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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I want to sell M1-4X to the Jawas! :p I was outraged at that droid. When I first saw it, I was happy, it looked cool and seemed nice. Then, right after the first couple of conversations with him, I was "Get off my ship"

Completely agree with this; I use him as crew skill fodder. I was surprised he was brought back - when you speak to him when you re-recruit him, it's clear he has some kind of unkillable software virus. He's nuts and not in a good way like we are.

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I think it originally planned for your ship droid to be able to fight (Before they were able to fight in 4.0)


I cannot imagine going through entire stories killing off all the companions and only having one of those ship droids for company. My characters would go insane. x_x

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Completely agree with this; I use him as crew skill fodder. I was surprised he was brought back - when you speak to him when you re-recruit him, it's clear he has some kind of unkillable software virus. He's nuts and not in a good way like we are.


I'm not a fan of 4X either. He talks like Roger Ramjet. It drove me nuts. I agree that he should be Jawa scrap. :cool:

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I was also angry when Xalek was forced on me. I wanted the Twilek apprentice for starters (:p), and was really surprised when I didn't have a choice but accept Xalek’s revolting behavior. I completely agreed with Harkun when he said: "But if the rules of subterfuge and skill give away to blind murder, then the whole Empire is doomed." Very well said!!!


Same here!! Heck...in my own version of events (some things, I like headcanon better than anything the game can come up with), Xalek died and Seferiss lived. But Seferiss had brain damage after Xalek punched him into unconsciousness, so...um...from there on out, it was the inquisitor and one really crazy twi'lek (yes, I know, I'm taking artistic license with "brain damage," because it's funnier). Who only spoke Ryl. Which my inquisitor did not.

"Toovee. What did he say again?"

"Er, pardon, mistress. He said...erm..."

"Out with it."

"...I will make your tomato shiny?"

"You need new translation programming, don't you."

"No, mistress. That's actually what he said."



On another note, if we really could kill off almost every companion... oi. Kaliyo, Raina Temple, SCORPIO, Skadge, Gault (don't get me wrong, he's hilarious, but I don't like how he was forced to be your companion), Jaesa, Broonmark, Xalek, Khem Val (no, my inquisitor does NOT want a kill-happy monster - either of them - following her around!), and Tanno Vik would all be dead. Risha, Akaavi, Guss, Blizz, Rusk, Zenith, and Forex would simply not be recruited.

...and Anuli would join the bounty hunter's crew. :o That poor boy. It always just kills me every time I get to that part in the bounty hunter's story.


"AAAAAHHH--MAKO!! MAKO!!! [agonized screaming]--" [dead comm]

Mako: *half-hysterical and frantic, trembling and sobbing from sheer worry and dread*



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On another note, if we really could kill off almost every companion... oi. Kaliyo, Raina Temple, SCORPIO, Skadge, Gault (don't get me wrong, he's hilarious, but I don't like how he was forced to be your companion), Jaesa, Broonmark, Xalek, Khem Val (no, my inquisitor does NOT want a kill-happy monster - either of them - following her around!), and Tanno Vik would all be dead. Risha, Akaavi, Guss, Blizz, Rusk, Zenith, and Forex would simply not be recruited.

...and Anuli would join the bounty hunter's crew. :o That poor boy. It always just kills me every time I get to that part in the bounty hunter's story.


It was supposed to be you were able to kill off any companion. Of the others I remembered hearing on, Ashara's was after the Inquisitor got her to summon up the ghost, Vette was something like keeping her shock collar on and being abusive towards her until she just sobbed and eventually spaced herself out the ship's airlock. I want to say Corso just jumps ship but I can't remember for certain. Ship droid was supposed to be customizable to cover for someone killing off a character who's role they needed but apparently no one wanted to use the ship droid.

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It was supposed to be you were able to kill off any companion. Of the others I remembered hearing on, Ashara's was after the Inquisitor got her to summon up the ghost, Vette was something like keeping her shock collar on and being abusive towards her until she just sobbed and eventually spaced herself out the ship's airlock. I want to say Corso just jumps ship but I can't remember for certain. Ship droid was supposed to be customizable to cover for someone killing off a character who's role they needed but apparently no one wanted to use the ship droid.


