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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I haven't finished Iokath yet on my consular, but I wanted to pop in and say I'm mostly pleased with Quinn's appearance so far, from the perspective of a non-warrior who sided with the Republic. I love when he's talking about thwarting the Republic, even when I'm sided with them; I can't help it. He has the best jerk "let's destroy all the pubs" voice.


I can imagine that if I sided with the Empire, I would hardly have seen him at all by this point and that would be pretty disappointing. If I cared about Elara more, I'd probably be ticked off by her lack of presence.


It almost seems like instead of running around with Theron (or Lana, if you side with Empire? I don't know yet), we should have been running around with either Quinn or Elara and I'm a little confused why they didn't go that route. We ran around with Kaliyo in her reintroduction, with Jorgan in his, with Vette and Gault, Torian... Heck, even with T7 briefly. Unless that comes later, it's an extremely underwhelming return for the people who want to recruit these companions.


But as a very positive side note, I loved the start of this storyline bit, with Theron saying, "Lana equals full of herself" (or something like that). And as a not positive side note, some of the movements were very awkward in the early cutscenes. I was like, Theron, why are you shifting around awkwardly? Stop that. But then my consular was as well. Weirdos, just stand still... :rolleyes:

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Well I might be reading into this to much, but there is obviously more story here on iokath to come, I would not be surprised if we get that kiss for good luck when we face it at the end. I just figure this whole planet is probably just a lead into the next expansion. So I have hope for more cut scenes.
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So, he was imprisoned the whole time. Ok, I'll buy that. I didn't kill him on my male warrior hoping against hope for a flirt scene. Damnit boy if you aint gonna flirt with me I might as well kill yeh! lol jk. I watched the kill scene just cause I was curious and it's actually so well done it made me panic a little and escape quickly. I don't think I'll take that option, ever.


Overall, not bad, but just NOT MUCH AT ALL. Here's to more hope in the patches to come, as the story is clearly only starting.


And Wow - it was definitely the Theron Shan show. Which is GOOD. Even though there were some serious cheese in the lines, at least he and Malcom acknowledged their sad little relationship before he croaked.


And man, they really kinda set Theron up as suspicious in the beginning, don't you all think? All those weird looks and who was he talking to on the holo in the first scene? Even before I got to the part in the story where it's confirmed there's a traitor, I thought Theron was acting suspicious the whole time. Which is especially sad for the Theron romanced warrior. Not again, please :(




And AWESOME I'm bugged. No "Quinn" in my companion list anywhere. Hopefully it's fixed before the next content patch lol.

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Non- romanced Quinn letter. ( I know, who would do such a thing?)




Your Eternal Alliance is most impressive, my lord. I always knew you were worthy of such a following, but I never imagined fate would bestow you with such a monumental status. Between the Eternal Fleet and your burgeoning army, I pity anyone who defies your authority.


After my welcome tour, Admiral Aygo briefed me on the strategies we use to police the galaxy. I offered a few suggestions, but he has the situation well in hand. I plan to acquaint myself with the rest of your followers over the coming weeks.


Speaking of which, I was sorry to hear of Vette's untimely passing. The two of us rarely saw eye to eye, but I always respected her role in your rise to prominence. She will be missed.


Thank you again for welcoming me back into your fold.




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Nice... I wonder what the letter says if you don't off Vette? Also, Theron Shan show, indeed. With how much BW was trumpeting Elara and Quinn on social media, I was very surprised to see both of them at the very back of the Iokath bus. Maybe they'll have a bigger role in the future? I certainly hope so, because BW essentially baited me with Quinn, but what I got was a few lines of I love you and then awkwardly camera-close kiss and the rest of the chapter was the Theron Shan show with a side of creepy Lana next to my bed again, topped off with a maniacal Malcom.


So... after all this time, I reunite with Quinn and then tell him to stay and guard the base while Theron and I take care of business? Get the **** out of here. I'd take Pierce on an assault on the Republic way before I'd take Theron - it just makes logical sense.

