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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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*giggles* So this is what it feels like to be star for a day, or to have your "15 minutes". I quite like it lol. I never expected my day to start off like this, but it was very cool and I'm grateful and it was all made possible by both Malavai Quinn and JennyFlynn who started the lovely thread for me. Not sure what I did to deserve it, but I'm humbled. :o


Just being you. :) I woke up and saw the new surge of love threads, including a Thanks for the Thanks thread and smiled thinking "and all because Luna started the Quinn thread". Then one of the voices in my head was like "You should start a Thanks for Luna thread, that'll make her smile", and the other voices agreed. The GoT Khaleesi parade of titles popped in my head and that made me lol so... :D I did worry the mods would take it away, given how it may be construed as 'calling out a forum member' but the little devil on my shoulder went "Go on, do it do it do it!" so... I did :D \o/ and just prayed that if a mod saw it, they'd see the good in it. People deserve to smile, feel good and appreciated. YOU deserve to smile, feel good and appreciated. ♥

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Just being you. :) I woke up and saw the new surge of love threads, including a Thanks for the Thanks thread and smiled thinking "and all because Luna started the Quinn thread". Then one of the voices in my head was like "You should start a Thanks for Luna thread, that'll make her smile", and the other voices agreed. The GoT Khaleesi parade of titles popped in my head and that made me lol so... :D I did worry the mods would take it away, given how it may be construed as 'calling out a forum member' but the little devil on my shoulder went "Go on, do it do it do it!" so... I did :D \o/ and just prayed that if a mod saw it, they'd see the good in it. People deserve to smile, feel good and appreciated. YOU deserve to smile, feel good and appreciated. ♥


LOL, I just saw the thanks for the thanks for thread lol. I'm glad that I ranked somewhere below barracade guy hee hee. But it means a lot to me and I appreciate it--still can't believe you made an entire thread for me, but wow. If anyone deserves a thread it's you, you're pretty damn kind and wonderful yourself. I did, most of all enjoy my Khaleesi titles. I'm going to have to announce them at Starbucks the next time I go and see if they can fit them on a cup. Thanks again, and believe me, I screenshotted the hell out of the thread for when I need a pick me up. :D


The hubby is all like, 'oh now you're all chuffed up, the dog is sleeping with you now and you got a thread...now that you're like the swtor forums poster child there'll be no living with you.' LOL. It's been a fun day, and I thank everyone involved. I'm going to shut up about it now. :p

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@ Luna; You're still welcome and thank you :) Yes, tell the barista all your titles, that would be entertaining LOL


@Night; I read somewhere they misspell your name on purpose because people taking pictures with "lols they got my name wrong" and post it on FB, Instagram etc. actually generate free advertising for them. Dunno if that's true but if it is, smart!

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@Night; I read somewhere they misspell your name on purpose because people taking pictures with "lols they got my name wrong" and post it on FB, Instagram etc. actually generate free advertising for them. Dunno if that's true but if it is, smart!


That's how Scarif from Rogue One got its name! :D I don't know if that was Starbucks or not - just a "coffee shop" - but still. XD


@Luna: You are awesome, we all love you, and you absolutely deserve that love. :) *hugs!*

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That's how Scarif from Rogue One got its name! :D I don't know if that was Starbucks or not - just a "coffee shop" - but still. XD


@Luna: You are awesome, we all love you, and you absolutely deserve that love. :) *hugs!*


Thanks GA! *blushes* It means a lot. I feel like Quinn must. *hugs* And that is an awesome story about Scarif. I'll always think of it whenever I watch R1 from now on. :D If I get my Starbucks cup, I'll be sure to share it lol. :cool:

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I guess I should feel bad on making Quinn accompany me back to Balmorra to do heroic quests last night. Almost fell asleep at my keyboard last night before I finished them all. Got up this morning to knock out the last two and saw This gem when I logged on this morning. So maybe I don't feel so bad for bringing him back here after all :)
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I guess I should feel bad on making Quinn accompany me back to Balmorra to do heroic quests last night. Almost fell asleep at my keyboard last night before I finished them all. Got up this morning to knock out the last two and saw This gem when I logged on this morning. So maybe I don't feel so bad for bringing him back here after all :)


Sleep screenshotting, love it :)


Fellow Quinnmancers! I come from the BSN forum, and this is now a thing:




Spread the word! Peace!


(Also, I hope you are all doing good :) )


I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't really know how to help with this one. I don't know what bsn is (lol sorry :o) nor do I play Dragon Age, nor do I tweet :o


Our sister and brother Quinnmancers are going to have to carry the torch on this one. Good luck!

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I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't really know how to help with this one. I don't know what bsn is (lol sorry :o) nor do I play Dragon Age, nor do I tweet :o


Our sister and brother Quinnmancers are going to have to carry the torch on this one. Good luck!


