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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I'm going to have it on the screen when my husband comes home, say nothing about it, and see what his reaction is :D


"Uh, sweetheart? Is this your way of passive-aggressively saying I need to take out the garbage?" :p


Quinn: I must object to my portrayal in the drawing, however--

Ah ah, gotta correct that for you. In the "amazing" drawing. (Wish I could draw. :D)

Quinn: ...very well. I only allow myself to fall into that state of disarray on very rare occasions.

Such as...taking out the trash?

Quinn: Around my love--*cough* my lord, that is hardly a rare occasion.

I assume you're with a dark-side warrior, then.

Quinn: Even light-side warriors wind up with truly astonishing piles of corpses.

*is taking a light-side warrior through the story* ...not THAT many...

Quinn: Compared to the average being, warriors of either leaning find themselves racking up body counts in the dozens. *getting more animated as he speaks* The sheer carnage these beings leave behind! The terror they inspire! The unerring respect they command by virtue of their sheer bloodthirst and cunning alone!

*starry eyes* Do go on...

Quinn: The--*sees the fangirls hanging on his every word* .........................no.

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Me neither. Quinn wife number 6 incoming...



Btw I highly suggest taking scavenging on your warrior, for some reason it's very funny and satisfying to scavenge a certain couple of droids right in a certain companion's face while he's doubled over. I always miss doing it when I don't have it.


Quinn: The--*sees the fangirls hanging on his every word* .........................no.


D'oh he caught me


And yes! My husband never takes out the trash. But one - he has no sense of smell, and two - he's a pub, so what can you do :|


Oh and one more thing, Quinn - I was just wondering where is Moff Broysc these days? Did he get a proper burial on DK? Or has he been floating around in space for the last 7 years? :p

Edited by grania
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Can't stop laughing at the posts. :D


I have been wondering if Baras knew you were in a relationship with Quinn. I think it is possible he didn't, maybe only the crew knew about it. Loving somebody openly as a Sith can make other Sith use it against you, exploiting it as a weakness.

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Btw I highly suggest taking scavenging on your warrior, for some reason it's very funny and satisfying to scavenge a certain couple of droids right in a certain companion's face while he's doubled over. I always miss doing it when I don't have it.

Already done on all but one of my warriors who is so light side she has synthweaving. Don't worry, she has not offered to mend any of Quinn's space socks. Yet. However with all those stronghold missing Quinn cat-substitute mini pets, there may be knitting involved...


Without actually giving reality away (and I have no clue), what rank does Quinn need to be on his return? If Pierce returned as a Major (2 ranks higher than he was previously) and Quinn was previously a rank higher than Pierce & they are both in the Imperial Army, will Quinn hypothetically return as a Lt Colonel, Colonel or Brigadier? I can't see him being promoted higher than that since all the Generals and Moffs seem to be very wrinkly in this game. Fantasy incoming

based on his angst-y last letter, I'd like the story to be that he went into an uncharacteristic deep depression without his warrior wife and exiled himself to outer rim isolation, then years later is tracked down by Acina who informs him his warrior is still alive and uses her connections to get him to re-enlist and be given a higher rank in return for info on his wife's whereabouts. Acina's aim is to use their relationship in the hopes that the warrior and her alliance to join with the empire based on her previous connection to the empire and her love for Malavai.

like I said, fantasy which will probably end up as fan-fiction, especially as I can't see them giving us a back history playout on what Quinn has been doing for 5 years.

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Can't stop laughing at the posts. :D


I have been wondering if Baras knew you were in a relationship with Quinn. I think it is possible he didn't, maybe only the crew knew about it. Loving somebody openly as a Sith can make other Sith use it against you, exploiting it as a weakness.


I think if Baras was half the spy master he claimed, he would have known. I know he took extra pleasure in the fact that he was ordering your supposed lover to kill you. And it's the reason I used to justify not being able to kill Quinn, just to spite Baras. "See, Baras, your plan failed completely. I ain't even mad at Quinn."

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There is a part of me that thinks that Baras knew what he was doing when inserting Malavai into the SW's life. He definitely would have noticed when she would flirt with Malavai and give a glowing report about him at the end of Balmorra. (Baras: High praise indeed, Quinn...)


