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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Quinn: Dark Jaesa would put poison in it just for fun. [higher-pitched voice] "It was just an experiment, Master! You the big strong Sithy type person can of course survive an experiment!" [normal voice] Light Jaesa would put an absolute mountain of sweets in it. Gummi bears, whipped cream, chocolate chips, chocolate sprinkles, chocolate shavings, frosting, pure sugar...

Theron: ...and now I never want hot chocolate ever again.

Quinn: Ah. My plan worked.

Theron: *glare*

Quinn: *smug grin* In any case... yes, I can see Filbert Widmark Pierce doing that-- *ignores angry shouting from F.W. Pierce* --and Vette would probably put gasoline in it and light it on fire. Chocolate flambé.

Theron: Chocolate explodé, more like...

Quinn: ...and then make Toovee clean up the resulting volcano.

Theron: That's a bad thing?

Quinn: And blame it on me.

Theron: ...again, that's a bad thing?

Quinn: :mad:




Theron: Anything to get on Quinn's nerves. I can see why you like poking him to the edge of sanity. It's fun! :D

Quinn: *death glare to rival all death glares since dirt*


("Since dirt" ... my geometry class was once poking fun at a teacher saying we were "on fire" that day. Cue joking discussion about how long math has been around - "it's been around since, like, dirt was invented" - and then that mutated into "Math: setting people on fire since dirt." :p)


Now there is an idea, but rather than gasoline...perhaps a nice liquer...then set it on fire. Voila,

Hot chocolate explode ( I can't make the fancy french e thing happen lol)


So Jaesa invented Unicorn Hot Chocolate?


Ack *runs screaming* I'm getting cavities just looking at it lol.

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Quinn: Dark Jaesa would put poison in it just for fun. [higher-pitched voice] "It was just an experiment, Master! You the big strong Sithy type person can of course survive an experiment!" [normal voice]

I for one, would have / would still give anything to hear Malavai Quinn doing a Jaesa impression (or any impression) in the game :D I never thought of anything like this!


So Jaesa invented Unicorn Hot Chocolate?

I need it! In Britain, our sugary stuff is so high in sugar I think tourists get warnings about it :D I therefore am probably immune to its evil sugary-ness.


As for the Odd Couple reference, as a Brit it completely passed me by. I know of it, it don't think it was ever a big thing here. I actually thought it was going to be the Starsky & Hutch theme tune before I clicked it!

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As for the Odd Couple reference, as a Brit it completely passed me by. I know of it, it don't think it was ever a big thing here. I actually thought it was going to be the Starsky & Hutch theme tune before I clicked it!


I'm sorry, it was a show about a very neat, tidy neurotic and a complete slob living together. For the record, Quinn is only a little like Felix and Theron isn't really anything like Oscar, lol. It's just the theme that automatically plays in one's head when two very different people are stuck with each other.


I was little when this was on TV, maybe they were reruns even, I'm not sure. But I definitely remember that music :o Heck, sometimes the Sanford and Sons music plays in my head when I'm on my jedi sage, because she throws junk, and, oh just never mind :o

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I'm sorry, it was a show about a very neat, tidy neurotic and a complete slob living together.

Don't apologise :) I can't imagine Theron or Malavai being slobs. I think Theron is probably very "into" his appearance and both of them are probably ridiculously tidy. Of the other companions all the military ones are probably just as bad. I reckon Vette is probably very messy and for all his brilliance, Doc is probably chaotic, rather than messy. Just as well we have ship droids, even if one of them has murderous intentions. We can always replace him with Jollo!

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I know I know... it has been a while since I posted a chapter. But between real life and being over worked I just have had a hard time sitting down to write anything at all. So without much further ado here is a new chapter for your enjoyment (I hope) if you wish to read. No adult content in this chapter.


Knaves in Nerfs Clothing Part 1

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Don't apologise :) I can't imagine Theron or Malavai being slobs. I think Theron is probably very "into" his appearance and both of them are probably ridiculously tidy. Of the other companions all the military ones are probably just as bad. I reckon Vette is probably very messy and for all his brilliance, Doc is probably chaotic, rather than messy. Just as well we have ship droids, even if one of them has murderous intentions. We can always replace him with Jollo!


That's interesting...the habits and hygiene of our comps...


I figure, neatniks are: Quinn, Vector, Scourge, Lokin, Gault, Ashara, Khem, Cedrax and, Rusk, Jorgan, Dorne, Temple and Torian...Yuun and Lana.


Outright sloppy in my thinking: Pierce, Talos (he leaves his notes and artifacts everywhere! :D), Blizz (he leaves all his tech lying around) Kaliyo (something about her screams slob) and Doc, because I reckon he has his notes and experiments lying around. Dark Jaesa after a bender isn't going to care about bottles and corpses lying around. Skadge and Gus too. Tanno Vik...And Risha, I see her as being a bit of a slob (probably cause she seems the type to expect others to pick up for her).


