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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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So, when facing Yonlach on Tatooine with my SW, she says "I don't think they realize how potent you are Quinn." There's that 'potent' thing again. :)


Also, after Yonlach knocks Quinn out if you take option 2 "I prefer it this way" , Yonlach says that he 'senses Quinn's devotion goes beyond professional duty but that such misplaced affections are a sign of self-loathing'.


Either that was an insight into Quinn's persona or a foreshadowing of the Quinncident to come, anyway it was a rather interesting interaction, or at least I found it so.


Oooh! Thanks for the tip, I'm going to have to try that one. ^^

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I suppose it could be, I just didn't really think he was having feelings already by then, hrm


When does he start, like.. falling in love w/ warrior do you think?


Well the fem warrior can flirt up a storm during the Balmorra mission arc and it's clear it throws Quinn for a loop. However what we don't see is what happens after the warrior has flirted like crazy with him and gone off to do more of Baras' dirty work.


Maybe Quinn has way to much time to think about it and wonders if... 'A Sith and a guy like me?' :p Yes I just butchered one of Han's lines. :D I think Quinn starts thinking about the possible attraction early on but being the prim and proper officer he is tries at fights it which could lead to what the Jedi hermit says on Tatooine.

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Since Balmorra.


Sure I mean yeah :D I guess I'm just oblivious to it til Taris and even then I'm suspicious that it has something to do with Pierce, but then again companion missions didn't used to pop the way the do now, so.


And maybe Yonlach also really does just think the warrior is gross :o


'A Sith and a guy like me?'


I find the idea of that very cute.. :)

Edited by grania
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Maybe Quinn has way to much time to think about it and wonders if... 'A Sith and a guy like me?' :p Yes I just butchered one of Han's lines. :D I think Quinn starts thinking about the possible attraction early on but being the prim and proper officer he is tries at fights it which could lead to what the Jedi hermit says on Tatooine.

That's cute. :) I imagined him sitting by a desk, chinhands, daydreaming and sighing. You can also add little hearts around his head if you want to. XD

Edited by Dylinrae
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Well the fem warrior can flirt up a storm during the Balmorra mission arc and it's clear it throws Quinn for a loop. However what we don't see is what happens after the warrior has flirted like crazy with him and gone off to do more of Baras' dirty work.


Maybe Quinn has way to much time to think about it and wonders if... 'A Sith and a guy like me?' :p Yes I just butchered one of Han's lines. :D I think Quinn starts thinking about the possible attraction early on but being the prim and proper officer he is tries at fights it which could lead to what the Jedi hermit says on Tatooine.


Why have I suddenly got the image of the Warrior's crew being in a cliche High School romance story now?



Eh, somone's probably already made the AU fic.

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So, when facing Yonlach on Tatooine with my SW, she says "I don't think they realize how potent you are Quinn." There's that 'potent' thing again. :)


Also, after Yonlach knocks Quinn out if you take option 2 "I prefer it this way" , Yonlach says that he 'senses Quinn's devotion goes beyond professional duty but that such misplaced affections are a sign of self-loathing'.


Either that was an insight into Quinn's persona or a foreshadowing of the Quinncident to come, anyway it was a rather interesting interaction, or at least I found it so.




It always had me wondering. It was almost sweet in a really sad way.


I sometimes cannot tell if Quinn is loyally in love with my SW for who she is... or because she is powerful.


I have to wonder...if she suddenly said "I do not think I can serve the Empire any longer..." would he follow her? She doesn't even necessarily have to switch teams, she can simply go rogue and just bounce.

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I sometimes cannot tell if Quinn is loyally in love with my SW for who she is... or because she is powerful.


Reminds me of another game where the LI is trying to tell you he has feelings and he's like "you're very admirable, you lead people good!" And I'm like, huh? Thank goodness for mods..

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I have to wonder...if she suddenly said "I do not think I can serve the Empire any longer..." would he follow her? She doesn't even necessarily have to switch teams, she can simply go rogue and just bounce.


Before marriage, I doubt it, but after Marriage he'll follow her anywhere. Which is kind f sad, really, it would be interesting to explore the dilemma of him making that big a decision. When the love of his life turns on what is essentially his life.