:eek: I forgot Ashara! Oh, she would definitely be dead. The prompt to let the ghost kill Ashara is still in the game...it just does nothing. Ashara wiggles her way out of it. Grr.

..poor Vette...D:

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Vette was something like keeping her shock collar on and being abusive towards her until she just sobbed and eventually spaced herself out the ship's airlock. I

For real? :eek: That's some really creepy stuff. :eek: Poor Vette!


This game has some serious issues, for example in the case of LS/DS points. I remember when I sent a Republic general to be tortured for information, and got a light side point for it. :eek: Just because I didn't kill him LOL. That was some crazy stuff! It is quite obvious they will kill him after they had their fun with him, so that's far from mercy. :p I'm sure the poor man didn't appreciate my choice either. XD I had a good laugh, nevertheless. :D

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Same here!! Heck...in my own version of events (some things, I like headcanon better than anything the game can come up with), Xalek died and Seferiss lived. But Seferiss had brain damage after Xalek punched him into unconsciousness, so...um...from there on out, it was the inquisitor and one really crazy twi'lek (yes, I know, I'm taking artistic license with "brain damage," because it's funnier). Who only spoke Ryl. Which my inquisitor did not.

LOL. :D Seferiss seemed like a nice guy and looked good too. My Inquisitor got 2 stupid apprentices, whom he didn't choose, it's irritating! I have already told my opinion of Ashara. Xalek is very shifty, he is too humble and obedient, it is obvious he would betray you as soon as he can. :p In my story my Inquisitor chooses Zash over Khem and he is constantly complaining to Zash about his stupid apprentices. Zash finds it funny and just laughs at it. :D



On another note, if we really could kill off almost every companion... oi. Kaliyo, Raina Temple, SCORPIO, Skadge, Gault (don't get me wrong, he's hilarious, but I don't like how he was forced to be your companion), Jaesa, Broonmark, Xalek, Khem Val (no, my inquisitor does NOT want a kill-happy monster - either of them - following her around!), and Tanno Vik would all be dead. Risha, Akaavi, Guss, Blizz, Rusk, Zenith, and Forex would simply not be recruited.

Wow, you are hard to please, that's quite a big list. :)

Don't ask why is this possible, but I really like Zenith and I usually use him. He is an anti-Imperial fanatic, but I still like him. :o My Trooper is DS and she is corrupt, so she and Tanno Vik get along very well, but I use Jorgan because of the romance.

Guss is irritating, but has funny lines. My favorite scene was when he wanted to show me his lightsaber, so he activated it but nearly poked my eye out, and I said something like stop waving that thing in front of me. :D

Gault - True, it was illogical and strange to recruit him after he nearly escaped from you the fourth time...But I'm really happy it turned out this way. :D Love him! Great sense of humor, amazing voice, cool looks, quick-thinking and good at problem solving, what's not to like? :D

Scorpio - shifty droid with creepy eyes (really!) always threatening you and plotting against you. I would just give her to Intelligence, do what they what with her, I don't care, I just don't want her on my ship, she is creeping me out! Maybe she watches me at night while I sleep. :eek: LOL

What's wrong with Raina? :)

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For real? :eek: That's some really creepy stuff. :eek: Poor Vette!


This game has some serious issues, for example in the case of LS/DS points. I remember when I sent a Republic general to be tortured for information, and got a light side point for it. :eek: Just because I didn't kill him LOL. That was some crazy stuff! It is quite obvious they will kill him after they had their fun with him, so that's far from mercy. :p I'm sure the poor man didn't appreciate my choice either. XD I had a good laugh, nevertheless. :D


Bioware's always had issues when it's come to writing morality. For all the talk about how going Closed Fist/Renegade was described as being a hard pull no punches type, it's always ended up either being act like an ***hole or be a sociopath. Their Dark Side writing's just as bad if not worse. The writing for Open Palm/Paragon's described as thinking long term goals, co-operation and diplomacy, but ends up falling into naive all for the best. Light Side while not as bad, still falls into the pitfall on occasion.


