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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I let Ardun Kothe live as just another source of information and also to rub the black codex in his face, something he wanted and can never have. Never did the double agent thing, preferred to be neither beholden to Empire or Republic after what they did.


I was also rather sad that we could not romance Keeper, married or not, he was rather sexy in that older male way. The IA story had a few more twists and turns than the others and of course there is Vector, so it is probably my favorite, followed closely by SW and JK. Oddly, I have more troopers than anything, go figure.

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Oddly, I have more troopers than anything, go figure.


I really like the trooper character, more so than the trooper story. I felt like she was sympathetic somehow, almost like a regular person.


/sigh My trooper used to be named "Hail" before server merges. Used to get compliments on it.

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I was also rather sad that we could not romance Keeper, married or not, he was rather sexy in that older male way. The IA story had a few more twists and turns than the others and of course there is Vector, so it is probably my favorite, followed closely by SW and JK. Oddly, I have more troopers than anything, go figure.


Appearance-wise, it's similar to Garza from the Trooper story. Vannilla didn't really have models for older characters, so you have characters pushing 60 that would sweep you off your feet

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Just saw a new trailer featuring Quinn on swtheoldrepublic's Youtube channel, it actually says under the video, "Three days. Will retribution be yours?" They are totally pushing the "Kill Quinn" angle to get people in.



EDIT : // It's on the official SWTOR Youtube Channel. Minor spoilers of a convo between the SW and Quinn.


The War for Iokath: Hand of the Wrath =

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I really like the trooper character, more so than the trooper story. I felt like she was sympathetic somehow, almost like a regular person.


/sigh My trooper used to be named "Hail" before server merges. Used to get compliments on it.


The trooper's story is...certainly different. One of my least favorite - I thought it was a tad boring - but it still is the only story to make me flat-out bawl my eyes out at several different points. :( Mostly because of the trooper character themselves. "No mercy for traitors." ...that LOOK, that horrified grieving look they have on their face afterwards...aaaauuugh, my heart just broke in half.

...speaking of which, I want to make a female trooper and romance Jorgan...but Jennifer Hale's voice irritates the stuffing out of me. Ehhh, I'll get past it.


Just saw a new trailer featuring Quinn on swtheoldrepublic's Youtube channel, it actually says under the video, "Three days. Will retribution be yours?" They are totally pushing the "Kill Quinn" angle to get people in.


*twitch* :/


On another note, could you post a link here? :D ...unless it's a trailer of killing Quinn. Or has major spoilers in it.

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On another note, could you post a link here? :D ...unless it's a trailer of killing Quinn. Or has major spoilers in it.


Whoops didn't post the link will edit my post.


Here it is. It's on the official SWTOR Youtube Channel. Minor spoilers of a convo between the SW and Quinn.


The War for Iokath: Hand of the Wrath =

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Just saw a new trailer featuring Quinn on swtheoldrepublic's Youtube channel, it actually says under the video, "Three days. Will retribution be yours?" They are totally pushing the "Kill Quinn" angle to get people in.


I replied to it in my tweet "Why do you assume *everyone* wants to kill him?". Got a lot of "fan-mail" tweets from haters after that. :cool:

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Just keep on trying to picture how the romanced reunion will go, am not going to seek out spoilers and plan on turning off all chats until I see it myself the day it goes live. But here is hoping it is more touching then Jorgan's is :)

I keep all chats off in-game anyway, however I usually keep the chat "box" thing open for any /w and notifications. That will remain closed until I have completed the first warrior - my sith sorcerer main is going to have take a back seat until I see the romance return. Jorgan's return was really well done if you romanced him, so I'm hoping they have taken some hints from how much people liked that & given us something similar or better for Quinn. The spoilers in this thread are annoying as I end up skipping non-spoiler posts just to avoid them.


It's for science.

I am going to answer my friends (who think I am mad) with this line every time they mention me spending so much time in this thread :D



In other Quinn news I recently started doing Galactic Starfights for the addition components/CXP and I got Quinn today as it was mentioned in a previous post in here (can't find it to quote it though - sorry). I can highly recommend having Quinn as your co-pilot!

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Quite a few comments on the video are positive so it fills me with a little hope that not everyone wants to kill him ASAP. :cool:


Lots of people do. Fine. Their choice. But if the devs assume *everyone* wants to, *everyone* hates him... and the wrote the story for all those *everyone* only, bc there are no other people with other wishes.... :( I don't want the same choice be done to *me*.


'Nuff said, after recent news, I'm looking forward Tuesday less and less. I want him back, but if I'll have to resort to spacebarring to avoid seeing nasty stuff they put into my warrior's mouth -- stuff she'd never say -- this chapter will never have happened in my story. I'll have to ignore it, and stick with my own fanfiction I wrote in December as my personal canon.

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In other Quinn news I recently started doing Galactic Starfights for the addition components/CXP and I got Quinn today as it was mentioned in a previous post in here (can't find it to quote it though - sorry). I can highly recommend having Quinn as your co-pilot!


I also "bought" him for my agent today, but didn't fly with him yet. So he's not limited to warrior only.:D

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I am going to answer my friends (who think I am mad) with this line every time they mention me spending so much time in this thread


My daughter thinks it's hilarious. She's so onto me. In the stronghold, she was like "mom he's standing by your bed" with a great big smirk on her face. (He wasn't really standing by the bed! But I moved him anyway.)

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'Nuff said, after recent news, I'm looking forward Tuesday less and less. I want him back, but if I'll have to resort to spacebarring to avoid seeing nasty stuff they put into my warrior's mouth -- stuff she'd never say -- this chapter will never have happened in my story. I'll have to ignore it, and stick with my own fanfiction I wrote in December as my personal canon.


