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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I've only ever taken my Warrior through Kotet. There can be only one Emperor. He dgaf.


Almost made it through Kotfe as a knight.. just.. couldn't.. quite.... hang in there.. to..finish it.... *deleted*


My warrior didn't want to be an empress. It may sound weird, but after finishing the story, I felt really miserable. The script forced her to do something she never wanted. She just wanted to go home and find her hubby. My misery ended when I realised the story fit a lot better my Inquisitor's personality. He wanted the throne.


She gave it to him. She was the Outlander, but she stepped down after defeating Valk (with Inq's help, the guy has extensive experience with ghosts in one's head after all ;)), and she gave the throne to him. I enjoyed the story a lot more playing him.


So in my RP the Outlander didn't become the Emperess. Her right hand did.


See, grania, what I mean about spinning head? ;)


I usually pick a different customization for each alt if there are enough decent looking ones to use, otherwise I have to repeat.


I usually stick to one across characters, unless their voices are indistinct. I get used to associating a voice with a face and if that changes, it bothers me. Unless the voice is so average it has "no face", so to speak.


So I usually apply a customisation, if I choose to do that, as soon as I get a new comp.

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I'm very fond of Vector, I just don't talk about him much because there isn't anything to complain about. And I've never really had to defend my fondness of him like I've had to do so often for Quinn. When/if he returns, I'll gladly take my agent through fe/et. That scene, with the eyes, was unforgettable.


I like all the male LIs in game. To me, they fit with that main class' woman character. I don't mind Corso treating my Smuggler like she's a frail flower, me, her and Corso know she really isn't (especially given the fact, via legacy tree, her mother is a Sith Warrior and her father is Quinn) so she's far from dainty. Plus, I like the respect for women thing. My husband in real life is the exact same way to me. He doesn't treat me like a dainty flower, but he'll hold open doors, carry heavy things, pull my chair out for me, etc. It's just how he was raised and I'm no feminist in any sense of the word. I'm more old fashioned.


I love Vector, he was my first, along with my Chiss agent. I have him using the veiny look only because the slicked back hair isn't my kind of style I like. I'm more into lots of hair or in game, Quinn style hair. His black eyes or joiner thing with the killiks don't bother me, and I'm the type who won't go outside barefooted or sit on grass because I have a huge real life phobia of any bugs on earth. But he's so sweet, and I loved the f2b he and my agent shared which began and ended in her bedroom. ;)


Doc doesn't bother me because he's funny. Yeah, he's a manho before he married the Knight, but he's sweet and he does seem like he really does love my knight, so I don't mind him being a goober.


For my consular, I would prefer Tharan C to Iresso, just because I weirdly, prefer Tharan C's personality to Iresso's, but it doesn't bother me too badly. I just use head canon and legacy tree, to have my girl still boffing Tharan and Iresso and has a kid each with them.

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Quinn: *spits out tea* WHAT--*sputtering*

I guess he IS eavesdropping!

Quinn: What--I--but--th--wha--did--what--the--

You're supposed to say, "I ain't dropping no eaves, sir, honest!"

Quinn: *still sputtering and turning purple to match the color this text is in*

I...am not sure how to interpret that...

Quinn: ...hang it all. *flees*



Ahem. I dunno, maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I thought Corso's white-knight chivalry (or fumbling lack of it at times) was utterly adorable. :p I refuse to take my smuggler through KOTFE/KOTET until I know Corso's coming back.

And Vector is beautiful. Just...yes. He's pretty much the only thing grounding my agent in sanity at the moment. Back before companion conversations were tied to story progression, I had this happen late in Act III of the agent's story:


The "marriage" with the Voss guy happened. My agent was NOT happy about it at all, and the "marriage" was totally chaste. That night (right before they headed out to the Nightmare Lands), Vector showed up and revealed his true eyes, and he and my agent affirmed their love for each other.

A little while later, Intelligence is disbanded by the Sith. My agent was utterly devastated by it. Once she got back to her ship after leaving Dromund Kaas... cue Vector with a marriage proposal.

