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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Yeah, that's pretty cute Jagaimee, it sounds like you have a really good relationship with your mom, I'm jealous :)


My DA:I Malavai


I have so many projects I'm working on right now (cyborg Quinn agent eeee :D) but it's tempting to try to make Quinns in other games too now, thanks for the idea :D Trying to think, what games do I have? Hm..

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Thanks....it's taken a lot of tries, a few mods, and lots of tweaking. I actually found a "short hair" mod that makes him even more canon-looking, but debating whether or not I prefer it to the longer hair.




Those are awesome!


I've been trying to make my own Quinn in Sims4 (I'm addicted to building and designing homes :rolleyes: ) but I struggle to get him right.

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Good news everyone, I figured out the sliders for Quinn customization 8 ;) But in the process I seemed to walk into our bedroom and found him like this... he just blushed and said I am sorry my lord... I seemed to have messed up the bow... Seems he was working on my Christmas present early ;) I thought it was too good to pass up and asked him to pose. Always so thoughtful that man :) Edited by Nightfrogger
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Good news everyone, I figured out the sliders for Quinn customization 8 ;) But in the process I seemed to walk into our bedroom and found him like this... he just blushed and said I am sorry my lord... I seemed to have messed up the bow... Seems he was working on my Christmas present early ;) I thought it was too good to pass up and asked him to pose. Always so thoughtful that man :)


Darn it nightfrogger, I was already distracted enough by my new agent, then you go and post this. :D


Pass the eggnog! <3


Btw feylyndiira I prefer the short hair myself :) (And I'm just going to throw this out here - if you Quinnmancers like black haired, blue eyed LIs, and I know many of you do lol, you should get Neverwinter Nights 2. You can get it on gog.com. Ooooold game but so worth it for that LI who's voice gives Quinn's a run for his money..)

Edited by grania
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Good news everyone, I figured out the sliders for Quinn customization 8 ;) But in the process I seemed to walk into our bedroom and found him like this... he just blushed and said I am sorry my lord... I seemed to have messed up the bow... Seems he was working on my Christmas present early ;) I thought it was too good to pass up and asked him to pose. Always so thoughtful that man :)


Umm...RRAWWWRR! :D:cool:

(Now I want to do this with my Quinn-clone Agent...hmmm...too bad my Xoxaan's top is on another server.)

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Darn it nightfrogger, I was already distracted enough by my new agent, then you go and post this. :D


Pass the eggnog! <3


Btw feylyndiira I prefer the short hair myself :) (And I'm just going to throw this out here - if you Quinnmancers like black haired, blue eyed LIs, and I know many of you do lol, you should get Neverwinter Nights 2. You can get it on gog.com. Ooooold game but so worth it for that LI who's voice gives Quinn's a run for his money..)


Now you're making me wrack my brain for who you're talking about since I played NWN2 ages ago when it first came out.

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Now you're making me wrack my brain for who you're talking about since I played NWN2 ages ago when it first came out.


I'll give you a hint, he liked to talk about old owls. And wells, and orcs not belonging in them. Lol it's not that important, but it is a game I still have installed on my computer that I haven't played in a long time. For being such an old game I wondered if I could even begin to make a Quinn twin with that character creator, but then I remembered I didn't need to because I'd have my own hottie to follow me around. :)

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Thanks....it's taken a lot of tries, a few mods, and lots of tweaking. I actually found a "short hair" mod that makes him even more canon-looking, but debating whether or not I prefer it to the longer hair.




Oooh, nice!! More accurate than my attempt a while back. XD My DA:I Quinn looks like he has a deformed balloon for a head... o.O (Though I still have those sliders saved... *eyes possible Quinn Trevelyan playthrough because why not, what do you mean I haven't even gotten to Skyhold with my first playthrough yet ahaha*)


Your Mum is a VISIONARY! I love that :D


She is indeed :D (Also, I told you that you said that. She said it made her day!)

Since I was homeschooled, we were in the same room as she was working on changing the names on that schedule. For about ten minutes, it'd go like this:


Me: [working on schoolwork]

Mom: (at the other computer) [snrk snrk snkr]

Me: ...what are you laughing about--


Me: Okaaay then... [goes back to school]



Me: [question marks appear above head]

Mom: Nothing, nothing! :D [finally hands me the schedule] Soooo, could you check it over really thoroughly to make sure I didn't miss anything?

