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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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The best part of the inquisitor story was when this happened~ :)

I was tricked until I realised: QUINN CLONE! :D Being British, I tend to notice the good and terrible British NPC voices/accents (or rather Empire accents). I liked Quinn's voice from the first time I heard it and it's still my favourite. Some of the worst are Pierce (is his voice actor British? I have no idea), Admiral Ranking (awful) and that guy on Yavin that gives a quest with a terrible version of a Brummie (Birmingham) accent.





This is brilliant for it's near perfect likeness of "default" Quinn. The "Elvis Lip Curl" is great :D

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I've been too busy to play much lately, but I did get to log onto my baby tank Quinn clone today. I have a Vette clone for romancing with Quinn. I was thinking about having him romance Vette for the opposite side, but I'm tempted to romance him with Jaesa. (Neither is far enough along in the story to have good screenshots yet though) I do so like to make life awkward for Quinn :o Who else is making clones for romances? I know I've seen a screenshot of a Quinn/Theron pairing, but I don't remember who's.
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Been levelling my Warrior that's in <Quinnmancers> . This time I'm getting screenshots of Quinn with his cyborg customisation and plan to do the same with my Lammia Edition Quinn. Here are a few screenshots and something I've never done before (assume big fat spoilers for class story):


My Quinnmancers Edition Quinn

Quinn is unimpressed with Nar Shadaa

Why doesn't her hair move?

Disapproving even when incapacitated

Devotion beyond professional duty


I have never taken the option at Yonlach which allows you to say Quinn in basically useless, so I've never seen Yonlach talk about Quinn's devotion beyond professional duty before. Also, this whole conversation makes me think that Quinn was not unconscious but incapacitated which must have been hell for him. You know later in the story when they need to diffuse a bomb and Quinn say's something along the lines of "I think you know how I feel about you"? This makes much more sense now I've seen what Yonlach says. I find it interesting that Yonlach cannot understand why Quinn would be devoted to such a dark-sided person. He thinks it's because Quinn is self loathing - he clearly does not understand Quinn and being a Jedi Master probably does not understand the concepts of love or passion.

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Been levelling my Warrior that's in <Quinnmancers> . This time I'm getting screenshots of Quinn with his cyborg customisation and plan to do the same with my Lammia Edition Quinn. Here are a few screenshots and something I've never done before (assume big fat spoilers for class story):


My Quinnmancers Edition Quinn

Quinn is unimpressed with Nar Shadaa

Why doesn't her hair move?

Disapproving even when incapacitated

Devotion beyond professional duty


I have never taken the option at Yonlach which allows you to say Quinn in basically useless, so I've never seen Yonlach talk about Quinn's devotion beyond professional duty before. Also, this whole conversation makes me think that Quinn was not unconscious but incapacitated which must have been hell for him. You know later in the story when they need to diffuse a bomb and Quinn say's something along the lines of "I think you know how I feel about you"? This makes much more sense now I've seen what Yonlach says. I find it interesting that Yonlach cannot understand why Quinn would be devoted to such a dark-sided person. He thinks it's because Quinn is self loathing - he clearly does not understand Quinn and being a Jedi Master probably does not understand the concepts of love or passion.


First of all, I love cyborg Quinn so much. *paws at the screen* Second your character looks lovely in that orange Xoxaan dress :) I've been tossing around the idea of an orange outfit recently (it's my second favorite color lol) and now that I've seen yours I feel more motivated.


About the devotion line, I've been wondering how to get Yonlach to say that. I knew it existed and I thought maybe I got it on my first warrior years ago but haven't seen it since. I've got a warrior in the works who I'm trying to get to dark 3 or 4 before I get to Tatooine because I thought it might have something to do with it. (I'm sick of Yonlach calling me contradictory anyway.)


In any case, that scene is really the first hint that Quinn has feelings for the warrior, I believe. I can't think of an earlier example and not much else happens again until the scene you mentioned on Taris. So it would be nice to figure out how to get Yonlach to say it without having to insult Quinn :(


One other thing.. on the last warrior I leveled, I felt like I missed a conversation with Quinn, I kept waiting for it to come up but it didn't. When is it that you say "My legacy is your legacy" or whatever, the line where you tell him he could be a Moff someday and he disapproves? I wanted to say that but I never even saw it..:confused:

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I have never taken the option at Yonlach which allows you to say Quinn in basically useless, so I've never seen Yonlach talk about Quinn's devotion beyond professional duty before. Also, this whole conversation makes me think that Quinn was not unconscious but incapacitated which must have been hell for him. You know later in the story when they need to diffuse a bomb and Quinn say's something along the lines of "I think you know how I feel about you"? This makes much more sense now I've seen what Yonlach says. I find it interesting that Yonlach cannot understand why Quinn would be devoted to such a dark-sided person. He thinks it's because Quinn is self loathing - he clearly does not understand Quinn and being a Jedi Master probably does not understand the concepts of love or passion.