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What we got was lovely, but as always I would prefer to have had more. Like it was mentioned earlier in the thread, that it was disappointing that we didn't get to run part of the mission with Quinn, like we got to do with the other companions that I care nothing about, like Kaliyo and Jorgan and the others we got to run part of the way with. It would have been nice to have more interaction with Quinn. A FTB moment would have been nice too, never did get that either.


I really wish they'd put more focus on the romance companions, it would be nice to get to talk to them more.


It was also disappointing that the customizations didn't translate...


And the one thing that really annoyed me, is that I didn't get to shoot Elara in the face.

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And I just have to say LLLLLLEWWWWLLLLL at Lana hovering over you AGAIN as you wake up. We're being trolled. :D


Yes, that was icky. I think they are trolling us. I did not enjoy seeing her hovering over me when I was unconscious. Go away Lana. Grr.

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Nice... I wonder what the letter says if you don't off Vette? Also, Theron Shan show, indeed. With how much BW was trumpeting Elara and Quinn on social media, I was very surprised to see both of them at the very back of the Iokath bus. Maybe they'll have a bigger role in the future? I certainly hope so, because BW essentially baited me with Quinn, but what I got was a few lines of I love you and then awkwardly camera-close kiss and the rest of the chapter was the Theron Shan show with a side of creepy Lana next to my bed again, topped off with a maniacal Malcom.


So... after all this time, I reunite with Quinn and then tell him to stay and guard the base while Theron and I take care of business? Get the **** out of here. I'd take Pierce on an assault on the Republic way before I'd take Theron - it just makes logical sense.


He says that he ran into her on Oddessen and she was her usual self. He also says that "although he loves her good natured ribbing", he chooses quarters on the other side of the base.

Edited by OldVengeance
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He says that he ran into her on Oddessen and she was her usual self. He also says that "although he loves her good natured ribbing", he chooses quarters on the other side of the base.


Aww, I love the, "good natured ribbing" part. And choosing quarters on the other side of the base sounds pretty accurate. :D Thanks for the info!

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Speaking of which, I was sorry to hear of Vette's untimely passing. The two of us rarely saw eye to eye, but I always respected her role in your rise to prominence. She will be missed.



He says that he ran into her on Oddessen and she was her usual self. He also says that "although he loves her good natured ribbing", he chooses quarters on the other side of the base.

Aww. Quinn/Vette respect. This makes me feel gooier than his gooey letter.


*Also, hahaha, what, he doesn't want to share a crew quarters with her again? They could be bunk buddies, like old times! :p


And AWESOME I'm bugged. No "Quinn" in my companion list anywhere. Hopefully it's fixed before the next content patch lol.


Oddly, my consular who did not side with the Empire has Quinn in her companion list. I checked after I saw both the yellow text for "Elara Dorne has joined you as a companion" AND "Malavai Quinn has joined you as a companion." lolwut? :confused:

Edited by knoXr
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Aww...Oddly, my consular who did not side with the Empire has Quinn in her companion list. I checked after I saw both the yellow text for "Elara Dorne has joined you as a companion" AND "Malavai Quinn has joined you as a companion." lolwut? :confused:


After siding with the Empire and completing the quest, I got a notification saying Elara is now my Companion, but when I look at my Companions and Contacts log, Elara is down in the unavailable section with Koth, Skadge, Senya, Torian, Arcann, SCORPIO, etc.

Edited by Edyn
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What we got was lovely, but as always I would prefer to have had more. Like it was mentioned earlier in the thread, that it was disappointing that we didn't get to run part of the mission with Quinn, like we got to do with the other companions that I care nothing about, like Kaliyo and Jorgan and the others we got to run part of the way with. It would have been nice to have more interaction with Quinn. A FTB moment would have been nice too, never did get that either.


Totally agree! And I swear, when I read the data-mined convos, there was a line of his that implied a FTB moment (something like "How invigorating! You've learned a few new tricks in our time apart."), but I'll be damned if I can figure where it fits in, since I did all the romance/flirt options and never got that.