She said yes so fast he barely had time to ask the question. :D


I had it where their marriage (the Voss one) was just for show to get what she wanted. She thought Vector was cool with it since there'd been no hanky panky, but when they walked out of the tea house, he dragged her into an empty building and well....made sure she knew who she was married to for reals. (I finished her story in 2012, along with my other 7 main toons) Been here since 12/25/2011

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I had it where their marriage (the Voss one) was just for show...


In my headcanon my agent is still married to her Voss husband. I don't hate Vector or anything, but he just didn't do it for me as a love interest. The only two I really liked were Quinn and Jorgan. I must have a thing for guys who have trouble expressing themselves...

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In my headcanon my agent is still married to her Voss husband. I don't hate Vector or anything, but he just didn't do it for me as a love interest. The only two I really liked were Quinn and Jorgan. I must have a thing for guys who have trouble expressing themselves...


I can't remember which npc said that the Voss' breath stunk, but that line just ruined the whole species for me. -_-


So my agent did NOT stay married to Mr. Stank. She boned the bug man instead. :confused:



The person who wrote the agent story is strange.

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I can't remember which npc said that the Voss' breath stunk, but that line just ruined the whole species for me. -_-


So my agent did NOT stay married to Mr. Stank. She boned the bug man instead. :confused:



The person who wrote the agent story is strange.


It was the Imperial agent contact who was surgically altered to look like a Voss, hence why you're even there to begin with.


I felt bad my girl married him and said 'thanks, but no thanks' and headed off with her true husband, but one, I'm not into the Voss, and two, it was just weird that they don't have sex whatsoever until they've gotten married. I know, I know, people do that in real life, but I only married my husband because I got to test drive that car before I bought it.


It's that Voss guy's fault for marrying an 'offworlder' and her not giving him some booty.


And you're right, the writer for the agent story was on some heavy narcotics when they wrote it due to some of the things in it. But it's still my fav, second place to the sith warrior one.

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And you're right, the writer for the agent story was on some heavy narcotics when they wrote it due to some of the things in it. But it's still my fav, second place to the sith warrior one.


I'm binge watching Clone Wars. Everything in SWtOR seems very tame after seeing Ziro the Hutt and Sy Snootles together :eek:

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I'm another who uses Quinn's default look. In fact the only two companions I do use customisations on are Vette and T7-01.


I like everyone's default look, but I do do like you do and change up T7 and Vette. It not too weird for me personally to change those two. But the other 38 companions, I usually keep their default looks. Sometimes I'll change Temple's for something a little different, but mostly I'll keep her as she is too.


I don't find Andronikos, Corso, Jorgan or Iresso sexy personally. Their looks to me, leave something to be desired. But, I may be playing my character, but I'm not my character. I didn't sleep with those male companions, or marry them, or have kids with them, or anything else they do/don't do with them. So, I let my girls marry them because I believe their two personalities fit.


I have 36 characters, ranging from level 1 to level 70, only 3 are dark side and the other 33 are light side I to V. I still have my mains go and be faithful to their husbands. If I want to romance Theron, Lana or Koth, or whoever else they chuck our way, I'll use my other toons I have. I just want to keep my main 8 with their original spouses, then move on to newer things to see what happens.


As for Quinn, I have 5 warriors, 4 are female, 1 is male, and I have so many cause the story is good, but Quinn makes it better. :D

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As for Quinn, I have 5 warriors, 4 are female, 1 is male, and I have so many cause the story is good, but Quinn makes it better.


In what ways are your warriors different? I have a light, "neutral" and a dark warrior. I basically think of them as the same person, they even look the same, mostly. I don't use the family tree, I just try to give them varying personalities. Maybe someday I'll feel like playing the warrior story again but I don't know how I'd do it differently other than playing male, which I don't like much. (I wish they'd make the vanilla story replayable, rather than having to reroll over and over.)

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I have 7 warriors. 6 female (same person) and 1 male (her and Malavai's son).


The *only* reason I rolled so many girls was to replay the romance -- from any and every angle (minus being mean to him, that I just am unable to do), and I always found awesome lines I hadn't heard from him before. The last one was created after they upgraded facial expressions to get all possible Malavais with real (or as close as it can get on these cartoonish characters) frowns, wrinkles and smiles.:D



If you play on low settings, and you think those two moles is all the default Malavai has... your loss ;)

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I have 7 warriors. 6 female (same person) and 1 male (her and Malavai's son).