I've never brought anyone but Quinn with me for this, but when I was reading the conversation trees at TORCommunity, if you take Vette, she actually mentions that Yonlach paralyzed her. So I would assume Quinn was only paralyzed as well, not unconscious. It made for an interesting interaction when I was writing my fic.

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One other thing.. on the last warrior I leveled, I felt like I missed a conversation with Quinn, I kept waiting for it to come up but it didn't. When is it that you say "My legacy is your legacy" or whatever, the line where you tell him he could be a Moff someday and he disapproves? I wanted to say that but I never even saw it..:confused:


The "legacy" line is during the last romance conversation where he mentions having children. When you pick the "That's good, Captain" option, he responds that your legacy will stand the test of time, and you can respond with "Our legacy".


The Moff one is...I think...just for a male character. It's when he informs you that he has passed the trials for Captain, Second Grade. And you can say "Just the beginning". I can't remember if that conversation replaces one of the romance ones, but I think it does.

EDITE: Okay, it does. I don't know if non-romanced females get the conversation, but the "Captain, Second Grade" conversation replaces the romance "Ask to be reassigned" conversation.


(TORCommunity is my BFF!)

Edited by feylyndiira
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I've been too busy to play much lately, but I did get to log onto my baby tank Quinn clone today. I have a Vette clone for romancing with Quinn. I was thinking about having him romance Vette for the opposite side, but I'm tempted to romance him with Jaesa. (Neither is far enough along in the story to have good screenshots yet though) I do so like to make life awkward for Quinn :o Who else is making clones for romances? I know I've seen a screenshot of a Quinn/Theron pairing, but I don't remember who's.


I have a Quinn-clone Agent, but no idea who he would romance...if anyone. Definitely NOT Kaliyo....maybe Temple...maybe Lana eventually. I'm trying to make him as an "alternate timeline" Quinn...as in, if he'd stayed in Intelligence instead of going through all the crap with Broysc and Baras. So, same personality as our original Quinn....which is to say, someone who isn't really concerned with romance unless he's bludgeoned over the head with it by an overly-persistent Sith Lord. :D:cool:

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Been levelling my Warrior that's in <Quinnmancers> . This time I'm getting screenshots of Quinn with his cyborg customisation and plan to do the same with my Lammia Edition Quinn. Here are a few screenshots and something I've never done before (assume big fat spoilers for class story):


My Quinnmancers Edition Quinn

Quinn is unimpressed with Nar Shadaa

Why doesn't her hair move?

Disapproving even when incapacitated

Devotion beyond professional duty


I have never taken the option at Yonlach which allows you to say Quinn in basically useless, so I've never seen Yonlach talk about Quinn's devotion beyond professional duty before. Also, this whole conversation makes me think that Quinn was not unconscious but incapacitated which must have been hell for him. You know later in the story when they need to diffuse a bomb and Quinn say's something along the lines of "I think you know how I feel about you"? This makes much more sense now I've seen what Yonlach says. I find it interesting that Yonlach cannot understand why Quinn would be devoted to such a dark-sided person. He thinks it's because Quinn is self loathing - he clearly does not understand Quinn and being a Jedi Master probably does not understand the concepts of love or passion.



Love the screenies :D Cyborg and default Quinn are the ones I tend to run with. Love Cyborg Quinn--I usually switch to him after they've been together a while, to reflect the passage of time.


I also appreciate getting to see that Yonlach chat, because I'd never chosen that option before. :D Thanks for posting that. :)

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In any case, that scene is really the first hint that Quinn has feelings for the warrior, I believe. I can't think of an earlier example and not much else happens again until the scene you mentioned on Taris. So it would be nice to figure out how to get Yonlach to say it without having to insult Quinn :(

I don't think you can. I actually picked the option that gets the Yonlach response first by accident, hit escape, then tried every other response using the escape button to switch. Insulting Quinn seems to be the only way to get the devotion response which I don't like.

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I don't think you can. I actually picked the option that gets the Yonlach response first by accident, hit escape, then tried every other response using the escape button to switch. Insulting Quinn seems to be the only way to get the devotion response which I don't like.


He is not happy with you if you make him say it. Will link a youtube link with it when I get home from work.

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I've been too busy to play much lately, but I did get to log onto my baby tank Quinn clone today. I have a Vette clone for romancing with Quinn. I was thinking about having him romance Vette for the opposite side, but I'm tempted to romance him with Jaesa. (Neither is far enough along in the story to have good screenshots yet though) I do so like to make life awkward for Quinn :o Who else is making clones for romances? I know I've seen a screenshot of a Quinn/Theron pairing, but I don't remember who's.


