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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Does anyone remember who flies the ship in the Ziost intro? I've done it so many times, and I can't remember :o I just had giggle fits taking my Inquisitor through and had 2V-R8 as my pilot. My assassin has all of his companions, so I can't imagine why the ship droid is piloting, unless they are all hungover or something...


Well youtube shows Sith Warrior having Vette drive....let me see and yep you are right Inquisitor has 2V-R8 piloting

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Quinn: *BLUSH* :o

He approves.

Quinn: Wha--I--I do not!

Then why the blush and the lovesick smile?

Quinn: .......the, ah, room is almost uncomfortably hot. *opens a window*


Quinn: ...I am very tempted to climb out this window.


Quinn: *inches towards window*

You're still staring at the lady on the bed.

Quinn: I AM NOT. :o :o :o :o :o *makes an effort to look absolutely anywhere else*


Awww....he is adorable :)

Well his wife is a shameless flirt so I couldn't resist letting her have her fun ;)


And if his middle name is indeed Francis, that's another thing we'll add to the list of "Things to Absolutely Never, Under Any Circumstances, Tell Pierce." XD Though, if it ever slips... we'll just taunt Pierce about his lack of a first name. ...or surname; "Pierce" could very well be his first name for all we know.

Pierce could have one of those absolutely horrible first names that he absolutely despises and that is why he goes by Pierce....

Edited by Nightfrogger
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Pierce could have one of those absolutely horrible first names that he absolutely despises and that is why he goes by Pierce....


I think it should be Gilbert, Gilbert Pierce. It was enough to make my dad go by his middle name, anyway. And to add insult to injury, they misspelled it on his death certificate. Filbert. :D Filbert Pierce!

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I remember being irritated Pierce stopped crossing his arms with an attitude and now he just stands there like a dolt. Like Pierce's attitude in crossing his arms, Quinn's standing at ease was part of his personality. This was just one of the little things the original BW team took some time to think about in order to emphasize those different personalities. Does the current not know what continuity is? Those little things like the way a character talks, walks and stands is what helps maintain their individuality. When you start changing them around, you lose part of that character's personality. Now, we have Pierce standing there like a mannequin and Quinn being sassy.


BW. Stop. Just stop. Stop changing things that were part of what compelled me to like the characters in the first place.


They decided to take what they describe as a "Staunch Imperial" who has been characteristically standing at ease since 2011 and now make him sassy... and changing his name... and no longer provide ambient talking on planets... and stop him from moving his mount when he talks... and by removing him from my ship and placing him... who knows? Somewhere on Odessen I guess? I wouldn't even know he was on Odessen unless I'd read the non-romanced letter on the internet... and having him share actions and dialog lines with another character... while contributing absolutely nothing to the story but nonsensical actions in order to provide shameless fan service rather than provide complex and interesting character involvement in both the main plot and with my own character.


If BW's goal was to make me no longer vested in their story and characters by continuously siphoning characters' individuality away, then they're doing a great *********** job.


(Yeah, I'm in that kind of mood today. :p)

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By the way, I haven't found any information on these strange portraits so far, which are still in use. Talos definitely looks 27 here, and I was disappointed with the "real" Talos' looks when I first met him in person, since I expected this guy instead. He looks sexy and so much better here, not to mention young.



About flirt options: do female Inquisitors get Flirt options? Because I only have males. I want it, and want it now!


...wow. Those eyes. :eek: Okay, if he had looked like that, my female inquisitor would have been all over those flirt options in a heartbeat (just for fun, I did flirt with him just to see his reaction...he sounded terrified, and Andronikos went -2 in disapproval for some reason [didn't romance him], so I exited out and tried different options. XD) Yeah, he looks twenty-seeeeeeven waaaait. Hold on. What is that hairstyle. O.O That's different than the one similar to it that we get to use in-game (my consular has that hairstyle). It looks cool!


As for Corso being a Kiffar, yeah, there are beta videos and screenshots of him with yellow tattoos across his face. Frankly, he looks amazing, but that might be my Corso fangirl shining through. It would've been pretty neat to have him be a Kiffar...but they probably realized they couldn't work that into the storyline (one touch of a holocomm a certain somebody uses and bam, you know who's betraying you... before you even knew they were a traitor or that there WAS a traitor to begin with).

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I never played the beta version, did he ever look like this? The same question goes for the other companions who also look different.


I have a distant memory of seeing screenshot of a different default Quinn. Of course I can't find that now. But I did find this.

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I have a distant memory of seeing screenshot of a different default Quinn. Of course I can't find that now. But I did find this.


D: Why was the bit with Broysc not in game? That would've been amazing. Oh well; the exchange that wound up in-game was pretty fun, too...