Tidy, but not compulsive: Vette, LS Jaesa, Broonie, Andronikos, Mako, Iresso, Zenith, Theron, Akaavi, Corso, Bowdaar.


I think that's everyone...

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...and for all his brilliance, Doc is probably chaotic, rather than messy


That's interesting...the habits and hygiene of our comps...

Outright sloppy in my thinking: Pierce, Talos (he leaves his notes and artifacts everywhere! :D), Blizz (he leaves all his tech lying around) Kaliyo (something about her screams slob) Doc, because I reckon he has his notes and experiments lying around. .

I have a thing for making rooms for all my LI companions in my various strongholds. You and I seem to agree on Doc - I made his stronghold room with a corner for his work that is basically a health hazard with parts, chemicals and clutter. I disagree about Pierce; I think he is very orderly because of his strong military background, that he might well rival Quinn for tidiness even though he's so gruff. I also disagree on Kaliyo - she strikes me as being one for cleanliness and luxury whereas Vette shouts "slob" to me. I imagine if Vette and Tora shared a room they would need an army of clean-up droids. Talos however I agree - notes everywhere, can never find anything & is a definite messy disaster - I like to have him close to Khem Val in my main stronghold - now that's an odd couple :D

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I have a thing for making rooms for all my LI companions in my various strongholds. You and I seem to agree on Doc - I made his stronghold room with a corner for his work that is basically a health hazard with parts, chemicals and clutter. I disagree about Pierce; I think he is very orderly because of his strong military background, that he might well rival Quinn for tidiness even though he's so gruff. I also disagree on Kaliyo - she strikes me as being one for cleanliness and luxury whereas Vette shouts "slob" to me. I imagine if Vette and Tora shared a room they would need an army of clean-up droids. Talos however I agree - notes everywhere, can never find anything & is a definite messy disaster - I like to have him close to Khem Val in my main stronghold - now that's an odd couple :D


That's a really neat idea, giving them their own rooms. I mostly focus on how I want things and then plunk them where I want them :D I can see Tora being a messy sort too. I can see Khem and Talos getting along...Talos is into artefacts and history and seeing as he doesn't have the force, Khem isn't likely to eat him :D

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I know I know... it has been a while since I posted a chapter. But between real life and being over worked I just have had a hard time sitting down to write anything at all. So without much further ado here is a new chapter for your enjoyment (I hope) if you wish to read. No adult content in this chapter.


Knaves in Nerfs Clothing Part 1


I haven't gotten to this yet but I just had to say that your Vette and warrior have the same relationship that my Vette and Twi'lek warrior seem to have :) Here they are gossiping about you know who..



Wait chapter 5, that's right where I was, at the end of Nar Shadaa. I get to read the newest stuff next :) Haha I knew when Disantia came back to the ship drunk there would be hijinks. If I ever write another fanfictiony thing, which I likely won't, it would definitely be about drunken sith adventures!

Edited by grania
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That's a really neat idea, giving them their own rooms. I mostly focus on how I want things and then plunk them where I want them :D I can see Tora being a messy sort too. I can see Khem and Talos getting along...Talos is into artefacts and history and seeing as he doesn't have the force, Khem isn't likely to eat him :D

Theron's room has a jukebox - since the last chapter of KOTET implies he likes to dance. Koth's has a kitchen since he loves food. Aric and Malavai's rooms are very orderly. I've given all of them pets. My rl friends who play think I'm a bit nuts :D If I can work out how to fit a whole room in a screenshot I'll post some pics.

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Theron's room has a jukebox - since the last chapter of KOTET implies he likes to dance. Koth's has a kitchen since he loves food. Aric and Malavai's rooms are very orderly. I've given all of them pets. My rl friends who play think I'm a bit nuts :D If I can work out how to fit a whole room in a screenshot I'll post some pics.


Please do, I want to see it! I never thought of giving them pets. I just put all mine in the biggest room like it's some kind of force sensitive pet academy o.o

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Theron's room has a jukebox - since the last chapter of KOTET implies he likes to dance. Koth's has a kitchen since he loves food. Aric and Malavai's rooms are very orderly. I've given all of them pets. My rl friends who play think I'm a bit nuts :D If I can work out how to fit a whole room in a screenshot I'll post some pics.


I'd love to see it too, if you manage it. I'm a stronghold nut. Bring 'em on! :D

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Please do, I want to see it! I never thought of giving them pets. I just put all mine in the biggest room like it's some kind of force sensitive pet academy o.o

These give an idea. I changed Theron's pet to a nerf herder the other day. Malavai I gave an ack dog in one room and a warhound in the other. The nekarr cats didn't match - this game needs more cat pets!


