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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I'm getting some last minute questing/leveling in. Got my first Imperial toon, and SW, to KOTET and I'm grrr'ing left and right at the Dromund Kaas chapter. Incoming rant and though it's "old" content I'll tag it anyhows;



As if it's not bad enough that my Sith Warrior goes "Always wanted to see what Dromund Kaas is like this time of year", Acina yaps on and on about the Sith ways, about what the Empire stands for as if I'm some backwards Jedi when I'm the bloody Empire's Wrath, or former since I'm now "Alliance Commander" hur hur... but, damn. As if *I* don't know what the Empire and Sith life is like, christ. Does she think I had a lobotomy while I was stuck in carbonite?! Also, I cannot believe my Sith Warrior setting foot on bloody Dromund Kaas and NOT immediately strangulating every single damned Imperial going "WHERES MY HUSBAND?!". She'd be all "Bish go traipse through the jungle alone, I need to find my man okay? bai." And I mean, Quinn's romance letter at the start of KOTFE tells you he was looking for you but no one would let him/help him so WHY am I not raising hell about that?! Also, the entire time while running around on DK I'm just like "Quinn's watching me, yay" but also not yay because gimme.



K, end of rant. Thank you. :D

Edited by JennyFlynn
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I'm getting some last minute questing/leveling in. Got my first Imperial toon, and SW, to KOTET and I'm grrr'ing left and right at the Dromund Kaas chapter. Incoming rant and though it's "old" content I'll tag it anyhows;



As if it's not bad enough that my Sith Warrior goes "Always wanted to see what Dromund Kaas is like this time of year", Acina yaps on and on about the Sith ways, about what the Empire stands for as if I'm some backwards Jedi when I'm the bloody Empire's Wrath, or former since I'm now "Alliance Commander" hur hur... but, damn. As if *I* don't know what the Empire and Sith life is like, christ. Does she think I had a lobotomy while I was stuck in carbonite?! Also, I cannot believe my Sith Warrior setting foot on bloody Dromund Kaas and NOT immediately strangulating every single damned Imperial going "WHERES MY HUSBAND?!". She'd be all "Bish go traipse through the jungle alone, I need to find my man okay? bai." And I mean, Quinn's romance letter at the start of KOTFE tells you he was looking for you but no one would let him/help him so WHY am I not raising hell about that?! Also, the entire time while running around on DK I'm just like "Quinn's watching me, yay" but also not yay because gimme.



K, end of rant. Thank you. :D

I feel your pain! Also, I really wish I had taken the "blue pill" and had no idea what the Matrix (aka kotfe/kotet/iokath/umbara) was.

Also, this little snippet of yours has me rolling in stitches laughing because it's so true:


Also, the entire time while running around on DK I'm just like "Quinn's watching me, yay" but also not yay because gimme.


Edited by Sarova
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I'm getting some last minute questing/leveling in. Got my first Imperial toon, and SW, to KOTET and I'm grrr'ing left and right at the Dromund Kaas chapter. Incoming rant and though it's "old" content I'll tag it anyhows;



As if it's not bad enough that my Sith Warrior goes "Always wanted to see what Dromund Kaas is like this time of year", Acina yaps on and on about the Sith ways, about what the Empire stands for as if I'm some backwards Jedi when I'm the bloody Empire's Wrath, or former since I'm now "Alliance Commander" hur hur... but, damn. As if *I* don't know what the Empire and Sith life is like, christ. Does she think I had a lobotomy while I was stuck in carbonite?! Also, I cannot believe my Sith Warrior setting foot on bloody Dromund Kaas and NOT immediately strangulating every single damned Imperial going "WHERES MY HUSBAND?!". She'd be all "Bish go traipse through the jungle alone, I need to find my man okay? bai." And I mean, Quinn's romance letter at the start of KOTFE tells you he was looking for you but no one would let him/help him so WHY am I not raising hell about that?! Also, the entire time while running around on DK I'm just like "Quinn's watching me, yay" but also not yay because gimme.



K, end of rant. Thank you. :D


. . . is that seriously how that chapter of KOTET goes.


I mean, there's "What's Mythal?" for Dalish elf characters in Dragon Age Inquisition*, and then there's THAT. Sheesh. That's...wrong... I am going to have to break out the heavy headcanons for that chapter. >_<


*Mythal is an elven goddess. It's not like the elves have been worshipping her for millennia or anything, and it's not like elf player characters can potentially have her distinctive tattoos denoting she is their patron goddess ON THEIR FACE. :mad: But it gave Morrigan, a BioWare goddess in her own right (up there with Leliana, Liara, and Lana), a chance to show off her "knowledge" of elves, so...... *sigh* Same principle applies in KOTET, I guess? One story fits all? Player character made to look like idiots so NPCs can show off what they know? Oi.

