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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Yes it does. I love that conversation with him. I think I am going to go play my lowbie who just got to Balmorra instead of working on this chapter. Too many feelings that I don't want to feel right now.


More Quinn!


I'm feeling nostalgic for Balmorra myself. I'm always amused at the part where the SW goes into Quinn's quarters and starts flirting with him. It's always good for a giggle. :o

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Found this... this one basically beat that conversation to the ground with almost all of the conversation options.


I love it when she's on about 'spontaneity' and he's all like, 'I'll look into acquiring some in the future' LOL. *squirm squirm squirm.* :p

Edited by Lunafox
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I always love Balmorra. As much as I love any Quinn-teraction, those first few conversations on Balmorra are just... *swoons*. It puts the kind of true smile on my face that just won't go away and I'll sit here crushing so hard. Okay really, I do that most of the time where Quinn is concerned but Balmorra just feels special.
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Does this help to bring us back on topic ;)

Thank you! Polluting this thread with all that Vaylin & Arcann malarkey was criminal** IMO as Security Chief, they should only be mentioned in here if they are Malavai's guests ;) My security senses were on overload!

Found this... this one basically beat that conversation to the ground with almost all of the conversation options.

This is brilliant (and saved in my playlist for future 'research')


**I jest of course - this is the one thread where you can vent about most things....so long as there's some probably NSFW back-on-track Malavai chucked in :D I do like Tanzanight's Quinn gallery :)

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Okay finally got something where I am satisfied enough to post. New chapter Pleasant Surprises


Post Iokath pre-Umbara for spoiler warnings. Mildish adult stuff in here. Hope you enjoy :)


Your best work yet, truly enjoyed every bit of that, especially her tantrum <3


(Btw I had no idea the chiss racial ability made your companions do this. Proves yet again that there's absolutely no reason they couldn't give us companion emotes. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a lot of work on my datapad to get back to.)

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(Btw I had no idea the chiss racial ability made your companions do this. Proves yet again that there's absolutely no reason they couldn't give us companion emotes. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a lot of work on my datapad to get back to.)

Neither did I, so I logged in and tried with my latest warrior and Malavai. I only have a couple of Chiss characters and also tried with my Sith Inq Chiss to see if other companions knelt. Strange seeing Andronikos kneeling, however Malavai is no stranger to it since that's how he gets himself into our crew in the first place ("smooth" as Gault would say).
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Neither did I, so I logged in and tried with my latest warrior and Malavai. I only have a couple of Chiss characters and also tried with my Sith Inq Chiss to see if other companions knelt. Strange seeing Andronikos kneeling, however Malavai is no stranger to it since that's how he gets himself into our crew in the first place ("smooth" as Gault would say).


You are only finding about it now? This was my primary form of amusing myself back when me and my friend were leveling our first warriors together and my friend had to go afk for a while. Well, this and clicking Quinn and laughing every time his line contained the words "my lord". Because he likes to use those words pretty often. :p


Better late than never, though! Have fun with it!

Edited by Seireeni
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New hair! New hair! New Hair!


Do I make a new character? Or change an old one? I know, not directly Quinn related, but our Warriors are a fashionable bunch!


Omg! That does look nice. Also looks like we get new faces/facial markings too. All the stuff looks pretty decent in that pack; gonna have to start saving my money lol. Thanks for posting that :D

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New hair! New hair! New Hair!


Do I make a new character? Or change an old one? I know, not directly Quinn related, but our Warriors are a fashionable bunch!


New complexion options!? FOR CHISS!?

*crosses fingers* please please please some crows'-feet/laugh lines/general wrinkles, my middle-aged sage is getting tired of looking like he's fresh out of his teens, pleeeeease pleasepleasepleaaase...


...oh, new hair options are great, too :D My warrior's had her hairstyle for so long, though, I can't imagine switching it to anything else. XD But who knows, might find something... those hair options look neat. Can't wait to see all of them! And I hope this time, they actually match the colors they're supposed to be...I'd rather not see a greenish-white color that's supposed to be pure black. Gah.

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Looking forward to seeing the new customizations. I wish there were some for Twi'lek.


Me too, how hard could it be to turn them dark purple and light purple, or a scarlet red with beautiful new markings? And to separate out the cosmetics slider, cause the two in one approach sucks. I can never get the make up I want with the markings I want lol.

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You are only finding about it now? This was my primary form of amusing myself back when me and my friend were leveling our first warriors together and my friend had to go afk for a while. Well, this and clicking Quinn and laughing every time his line contained the words "my lord". Because he likes to use those words pretty often. :p


Better late than never, though! Have fun with it!

The warrior is only my second Chiss character (the first is an inquisitor) and the first one I don't play that often. Because of the lack of customisation options I generally end up making cyborgs or humans and I rarely bother using (or even remembering) the racial/species abilities on any of my characters. More interested in the story I guess.

Why am I even feeling I need to justify how I've played over the years? :confused:

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