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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Haha, I like this version. :D

She blushes, thinking how hot he is, and winks at Quinn.

Quinn then thinks: "Oh, not again." He is either "harassed" by the ladies who are attracted to him, or gets screwed up by his idiotic superiors.


Quinn: I--my lord--I would never--! *controlled frenzy of righteous indignation*

She's a Sith, Quinn. Sith. What you want is irrelevant in the face of control freaks like (some) Sith.

Quinn: I am very aware of that, sir. What I mean to say is that I would never give in to her advances, romantic or otherwise. Ever. My devotion is to [warrior]. My wife.

...she's still a Sith.

Quinn: Your point is?

Sith. Does what she wants. Ignores your advice. Told you to stand around and look pretty; that's the only reason she instated you as an advisor.

Quinn: :mad:

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How is this possible? I don't have two /Quinnenvy


I'll post a screen shot of this with my Quinn look alike once I get off of work....it will be.....wait for it....legendary ;). It would only be made more awesome if I had him pull out a Quinn companion....but he is still running through his base story line...I know I need to quit slacking lol

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Quinn: I--my lord--I would never--! *controlled frenzy of righteous indignation*

She's a Sith, Quinn. Sith. What you want is irrelevant in the face of control freaks like (some) Sith.

Quinn: I am very aware of that, sir. What I mean to say is that I would never give in to her advances, romantic or otherwise. Ever. My devotion is to [warrior]. My wife.

...she's still a Sith.

Quinn: Your point is?

Sith. Does what she wants. Ignores your advice. Told you to stand around and look pretty; that's the only reason she instated you as an advisor.

Quinn: :mad:


That's right! One of the reasons it's worth being a Sith. :D You can date any sexy Imperial soldier you want. ;):p

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That's right! One of the reasons it's worth being a Sith. :D You can date any sexy Imperial soldier you want. ;):p


Quinn: Pierce said as much. I refuse to believe him. It's obvious it was a calculated attempt to drive my wife and I apart. It. Didn't. Work.

And that was where the theory of "Pierce has always had a crush on the female Warrior" came from.

Quinn: If it were up to me, HE'D be the one in prison. I'm sure I could think of a suitable excuse. :)

...devious!Quinn. That's a little scary.

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Quinn: Pierce said as much. I refuse to believe him. It's obvious it was a calculated attempt to drive my wife and I apart. It. Didn't. Work.

And that was where the theory of "Pierce has always had a crush on the female Warrior" came from.

Quinn: If it were up to me, HE'D be the one in prison. I'm sure I could think of a suitable excuse. :)

...devious!Quinn. That's a little scary.


I always thought that one of the reasons Pierce was interested was because he wanted to have the bragging rights to his spec ops buddies about bagging a smoking hot sith lord....then go into way to much detail and over exaggerations about the encounter.....the jerk totally would too

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I always thought that one of the reasons Pierce was interested was because he wanted to have the bragging rights to his spec ops buddies about bagging a smoking hot sith lord....then go into way to much detail and over exaggerations about the encounter.....the jerk totally would too


You know he would. .-. He seems like that kind of guy. Ew.

Quinn: *silently hands over a giant bottle of brain bleach*

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Correction: you are the one who starts to flirt with Pierce and asks him to go to bed with you. XD

But of course, that wouldn't stop him to brag about it to others. :p


True. :p But, if you go from Quinn's letter, which implies that there's been previous incidents of Pierce trying to wedge his way between Quinn and the romanced female warrior... and a lot of Pierce's idle lines sound like flirting when taken out of context (or are they?)... well. XD


Edit: Previous. Not precious. There is nothing precious about Pierce. Perish the thought. Please.

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Correction: you are the one who starts to flirt with Pierce and asks him to go to bed with you. XD

But of course, that wouldn't stop him to brag about it to others. :p


Never flirted with him personally, not even once.....I just don't find him attractive. I have watched the videos just cannot bring myself to do it....ewwww!

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Like the title says, Thanks for Malavai Quinn. I can't wait to get him back. I'm so excited. I do hope the VA is Richard Teverson (same as before), it wouldn't be the same without him.



Thanks for Quinn. <3


Happy to see him back! But my light side sith stuck with Theron, so i had to roll up a evil sith just for Quinn since he is back :)

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Happy to see him back! But my light side sith stuck with Theron, so i had to roll up a evil sith just for Quinn since he is back :)


I rolled a few toons with no previous attachments for Theron and the gang, not going to leave original love interests lonely.


