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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I'm not counting on a "fix". It's not broken in their eyes. They just didn't care. They made another NPC model that was "Quinn" until he replaced your companion after Iokath. Two different NPCs, so my Malavai was still summonable and wearing his custom during the chapter, while this guy stood in the phased area.


Am keeping a character on that iokath part with both Quinn and Elara in different customizations just to check periodically for you hun :)

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First off, Yay! Lammia's back :D Welcome back! ^^



Second off...wasn't me, I just woke up lol.

I just saw actual "Malavai" on Shadowlands, I sent him a tell but he was afk.:(


I took a screenshot but decided against posting it. Is that any of us? He was wearing purple after all :)



Aye. Betrayal used once or twice is shocking, epic, and thought-provoking. Betrayal used all over the place quickly gets boring. It becomes a once-a-game (or once-a-storyline) experience of "okay, who's the inevitable traitor THIS time? [sigh]"

And for people yelling for a kill option because *they personally* were betrayed...a'right, I can see that working if you're roleplaying a Sith, or someone with psychotic anger issues. (That would be my female smuggler. In her case, however, there is something legitimately wrong with her head. :/ And it's genuinely disturbing to get into her mindset.) But for other, rational people? Uhhh...? ...granted, that's in headcanon and roleplay, but still. It's kind of concerning to see the number of people yelling for a kill option. Is it really their *character* who takes the betrayal personally, or the *player*? The latter is...even more disturbing in its implications. o_e (Sorry, I'm tired, and not making much sense. :p)


I'm inclined to think that no matter how much the death to the betrayer squad say it's 'their character', they're the ones that were personally offended. How dare those pixels do that to me. I mean, when I first played through the SW Quinncident I was stunned, hurt...thought all the gifts I'd given would have somehow changed the outcome, but I didn't want to kill him. But yeah, I think alot of the death murder kill people take it personally, given their reactions. I suppose in a sense that's good, it means they've really gotten into the game. It's just the result after the kill that sucks...I hope they fix it that those who kill, don't kill him for all of us.




Quinn: A...a general? *straightens up* My lord. You honor me beyond words. *bows* I cannot express my gratitude in--

Theron: Hold on, what mohawk?

Quinn: *grumbling something about a ruined moment*

Theron: *gingerly pats his full head of hair* ...no, really, what mohawk?

Quinn: The one you--*double-take* ....the one you magically cut, trimmed, flattened, and then regrew the rest of your hair in five seconds flat?

Theron: The...ohhhh, you mean the one Copero!Theron is wearing. Yeah. No, I'm Silver Theron. There's a difference.

Quinn: ...right. You keep telling yourself that.


Well deserved, General! You've more than earned it. The countless hours of entertainment here must be rewarded! Plus I'd say you GQ material. :cool:


As for Theron...thank goodness Silver Theron wasn't affected/accosted by the crazy devs holding the shears. Keep your noggin safe, Agent! :D

Edited by Lunafox
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I'm sitting here with my jaw dropped, shocked anyone noticed. :eek:


I left, then started lurking a bit again. I guess the thread is too addictive to just walk away. :o


Lammia! You're back!! :D *hugs*

Of course we noticed! You're our friend - and like Sarova said, you're the main reason us Quinnmancers all fell in love with your Quinn. Dark hair, blue eyes - black hair, brown eyes - Caucasian, Asian - who cares? It's Quinn. :D (That, and your Quinn is really dang handsome as well.)


That's not what I meant.


My warrior married this guy: https://imgur.com/7npHxnX

On Iokath, she only talked to this guy: https://imgur.com/78rLL8E Her hubby was nowhere to be seen.


And on top of that goes all you said.


...and we're all still incensed because of this. >_<




What's everyone going to be up to during the downtime? I'm probably going to visit my WoW characters for the day, make sure they haven't been ransacked. You never know with that game. (Long shot but anyone else on Kirin Tor?)


Also, anyone want to get this hexid business out of the way when we get back? 😐


I'm going to be doing schoolwork. :/ I have approximately one month to get the rest of that copyediting project done. Can I do it? ...yeah, probably, but I don't want to. :p

...and procrastinating on Discord. Deeeeefinitely procrastinating on Discord. (Is there anyone else who wants an invite to the server?)


As for Hexid...hey, that might be fun. :D I don't know if I'll even have time, but if I do, I'll gladly join up with attempts to get that business out of the way.

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As for Hexid...hey, that might be fun. :D I don't know if I'll even have time, but if I do, I'll gladly join up with attempts to get that business out of the way.


Goody good! *claps excitedly* Nightfrogger thinks the pvp way might be easier, gives me cold sweats but I'll go along with whatever, I definitely want to try to get that companion since I missed the other one :/

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That actually is random. I once had the romance option popping there: the first time I replayed it. When I did it again after that, it wasn't there, and I panicked I broke my romance flag. :eek:

Yeah I really HATE how I cannot replay the CH9 romance lock... I mean what's the point of replaying that chapter at all then? pff :(

I got it the first time I replayed it then after that it was just removed. I reported it as a bug which was probably ignored. It makes me think the devs enjoy pissing of the women/gay players. I've never seen anyone report any problems with the female LIs. Its beginning to seem like a vendetta! /tinfoil hat.