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. . . is that seriously how that chapter of KOTET goes.


I mean, there's "What's Mythal?" for Dalish elf characters in Dragon Age Inquisition*, and then there's THAT. Sheesh. That's...wrong... I am going to have to break out the heavy headcanons for that chapter. >_<


*Mythal is an elven goddess. It's not like the elves have been worshipping her for millennia or anything, and it's not like elf player characters can potentially have her distinctive tattoos denoting she is their patron goddess ON THEIR FACE. :mad: But it gave Morrigan, a BioWare goddess in her own right (up there with Leliana, Liara, and Lana), a chance to show off her "knowledge" of elves, so...... *sigh* Same principle applies in KOTET, I guess? One story fits all? Player character made to look like idiots so NPCs can show off what they know? Oi.


Yuppp that's what the chapter is like. My first run-through was on a Jedi so I could somewhat get the "this is the Sith way, this is what the Sith do, this is life in the Emperor blah blah" chatter (although MY Jedi isn't a bleeding idiot, she knows the Sith) but at least it made SOME sense for Acina to 'educate' her (she yaps on and on while you're tip toe'ing through the jungle).... but my Sith Warrior?! I guess for some naive reason I'd expected the chapter to be a little different for an Imperial toon but noooo. Guess my Warrior's never been to Dromund Kaas, guess she's never met a Sith in her life. She didn't at all grow up as Sith (she's a Pureblood on top of that), worked under and with Sith, freaking served the Emperor as his Wrath, told the Dark Council "behave or I'll end you", was never appointed Empire's Wrath by Marr, nope. My Sith Warrior's just a bleeding lil idiot who needs a lesson from Acina. PFF. :rolleyes:


Okay really done ranting now. I think. :D

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I'm getting some last minute questing/leveling in. Got my first Imperial toon, and SW, to KOTET and I'm grrr'ing left and right at the Dromund Kaas chapter. Incoming rant and though it's "old" content I'll tag it anyhows;



As if it's not bad enough that my Sith Warrior goes "Always wanted to see what Dromund Kaas is like this time of year", Acina yaps on and on about the Sith ways, about what the Empire stands for as if I'm some backwards Jedi when I'm the bloody Empire's Wrath, or former since I'm now "Alliance Commander" hur hur... but, damn. As if *I* don't know what the Empire and Sith life is like, christ. Does she think I had a lobotomy while I was stuck in carbonite?! Also, I cannot believe my Sith Warrior setting foot on bloody Dromund Kaas and NOT immediately strangulating every single damned Imperial going "WHERES MY HUSBAND?!". She'd be all "Bish go traipse through the jungle alone, I need to find my man okay? bai." And I mean, Quinn's romance letter at the start of KOTFE tells you he was looking for you but no one would let him/help him so WHY am I not raising hell about that?! Also, the entire time while running around on DK I'm just like "Quinn's watching me, yay" but also not yay because gimme.



K, end of rant. Thank you. :D


Everything you said is absolutely true and I experienced the same crud. The KOTFE/KOTET stuff is basically written for the Jedi Knight (or JC) in mind and nothing else makes much sense for the other classes. It makes no sense for agent and smug or BH, or Trooper, least of all trooper in my thinking. It's better for the force users, but again, unless it's a Jedi silly nonsense like what you described happens all the time. They do try and make it up to the other classes by giving material that is in line with what they're about, like the bank heist chapter, which would make sense for a smug mostly, and then there is the chapter that caters to the troopers and the mandos, but if I were to make a recommendation at this point about these story segments, I'd just say, run a Jedi. That way at least it makes sense most of the time. That's why my main Outlander is my JK. I play it also with my SI and my SW but it's not the same experience at all.

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Technically the line is "I hear Drommund Kaas is lovely this time of year" which isn't much better, but it is optional dialogue. You can pick something else to say on the dialogue wheel.


Also, wasn't the Mythal thing a bug?


You're right, that's the line. I couldn't remember it word for word but the gist of it... still sounded dumb coming from my Sith Warrior imho. I just wanted to go for the friendliest option and got stuck sounding like a derp. :p

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Very nice :)

I'm not bothering to move my characters out of strongholds because (a) I have so many characters it will take me until Christmas 2018 and (b) they have repeatedly said we do not need to take any precautions since it's a merger not a transfer (famous last words but at least I will have something about which to vent my wrath if it all goes wrong)!


I went ahead and moved mine and took screenshots of my storage. If I lose my decorating I don't think I could stand re-decorating yet again so I didn't bother taking screenshots of those. /e crosses fingers that all goes well!