Quinn 1

Quinn Red Room 1

Quinn Red Room 2

Theron view 1

Theron view 2


Screenshots don't show you everything. If you're on TRE PM me for the name and you can go and look around my main Nar Shadaa stronghold as it's open for both sides.

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These give an idea. I changed Theron's pet to a nerf herder the other day. Malavai I gave an ack dog in one room and a warhound in the other. The nekarr cats didn't match - this game needs more cat pets!


Quinn 1

Quinn Red Room 1

Quinn Red Room 2

Theron view 1

Theron view 2


Screenshots don't show you everything. If you're on TRE PM me for the name and you can go and look around my main Nar Shadaa stronghold as it's open for both sides.


Gorgeous rooms, I love them! Very nice job there, Security Chief! <3

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Gorgeous rooms, I love them! Very nice job there, Security Chief! <3

You're welcome :)

One thing I did realise looking at my various Malavai rooms is that his original look and pose is/was far superior to his hands on hips one. In all seriousness, how many men stand with hands-on-hips in real life? With the exception of athletes waiting on the start line, I cannot remember seeing any man doing this. It just does not suit Quinn at all (and they could do with improving Aric Jorgan too - at least Aric's statue is awesome). I think it's time to send some screenshots to Keith as I'm not sure they understand what we're talking about.

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My husband was in the military, why can't he be a neat freak like he's supposed to be? :confused::p


I soon fell of the neat and tidy wagon once I came out. I regressed back to my natural form soon enough.


Anyhoo, don't mind me. Just checking in to see if there's been any violations of the sanctity of the best thread on the forums. Seeya ladies (and possibly other dudes).

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I soon fell of the neat and tidy wagon once I came out. I regressed back to my natural form soon enough.


Anyhoo, don't mind me. Just checking in to see if there's been any violations of the sanctity of the best thread on the forums. Seeya ladies (and possibly other dudes).


That's lovely of you. :) Seems that so far, so good, things are fine, if a little quiet on the home front. :)

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Your stronghold is very elegant Sarova, I love it. Mine somehow looks like unicorn hot chocolate in comparison :o Your Quinns and Therons are very lucky, maybe I could try to make the place more comfortable for them, maybe I could start by not forcing them to walk around in mini skirts~


I soon fell of the neat and tidy wagon once I came out. I regressed back to my natural form soon enough.


Whenever we hear someone say something like "once a soldier, always a soldier" on tv, we yell "BULL****!" in unison. We're classy like that.

Edited by grania
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These give an idea. I changed Theron's pet to a nerf herder the other day. Malavai I gave an ack dog in one room and a warhound in the other. The nekarr cats didn't match - this game needs more cat pets!


Quinn 1

Quinn Red Room 1

Quinn Red Room 2

Theron view 1

Theron view 2


Screenshots don't show you everything. If you're on TRE PM me for the name and you can go and look around my main Nar Shadaa stronghold as it's open for both sides.


Oooooh!! Wow, those are fantastic!

Oh - question. In the Quinn Red Room 2 picture, what are those cabinets/shelves beneath the Imperial flags? Those look amazing.


Just checking in to see if there's been any violations of the sanctity of the best thread on the forums. Seeya ladies (and possibly other dudes).


This thread is a refuge from the pointless whining elsewhere on the forums. .-. ("Waaaah, my class got nerfed! I have to kill things a whole five seconds slower / heal people with more effort than mashing my face on the keyboard!" [facepalm])

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Oooooh!! Wow, those are fantastic!

Oh - question. In the Quinn Red Room 2 picture, what are those cabinets/shelves beneath the Imperial flags? Those look amazing.




This thread is a refuge from the pointless whining elsewhere on the forums. .-. ("Waaaah, my class got nerfed! I have to kill things a whole five seconds slower / heal people with more effort than mashing my face on the keyboard!" [facepalm])


That cupboard is called a Zakuulan Cabinet, and it's wonderful. :)


And yes, it's nice to be able to duck in here away from all that. It feels like there are less people posting, it's definitely quieter in game and out, so I'm just grateful to be able to come in here and chat it up with you guys. <3

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That cupboard is called a Zakuulan Cabinet, and it's wonderful. :)


And yes, it's nice to be able to duck in here away from all that. It feels like there are less people posting, it's definitely quieter in game and out, so I'm just grateful to be able to come in here and chat it up with you guys. <3


Oh, thank you! :D Another thing to look out for, then... gah I need to start writing these things down. XD (Still so happy the Makeb Pergola doesn't have a valor requirement anymore. [squee])


Begeron Colony's getting a little quiet, but Ebon Hawk is bustling as always. Except lately it feels like half of Harbinger migrated over, what with all the insults and arguments being slung around the Imperial fleet. o_O Didn't used to be like that...

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