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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Hi all


This is my very first post on these forums. I have been al lurker most of the time.

I play'ed swotr when the game released, then I took a few eyars break and have

just recently in November 2017 started playing again. I have two lvl 44 characters I started from scratch,

and some higher ups which I used outlander token and boosted token for.


My lower level sith warrior romances quinn ofc, my old did aswell but had soem problems

with that character so had to restart. I have finished kotfe/kotet once with my outlander token character. But

I love this game. Im from Sweden and female sorry for any grammar mistakes.


I have nejoyed reading this thread, and wanted to post and say hello. I mightn ot

post very often but I love to read.:)


Hi there! <waves> :)


Do you gals & guys think Quinn will make a reappearance in a future flashpoint / expansion? Granted it would likely be only a minor role, unless I suppose they got his voice actor to do the [back-Up Quinn role]


No. I don't expect to see anyone but Beniko, maybe Theron as evil NPC and/or maybe comp if he's back without kill option, and currently returned comp (as in: in this particular chunk of content; of course to be never seen again afterwards).

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Thank you all, I stil have much to learn how to post in these forums.

I do have some screens to share but no idea how to share them can I upload them on imgur then post them from there?


Yes, that's how many people, me included do it. Upload somewhere else, like imgur, then post here a link. AFAIK, the forum doesn't have it's own upload feature, so this is the only way to do it.

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So I promised to post 2 of my screenshots so I will try it now.






I took these to show an FB friend of mine the armor he had for that time beeing.


I think I had my original Quinn run around in that same robe when your companions also had to have stats :) I probably still have it in my characters bank too come to think of it.

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I think I had my original Quinn run around in that same robe when your companions also had to have stats :) I probably still have it in my characters bank too come to think of it.


Yeah my character is lvl 46 now,, I started her from scratch when I restarted in november.

I just loved to yell at broysz or how that spells for quinns sake.

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I ran into an old work friend yesterday. She finally played through the warrior and is a Quinn fan too :) She hasn't played FE/ET yet and she was talking about how much she enjoyed getting to know Theron and Lana in SoR. It was soooo hard not to spoil anything!
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because of this stupid spam thread, we'll have all same love companion's thread.


that's why this needed to be closed and moderated.


normal to see many other same threads if we allowed one of the most pathetic character in this game to have 740+ spam posts.



Edited by Thaladan
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because of this stupid spam thread, we'll have all same love companion's thread.


that's why this needed to be closed and moderated.


normal to see many other same threads if we allowed one of the most pathetic character in this game to have 740+ spam posts.




This thread has been going on for almost a year hun... still have not shut us down. If anything your post will probably add another page our thread. So if anything thanks for making this thread that much longer.

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I ran into an old work friend yesterday. She finally played through the warrior and is a Quinn fan too :) She hasn't played FE/ET yet and she was talking about how much she enjoyed getting to know Theron and Lana in SoR. It was soooo hard not to spoil anything!


Good, let her see if for herself :) I know is sooo hard to not talk about spoilers :)

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because of this stupid spam thread, we'll have all same love companion's thread.


that's why this needed to be closed and moderated.


normal to see many other same threads if we allowed one of the most pathetic character in this game to have 740+ spam posts.



Have some kolto for all that butt-hurt, or should we send Quinn over to take a look at you? :)

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because of this stupid spam thread, we'll have all same love companion's thread.


that's why this needed to be closed and moderated.


normal to see many other same threads if we allowed one of the most pathetic character in this game to have 740+ spam posts.




Posted for Jagaimee


Allow me, sir, to take apart your post bit by bit.


“Because of this stupid spam thread” – how is it spam? The Quinnmancers are expressing gratitude (a rather overwhelming amount, might I add) for a character they dearly love.


“We’ll have all same love companion’s thread” – you’ll forgive me if I can’t make heads or tails of this bizarrely-worded segment.


“That’s why this needed to be closed and moderated” – ah, but you didn’t give an actual reason, merely subjective opinions.


“Normal to see many other same threads” – I beg your pardon, do you speak Basic?


“If we allowed one of the most pathetic character in this game” – ah, resorting to name-calling, very mature of you.


“To have 740+ spam posts” – your counting skills are equitable to your skills as a wordsmith. This thread currently has 750 pages, and 7,941 (now 7,943) posts. You forgot a zero in there somewhere, and there are no spam posts.


“Period.” If you were attempting to make a point, you’ve failed.


Now if you’ll kindly lie still, I have kolto to administer.