A long while back I did two total Darkside playthroughs because I was being an achievement addict and wanted the 'chieve dings and those had to be the most gruelling playthroughs I've ever done just because how awful the choices were. I'd be quicker to do another 'let's see how far we can go on just starter gear and pick no specializations' run* then do another total Darkside run.



*=I know going no specializations isn't an option anymore but I managed to get to the high 30s before having to actually gear up.

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Wow, you are hard to please, that's quite a big list. :)

Don't ask why is this possible, but I really like Zenith and I usually use him. He is an anti-Imperial fanatic, but I still like him. :o My Trooper is DS and she is corrupt, so she and Tanno Vik get along very well, but I use Jorgan because of the romance.

Guss is irritating, but has funny lines. My favorite scene was when he wanted to show me his lightsaber, so he activated it but nearly poked my eye out, and I said something like stop waving that thing in front of me. :D

Gault - True, it was illogical and strange to recruit him after he nearly escaped from you the fourth time...But I'm really happy it turned out this way. :D Love him! Great sense of humor, amazing voice, cool looks, quick-thinking and good at problem solving, what's not to like? :D

Scorpio - shifty droid with creepy eyes (really!) always threatening you and plotting against you. I would just give her to Intelligence, do what they what with her, I don't care, I just don't want her on my ship, she is creeping me out! Maybe she watches me at night while I sleep. :eek: LOL

What's wrong with Raina? :)


Haha, I guess I am. XD

I personally like Zenith, Gault, and Guss - but my characters don't. My consular's completely light-side and he and Zenith...did not get along at all. My bounty hunter would rather have just completed the job. Her job was to kill Gault. He's a target. She kills targets. The end. And Guss...my smuggler just didn't trust him enough to go "sure, here's a bunk, have fun." I do like those three companions, though. Gault's hysterical and I love his voice. Guss is rather adorable. Zenith is just an interesting personality. My characters, though, if they had a choice, they wouldn't have accepted those companions.


I am really glad I'm not the only one who's scared spitless by SCORPIO's eyes. o_o Glowing eyes in general tend to freak me out (yet, oddly, chiss eyes are okay...maybe it's the slightly cartoonish nature of the graphics in this game).


Raina was okay...at first. I guess my chiss agent just had a massive problem with her because of her...secret.


My agent's loyal to the Ascendancy and the Empire, not necessarily in that order. Any and all force-sensitives, according to her, should be given to the Empire. Then here comes Raina, a human in the Ascendancy - when chiss are notoriously xenophobic - and it's no secret to THEM that she's force-sensitive. The sheer clash in loyalties just about drove my agent up the wall.


But she got over it, and she accepted Raina on her team... and then Raina's father was found out.


So it's okay for an untold number of people in the Ascendancy to know of Raina's secret and shield her from the Empire, and it's also okay for Intelligence's top agent to know that same secret and shield her from the Empire, but it's not okay for her father to be running about and also know that secret and hide her from the Empire. Her solution when a Sith gets too close to finding him out, and thus knowing her secret? Murder her father.

My agent repeatedly said "Raina, he can come be with us aboard the ship here - you know full well that no one finds us on this ship unless we want them to. He'd never be found. He'd be safe here." Raina flat-out refused and walked off to go kill her own father before the agent could say another word.

Raina returned. She was a little sad that her father was dead. Other than that, she was perfectly fine with what had just happened. Glory to the Empire and all that. Everything's good now, shall we get back to work? :)

...my agent was completely horrified. So was I. And nothing was ever brought up about her father or her patricide again, making it seem even more like she's a complete sociopath.


So...that's my problem with Raina. o_o Sweet, demure, eager-to-learn woman on the outside. Horrifyingly sociopathic murderer on the inside.

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Guss is rather adorable.


Guss has some hysterical lines. On my male Smuggler who's a Pureblood that I was pretty much playing him as if he'd strut into a room and announce "Who wants a taste of Sexual Cinnamon?", for all the fade to blacks he got, by the time he hooked up with the prison warden on Belsavis, Guss was like "Again? Really, again? We really need to work out a code word."