"He even sabotaged the Glory Space Station, for crying out loud!"


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...wow. Those eyes. :eek: Okay, if he had looked like that, my female inquisitor would have been all over those flirt options in a heartbeat (just for fun, I did flirt with him just to see his reaction...he sounded terrified, and Andronikos went -2 in disapproval for some reason [didn't romance him], so I exited out and tried different options. XD) Yeah, he looks twenty-seeeeeeven waaaait. Hold on. What is that hairstyle. O.O That's different than the one similar to it that we get to use in-game (my consular has that hairstyle). It looks cool!

Yes, the green eyes are really something! Why did they change that too? :(

He was scared? LOL I must try this. Basically, the voice of the female Inquisitor has kept me back making a female so far, it sounds so bad to me. :o


Anyway, as we discussed before, I am a Sith, so I can make Talos love me. :p:D


Here are the portraits of all companions, they are still in use, which I have always found strange.



Most of them are the same, but some of them has bigger changes. Quinn looks better in the final version for starters. Mako looks more Asian. Lokin looks like a serial killer hehe. Doc looks like Tom Selleck LOL. Yeah, Corso is different too. Jorgan had a silly hairstyle.

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Yes, the green eyes are really something! Why did they change that too? :(

He was scared? LOL I must try this. Basically, the voice of the female Inquisitor has kept me back making a female so far, it sounds so bad to me. :o


Anyway, as we discussed before, I am a Sith, so I can make Talos love me. :p:D


Here are the portraits of all companions, they are still in use, which I have always found strange.



Most of them are the same, but some of them has bigger changes. Quinn looks better in the final version for starters. Mako looks more Asian. Lokin looks like a serial killer hehe. Doc looks like Tom Selleck LOL. Yeah, Corso is different too.


I couldn't get used to the female Inquisitor's voice on my lady inquisitor. She's a rattataki slave; what is she doing having that sophisticated an accent? I eventually just went with headcanon: that's not her natural accent. She's affecting a British--*cough* sorry, IMPERIAL--accent so she doesn't stick out among the Sith even more than she already does. She just is slightly unsure about it, and so goes over-the-top in her accent.

Eventually, it *did* become her natural accent, as she spent years among the Sith. It sounds like it fits her now; or maybe that's just me getting used to it. XD Anyway, that's my take on it.


Oh hey, there's that picture of Corso as a Kiffar! Cool. Looks like he had pale blue eyes along with those tattoos...okay, that's slightly eerie. o.O

Yeah... Dr. Lokin looks...creepy. Geez. I am so glad they changed that for the final game.

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Also, Corso was a Kiffar. That would've been cool.

Agreed - why on earth did they not keep this?


I have a distant memory of seeing screenshot of a different default Quinn. Of course I can't find that now. But I did find this.

I demand they put these conversation options back into the game:


SW: It's such a mouthful. I prefer "Mal."

Quinn: I like the sound of that. Your captain will return to duty now. Mal will see you later.


SW: What's the matter, are you afraid of a strong woman?

Quinn: Not at all. I... admire your strengths.


SW: I want another. [Kiss him]

Quinn: You leave me speechless, my lord.


Yes, the green eyes are really something! Why did they change that too? :(

You may have already done this, however a couple of the Talos customisations are really excellent imo (though the eyes aren't quite so striking as the beta ones). I remember on the very first sith inq I made after the swtor launch I was really disappointed that Talos wasn't a romance option as Andronikos felt a bit too "bad boy" (though I love Andronikos for my evil sith inqs).

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Oh hey, there's that picture of Corso as a Kiffar! Cool. Looks like he had pale blue eyes along with those tattoos...okay, that's slightly eerie. o.O

Yeah... Dr. Lokin looks...creepy. Geez. I am so glad they changed that for the final game.

Here's a bigger picture of Lokin. :D He's more rakghoulish here.



I also liked the original class portrait of the Agent. It looked b.adass, why did they have to change that too? :mad: Gotta save these images fast before they disappear forever.



*sigh* All these nostalgia makes me want to go back to 2012 when the game was launched. :( Everything was great back then, can't stand how things turned out.

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Do you have a warrior that didn't do Iokath yet? THIS warrior will have the old Malavai to place in the SH.


With nonKOTFE/Iokath warrior http://imgur.com/ykgBXNd


The old one still properly uses the customisation/uniform. The new one doesn't.

I have my Quinn Twins! I worked out what was wrong - I had reached the limit of companions I could place so new Quinn's stronghold decoration was showing as being unavailable.

Surprisingly, my new Quinn decoration is customised :D Did they do a sneaky fix? That's my Sith Inq main's Quinn so maybe that's why?