But I do not recall seeing your name on here before so welcome to the thread ;)


I think another poster is in order hun ;)

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True. :p But, if you go from Quinn's letter, which implies that there's been previous incidents of Pierce trying to wedge his way between Quinn and the romanced female warrior... and a lot of Pierce's idle lines sound like flirting when taken out of context (or are they?)... well. XD


Edit: Previous. Not precious. There is nothing precious about Pierce. Perish the thought. Please.


Ah, he's just jealous that Quinn got that powerful Sith Lord instead of him. :D It's always useful to have a Sith ally. :cool:


Never flirted with him personally, not even once.....I just don't find him attractive. I have watched the videos just cannot bring myself to do it....ewwww!


Same here. I'm only attracted to intelligent men like Quinn. Plus he doesn't look good either.

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Happy to see him back! But my light side sith stuck with Theron, so i had to roll up a evil sith just for Quinn since he is back :)


Welcome to the thread! Sounds like you've got your bases covered! Have a cookie, some blue milk and enjoy the Malavai goodness. <3 I wonder if Purple Quinn is still signing virtual posters? :D

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I actually really liked Pierce up until I chose the dialogue option about the warrior not being too impressed by their night together, and he says something like, "I was better than Quinn would have been." :rolleyes: I guess I was hoping for a... challenging, manlier, less petty response than that.


Quinn comes across cooler in the face of "Oh, wait -- what, she's not actively stroking my ego?" situations.


I still like Pierce, but I'm no longer sad that he's not a full blown romance option. Seems like he'd be mentally giving himself high-fives and thinking, "Ha, take that, Quinn!" after every FTB. /gag

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I actually really liked Pierce up until I chose the dialogue option about the warrior not being too impressed by their night together, and he says something like, "I was better than Quinn would have been." :rolleyes: I guess I was hoping for a... challenging, manlier, less petty response than that.


Quinn comes across cooler in the face of "Oh, wait -- what, she's not actively stroking my ego?" situations.


I still like Pierce, but I'm no longer sad that he's not a full blown romance option. Seems like he'd be mentally giving himself high-fives and thinking, "Ha, take that, Quinn!" after every FTB. /gag

They make it a little ambiguous as to whether or not Pierce thinks Quinn is a pansy officer like Moff Hurdenn, as he says, or if he's actually threatened by him for whatever reason and just keeps compensating. Personally, I think he definitely thinks he's more the man than Quinn. Regardless, I love that they're always butting heads - nothing wrong with a little competition among the crew. :D


I actually love Pierce's character and I wish they did a lot more with him. He's got kind of a neat backstory and I think they missed an opportunity to get to know Pierce more during the whole Ziost ordeal.

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I actually love Pierce's character and I wish they did a lot more with him. He's got kind of a neat backstory and I think they missed an opportunity to get to know Pierce more during the whole Ziost ordeal.


*spits out water* Pierce is only 29!? ...what. I...I find that hard to believe, somehow... he came across as somebody roughly a decade older.


Anyways, welcome new poster! :D Quiiiiiinn?

Quinn: *sigh* *signs poster* Your autographed poster, Darth Spyderwoman. *bows and presents poster* ...may I please stop doing this.

No. It's cute. Don't be rude to new fangirls.

Quinn: *tiny unintelligible angry noises*

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I used to like Pierce (still like their banter that can be hilarious at times), but not since I picked him up on my Inquisitor in KOTFE Alliance Alert. He says something like "I never met a Sith of your power", and I was like :eek: Damn bootlicker. Never really respected my warrior? Fine. I don't respect him any more either.


It got even worse on my Agent, when that line "put two in [Pierce's] superior chest" if he doesn't approve the transfer order. My Agent only wanted to ask "Will you put two in MY chest, when you don't like MY orders?"


Also, when I took Pierce with me on Taris, not Jaesa, it only proved this guy is worth nothing. I never get why some haters say Quinn is useless. Try NOT to do what he tells you to do on Taris, and you get yourself in trouble. His advices are priceless. I experimented (with so many warriors I could try all possible variations), and noticed there's a huge difference in Pierce's and Quinn's approach to duty:


Quinn suggests what is the best for the mission. Who should go where, according to their skills.


Pierce wants to go with you, because... he WANTS. He wants action. He wants to kill. Never mind he's not the best choice for the task. Never mind it could subvert the mission. He wants to go, so he should go, because he's whims are more important than success of the mission. :rolleyes:

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*spits out water* Pierce is only 29!? ...what. I...I find that hard to believe, somehow... he came across as somebody roughly a decade older.