I'm trying the romances on my clones, but.. they don't do much for me :o I find myself accidentally spacebarring through them. I can't exactly explain why - I like doing the flirts with like, mission npcs and stuff. One night stands are fun. But something about watching Quinn falling in love with Jaesa or Vette or Kaliyo or whoever just icks me out a little. :o So, I kind of do the romances half-heartedly.


*romantic music*

Jaesa: "Master, I'm falling in love with you."

Me: "That's nice Jaesa, it's nice to love things. >.>"

*fade to black*


The "legacy" line is during the last romance conversation where he mentions having children. When you pick the "That's good, Captain" option, he responds that your legacy will stand the test of time, and you can respond with "Our legacy".


The Moff one is...I think...just for a male character. It's when he informs you that he has passed the trials for Captain, Second Grade. And you can say "Just the beginning". I can't remember if that conversation replaces one of the romance ones, but I think it does.

EDITE: Okay, it does. I don't know if non-romanced females get the conversation, but the "Captain, Second Grade" conversation replaces the romance "Ask to be reassigned" conversation.


(TORCommunity is my BFF!)



The Quote you are looking for is at 20:50 to 21:125 Grania


Thanks for the help finding these lines. I was worried they disappeared somewhere, I heard part of some other companions conversation did but I can't remember who's it was.

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If you make who say what? I'm confused.....


She's talking about the line where you tell him he could be a moff someday. He disapproves for some reason and I've never figured out why. Maybe he thinks you're giving him false praise, or maybe he thinks his destiny is less important than the warrior's or maybe he doesn't like the implication that he wouldn't always be right by the warrior's side.


I really don't know why it upsets him but I still wanted to say it anyway :o


Editing to add that maybe I've been too hung up on approvals and disapprovals in the past. Maybe sometimes it's not so much of a disapproval as it is a disagreement. Like, no I'm not going to be a moff someday because then I couldn't continue to serve you. In whatever capacity you see fit. 😘

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She's talking about the line where you tell him he could be a moff someday. He disapproves for some reason and I've never figured out why. Maybe he thinks you're giving him false praise, or maybe he thinks his destiny is less important than the warrior's or maybe he doesn't like the implication that he wouldn't always be right by the warrior's side.


I really don't know why it upsets him but I still wanted to say it anyway :o


Editing to add that maybe I've been too hung up on approvals and disapprovals in the past. Maybe sometimes it's not so much of a disapproval as it is a disagreement. Like, no I'm not going to be a moff someday because then I couldn't continue to serve you. In whatever capacity you see fit. 😘

oh I see. Its just that I was quoted and my post had nothing to do with that :) I am easily confused...

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Malavai likens trying to ignore Vette being like trying to ignore an "inflamed rash". How does he know? Should we be concerned about his experiences with rashes??? :D


Must be his uniform doesn't "breathe" very well :o It's the perfect excuse to put him in skimpy gear!


(Unless the source of his rashes is completely unrelated to his uniform, which looks like it's made of plastic by the way. I once asked purple Quinn if he could elaborate on his other doings on Balmorra and it made him VERY uncomfortable ;))

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Sadly, Leas is not as impressed with Lammia Edition Quinn as I am. I think it's the sparkly eyes. :(

Oh well. I love my Lammia Edition Quinn. With or without goofy eye sparklies.


very sparkly, I think that's the worst I've seen the eye stuff actually. haven't had any dark cutscenes in a while myself. Still an awesome Quinn, but he could lose those reflector eye-contacts.

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very sparkly, I think that's the worst I've seen the eye stuff actually. haven't had any dark cutscenes in a while myself. Still an awesome Quinn, but he could lose those reflector eye-contacts.

Cutscenes on the Sith (warrior/inquisitor) ships are bad for shiny eyes. e_e The sparkles are so bad you can't even SEE their actual eye color.


Can't see anything there except a hot Pureblood 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


Agreed, he is quite lovely. <3 <3 <3


Leas is currently blushing like mad and mumbling "thank you." :p And hoping Vette notices. He's still flustered from Taunt, Vette's old friend, brazenly flirting with him. "And here's the handsome Sith you've been seeing the galaxy with...!" Leas blurts out the first thing he can think of: "Uhhh, I have all the beautiful twi'lek women I need, thanks! [immediately facepalms due to the stupidity of that statement]" He's an adorable dork.


Edit: Oh, and I just passed that part in the warrior's story where Quinn's voice changes for a few lines. It...really does sound like the guy who voices Lord Scourge. o_O Weird.

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