And the one thing that really annoyed me, is that I didn't get to shoot Elara in the face.


In my head-canon, she gets force-choked the minute she first opens her mouth after my SW sees her husband back. Why in the ruddy **** would my SW even care one whit about what this Pub wench has to say when her long-lost husband of 6 years is suddenly standing right there in front of her?! "Meet with the leaders of each faction to decide whose side to pick?"...not necessary, save the prattle, I need a few hours or so to reunite with the Major here. Lana, Theron....deal with this....the Empress and her Consort need to get it on... :D:rod_tongue_p::rak_09:

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After siding with the Empire and completing the quest, I got a notification saying Elara is now my Companion, but when I look at my Companions and Contacts log, Elara is down in the unavailable section with Koth, Skadge, Senya, Torian, Arcann, SCORPIO, etc.


I don't have either one of them in list...anywhere. It's annoying. The one thing I was looking forward the most after the reunion, was getting him back as my companion. I mean, she's not ever letting him leave her side ever again and.....he's not freaking there! Grrr....this had better get fixed, pronto!

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I don't have either one of them in list...anywhere. It's annoying. The one thing I was looking forward the most after the reunion, was getting him back as my companion. I mean, she's not ever letting him leave her side ever again and.....he's not freaking there! Grrr....this had better get fixed, pronto!


Yeah, sounds like a bug. :( They're both in mine even if one is unavailable.

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Totally agree! And I swear, when I read the data-mined convos, there was a line of his that implied a FTB moment (something like "How invigorating! You've learned a few new tricks in our time apart."), but I'll be damned if I can figure where it fits in, since I did all the romance/flirt options and never got that.


Yeah, I'm wondering about that one. I mean, I'd be curious who taught my warrior those tricks, but yeah. There was also a line following that about needing to freshen up, which following the tricks thing -- uhh, sounded like it was suggesting a little FTB action had occurred.

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Totally agree! And I swear, when I read the data-mined convos, there was a line of his that implied a FTB moment (something like "How invigorating! You've learned a few new tricks in our time apart."), but I'll be damned if I can figure where it fits in, since I did all the romance/flirt options and never got that.




In my head-canon, she gets force-choked the minute she first opens her mouth after my SW sees her husband back. Why in the ruddy **** would my SW even care one whit about what this Pub wench has to say when her long-lost husband of 6 years is suddenly standing right there in front of her?! "Meet with the leaders of each faction to decide whose side to pick?"...not necessary, save the prattle, I need a few hours or so to reunite with the Major here. Lana, Theron....deal with this....the Empress and her Consort need to get it on... :D:rod_tongue_p::rak_09:


I remember reading that line too! Unless they're saving that part for later. I hope they didn't decide to cut it right out. I would be really sad if they deprived us of a nice fade to black. I hope we'll see it yet.


And my head-canon is similar to yours, Dorne wouldn't have gotten one word out of her mealy mouth. I've always hated her lol. I really wanted to end her. It would have made sense, get rid of her and have some time with the hubby.


I do have to say this, the Theron romance with my JK was lovely, so heartwarming, if not a bit sad. I loved that so much. It was an awesome surprise and very warm, considering the cool reunification between SW and her man. :)

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I have to correct my self:


I finally found the Malavai Quinn stronghold decoration.

It's a bit tricky to find cause there are 2 of them now (the old Quinn and the new Quinn).


When searching for all companion decorations only the old Quinn will show up but it can't be used saying 0/0 for every non-sithwarrior or those sithwarriors who didn't use the terminal on Odessen.


When searching for unlocked companion decorations I finally found the new Quinn and could place him in my stronghold.


It's a bit sad that they changed the pose of the new Quinn. While the old Quinn poses like he does on the sithwarrior's ship with his hands behind his back (love that pose), the new Quinn now has another pose.


I wonder if sithwarriors are able now to place 2 Malavai Quinns in their stronghold (old one + new one).