I'm hoping what the SW says in the clip is a chosen response and not the default response to meeting Quinn for the first time. :eek:

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Lots of people do. Fine. Their choice. But if the devs assume *everyone* wants to, *everyone* hates him... and the wrote the story for all those *everyone* only, bc there are no other people with other wishes.... I don't want the same choice be done to *me*.


Well that's one reason to keep plugging (posting) away, yeah? We've done our part. :o I'm inclined to believe what I've heard though, that we'll be satisfied with the reunion. Hopefully I'll even feel silly for worrying.

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I'm hoping what the SW says in the clip is a chosen response and not the default response to meeting Quinn for the first time. :eek:


It isn't. Listen closely and you can hear the 'clik' of choosing a dialogue option after Quinn says "In the flesh." Also the cutscene pauses a little right there - they just didn't show the dialogue wheel.

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I'm hoping what the SW says in the clip is a chosen response and not the default response to meeting Quinn for the first time. :eek:


I had a meltdown yesterday about that. On Twitter. SWTOR official account replied to me tweet that it is an option, not a default choice.


I'm still worried, though. In KOTET I kept choosing "don't want the throne" each time I could, until it was not an option any more, and my warrior started saying "when I take the throne". I worry they'll do the same.


"I don't want to kill you... until the script makes me to against my will". :(


There is little chance that the Dev's actually think that.


I'm having a really bad, pessimistic day today, so all I'll say to it is: Koth in KOTET.

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I had a meltdown yesterday about that. On Twitter. SWTOR official account replied to me tweet that it is an option, not a default choice.


I'm still worried, though. In KOTET I kept choosing "don't want the throne" each time I could, until it was not an option any more, and my warrior started saying "when I take the throne". I worry they'll do the same.


"I don't want to kill you... until the script makes me to against my will". :(


That happens? :/ Drat.

Spoiler'd for potential spoilers for KOTFE/KOTET, even though I'm pretty sure everybody else here's been through them already... it's just me that hasn't. XD Still, I know a fair number of plot points. :/ Just...not everything.


Both my knight and my warrior (my two "main" characters for KOTFE/KOTET) absolutely do not want the throne. My knight just wants to leave and find Kira, and he doesn't care what happens to the rest of the galaxy as long as Kira's safe. (That and getting Valkorion out of his brain. He'd like that, too. XD) My warrior doesn't want the Eternal Throne...she wants the Sith Empire's throne. Sort of. She'd rather assume a position of leadership, sort out the Empire's maaaaaaany many many shortcomings, then step down and leave the ruling to a reformed Dark Council, perfectly content to simply be an enforcer once again.

Must resort to headcanon, then. Again. (Heck, in headcanon, my smuggler and bounty hunter left alongside Koth in the aftermath of Chapter Ten. Hunter returned to the Alliance with the Mandos and Torian, but my smuggler's still out and about in the galaxy at large, helping the Alliance occasionally - but mostly, she's just looking for her husband.)


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I'm still worried, though. In KOTET I kept choosing "don't want the throne" each time I could, until it was not an option any more, and my warrior started saying "when I take the throne". I worry they'll do the same.


"I don't want to kill you... until the script makes me to against my will". :(


There's a large difference between the main plot point they want to lead you towards, and the intereaction with your companion who is also romancable

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That happens? :/ Drat.

Spoiler'd for potential spoilers for KOTFE/KOTET, even though I'm pretty sure everybody else here's been through them already... it's just me that hasn't. XD Still, I know a fair number of plot points. :/ Just...not everything.


Both my knight and my warrior (my two "main" characters for KOTFE/KOTET) absolutely do not want the throne. My knight just wants to leave and find Kira, and he doesn't care what happens to the rest of the galaxy as long as Kira's safe. (That and getting Valkorion out of his brain. He'd like that, too. XD) My warrior doesn't want the Eternal Throne...she wants the Sith Empire's throne. Sort of. She'd rather assume a position of leadership, sort out the Empire's maaaaaaany many many shortcomings, then step down and leave the ruling to a reformed Dark Council, perfectly content to simply be an enforcer once again.


My wanted to defeat the enemy, and then go home (which is the Empire, not some Shmakuul or Odessen-smessen) to find her hubby. I was miserable after finishing KOTET, because it was so very much out of character for her. But since all my mains live in the same reality, and my Inquisitor was by her side, she gave it to him. He happily took it (he's greedy for power that way), and I somehow worked it out in fanfic.

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There's a large difference between the main plot point they want to lead you towards, and the intereaction with your companion who is also romancable


... and also will never become a plot point, since he's killable, so they won't waste time on making cutscenes for a character *everybody* killed already.


I hope you're right. I really do. But by this point I have little faith in them. They play favourites with NPCs, and Quinn is not their favourite.

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My wanted to defeat the enemy, and then go home (which is the Empire, not some Shmakuul or Odessen-smessen) to find her hubby. I was miserable after finishing KOTET, because it was so very much out of character for her. But since all my mains live in the same reality, and my Inquisitor was by her side, she gave it to him. He happily took it (he's greedy for power that way), and I somehow worked it out in fanfic.


Thank goodness for headcanon, then. :D Hey, all my characters live in the same reality, too! Sure is fun to have all of them clash heads with each other and work out who does what.

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Thank goodness for headcanon, then. :D Hey, all my characters live in the same reality, too! Sure is fun to have all of them clash heads with each other and work out who does what.


I have those short and longer films playing out in my head what they do between chapters, etc. :D

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I have those short and longer films playing out in my head what they do between chapters, etc. :D


*hugs* :D WE'RE TWINS.

On another note, I'm rather glad to know I'm not the only one who does that. Therefore, I'm not quite as crazy as I thought I was. XD

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