Me: Uh...sure? [reads it over] ...RYAP, Biology, World Hysteria, Ge--wait, WHAT??

[we scared the dog with the subsequent burst of laughter]



) (And I'm just going to throw this out here - if you Quinnmancers like black haired, blue eyed LIs, and I know many of you do lol, you should get Neverwinter Nights 2. You can get it on gog.com. Ooooold game but so worth it for that LI who's voice gives Quinn's a run for his money..)


Would that be Casavir? Bishop has dark hair and...I have no idea what color his eyes are, but he's a jerk. And not a full romance option because it got cut. Boo. I hate jerks like that, but hey, options, why not. I'm really curious about that game...in keeping with my usual luck about spoilers, however, I managed to get a few major ones revealed :p Oops. Oh well, nothing *too* game-ruination-worthy. ...that's, um, that's a phrase now... >_>

But Casavir's...rather like Quinn in personality, isn't he? *eyeing game a bit more intently now*

Edited by Jagaimee
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Would that be Casavir? Bishop has dark hair and...I have no idea what color his eyes are, but he's a jerk. And not a full romance option because it got cut. Boo. I hate jerks like that, but hey, options, why not. I'm really curious about that game...in keeping with my usual luck about spoilers, however, I managed to get a few major ones revealed Oops. Oh well, nothing *too* game-ruination-worthy. ...that's, um, that's a phrase now... >_>

But Casavir's...rather like Quinn in personality, isn't he? *eyeing game a bit more intently now*




Bishop can take a flying leap, not my cup of tea at all. But Casavir.. mm Casavir can talk about owls and wells and orcs all night long if he likes :D


And yes, he's a lawful good paladin, all about loyalty and duty and such. Quinn is more lawful neutral, not quite the same but hey, options :)

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Good news everyone, I figured out the sliders for Quinn customization 8 ;) But in the process I seemed to walk into our bedroom and found him like this... he just blushed and said I am sorry my lord... I seemed to have messed up the bow... Seems he was working on my Christmas present early ;) I thought it was too good to pass up and asked him to pose. Always so thoughtful that man :)

Thank goodness there's not zoom-in for that or ice may have been needed. Though I was only attempting zoom to get the full clear vision of the customisation....ahem :D:D

I can't remember Malavai ever bowing to the warrior. Does he do that? Do I need to level yet another warrior to see this? I do remember Andronikos does it for the Sith Inq which is quite funny.

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Thank goodness there's not zoom-in for that or ice may have been needed. Though I was only attempting zoom to get the full clear vision of the customisation....ahem :D:D

I can't remember Malavai ever bowing to the warrior. Does he do that? Do I need to level yet another warrior to see this? I do remember Andronikos does it for the Sith Inq which is quite funny.


I may have also tried clicking on the picture, for no particular reason.. *ahemhemhem*


And I think she meant bow as in the thing you stick on top of a present, which is possibly the thing that's wrapped all around his chest :) Just leave it dear, it suits you!

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I can't remember Malavai ever bowing to the warrior. Does he do that? Do I need to level yet another warrior to see this? I do remember Andronikos does it for the Sith Inq which is quite funny.


I got him to do it once on Voss, when Hyperia offered him up to do the one ritual (forgot what it was called)...I had never done it before because you get disapproval, but I head-canoned that he actually volunteered because, letting the SW be weakened? Unthinkable!



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Oooh, nice!! More accurate than my attempt a while back. XD My DA:I Quinn looks like he has a deformed balloon for a head... o.O (Though I still have those sliders saved... *eyes possible Quinn Trevelyan playthrough because why not, what do you mean I haven't even gotten to Skyhold with my first playthrough yet ahaha*)


If I remember, I'll take screenies of my sliders and share them. As far as the CC goes, I only used a couple of mods on him: one for the eyebrows and one for the complexion (and one for the shorter hair). Plus, for his armor, I used the Rogue Templar starting armor mod. (Can share link to all of these in the morning too, if you want...getting ready to head to bed now.)


Malavai Trevelyan wishes you all a good night... https://snag.gy/dDEkpn.jpg

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I got him to do it once on Voss, when Hyperia offered him up to do the one ritual (forgot what it was called)...I had never done it before because you get disapproval, but I head-canoned that he actually volunteered because, letting the SW be weakened? Unthinkable!