What a shame I don't enjoy playing melee classes...the idea of 2 Malavai Quinns waiting in front of my black luxury bed is kinda tempting.;)

Edited by Avianatorsparkma
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Totally agree! And I swear, when I read the data-mined convos, there was a line of his that implied a FTB moment (something like "How invigorating! You've learned a few new tricks in our time apart."), but I'll be damned if I can figure where it fits in, since I did all the romance/flirt options and never got that.


I wonder where it fits too. On the other hand, my warrior didn't cheat, so I suppose her answer would be... "I watched dirty holos"? :confused::eek::o

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After siding with the Empire and completing the quest, I got a notification saying Elara is now my Companion, but when I look at my Companions and Contacts log, Elara is down in the unavailable section with Koth, Skadge, Senya, Torian, Arcann, SCORPIO, etc.

Same here. However I think the bug is not that she is unavailable, the bug is that the game says that you got her as companion in the first place. Because for the story it makes zero sense that elara would join supporter of Empire.

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So underwhelmed right now. Meet Quinn for the first time in 6 years, and....promptly ignore him? To talk to Elara? Then ignore him more for another hour to run off with Theron? And get several cutscenes showing Elara in that time, and nothing with Quinn? And in the end a chaste kiss and some "boyish admiration"? Where did the passion go? I get the feeling whoever wrote that scene was sighing and rolling their eyes at having to write romance, then gleefully got back to heavily ladling out accusations of treasons and conversations aimed at getting the outlander to say they don't trust Quinn. Not worth the wait, really. (On the plus side, now maybe I will be spared any more of Theron's angsty daddy issues. That and Boo!! were the two positives in the story.)
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So underwhelmed right now. Meet Quinn for the first time in 6 years, and....promptly ignore him? To talk to Elara? Then ignore him more for another hour to run off with Theron? And get several cutscenes showing Elara in that time, and nothing with Quinn? And in the end a chaste kiss and some "boyish admiration"? Where did the passion go? I get the feeling whoever wrote that scene was sighing and rolling their eyes at having to write romance, then gleefully got back to heavily ladling out accusations of treasons and conversations aimed at getting the outlander to say they don't trust Quinn. Not worth the wait, really. (On the plus side, now maybe I will be spared any more of Theron's angsty daddy issues. That and Boo!! were the two positives in the story.)


This is exactly how I feel. Just the fact that she couldn't just jump forth and give him a hug instead of being refused a kiss? I just sat there with a "really?" on my face. What was there was sweet and I really felt sorry for him in the two minutes he was present, but there has to be more to this.

I don't care that he might be dead in one scenario, they better write him and Elara to be part of the entire story of Iokath, because this did not live up to expectations.


I love Jorgan, Torian and Vette, but these two should have had at least the care that the others got. Especially since they were gone for so long.


FYI Bioware, this did not qualify as "returning companions in a meaningful way".

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I remember reading that line too! Unless they're saving that part for later. I hope they didn't decide to cut it right out. I would be really sad if they deprived us of a nice fade to black. I hope we'll see it yet.


Yeah, it could be that they decided Quinn should just be mushy and loving here and then in a future update, he can get some. Hopefully? I mean, I'm assuming he's been deprived for over six years and now he has his wife in front of him and that's just such a tease.


And his chapter is different from others in that it's not really a completed storyline yet, so could be they're handling it differently, spacing stuff out, torturing him with his wife's awesomeness, etc. I don't think Elara got any nookie, either. Personally, I was hoping for a reaction similar to the SoR start. We really don't even get a "my love -- my lord" type slip-up in front of everyone?


I wonder where it fits too. On the other hand, my warrior didn't cheat, so I suppose her answer would be... "I watched dirty holos"? :confused::eek::o


Hahaha maybe it was meant to be for cheaters only, or something, and they couldn't quite figure out how to make the conversation work for everyone.


That and Boo!! were the two positives in the story.)


The "Boo!" option was unexpected and great. :D

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