you found out Quinn "cheated" on you


Two scenarios here. A) Quinn finds another "one true love" and gets totally involved in a relationship with this person, or B) Quinn has a one night stand or two in a moment of weakness and despair, while still holding his heart true to the warrior.


I can't see Quinn doing option A given the way his character is presented, but option B I could see as a possibility, although still unlikely.


My warrior would probably be pretty understanding of option B actually. She's mostly dark side, but she's not a crazy psycho, she's quite pragmatic and abides by own "sithy" code of honor. Quinn most likely thought she was dead after all, and giving in to your passions is what Sith are all about, so she'd be quite sympathetic to that....as long as his heart remained true. Likewise she was pretty understanding about the betrayal (after she got done Force-choking him and had a moment to think about it.) He backed the wrong Sith in one of their many Sith games, which is a mistake many make in their culture, and great minions can be made from accepting the service of those you have defeated. :cool:


And...she couldn't possibly fault Quinn for doing something that she herself did anyway...with Theron. Because...THERON, you know. But it was purely a physical need for comfort thing and she's been pining for her Malavai all this time. :D (From a game mechanics POV, I just had to see the Theron break-up scene, so there.)

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:eek::eek:You would hurt our dear Malavai? I don't think he would be unfaithful, but even if he was, the reason for that would be probably this: after years, he came to the conclusion that you are dead and decided to move on. It's not the same as cheating you while he knows you are alive.

I wouldn't even hesitate to kill him. I expect Quinn to need proof of my warrior's death before running off with some floozy and not to assume. There would be no forgiveness.

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I wouldn't even hesitate to kill him. I expect Quinn to need proof of my warrior's death before running off with some floozy and not to assume. There would be no forgiveness.


:eek: One more reason to worry about tomorrow's events. :( I would only kill him if he attacked me again, (which is impossible, of course :p) and even after that I would cry myself to sleep every night LOL.

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Sorry for the off topic, but has any of you refused to become a Mandalorian as a Bounty Hunter?


I did it too, my Bounty Hunter doesn't want to be restrained by some one else code, and neither does she enjoy the concept of honour. She just wants to get a few credits, piss in some people's drinks, fist bump death and shoot people in the face. And now these guys want to limit her options in doing so?

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Also, I don't think they'd ever have the companion cheat on you. Well, aside from Kaliyo. And my hopes for Companions having any meaningful dilemma's occurring in their years with out you (Such as moving on and having you repair your relationship) died with Vette, since I was never expecting such a happy reunion.
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Sorry for the off topic, but has any of you refused to become a Mandalorian as a Bounty Hunter? I guess I belong to the minority doing so. ;) Their culture is not symphatetic to me, but I respect them as warriors, and glad they are on the Empire's side, they are valuable allies. My first BH joined because I thought I can't refuse. Now my second didn't, and Gault said a hilarious thing which cracked me up. :D:D:D


I did this on my third playthrough. Truth is, (and thank goodness this isn't a Torian fan thread or I would probably get thrown out) I just don't care for the Mandalorian culture thing. Glorifying battle, claiming that fighting somehow elevates you to a higher state of honor, training children in war, etc. reminds me a bit too much of some real life groups. (I try to push those thought aside when I play but...) My first character romanced Torian, so I became Mando with her because she was all about making Torian happy, my second was supposed to NOT be Mando, but then Mandalore chewed him out so bad I panicked and escaped out. :o It wasn't until my third BH that I was able to go through with it. I've ended up really enjoying this character and have considered elevating her to "main BH status" out of my three. I had her take all those snarky and crazy options that I avoided on the other two and it was FUN. :D

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Glorifying battle, claiming that fighting somehow elevates you to a higher state of honor, training children in war, etc. reminds me a bit too much of some real life groups.


That's probably on purpose. Factions like the Empire, Mando's and Republic are usually taking elements from real world cultures and groups. So, you'll find easy comparisons.

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I did it too, my Bounty Hunter doesn't want to be restrained by some one else code, and neither does she enjoy the concept of honour. She just wants to get a few credits, piss in some people's drinks, fist bump death and shoot people in the face. And now these guys want to limit her options in doing so?


LOL, more or less the same as my BHs. :D


I did this on my third playthrough. Truth is, (and thank goodness this isn't a Torian fan thread or I would probably get thrown out) I just don't care for the Mandalorian culture thing. Glorifying battle, claiming that fighting somehow elevates you to a higher state of honor, training children in war, etc.