And I'll be happy to do groupy thingies if anyone needs help with anything, but my 70s are all going to be on Star Forge. When I figure out Discord I'll need an invite :o Since the achievement for Hexid doesn't require qualifying for a daily, we can always get a few of us together and select just the easy peasy flashpoints if anyone is nervous about grouping.

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I went ahead and moved mine and took screenshots of my storage. If I lose my decorating I don't think I could stand re-decorating yet again so I didn't bother taking screenshots of those. /e crosses fingers that all goes well!


And I'll be happy to do groupy thingies if anyone needs help with anything, but my 70s are all going to be on Star Forge. When I figure out Discord I'll need an invite :o Since the achievement for Hexid doesn't require qualifying for a daily, we can always get a few of us together and select just the easy peasy flashpoints if anyone is nervous about grouping.


Took me forever, but I moved all of mine to the fleet, cleaned out their storage and emptied my legacy banks. Hopefully, it goes well and that was unneeded. About the group things, that sounds nice :) But I thought I read somewhere that we have to do it through that LFG crap...would it count if we just ran group content with our premade group?

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Also, wasn't the Mythal thing a bug?


I hope so. It seems like one, but you can never be sure. :/


But I thought I read somewhere that we have to do it through that LFG crap...would it count if we just ran group content with our premade group?

Likely, it would indeed count. Just so long as it's random... and if we get an FP that we don't like, we'll just quit and try again.



And I'll be happy to do groupy thingies if anyone needs help with anything, but my 70s are all going to be on Star Forge. When I figure out Discord I'll need an invite :o Since the achievement for Hexid doesn't require qualifying for a daily, we can always get a few of us together and select just the easy peasy flashpoints if anyone is nervous about grouping.


Invites are ready when you are! :D


Well... think I'm ready for the merges. Since the forums will be down most of tomorrow, if not longer, I'll see all of you on the Star Forge! (Or on Discord. XD)

Quinn: *salutes*

Theron: *waves*

Edited by Jagaimee
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I hope so. It seems like one, but you can never be sure. :/



Likely, it would indeed count. Just so long as it's random... and if we get an FP that we don't like, we'll just quit and try again.




Invites are ready when you are! :D


Well... think I'm ready for the merges. Since the forums will be down most of tomorrow, if not longer, I'll see all of you on the Star Forge! (Or on Discord. XD)

Quinn: *salutes*

Theron: *waves*


*nods* As you were gentlemen. Come, Grand Admiral and fellow Sith and Imperials, shall we proceed to our new home then? :p See you all in a few hours/days....however long it takes lol.

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I'm not bothering to move my characters out of strongholds because (a) I have so many characters it will take me until Christmas 2018 and (b) they have repeatedly said we do not need to take any precautions since it's a merger not a transfer (famous last words but at least I will have something about which to vent my wrath if it all goes wrong)!

I bow to everyone who took precautions. I happened to still be awake at 3am when they EU servers came back online, logged in - no overflow legacy storage. I. AM. FURIOUS. :mad: My entire Progenitor storage has gone but my TRE storage is intact. I've had enough. Going to bed. Will contemplate returning to WoW tomorrow.

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I bow to everyone who took precautions. I happened to still be awake at 3am when they EU servers came back online, logged in - no overflow legacy storage. I. AM. FURIOUS. :mad: My entire Progenitor storage has gone but my TRE storage is intact. I've had enough. Going to bed. Will contemplate returning to WoW tomorrow.


Oh no! D:

Okay... hopefully this is just a bug that will be ironed out. *hugs* I'm so sorry you lost so much! Let's hope it gets worked out...and if not, I'll be right beside you with pitchforks the whole way.

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I bow to everyone who took precautions. I happened to still be awake at 3am when they EU servers came back online, logged in - no overflow legacy storage. I. AM. FURIOUS. :mad: My entire Progenitor storage has gone but my TRE storage is intact. I've had enough. Going to bed. Will contemplate returning to WoW tomorrow.


I really hope all your items will be restored Sarova, that's horrible. And here Keith promised it wouldn't be a risk and there was no need for precautions. :( Hugs!

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Sarova -- post from Eric just now :)


We will be testing the fix on EU since that is where we noticed the issue. Once that is confirmed we will bring EU back online first to ensure nothing else jumps out. Then we will wrap up on NA and get it live as quickly as we can comfortably do so. Hopefully those two timeframes won't be too far apart. Still waiting on an ETA on my side.




Fingers crossed!

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I bow to everyone who took precautions. I happened to still be awake at 3am when they EU servers came back online, logged in - no overflow legacy storage. I. AM. FURIOUS. :mad: My entire Progenitor storage has gone but my TRE storage is intact. I've had enough. Going to bed. Will contemplate returning to WoW tomorrow.


I am sure this is something they will fix right away *hugs* I also will be there with pitchforks at the ready. You can count mine in your number.

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