I don't know what BSN is either. I do tweet and I do play Dragon Age....but I already have Quinn in my DA:I game:cool::D:



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I don't know what BSN is either. I do tweet and I do play Dragon Age....but I already have Quinn in my DA:I game:cool::D:




Don't worry about it, it was merely a joke :p


The BSN, is an unofficial forum someone opened after BioWare shut there official one down. I do not necessarily recommend it. People there are more.... shall we say intense, than around these parts of the net :p

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Just spent the last two hours compiling a years worth of data and I just want to smash my head against the desk... how do people do this all day? Come on vacation...though am almost willing to bet credits they will call me in for something this week anyway :(. Looking forward to a week of Quinn :) Edited by Nightfrogger
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I don't think Lammia's left the forums - she's still posting, as of this morning. Miss her in this thread, though! :(


I miss her too. It's not quite the same without her. :( But I guess I go like that myself, in fits and starts where I post a bunch and then go radio silent...mostly when real life gets busy.

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I was hoping for Gucci! :p


Thank you! :)


Quinn: *groan* Am I ever going to live that down?

Until the last Quinnmancer fades from these forums - which is at the end of time itself - nope!

Quinn: *facepalm*

Theron: *yelling from Copero* WHY DID I NEVER SEE THIS!?!? *hysterical laughter* Quinn, you look ridicu--

Quinn: One more word and I will personally ensure this "traitor" storyline ENDS HERE AND NOW.

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Quinn: *groan* Am I ever going to live that down?

Until the last Quinnmancer fades from these forums - which is at the end of time itself - nope!

Quinn: *facepalm*

Theron: *yelling from Copero* WHY DID I NEVER SEE THIS!?!? *hysterical laughter* Quinn, you look ridicu--

Quinn: One more word and I will personally ensure this "traitor" storyline ENDS HERE AND NOW.


Squeee! <3


I am sorry that it causes you discomfort dearest. *gives Purple Quinn a quick hug*


Theron Shan! Get back here this instant! Gallivanting all over Copero is getting tiresome is it not? My poor merc misses you.

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Quinn: *groan* Am I ever going to live that down?

Until the last Quinnmancer fades from these forums - which is at the end of time itself - nope!

Quinn: *facepalm*

Theron: *yelling from Copero* WHY DID I NEVER SEE THIS!?!? *hysterical laughter* Quinn, you look ridicu--

Quinn: One more word and I will personally ensure this "traitor" storyline ENDS HERE AND NOW.


*laughs* The Gucci by Gucci thing gets me every time. I actually replay it in my head when I feel a bit bummed out and it just makes me giggle--instant fix. Don't be embarrassed Quinn, it's a wonderful way of bringing a smile to our faces and don't you want us smiling and happy?

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Squeee! <3


I am sorry that it causes you discomfort dearest. *gives Purple Quinn a quick hug*


Theron Shan! Get back here this instant! Gallivanting all over Copero is getting tiresome is it not? My poor merc misses you.


Quinn: Thank you, my lord...while I am glad it makes you and others happy, it's still faintly embarrassing to me. A low point of my career, to be sure. On another topic, I must protest Theron's "return." He is NOT coming back--

Theron: But they missed me! :D

Quinn: --here, and-- *double-take at Therorn standing right next to him* ...you were on Copero half a second ago.

Theron: The power of the Rule of Funny.

Quinn: *massaging forehead*

Theron: *waves* Hey, everyone, I'm just passing through until I have to head back to Tropical Beach Planet--I mean, Copero. How's it going? I hear you missed me? :jawa_cool:

Quinn: *muttering something about "walking in here" and "stealing their affections" and several things directed at Theron, his dubious parentage, various ancestors, and ending with "I hate Revan"*

Theron: ...I'm...sorry, what were you ranting?

Quinn: Nothing. :jawa_evil:

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Quinn: Thank you, my lord...while I am glad it makes you and others happy, it's still faintly embarrassing to me. A low point of my career, to be sure. On another topic, I must protest Theron's "return." He is NOT coming back--

Theron: But they missed me! :D

Quinn: --here, and-- *double-take at Therorn standing right next to him* ...you were on Copero half a second ago.

Theron: The power of the Rule of Funny.

Quinn: *massaging forehead*

Theron: *waves* Hey, everyone, I'm just passing through until I have to head back to Tropical Beach Planet--I mean, Copero. How's it going? I hear you missed me? :jawa_cool:

Quinn: *muttering something about "walking in here" and "stealing their affections" and several things directed at Theron, his dubious parentage, various ancestors, and ending with "I hate Revan"*

Theron: ...I'm...sorry, what were you ranting?