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So...that's my problem with Raina. o_o Sweet, demure, eager-to-learn woman on the outside. Horrifyingly sociopathic murderer on the inside.


I agree with that as well, you think she's all right until you get to know her. Both of agent's lady companions are batsh*t crazy, just in different ways.

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You know, I have a hard time truly hating any companion. I mean, even if I don't get along with them, I can usually still see their uses as a character, since they all have a role to play and most of them are written pretty well. Even Skadge I managed to run with for a bit just for laughs. (I give him the purple customization, because turning him into a big purple blog is more tolerable.) He's a jerk, but once my BH put him in his place, he can actually be kind of funny in a ridiculous muscle-man stupid gangster kind of way.


I did have a little bit of a problem with Risha I guess. I took an immediate dislike to her when the very first thing she said to my smuggler was a snotty, "Oh. I thought I was the only woman on this ship." Dark Jaesa isn't my favorite either since she's too much of a caricature, and Zenith kind of rubs me the wrong way because he's basically a terrorist. I sometimes wonder what he's doing on my pure lightside V Jedi's ship. But even so, I've still always been nice to him. Heck, I even wrote a little fanfic about him, because I still found some aspects of his character interesting even if I don't like him, per se. Does that make sense?

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So...that's my problem with Raina. o_o Sweet, demure, eager-to-learn woman on the outside. Horrifyingly sociopathic murderer on the inside.


:D perfect description. Even my ruthless Sith-supporting male agent found her to be a bit...odd. And a hypocrite. And the way she kept fawning over him just wasn't his style. The whole relationship feels very unequal, although I suppose it's the non-Force sensitive equivalent of the worshipful Padawan that the male Jedi characters get.


I created a story about her in my head to make her "normal" again. Basically she found out she was pregnant with my chiss agent's child after they had broken up, and when the baby turned out to be Force sensitive, she found that she couldn't turn her own child in. She realized the error of her ways and handed the baby over to the Jedi. That character became my DvL Jedi "test" character, who I will use to test the waters when Scourge eventually comes back. :D

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I am really glad I'm not the only one who's scared spitless by SCORPIO's eyes. o_o Glowing eyes in general tend to freak me out (yet, oddly, chiss eyes are okay...maybe it's the slightly cartoonish nature of the graphics in this game).

So I'm not alone with this. :) My ex used to laugh at me because of this, he said Scorpio is cool (well, she is) and he didn't understand why I was scared. I like glowing eyes, but hers are different. Something's just not right, a chill always runs up my spine when I have to talk to her. If I was the Agent, I would be scared to go to the toilet at night, knowing Scorpio is somewehere in the dark, watching... XDDD I would probably ask Vector to come with me LOL.


So...that's my problem with Raina. o_o Sweet, demure, eager-to-learn woman on the outside. Horrifyingly sociopathic murderer on the inside.

I don't think of her that way. She basically thought it was honorable to kill his own father rather than let him to be humiliated and tortured. What she did was nasty, but I understood her logic. Aside from this, she didn't do anything bad, she doesn't like DS choices either.

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:D perfect description. Even my ruthless Sith-supporting male agent found her to be a bit...odd. And a hypocrite. And the way she kept fawning over him just wasn't his style. The whole relationship feels very unequal, although I suppose it's the non-Force sensitive equivalent of the worshipful Padawan that the male Jedi characters get.


I wouldn't call Kira a worshipful Padawan, Nadia on the other hand ::shudders:: That girl has... issues...


Nadia and Temple's romances suffer because you get them so late in the game Iresso to suffers from this.


I love Kira's romance, one of the best in the game but then I'm a guy and slightly biased ;)

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Guss has some hysterical lines. On my male Smuggler who's a Pureblood that I was pretty much playing him as if he'd strut into a room and announce "Who wants a taste of Sexual Cinnamon?", for all the fade to blacks he got, by the time he hooked up with the prison warden on Belsavis, Guss was like "Again? Really, again? We really need to work out a code word."