The *only* reason I rolled so many girls was to replay the romance -- from any and every angle (minus being mean to him, that I just am unable to do), and I always found awesome lines I hadn't heard from him before. The last one was created after they upgraded facial expressions to get all possible Malavais with real (or as close as it can get on these cartoonish characters) frowns, wrinkles and smiles.:D



If you play on low settings, and you think those two moles is all the default Malavai has... your loss ;)

I rolled a warrior that didn't romance him one time got a funny line for him as a reward.

At the end of his companion conversations, he promises to look after and train future apprentices and such. You get to tell him he is going to be the father of your offspring, his response along with his flusterings had me in tears lol

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I have 3 SW ladies.

- LS Female Human: Romanced Quinn, she's very honourable.

- Neutral Female Cathar (Main): Romanced Quinn. A mix between my LS and DS SW. Although she is honourable she will do whats best for the Empire and its people. She puts up with the Emperor as he allowed her to do her own work but was never necessarily loyal to him, he was just a necessity so she could do what she wanted.

- DS Female Pure Blood: Didn't romance Quinn. Is only out for herself and power. She was a willing follower or The Emperor and was happy to be personal killing machine.


Both my LS and Neutral ladies are crazy over Quinn, my DS lady though hates him. :D

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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I rolled a warrior that didn't romance him one time got a funny line for him as a reward.

At the end of his companion conversations, he promises to look after and train future apprentices and such. You get to tell him he is going to be the father of your offspring, his response along with his flusterings had me in tears lol


Oh dear, I wish I could see that! But I probably wouldn't be able to run a toon that doesn't romance him. My will is not strong enough ;)

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Oh dear, I wish I could see that! But I probably wouldn't be able to run a toon that doesn't romance him. My will is not strong enough ;)


Me neither. I wonder what he says when you're flirting with him the whole way and turn him down at the last second, like right after he says he's in love w/ you... I've done a lot of messed up stuff in this game but that's crossing a line :o


Well here's a thing, lines I never heard!

Rejected! But it's okay, that warrior is too fugly for Quinn anyway. (By the way it's still not right at the moment he confesses his love, still morbidly curious about that.)

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Me neither. I wonder what he says when you're flirting with him the whole way and turn him down at the last second, like right after he says he's in love w/ you... I've done a lot of messed up stuff in this game but that's crossing a line :o


Well here's a thing, lines I never heard!

Rejected! But it's okay, that warrior is too fugly for Quinn anyway. (By the way it's still not right at the moment he confesses his love, still morbidly curious about that.)


**** that video infuriates me. The caption says that this is right after he tried to kill her. Then, when she rejects him he says "you're a difficult woman to understand." You have got to be kidding me. That is some Grade- A ******** story crafting. It's like they didn't even try to have it make any sense. :confused::confused:

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I rolled a warrior that didn't romance him one time got a funny line for him as a reward.

At the end of his companion conversations, he promises to look after and train future apprentices and such. You get to tell him he is going to be the father of your offspring, his response along with his flusterings had me in tears lol

LOL I need to search youtube for this!


Well here's a thing, lines I never heard!

:eek: How is it humanly possible to reject Quinn? If I had accidentally hit that first response I would have broken a finger hitting the escape button!!



Just started KOTFE on my third Quinn romance warrior. That letter he sends is really traumatic! The romance reunion had better live up to the content of that letter (and not reflect the earlier data-mined-no-tag-semi-spoilers someone posted in in this thread). I can see a lot of us rage quitting in true Sith fashion if the reunion for the Quinnmancers does not live up to expectations.

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I'm exhausted from trying to figure out what the intent was. Now I just want an awesome reunion, femwarrior deserves it after what she's been through. I hope they don't waste time talking about it. It's a conversation I'd rather have with the writer than with Quinn, at this point.


I've already had to suffer Vette and Pierce badmouthing Quinn, please put it to rest BW, I can't believe the **** my character has to put up with over this.


Btw if Jaesa shows up and takes a dig can I just kill her on the spot?