Really? I kinda felt out of place not swooning over the guy with blue eyes you all adore, which is the main reason I felt I don't really belong here, so stopped posting.

Yes really!!!! :p I've made a warrior purely for a Lammia Edition Quinn :) I also want to make a Lammia Edition Quinn clone. For me Quinn is all about the voice. I never really looked at the customisations until I saw yours in this thread and came across the Ilum one which is my favourite. I refuse to take two of my warriors through the reunion until they fix the customisation issue because their Quinns are gray-haired cyborgs. His six year absence did not make him revert to human or turn his hair black :rolleyes:


ALT 0153 = ™ ;)Quinn: Lammia Edition™

Unfortunately, ALT 0153 does nothing for me. Does that only work with Ipad? Am I being a techy deficient? :confused:

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I've made a warrior purely for a Lammia Edition Quinn :)



*stares at male warrior*


I... I need to do this now.

brb turning default!Quinn into Lammia Edition™ *wingding hearts appear in eyes*

will post pictures later


Unfortunately, ALT 0153 does nothing for me. Does that only work with Ipad? Am I being a techy deficient? :confused:

Normal number keys don't work - the ones on your number *pad* do. Picture (...because I always get the "number pad" and "normal" number keys confused and this is partially to remind myself which one's which. XD I'm horrible with computers.)

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My only male warrior Lammia Edition™ (or do I say Me Edition™ ;)) is his kiddo, so that ship has sailed in a bit different direction: https://imgur.com/t5FuxD0


Last week I made a new sentinel in a spur of the moment. Wasn't even sure which race to choose, and when I finally settled, the face I wanted turned out not to be available for Mirialans, so.... https://imgur.com/wGm2BcX


Sorry not sorry :jawa_angel:

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Normal number keys don't work - the ones on your number *pad* do. Picture (...because I always get the "number pad" and "normal" number keys confused and this is partially to remind myself which one's which. XD I'm horrible with computers.)

Aha! Thanks :D I always forget about those!

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BTW, if someone ends up on Darth Malgus server after Wednesday, and wants Hexid, but is pug/group content shy, my guild is going to organise pre-made groups for achievements runs, so if you'd like to tag along, let me know.


Am also going to be more then willing to help on my server, will gladly be a pocket healer/tank to help it happen :)

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I'd like to get Darth Hexid since I missed out on... Ranos? It takes 3 Flashpoints right? Or PvP but bah to PvP. I may take someone up on the offer for FPs but keep in mind I've hardly ever done them, I'd probably suck really hard and be a total noob, and I may just stand there admiring my own looks and play with outfits... so... :D Fun, right?!
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So my husband randomly told me last night not look up SWtoR fan art. Rule 34, Vaylin, shudder. But then he says, although I did see some interesting Quinn art. There was this one with a mirror. I think I turned 5 different shades of red, and may have started drooling. He just looked at me and was like "so you've seen that one." Bahahahah. Edited by rachetsw
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I'd like to get Darth Hexid since I missed out on... Ranos? It takes 3 Flashpoints right? Or PvP but bah to PvP. I may take someone up on the offer for FPs but keep in mind I've hardly ever done them, I'd probably suck really hard and be a total noob, and I may just stand there admiring my own looks and play with outfits... so... :D Fun, right?!


Yep, three flashpoints. Or three PVP. Bleh. Neeeever doing PVP unless my entire team is made up of people I know. XD

Fun? Sure! What could be more fun than a group of friends crashing through a flashpoint? ...possibly tanked by a gal who doesn't know what she's doing *raises hand* - but I'm actually looking forward to tanking a flashpoint for the first time with my warrior, if I get the chance. At least I know I'll be doing it with friends, not people who could potentially go off at the slightest misstep (or maybe I'm paranoid from reading that Weird People You Meet in Groupfinder thread way too often :p).

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So my husband randomly told me last night not look up SWtoR fan art. Rule 34, Vaylin, shudder. But then he says, although I did see some interesting Quinn art. There was this one with a mirror. I think I turned 5 different shades of red, and may have started drooling. He just looked at me and was like "so you've seen that one." Bahahahah.


What, this one? I'm kind of hoping you'll say no and that it means there's more drawings like it out there... I showed my fiance and he just shook his head at me, then bombed me with Vette 'art' in return lol. :rolleyes:



Yep, three flashpoints. Or three PVP. Bleh. Neeeever doing PVP unless my entire team is made up of people I know. XD

Fun? Sure! What could be more fun than a group of friends crashing through a flashpoint? ...possibly tanked by a gal who doesn't know what she's doing *raises hand* - but I'm actually looking forward to tanking a flashpoint for the first time with my warrior, if I get the chance. At least I know I'll be doing it with friends, not people who could potentially go off at the slightest misstep (or maybe I'm paranoid from reading that Weird People You Meet in Groupfinder thread way too often :p).