My problem with them is, this lifestyle seems to be very boring. Fighting for the sake of battle. *yaaawn* I just can't feel the excitement. :)


my second was supposed to NOT be Mando, but then Mandalore chewed him out so bad I panicked and escaped out. :o

LOL, I did the same first, but then googled it, and since they said there will be nothing special if you refuse, I went for it and now I'm satisfied. :D Although...if Canderous Ordo asked me, it is possible I would change my mind. :D

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I know what Quinn's been doing. Yup. I've seen it all. Ya see, he sat in your house for years, growing his beard out, taking care of any children you had with him, and he never took a shower in all that time. Nope. So he's a smelly bastard. Then the Imp side is all like 'dude, we so need you to help us win Iokath!' So, he has to now find a baby sitter for all these children we had with him, and has to look some reports over to get back into the groove, cause you know, he watched his beard grow long and never thought to trim it or shower.


So now, he's all pristine, doing whatever he does/did on the imp side. You come along tomorrow, to get some stuff, whatever stuff, to give to the Imps, cause you know, Imps are awesome. Unless you go Pub, then he's all 'damnit, I should have stayed home and not wasted water showering' and yeah. :p

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I know what Quinn's been doing. Yup. I've seen it all. Ya see, he sat in your house for years, growing his beard out, taking care of any children you had with him, and he never took a shower in all that time. Nope. So he's a smelly bastard. Then the Imp side is all like 'dude, we so need you to help us win Iokath!' So, he has to now find a baby sitter for all these children we had with him, and has to look some reports over to get back into the groove, cause you know, he watched his beard grow long and never thought to trim it or shower.


So now, he's all pristine, doing whatever he does/did on the imp side. You come along tomorrow, to get some stuff, whatever stuff, to give to the Imps, cause you know, Imps are awesome. Unless you go Pub, then he's all 'damnit, I should have stayed home and not wasted water showering' and yeah. :p


LOOOL, this is priceless. I died imagining Quinn with a long beard. XD

Someone please draw a picture of this. :D

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I'm sitting on my hands because I've read the data-mined conversations (yes, I just *had* to know if it was going to be worth it to resub)....and without spoiling anything, will say that I think everyone will be pleased. My SW and Quinn romance is my absolute favorite out of all of them (to the point I've made multiple female SWs just so I could play it over and over) and I had a big grin on my face after reading the interactions. There were only a couple of little nit-picky things that are really minor and that I can fill in with head-canon if need be.

I swear i can't get the song "Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow...you're only a day awaaaay!" out of my head. Because even though I've spoiler-ed the conversations themselves for myself, it's going to be so much fun to see them played out!

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I'm sitting on my hands because I've read the data-mined conversations (yes, I just *had* to know if it was going to be worth it to resub)....and without spoiling anything, will say that I think everyone will be pleased. My SW and Quinn romance is my absolute favorite out of all of them (to the point I've made multiple female SWs just so I could play it over and over) and I had a big grin on my face after reading the interactions. There were only a couple of little nit-picky things that are really minor and that I can fill in with head-canon if need be.

I swear i can't get the song "Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow...you're only a day awaaaay!" out of my head. Because even though I've spoiler-ed the conversations themselves for myself, it's going to be so much fun to see them played out!


Do you think you could send me a link with what you read please? I really do like spoilers, I think it makes me enjoy things more for some reason, and since this won't be like a repeatable chapter I want to say everything just right :o

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I'm sitting on my hands because I've read the data-mined conversations (yes, I just *had* to know if it was going to be worth it to resub)....and without spoiling anything, will say that I think everyone will be pleased. My SW and Quinn romance is my absolute favorite out of all of them (to the point I've made multiple female SWs just so I could play it over and over) and I had a big grin on my face after reading the interactions. There were only a couple of little nit-picky things that are really minor and that I can fill in with head-canon if need be.

I swear i can't get the song "Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow...you're only a day awaaaay!" out of my head. Because even though I've spoiler-ed the conversations themselves for myself, it's going to be so much fun to see them played out!


Really?? That's great! I want the spoilers too, please show me in the right direction. :) I'm getting more nervous by every hour, I'm telling myself it's just a game but it doesn't help. XD :o (Seems Quinn makes me even crazier than Albert Wesker from the Resident Evil games and that says something LOL)

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