Edited by Nightfrogger
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Posted for Jagaimee


Allow me, sir, to take apart your post bit by bit.


“Because of this stupid spam thread” – how is it spam? The Quinnmancers are expressing gratitude (a rather overwhelming amount, might I add) for a character they dearly love.


“We’ll have all same love companion’s thread” – you’ll forgive me if I can’t make heads or tails of this bizarrely-worded segment.


“That’s why this needed to be closed and moderated” – ah, but you didn’t give an actual reason, merely subjective opinions.


“Normal to see many other same threads” – I beg your pardon, do you speak Basic?


“If we allowed one of the most pathetic character in this game” – ah, resorting to name-calling, very mature of you.


“To have 740+ spam posts” – your counting skills are equitable to your skills as a wordsmith. This thread currently has 750 pages, and 7,941 (now 7,943) posts. You forgot a zero in there somewhere, and there are no spam posts.


“Period.” If you were attempting to make a point, you’ve failed.


Now if you’ll kindly lie still, I have kolto to administer.


Perfect Quinn I love it :D

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you're feeding, that's all.


you just prove the real point, and it's growing.


Posted for Jagaimee


Feeding? Ah yes, the age-old practice of feeding the troll. Now, tell me - who is the real spammer in this thread? Is it the Quinnmancers, talking about this thread's very purpose and staying on topic? Or is it the one lone miscreant who posts solely to stir up trouble and will no doubt have his posts either deleted or buried again in the depths of the thread? The answer is obvious.


I won't respond to you again; good day, sir, and may you discover those glorious things called "the outdoors" and "sunlight." Force knows you need them.

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because of this stupid spam thread, we'll have all same love companion's thread.


that's why this needed to be closed and moderated.


normal to see many other same threads if we allowed one of the most pathetic character in this game to have 740+ spam posts.




Dear Thaladan,


I created this thread almost a year ago, because I love the character of Malavai Quinn. I was genuinely happy to hear they were planning on returning him to us and expressed gratitude (something few people do in this forum).


You seem to be thinking this thread is nothing but spam, but you're wrong. Let me take a moment to show you why:


What this thread has achieved:


The thread has proven to be a uniting force in the forum of all the people who enjoy the character of Malavai Quinn and by extension the Sith Warrior storyline.


The thread is a conduit in which we can share our wonderful art works, fan fictions, drabbles, screen shots and opinions. These things serve to promote the game in a positive way.


The thread also included invaluable and interesting information direct from THE AUTHOR of the SITH WARRIOR story, Neil Pollner himself, and was acquired and shared by one of our lovely members, Feylyndiira, who communicated with the author on Twitter.


The thread has spawned many friendships over the year it's been up and because of the friendships a GUILD was formed in the game to serve as a way for us to interact in the game. There have been screenshots and anecdotes of various Malavai Quinn and Quinnmancer guild activity.


We have little events amongst ourselves where we share seasonal screenshots, to celebrate the holidays. (Psst Valentines is coming up ;) )


So we have this thread that keeps all of our Quinn love in one easy to reach place so that all our various things aren't cluttering the forum.


I'm proud to say the thread has been an inspiration to many and has spawned similar fan threads for their preferred character of choice. People are united, talking and actually having fun in these <3 threads.


For you to come in and demand 'moderation' and 'closure' is ridiculous and unwarranted. If anything, the devs/mods of SW:TOR should come in here and thank us for providing a fun, friendly environment that celebrates the game, something that so many people have forgotten how to do. We and the other threads like ours, are a bright spot and make the forum fun rather than the bog of eternal misery that it's been for so long.


I'm sorry if the positive threads have disrupted the constant stream of daily bishing, bashing, and moaning. I have three words for you where we and this thread are concerned: JUST KEEP SCROLLING.

Edited by Lunafox
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Also. Because of this thread Quinnmancers is a guild. We use this thread to show pictures of guildies doing things together for our Quinnmancing friends on other servers.


If you don't like this thread, or the other love threads then skip over them. We all have the right to discuss the aspects of the game we enjoy.

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And with that being said, who wants more Quinn screen shots? :)


So many prospects for victory

He caught me peaking...

Another Rough Night


Me! I love the screenies, Malavai looks so pensive in that first one. <3


I also appreciate you posting for the Grand Admiral. I do love her posts so much. So you guys keep on! *high fives*


And remember Valentines is coming, so hopefully that will breed some lovely screenies with a loving/valentines type vibe. <3

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