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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Oo a jedi and a gladiator, lookin good kids! *dumps candy into your bags*


Welp lets see if I'm going to be a fairy princess then I suppose Quinn ought to be a super hero, Batman shouldn't be too hard to pull off. Just dress him like a sith and dye the belt yellow haha! Ok off I go :)

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I am totally married to Quinn in real life. My husband doesn't like pet names, he is uptight, always reminding me of all adult stuff that needs to be done, that sleeping passion just below the surface, oh and I pursue him relentlessly. :p

Show Off :D:D I'm jealous :)


Here we go first submission When in Rome... ;)

I love that look on Quinn - I've been thinking who would look good in that set for a while.




Ok I'm not sure he looks like Batman but he does look like, I dunno, somebody? :D

Now I need to think up a costume - let the Halloweening commence! :D This will be so much better than the dozens of depressing "my ping is terrible" threads that have sprung up. I was so pleased to see our thread on page one when I logged into the forums today.

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Show Off :D:D I'm jealous :)


Hehe I know right :) My husband is more like Pierce than Quinn in real life, though much MUCH better looking than Pierce <3



Now I need to think up a costume - let the Halloweening commence! :D This will be so much better than the dozens of depressing "my ping is terrible" threads that have sprung up. I was so pleased to see our thread on page one when I logged into the forums today.


Can't wait! I'm sure you guys can come up with better than my generic costumes (though I'll be sad if I do heroics all day long and not a single person asks me wth we're dressed this way)


(Hm, I think my Quinn has more of a Reed Richards vibe than a Batman vibe. Yes, definitely. Now I just have to decide default look or cyborg custom..)

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aaaAHHhh terrifying! :D


And my take on Wonder Woman and Batman best as I could with limited funds and items :D


May mess about more later but yah. :p


Aww I wish we could play our class/companion stories over again, it would be fun to see those two smooch :o (Nice use of HK helmet too, I should probably stop throwing it out on all my new characters)

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aaaAHHhh terrifying! :D




Aww I wish we could play our class/companion stories over again, it would be fun to see those two smooch :o (Nice use of HK helmet too, I should probably stop throwing it out on all my new characters)


Yeah I wish I could! Although that's my Jedi Knight, she'll never have Quinn smoochies period :(


I toss the HK helmet out too all the time but it auto adds to collections so you should have it :)

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I wanted the Jori Daragon pants for the Wonder Woman outfit, it would have looked better but it's not available on my server and I'm broke. :rolleyes: Trying to think of more costumes I can mess around with... ooh I should see if I can get Quinn into a Prince Eric look for my Ariel. :D
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*smacks forehead*

this is so much better!



*claps* That's awesome :D I love it! Love me some Deadpool! :D


I wanted the Jori Daragon pants for the Wonder Woman outfit, it would have looked better but it's not available on my server and I'm broke. :rolleyes: Trying to think of more costumes I can mess around with... ooh I should see if I can get Quinn into a Prince Eric look for my Ariel. :D


I'd love to see that, that would be very you, I know how you love The Little Mermaid :D You could find a pet that looks like Sebastian too. :D

Edited by Lunafox
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Haha you did what I considered too! Was going to use that outfit to dress them up as Trekkies but you know, my mind instantly went "Blasphemy!!!" I so love it though, well done and awesome job on Q!


I actually cheated a little bit, I made the Q look a few years back and had posted it on the forum somewhere, except my Male Sith Warrior was wearing it. I also helped someone with a Loki costume as well lol. :D


But y'know, great minds think alike, right? *high fives*

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*laughs* That costume is perfect, and I've never seen Quinn dressed anything like that before 👍🏻🍬


Haha thanks :D It made sense that Quinn bit 'Q' he hee. It's almost like a role reversal, powerful being and an officer and for Halloween they're opposites lol.


That's brilliant :D


*beams* Thanks SC! :D

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