I'm so glad you got a picture of that, I would've never seen it otherwise. It's too bad he disapproves, you'd think he would have volunteered for the job, it seems like it would be in-character for him to do that.


The other thing I dislike about that scene is how he startles when you collapse. Surely he's quick enough to catch the warrior and help her down more gently.


Malavai Trevelyan wishes you all a good night... https://snag.gy/dDEkpn.jpg


Looks fab, love it.

Edited by grania
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I got him to do it once on Voss, when Hyperia offered him up to do the one ritual (forgot what it was called)...I had never done it before because you get disapproval, but I head-canoned that he actually volunteered because, letting the SW be weakened? Unthinkable!



Is that on Voss for the healing ritual? I've been there so many times on so many characters I've forgotten! Nice screen shot of the Royal Consort nonetheless :)

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If I remember, I'll take screenies of my sliders and share them. As far as the CC goes, I only used a couple of mods on him: one for the eyebrows and one for the complexion (and one for the shorter hair). Plus, for his armor, I used the Rogue Templar starting armor mod. (Can share link to all of these in the morning too, if you want...getting ready to head to bed now.)


Malavai Trevelyan wishes you all a good night... https://snag.gy/dDEkpn.jpg


Eep, the Templar recruitment mission... :eek: For some reason, In Hushed Whispers didn't disturb me all that much (despite the almost hilariously excessive amount of blood everywhere), but even just watching videos of people running through the Templar mission... gahhh *shudder* Sweet dreams, you adorable Malavai Trevelyan...don't let the envy demon bite...

I'm curious about the shorter hair mod! :D


This was my Quinn attempt in DA:I. Looks...okay, from that angle. But head-on? AAGH! *slams head-first into the Uncanny Valley*

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Good news everyone, I figured out the sliders for Quinn customization 8 ;) But in the process I seemed to walk into our bedroom and found him like this... he just blushed and said I am sorry my lord... I seemed to have messed up the bow... Seems he was working on my Christmas present early ;) I thought it was too good to pass up and asked him to pose. Always so thoughtful that man :)


Now that's a present I'd love to open :D

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Thank goodness there's not zoom-in for that or ice may have been needed. Though I was only attempting zoom to get the full clear vision of the customisation....ahem :D:D

I can't remember Malavai ever bowing to the warrior. Does he do that? Do I need to level yet another warrior to see this? I do remember Andronikos does it for the Sith Inq which is quite funny.


Close up shot you say? Ask and you shall receive. Here you go hun :)


And was meaning bow as in a present decoration. I was just picturing him trying to get it tied just right and being all frustrated with it not cooperating and walking in on him during the middle of this lol.


Or was this more of what you had in mind? All tied up in ribbons To steal a quote from my little brother... have to love the abs you could grate cheese on ;)

Edited by Nightfrogger
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Eep, the Templar recruitment mission... :eek: For some reason, In Hushed Whispers didn't disturb me all that much (despite the almost hilariously excessive amount of blood everywhere), but even just watching videos of people running through the Templar mission... gahhh *shudder* Sweet dreams, you adorable Malavai Trevelyan...don't let the envy demon bite...


Yeah, it's pretty bizarre and disturbing. I usually recruit the mages, but went with Templars for Malavai since I decided that his backstory would be that he was a Templar recruit...so he'd want to know what happened to the rest of them.


And poor Malavai....getting pinned to the wall and choked out by a glowy-eyed person, no matter what universe he's in: https://snag.gy/PMef9w.jpg


I'm curious about the shorter hair mod! :D


This was my Quinn attempt in DA:I. Looks...okay, from that angle. But head-on? AAGH! *slams head-first into the Uncanny Valley*


Here's the short hair mod: Mullet Be Gone (It only works on the one hairstyle, #10)

Eyebrow mod (since the DAI ones are hideous): Eyebrows 4 Women (but they also work on the men)

Complexion mod: Male Complexions (Malavai is using the Cullenstair mashup)


I'm working on all the screenies of the sliders (though I ended up tweaking him a bit more in the process). Let me know if you want them and I'll figure a way to post them (it's ALOT of screenshots to get all the sliders).

Edited by feylyndiira
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