I think Baras put it to Malavai then, 'get yourself in her service and good graces however you can'. I think Baras knew all right, and I don't think Malavai expected to fall for the SW. He does at one point say "I'm here to do a job" when she starts flirting with him aboard the ship, one of the first times. He tried to keep his distance but couldn't. I think he was reporting just enough to keep Baras satisfied, and figured so long as everything was kosher, things would work out. He probably didn't count on Baras wanting to do away with SW like he did, because she was always doing such a good job for Baras. Baras was nothing if not observant. My take anyways.

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There is a part of me that thinks that Baras knew what he was doing when inserting Malavai into the SW's life. He definitely would have noticed when she would flirt with Malavai and give a glowing report about him at the end of Balmorra. (Baras: High praise indeed, Quinn...)


I think Baras put it to Malavai then, 'get yourself in her service and good graces however you can'. I think Baras knew all right, and I don't think Malavai expected to fall for the SW. He does at one point say "I'm here to do a job" when she starts flirting with him aboard the ship, one of the first times. He tried to keep his distance but couldn't. I think he was reporting just enough to keep Baras satisfied, and figured so long as everything was kosher, things would work out. He probably didn't count on Baras wanting to do away with SW like he did, because she was always doing such a good job for Baras. Baras was nothing if not observant. My take anyways.


I noticed the "I'm here to do a job" line, too. I'll always believe Quinn was ordered to get in the Warrior's good graces, fell in love despite his best efforts, and then followed Baras' orders out of the same sort of guilt that a jedi would have to justify saving the lives of many over the life of one person they cared about.

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I think if Baras was half the spy master he claimed, he would have known. I know he took extra pleasure in the fact that he was ordering your supposed lover to kill you. And it's the reason I used to justify not being able to kill Quinn, just to spite Baras. "See, Baras, your plan failed completely. I ain't even mad at Quinn."


On my very first warrior, Quinn got the "killing blow" in the fight with Baras too. :D

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Yes, Baras is a great schemer, but I think he only chose to use Quinn against you not long before the incident (he sort of panicked that you keep surviving everything he throws at you, and decided that killing you could be an inside job).

I just finished the Balmorra questline yesterday, and he says he can work wherever he wants to. He couldn't be sure if Quinn chooses you or not.


If he knew about it, I think it was later on, not at the beginning. I'm certain neither Quinn nor the Warrior bragged about them being a couple to Baras. XD

There is a funny scene in my head, where he finds it out accidentally, like:


There is a long 'couch' on your ship, near the holoterminal, and it looks so comfortable to lie on. :) I imagined you and Quinn taking a nap there, hugging each other, when Baras suddenly appears on the holo, and they both jump up scared. Quinn's face is all red because of the embarassment (my Warrior is a Pureblood so she couldn't get any redder LOL), and there is a short, awkward silence. Then Baras says: 'Apprentice, I see you have warmed up to each other. But that is no concern of mine. Let us talk about your next mission.'



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You are weird.

Talking about in-game romance / relationships and some outright insanely saying "Squealed" or "Gasped" or something. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? ! ! Guys, you are scaring me...

As many people said - He does deserve to die. He is a traitor even though he swore to be by side of sith warrior.

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You are weird.

Talking about in-game romance / relationships and some outright insanely saying "Squealed" or "Gasped" or something. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? ! ! Guys, you are scaring me...

As many people said - He does deserve to die. He is a traitor even though he swore to be by side of sith warrior.


And you're being judgemental.


This is a happy thread, full of happy fans and we're having a good time here (sounds as if you could use a good time yourself lol). If you don't like it here or feel uncomfortable hanging out with us Quinn fans, feel free to go to this thread, I'm sure you'll find it more to your liking. Haters aren't welcome here.:



Edited by Lunafox
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Yes, Baras is a great schemer, but I think he only chose to use Quinn against you not long before the incident (he sort of panicked that you keep surviving everything he throws at you, and decided that killing you could be an inside job).

I just finished the Balmorra questline yesterday, and he says he can work wherever he wants to. He couldn't be sure if Quinn chooses you or not.


If he knew about it, I think it was later on, not at the beginning. I'm certain neither Quinn nor the Warrior bragged about them being a couple to Baras. XD

There is a funny scene in my head, where he finds it out accidentally, like:


I'm with you here 100%. I think he called Quinn after Draahg failed the second time & forced him to turn against you. I already wrote earlier a few points that fit this theory, so won't repeat over and over, but Quinn being Baras's mole from the beginning just doesn't make sense for me and doesn't fit a lot of dialogue or Quinn's reaction to what you say about Baras.


Not sure Baras knew about their relationship, and if he did, I'm not sure he cared. But I never gave it that much thought.