Yesh I hear you on the PVP lol. I'm skittish about group content in this game... I've been competitive, raiding and PvP'ing and knowing my shiz inside out in other MMO's but in SWTOR? Seriously I just hit random buttons until stuff dies, I'm clueless and don't care and mostly just derp through solo stuff while spending a lot of time holding my very own fashion shows and goofing in my Stronghold so... :D Oh and obvious just, standing there with my companion and having imaginary conversations in my head. Is that concerning? I don't know. Anyyyyways... I do like the idea of going with some people from this thread as I don't think we'd be bashing each other for oopsies and derping... right?! :o


S'pose I should get my Warrior to 70 quick.

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I don't think we'd be bashing each other for oopsies and derping... right?! :o


Pfff, I derp constantly and nightfrogger has never bashed me even once. And she's one of those good players. :o It'll be fine :)


Hexid *twiddles fingers evilly* Another victim to put strange gear on muhahaha! Seriously though I could always use another sithy impy comp. :)

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What, this one? I'm kind of hoping you'll say no and that it means there's more drawings like it out there... I showed my fiance and he just shook his head at me, then bombed me with Vette 'art' in return lol. :rolleyes:


That would be the one! 😳😍

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Pfff, I derp constantly and nightfrogger has never bashed me even once. And she's one of those good players. :o It'll be fine :)


Hexid *twiddles fingers evilly* Another victim to put strange gear on muhahaha! Seriously though I could always use another sithy impy comp. :)


I'll take an another companion sure, though my secret (and likely naive) hope is she'll perhaps have conversation snippets with mission companion info as well like the Jedi lady did.

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I'll take an another companion sure, though my secret (and likely naive) hope is she'll perhaps have conversation snippets with mission companion info as well like the Jedi lady did.


o_o I didn't even think of that.. now we extra have to get that business out if the way.

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I'll take an another companion sure, though my secret (and likely naive) hope is she'll perhaps have conversation snippets with mission companion info as well like the Jedi lady did.


This is literally my only motivation for getting Hexid. I care nothing about her any other way - just give me updates on what the rest of my companions are doing!!

My knight's still worried sick about his wife, Kira. (He's worried about Scourge, too, but that's at the back of his mind most times. He just wants to know what happened to his beloved wife. Is she even alive? Is she safe? Does she know he's alive? etc.) My consular's fretting over his missing padawan, Nadia, whom he loved like she was his own daughter. My bounty hunter's about ready to rip the galaxy apart to go find her best friend/adopted sister Mako. My inquisitor wants to know where Andronikos is; she misses her friend. And my agent...more or less loses it completely without Vector.


But even if we manage to get little conversation snippets, I doubt we'll get any update on the non-Force-sensitive companions. Again. :(

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This is literally my only motivation for getting Hexid. I care nothing about her any other way - just give me updates on what the rest of my companions are doing!!

My knight's still worried sick about his wife, Kira. (He's worried about Scourge, too, but that's at the back of his mind most times. He just wants to know what happened to his beloved wife. Is she even alive? Is she safe? Does she know he's alive? etc.) My consular's fretting over his missing padawan, Nadia, whom he loved like she was his own daughter. My bounty hunter's about ready to rip the galaxy apart to go find her best friend/adopted sister Mako. My inquisitor wants to know where Andronikos is; she misses her friend. And my agent...more or less loses it completely without Vector.


But even if we manage to get little conversation snippets, I doubt we'll get any update on the non-Force-sensitive companions. Again. :(


Likely not no... it would probably be too much to ask they heard the Ranos critique and make Hexid mention the Force blind comps too... :rolleyes: I'll cross my fingers though :)


But as with you, that hope is pretty much THE motivator for me to get her and do this Flashpoint crap. :D

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What, this one?

That belongs right up there with Gucci :D


Not sure, nor should anyone answer in anything but whsipers. A) Don't want anyone getting banned for posting spoilders. B) Somepeople like me purposely avoid all of the leaked/datamined info because we want to be surprised :)

After the disappointment of Malavai Quinn's return I've made it my mission to find out any and all spoilers so I can decide in advance if I want to continue my sub or go through the 5 stages of game-has-been-****ed-up grief :rolleyes: I was so looking forward to Quinn's fantastic return only to be denied by the Quinn-hating Devs lacklustre idea of a return story

which consisted of: "hello, Malavai, stay and look after my base" crap, being forced to speak to Dorne first even though Malavai was there and we would have recognised him 10 miles away since he is the warriors husband ffs, and failure to give him our preferred customisation. And that's just for starters. I deliberately looked for spoilers regarding the traitor as I strongly suspected the Devs would do something foul. I wasn't wrong.


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Am logging onto all of my characters making sure they are not in strongholds and such and checked this one. I think Lammia Edition Quinn is ready :)

Very nice :)

I'm not bothering to move my characters out of strongholds because (a) I have so many characters it will take me until Christmas 2018 and (b) they have repeatedly said we do not need to take any precautions since it's a merger not a transfer (famous last words but at least I will have something about which to vent my wrath if it all goes wrong)!

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