Quinn: Nothing. :jawa_evil:


Yay! Purple Quinn and Silver Theron, together again! My day is now officially awesome! Thank you gentlemen, Grand Admiral and The Rule of Funny :D

Edited by Lunafox
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*laughs* The Gucci by Gucci thing gets me every time. I actually replay it in my head when I feel a bit bummed out and it just makes me giggle--instant fix. Don't be embarrassed Quinn, it's a wonderful way of bringing a smile to our faces and don't you want us smiling and happy?

It is indeed an instant fix which is why, every-so-often it must make an appearance :D


Quinn: Thank you, my lord...while I am glad it makes you and others happy, it's still faintly embarrassing to me. A low point of my career, to be sure. On another topic, I must protest Theron's "return." He is NOT coming back--

Theron: But they missed me! :D

Quinn: --here, and-- *double-take at Therorn standing right next to him* ...you were on Copero half a second ago.

Theron: The power of the Rule of Funny.

Quinn: *massaging forehead*

Theron: *waves* Hey, everyone, I'm just passing through until I have to head back to Tropical Beach Planet--I mean, Copero. How's it going? I hear you missed me? :jawa_cool:

Quinn: *muttering something about "walking in here" and "stealing their affections" and several things directed at Theron, his dubious parentage, various ancestors, and ending with "I hate Revan"*

Theron: ...I'm...sorry, what were you ranting?

Quinn: Nothing. :jawa_evil:

Yay! Purple Quinn and Silver Theron together again, even for a short moment. The wait for the resolution in 2018 is tooooo long. Still, at least Purple Quinn and Silver Theron will be redeemed-in-common ;)




I've been trying to make Malavai look more Prince-Corsorty on my Warrior that sided with the republic. Several outfits later I'm trying this. I've temporarily changed purple-themed Pherese to match the screenie (that is probably a bit saddo of me :D ).

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Quinn: Thank you, my lord...while I am glad it makes you and others happy, it's still faintly embarrassing to me. A low point of my career, to be sure. On another topic, I must protest Theron's "return." He is NOT coming back--

Theron: But they missed me! :D

Quinn: --here, and-- *double-take at Therorn standing right next to him* ...you were on Copero half a second ago.

Theron: The power of the Rule of Funny.

Quinn: *massaging forehead*

Theron: *waves* Hey, everyone, I'm just passing through until I have to head back to Tropical Beach Planet--I mean, Copero. How's it going? I hear you missed me? :jawa_cool:

Quinn: *muttering something about "walking in here" and "stealing their affections" and several things directed at Theron, his dubious parentage, various ancestors, and ending with "I hate Revan"*

Theron: ...I'm...sorry, what were you ranting?

Quinn: Nothing. :jawa_evil:


Aww Quinn, I have 8 warriors. There is a reason for that. ❤


My merc on the other hand fell for Theron. Speaking of...*grabs Theron for a quick hug before he runs off again*

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Yay! Purple Quinn and Silver Theron together again, even for a short moment. The wait for the resolution in 2018 is tooooo long. Still, at least Purple Quinn and Silver Theron will be redeemed-in-common ;)


Aww Quinn, I have 8 warriors. There is a reason for that. ❤


My merc on the other hand fell for Theron. Speaking of...*grabs Theron for a quick hug before he runs off again*


Yay! Purple Quinn and Silver Theron, together again! My day is now officially awesome! Thank you gentlemen, Grand Admiral and The Rule of Funny :D


Theron: Darth Lunafox! Sarova, rachetsw! *hugs merc* Hey, good to see you all again. :D

Quinn: Shan?

Theron: Yeeees?

Quinn: There's a mysterious noise in the basement. Go check it out, would you?

Theron: ...what.

Quinn: I insist.

Theron: Oh. Right. You're not getting rid of me that easil--

*general sounds of scuffle, a few colorful words, somebody yelling LET GO OF MY FOOT YOU CLODHOPPING WILDEBEEST, and then a chainsaw noise*

...um...guys...? What just happened?

Quinn: ...er, the mysterious noise in the basement was a monster. I'm sorry to report Theron Shan's untimely demise.

Theron: *muffled* i hate you

Quinn: *attempting not to hear that*

That's one VERY determined ghost.

Quinn: Well, you see--

Theron: *bursts out of the basement, all disheveled, covered in duct tape and stray packing peanuts* REALLY, QUINN!?

Quinn: Do I come over to YOUR thread and take it over?

Theron: *shaking packing peanuts out of his hair* I'm not taking it over! I'm just passing through! Sheesh... *stomps away* I'll be over here, reading SpaceBook, if anybody needs me.

Quinn: I feel the urge to tape a "Kick Me" sign to his back, but that would be a little too petty.

Wrapping him in duct tape and packing peanuts WASN'T petty?

Quinn: "Too" petty. There is a limit.

Is it going to be like this for the entirety of Theron's visit?

Quinn: :jawa_evil:

...oi vey.


Aaaaand they're at it again. :D The annoying little brother Quinn never knew he didn't want.

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