And I never understood how people can get into arguments over baseball players stats or fantasy football leagues. But hey to each their own....we just happen to be the Malavai Quinn fan club. Let the fangirling continue.


Just yesterday I was in a PvP match with my toon named Milivai Quinn (healer agent, Quinn's younger brother). Arena has 4 in a team. 2 of them pretty much subverted the match, because they refused to play with my character. Those people hate an NPC so much, they took it out on another player and effectively lost the match!


People like that are beyond petty, and not worth our time.

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Just yesterday I was in a PvP match with my toon named Milivai Quinn (healer agent, Quinn's younger brother). Arena has 4 in a team. 2 of them pretty much subverted the match, because they refused to play with my character. Those people hate an NPC so much, they took it out on another player and effectively lost the match!


People like that are beyond petty, and not worth our time.


I'm sorry that happened to you. Petty, and boring.


I can't fangirl just yet, I feel like Quinn looks when he takes out the garbage. Working on it :o

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I'm sorry that happened to you. Petty, and boring.


I kind of "collect" such people, take screenshots, and then name and shame on Twitter :D I'm an evil Sith lord, after all :D


I need some fangirling these days. Will soon roll another warrior and enjoy life from Balmorra on...:D

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I'm with you here 100%. I think he called Quinn after Draahg failed the second time & forced him to turn against you. I already wrote earlier a few points that fit this theory, so won't repeat over and over, but Quinn being Baras's mole from the beginning just doesn't make sense for me and doesn't fit a lot of dialogue or Quinn's reaction to what you say about Baras.


Not sure Baras knew about their relationship, and if he did, I'm not sure he cared. But I never gave it that much thought.




Just yesterday I was in a PvP match with my toon named Milivai Quinn (healer agent, Quinn's younger brother). Arena has 4 in a team. 2 of them pretty much subverted the match, because they refused to play with my character. Those people hate an NPC so much, they took it out on another player and effectively lost the match!


People like that are beyond petty, and not worth our time.


Yes, Baras doesn't seem to be the type who cares about such small and unimportant things. :) Unless there is an opportunity to use it against you, haha.


About the PvP: it's ridiculous and pathetic to behave like this and losing a match for the sake of being rude. Especially that you were the healer.

By the way, isn't Milivai the Spaceballs version of Quinn? :D

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You are weird.

Talking about in-game romance / relationships and some outright insanely saying "Squealed" or "Gasped" or something. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? ! ! Guys, you are scaring me...

As many people said - He does deserve to die. He is a traitor even though he swore to be by side of sith warrior.


It's called "SQUEEEEE" not "squealed". ;)

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You are weird.

Talking about in-game romance / relationships and some outright insanely saying "Squealed" or "Gasped" or something. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? ! ! Guys, you are scaring me...

As many people said - He does deserve to die. He is a traitor even though he swore to be by side of sith warrior.

Where exactly in this thread did any of us claim to be sane? You Sir, (and I'm assuming sir) have zero clue about the inner workings of female fandom. Redirect yourself to the hate thread.

I wonder if the Devs would consider employing us as Quinn story consultants? Devs - consider the millions of forever subs if you get it right! :D

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Just yesterday I was in a PvP match with my toon named Milivai Quinn (healer agent, Quinn's younger brother).


OMG I so have to do this.....though I was just going to make mine me a dps operative....already have an agent healer who I already raid with. And I was thinking Marcas Quinn sounds good (someone already had Marcus Quinn taken on my server so had to dig up the Irish spelling of it) his twin brother....there we go think I got it....not sure which face is his.

Anyone else make a look a like does face 13 look right to everybody? Also slighty colorblind and I see 3 different sets of blue eyes. I picked eye color 1 looks the closest to the youtube I found.


Will have to ponder my work over the next few days but I think I got the look right on, is a shame we cannot do the mole :(

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OMG I so have to do this.....though I was just going to make mine me a dps operative....already have an agent healer who I already raid with. And I was thinking Marcas Quinn sounds good (someone already had Marcus Quinn taken on my server so had to dig up the Irish spelling of it) his twin brother....there we go think I got it....not sure which face is his.

Anyone else make a look a like does face 13 look right to everybody? Also slighty colorblind and I see 3 different sets of blue eyes. I picked eye color 1 looks the closest to the youtube I found.


Will have to ponder my work over the next few days but I think I got the look right on, is a shame we cannot do the mole :(


It's head 2 and eye color 2. :)

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