I generally have an impression they made everyone in that book overly young. I get that some people can be, but LOTS of comps are in super early 20s. Vector is only 26. But they made him sound like he's got years and years of experience in diplomacy. "All his life" he was a diplomat. Put him in early 30s, and it'd make more sense.


I don't even mention the ridiculous claim Talos is 27 or something like that.


At least Malavai makes sense, and I don't have to RP around it ;)

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I've always had the impression that Pierce was with the Wrath for entirely selfish, but symbiotic reasons. Pierce craved action and the Wrath's lifestyle provided it while she also needed Imperials under her command. Since Taris, it's mentioned the Wrath was leading armies at this point and she would need a liason with the other boots on the ground and Pierce, with his Black Ops resume, fits that role.


He also craved notoriety (shown in his bragging to his peers in serving the Wrath) and the Wrath's lifestyle provided it - while the game tried to portray it and Pierce's ambiance talking mentions it, after conquering Corellia, there were celebrations, a parade, etc., and in all of the festivities, I bet "The Emperor's Wrath" would be a sweet name to drop when Pierce is in the cantina later looking to get laid. ;)


Finally, even if he had to put up with Quinn every now and then, the Wrath made it clear that Pierce ultimately reported to him/her... so while he still had to deal with Quinn running his mouth, he knew if there was something going on that he had a legitimate complaint with, he could go to the Wrath... and he did... and got a "duly noted" from my Wrath when he said if Quinn would betray them once, he'd betray them again.


Taking all this into account, what Pierce says to the Agent makes some sense considering his personality, but the Inquisitor line is just off - like whoever wrote it has no idea of his relationship with the Wrath, or Pierce was written so that he legitimately thinks the Inquisitor is more powerful than the Warrior. Regardless, for anyone who's played a Warrior, it will make them go, "da***?" :confused:

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I don't even mention the ridiculous claim Talos is 27 or something like that.


27? Seriously? I would place him at at least 35. I like Talos as a character and I was bummed that they removed his romance from beta but left the flirts intact :( I would have loved to romance him on my inquisitor

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This is interesting about Pierce's responses to other classes during the Alliance Alert. I don't even bother to get the quest unless I'm on a warrior as I have absolutely no intention of PVPing. Certainly not for Pierce at any rate. If they'd made PVP an absolute requirement for getting Malavai back I'd have gritted my teeth and done it (and *****ed about it the entire time).
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27? Seriously? I would place him at at least 35. I like Talos as a character and I was bummed that they removed his romance from beta but left the flirts intact :( I would have loved to romance him on my inquisitor


Yeah I can't believe that age for Talos. Although I think I only remember one flirt ... maybe two? So they didn't leave all of them in. And I know I'd have romanced him at least once because I like the character.

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Quinn suggests what is the best for the mission. Who should go where, according to their skills.


Pierce wants to go with you, because... he WANTS. He wants action. He wants to kill. Never mind he's not the best choice for the task. Never mind it could subvert the mission. He wants to go, so he should go, because he's whims are more important than success of the mission. :rolleyes:


Yeah, Pierce definitely isn't the better strategist of the two. xD He is very capable and talented, so I imagine it's frustrating for him to hear he isn't the absolute best choice for a specific job that he wants to do.


I would hope that after years of working together, he'd learn from Quinn's perspective a tiny bit, but KOTFE doesn't really give that impression.

*I would say they could learn from each other, but I think Quinn is already more than aware of the validity of Pierce's point of view in regards to the pitfalls of rule-hugging and red tape, since he's had to go around it himself on occasion.


He and Quinn are probably a well-oiled machine when in action, though. It wouldn't be like sending Kaliyo and Jorgan in together and it's just a disaster waiting to happen. Kind of makes me feel bad for Warrior!Outlander.


27? Seriously? I would place him at at least 35. I like Talos as a character and I was bummed that they removed his romance from beta but left the flirts intact :( I would have loved to romance him on my inquisitor


I like that even male characters can flirt with Talos once or twice. Was it the original plan to let Talos be romanced by both genders?! And why not anyone else?! And why didn't it happen?! :(

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27? Seriously? I would place him at at least 35. I like Talos as a character and I was bummed that they removed his romance from beta but left the flirts intact :( I would have loved to romance him on my inquisitor


I go with the game's "impression" of his age. The encyclopedia is totally off here, probably written before some things in the game were finalised. He definitely isn't 27 in the game: not his face, not his voice.

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Come to think of it Talos and Malavai would probably get along great together, the intellectual discussions would be interesting and they would probably become friends.


Meet up for tea and have intellectual banter, could see Doctor Lokin joining in on this as well.

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