LOL, that must have been funny. :D I often wanted to use him, but I always ended up with Bowdaar, having a Wookie friend is just too cool. :D

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I don't think of her that way. She basically thought it was honorable to kill his own father rather than let him to be humiliated and tortured. What she did was nasty, but I understood her logic. Aside from this, she didn't do anything bad, she doesn't like DS choices either.


Well, that's just it; I understand her logic...except when there's a pretty obvious flaw in it. The agent made it perfectly clear to her that her father could come stay with them aboard the ship, where no one would find him. Her secret would be safe, and so would her father. Raina just says nope, it's better this way. And then she shows no remorse or sadness for what she did, no conflict at all. Her immediate solution is to kill her father, rather than trying to think of other options and only thinking of her father's death as a last resort.

That's what I take issue with, I guess: her sheer willingness to do it, even when there are other, much easier, options.

Edit: If there was absolutely no other way, then I'd totally understand her logic. But there *were* other options.


I love Kira's romance, one of the best in the game but then I'm a guy and slightly biased ;)


Haha, I also think Kira's romance is one of the best in the game - and I'm not a guy. XD


LOL, that must have been funny. :D I often wanted to use him, but I always ended up with Bowdaar, having a Wookie friend is just too cool. :D


Same here... I always wanted to use Guss, but both my smugglers wound up with Corso all the way. My female smuggler because, well, she married him. Male smuggler because he and Corso were basically brothers by the time everything was said and done. Two guys wisecracking their way through misguided heroics was just hilarious. XD

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I just don't want her on my ship, she is creeping me out! Maybe she watches me at night while I sleep.


Actually, I'm pretty sure one of her companion conversations is about how she DOES watch you sleep, something about her finding amusement with how alert you are even when unconscious.

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I don't think of her that way. She basically thought it was honorable to kill his own father rather than let him to be humiliated and tortured. What she did was nasty, but I understood her logic. Aside from this, she didn't do anything bad, she doesn't like DS choices either.


She murdered him for protecting her. For breaking the law by protecting her. But at the same time she stays in hiding, and doesn't reveal her powers. She's breaking the law. The same law. She's a hypocrite.

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Because it makes you feel like a certain scruffy looking Nerf-herder from Corellia? :p

LOL. My first Smuggler is female. :) I have been leveling a male recently, but both of them are DS, so he couldn't be like him. :p


That's what I take issue with, I guess: her sheer willingness to do it, even when there are other, much easier, options.

Edit: If there was absolutely no other way, then I'd totally understand her logic. But there *were* other options

I tried to talk her out of it too. It was strange indeed, but my Agents just got over it quickly, they had much more important things to do than worrying about such "trivial" matters LOL.


Same here... I always wanted to use Guss, but both my smugglers wound up with Corso all the way. My female smuggler because, well, she married him.

Corso is very nice and everything, but as a man, I wasn't attracted to him. So that leaves my Smuggler single too, Theron, here I come! :D


Actually, I'm pretty sure one of her companion conversations is about how she DOES watch you sleep, something about her finding amusement with how alert you are even when unconscious.

Now that you mention it, I'm starting to remember her saying something like this...No! I would rather not remember. :eek: *locks the bedroom door and hides under the sheets*

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Now that you mention it, I'm starting to remember her saying something like this...No! I would rather not remember. :eek: *locks the bedroom door and hides under the sheets*


I think it's right after the conversation where the agent can hit on her :D

You know you want to, she has such a... Alluring voice. And eyes fully of sparks.

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LOL, that must have been funny. :D I often wanted to use him, but I always ended up with Bowdaar, having a Wookie friend is just too cool. :D


Bowdaar is the best wingman for my femSmugglers. Corso has a fit when they're flirting around and Bowdaar's all chill with a "Lemme know when you're ready to go, I'm hitting up the kitchen or climbing trees."


Though now I'm wondering if there'd be some new flirt options with Quinn. I know it wouldn't turn into a romance but God I'd love to see how flustered he'd get with my Pureblood femSmuggler hitting on him. Poor man would probably faint with how much bolder she is compared to my Warriors.

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