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I'm exhausted from trying to figure out what the intent was. Now I just want an awesome reunion, femwarrior deserves it after what she's been through. I hope they don't waste time talking about it. It's a conversation I'd rather have with the writer than with Quinn, at this point.


I've already had to suffer Vette and Pierce badmouthing Quinn, please put it to rest BW, I can't believe the **** my character has to put up with over this.


Vette and Pierce never badmouthed my Quinn. Guess it must matter on how you treat him.

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Vette and Pierce never badmouthed my Quinn. Guess it must matter on how you treat him.


What do you mean, how I treated Quinn? Because I've never once been cruel to him, even on my dark warrior. But Vette still had to make that joke about putting the shock collar on him *and* Pierce had something to say about it, I don't remember, something about Quinn deserving a crappy desk job or something.


It feels like it will never end.

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Well here's a thing, lines I never heard!

Rejected! But it's okay, that warrior is too fugly for Quinn anyway. (By the way it's still not right at the moment he confesses his love, still morbidly curious about that.)


Wow, he sounds REALLY annoyed. No surprise. I used part of that convo, but she was teasing him and they ended up happily... you know what ;)


I tested a few "evil" options to see what he'd say. In some cases I got really unexpectedly awesome teasing moments, but I always had my finger on ESC not to get stuck with something really mean.


**** that video infuriates me. The caption says that this is right after he tried to kill her. Then, when she rejects him he says "you're a difficult woman to understand." You have got to be kidding me. That is some Grade- A ******** story crafting. It's like they didn't even try to have it make any sense. :confused::confused:


Unfortunately, the conversations are tied to the story progress, so the convo "I love you, my lord" is RIGHT AFTER you return from the transponder ship, and before you go to Corellia. The most stupid place possible.


Just started KOTFE on my third Quinn romance warrior. That letter he sends is really traumatic! The romance reunion had better live up to the content of that letter (and not reflect the earlier data-mined-no-tag-semi-spoilers someone posted in in this thread). I can see a lot of us rage quitting in true Sith fashion if the reunion for the Quinnmancers does not live up to expectations.


That letter was one of the sweetest. My friend shared Vector's (I didn't take my Agent, so didn't get it myself), and it's lovely and heartbreaking too. Everything else I read sounds dull compared to these two guys.

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Unfortunately, the conversations are tied to the story progress, so the convo "I love you, my lord" is RIGHT AFTER you return from the transponder ship, and before you go to Corellia. The most stupid place possible.


The romance and the betrayal are so separate that it's like.. the two stories have nothing to do with each other. It's crappy writing but it's also why I find it so easy to forgive him. It's like alternate realities.


Doesn't mean I wouldn't have appreciated at least a little closure dialogue.


Malavai Quinn, Captain for the Fury-class vessel the Violet Rose, fiddled with the small velvet box..


Ooo I'm already intrigued :)

Omg I'm loving it so far, and seeing the name Casavir gave me quite a jolt ;)

Bwahaha "and then she killed Broonmark and they all lived happily ever after, the end!"


Thank you for linking your story, I loved it. I was starting to feel grumpy because Quinn gets so much abuse but now I'm happy again.

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What do you mean, how I treated Quinn? Because I've never once been cruel to him, even on my dark warrior. But Vette still had to make that joke about putting the shock collar on him *and* Pierce had something to say about it, I don't remember, something about Quinn deserving a crappy desk job or something.


It feels like it will never end.


I never took Vette's remark about her shock collar on Quinn to be badmouthing more a reference to his betrayal. I found it amusing actually. As for Pierce I can't even remember what he said about Quinn.

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Ooo I'm already intrigued :)

Omg I'm loving it so far, and seeing the name Casavir gave me quite a jolt ;)

Bwahaha "and then she killed Broonmark and they all lived happily ever after, the end!"


Thank you for linking your story, I loved it. I was starting to feel grumpy because Quinn gets so much abuse but now I'm happy again.


Your welcome! :) And yes Casavir is shamelessly taken from the NWN2 Paladin of the same name ;) Think it's a good name for a LS JK :D


Yeah my headcanon is that Nat left Pierce cooling his heels on Taris and left Broonmark in many many pieces on Hoth :cool:

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