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I find the idea of that very cute.. :)


Glad you liked it :)


That's cute. :) I imagined him sitting by a desk, chinhands, daydreaming and sighing. You can also add little hearts around his head if you want to. XD


That's... somewhat disturbing... :D


Why have I suddenly got the image of the Warrior's crew being in a cliche High School romance story now?



Eh, somone's probably already made the AU fic.


Bwhahaha :D

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Working on a new chapter and with luck will have it posted late tonight or early in the morning. Wanted to get something out the day before patch to help me miss him more, making his return that much more sweet. This one will not need the mature filter, no swearing or graphic language. Will post it when I am done.
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Bwhahaha :D


I can imagine it now:


Quinn's is the closed off, pragmatic nerd with a love of authority and too many books to count.


Vette's the comic relief, well-meaning side-kick; only friend Quinn has despite annoying him to death and constantly getting him into bad situations.


Broonie is Quinn's over-sized shaggy dog who always bites everybody, but is super huggable.


Pierce is that jock who always threw dodgeballs at Quinn


The Warrior is every cliche love-interest, who knocks Quinn off his feet with her odd attitude and COMPLETELY UNORTHODOX behaviour!


Baras is the janitor/teacher who always grumbles about how he could of been something, and now takes out all his aggression out on students. Hates the Warrior in particular.


M!Warrior is the older brother that threatens to break Quinn's legs.



....This is what happens when I have a late-night 80's movie marathon.

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I can imagine it now:


Quinn's is the closed off, pragmatic nerd with a love of authority and too many books to count.


Vette's the comic relief, well-meaning side-kick; only friend Quinn has despite annoying him to death and constantly getting him into bad situations.


Broonie is Quinn's over-sized shaggy dog who always bites everybody, but is super huggable.


Pierce is that jock who always threw dodgeballs at Quinn


The Warrior is every cliche love-interest, who knocks Quinn off his feet with her odd attitude and COMPLETELY UNORTHODOX behaviour!


Baras is the janitor/teacher who always grumbles about how he could of been something, and now takes out all his aggression out on students. Hates the Warrior in particular.


M!Warrior is the older brother that threatens to break Quinn's legs.



....This is what happens when I have a late-night 80's movie marathon.


You weren't watching The Breakfast Club by any chance were you? :D

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I don't really understand the line, he likes you so he hates himself?


I always understood it as "you're Sith, so to like you one must hate themselves". Like, you're so appalling that liking you must be self-hatred.


I think Yonlach's just being a dick. As a Jedi, he's just coming to his own conclusion as to why in the galaxy someone would have feelings towards a Sith.


Exactly. You worded it better :)

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Was playing on Shadowlands and was on the Imp Fleet and I saw someone's toon with the last name Quinn :D That's both amusing and somewhat worrying at the same time! :cool:


I remember that I used to create replica's of romancable companions, just to make the romance weird :D

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Not long to go now, I remember posting here weeks and weeks ago thinking it would take forever but here we are now with only a few days left! :D


I gave up waiting, sub ends tomorrow.






Was playing on Shadowlands and was on the Imp Fleet and I saw someone's toon with the last name Quinn That's both amusing and somewhat worrying at the same time!


I see her too sometimes, saw her today. I think about talking to her but then I decide to leave her alone :o

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Was playing on Shadowlands and was on the Imp Fleet and I saw someone's toon with the last name Quinn :D That's both amusing and somewhat worrying at the same time! :cool:


All 5 of my mains are "Quinn". Starting from my warrior, and ending on my smuggler. They're family, after all. Also solved the problem with (given) names taken by other players.


That said, there's also someone in my guild, who has Quinn as his legacy name, and his toon in Something-quinn, but he hates Malavai.


It's a popular surname, so doesn't have to mean anything.


(I dwell on TRE, btw, so that wasn't me you saw)

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I can't understand how Thread like this got 239 pages :confused:


Hang around with us, then you'll see why. We are genuinely nice people and we're happy people who like to talk, especially about our man Quinn.


Only pre-requisite is that you have to like Malavai Quinn. Killers and haters have their own thread, we don't do that here. :p

So welcome and rest easy in knowing you contributed to page 240.

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