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I have my Quinn Twins! I worked out what was wrong - I had reached the limit of companions I could place so new Quinn's stronghold decoration was showing as being unavailable.

Surprisingly, my new Quinn decoration is customised :D Did they do a sneaky fix? That's my Sith Inq main's Quinn so maybe that's why?


Yay :) Quinn Twins for the win :) No stronghold should be without a set. They go great with my Imperial decor :)

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I have a distant memory of seeing screenshot of a different default Quinn. Of course I can't find that now. But I did find this.


Wait, what? We originally pulled such a stunt to get Quinn into Broysc's ship and it was cut? :eek:


Can you imagine the glare he must have sent Pierce's way after he punched him? Priceless :D

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I don't see confidence, I see sass. Or as the tumblr owner called it, "This is just rude levels of sass."

Traditionally, hands-on-hips is a pose that says "I'm ready for action". He's in our stronghold bedroom. Make of that what you will ;):D

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Wait, what? We originally pulled such a stunt to get Quinn into Broysc's ship and it was cut? :eek:


Can you imagine the glare he must have sent Pierce's way after he punched him? Priceless :D



"It's such a mouthful. I prefer 'Mal.'"

"I like the sound of that. Your captain will return to duty now. Mal will see you later."

Just imagine that said with that boyish smirk on his face.... I'm meeeeeeeeeeltiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing.....


But yeah. I wanted to see that zany scheme to capture Broysc. :( ...but hey. It just means there's more fuel for fanfiction! More of my warrior giving her terrifying death glares (seriously she looks scary when she's angry) to Pierce when he punches Quinn.

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Traditionally, hands-on-hips is a pose that says "I'm ready for action". He's in our stronghold bedroom. Make of that what you will ;):D


Quinn: ... *ahem*

Was that a "I'm blushing so hard my face is on fire" ahem, or a "This is going into territory I'm uncomfortable with" ahem?

Quinn: That was a "Indeed, you may make of that as you will" ahem.


Pierce: FRANCIS!?

Quinn: For the love of the Force...

Pierce: *dies laughing*

Quinn: "Dies" laughing? Good. It saves me the trouble of shooting you myself.

Pierce: "Francis"...oh dear stars...ahahaha...

Quinn: Because your name isn't Filbert or Marion or Ashley or Widmark, is it?

Pierce: *abruptly goes very quiet*

Quinn: Ha.

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Quinn: ... *ahem*

Was that a "I'm blushing so hard my face is on fire" ahem, or a "This is going into territory I'm uncomfortable with" ahem?

Quinn: That was a "Indeed, you may make of that as you will" ahem.


Pierce: FRANCIS!?

Quinn: For the love of the Force...

Pierce: *dies laughing*

Quinn: "Dies" laughing? Good. It saves me the trouble of shooting you myself.

Pierce: "Francis"...oh dear stars...ahahaha...

Quinn: Because your name isn't Filbert or Marion or Ashley or Widmark, is it?

Pierce: *abruptly goes very quiet*

Quinn: Ha.


Nice lol I guess my choice of middle name grew on you as well? I think it flows nicely myself.

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I have a distant memory of seeing screenshot of a different default Quinn. Of course I can't find that now. But I did find this.


Ughhh, these imply SW/Quinn missions happening?! These should have stayed :( I'm always sad when he runs off to find Voloren or deal with Broysc, and I'm like wait~ I'm a SW~ I can help~ Or at least let me stare at you while you do all the work~ I love Vette and all, but why am I running around on Nar Shaddaa tracking down her sister instead of kicking butt with Quinn?


And real Pierce and Quinn moments! I love it. Ughh.

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I have a distant memory of seeing screenshot of a different default Quinn. Of course I can't find that now. But I did find this.


Ooooh, that was beautiful! :D I loved reading that. It's too bad they cut that out.

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Quinn: ... *ahem*

Was that a "I'm blushing so hard my face is on fire" ahem, or a "This is going into territory I'm uncomfortable with" ahem?

Quinn: That was a "Indeed, you may make of that as you will" ahem.


Pierce: FRANCIS!?

Quinn: For the love of the Force...

Pierce: *dies laughing*

Quinn: "Dies" laughing? Good. It saves me the trouble of shooting you myself.

Pierce: "Francis"...oh dear stars...ahahaha...

Quinn: Because your name isn't Filbert or Marion or Ashley or Widmark, is it?

Pierce: *abruptly goes very quiet*

Quinn: Ha.

:D yay I made Purple Quinn respond. o/ another vote here for Francis as Quinn's middle name. As for Pierce it's unfortunate for him that Filbert Pierce just seems to go together nicely.

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